Probing Duodenal

Duodenal sounding is a research method that is used to study the functions of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. The method involves inserting a special elastic probe into the duodenum, which allows one to obtain information about the condition of these organs.

Duodenal sounding is carried out only in a hospital setting under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Before the procedure, the patient must undergo an examination to exclude possible contraindications.

In the process of duodenal intubation, the probe is inserted into the duodenum through the mouth. The probe is then advanced to the desired location and locked in place. After this, a study of the functions of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas begins by taking samples of bile and pancreatic juice. The resulting samples are sent for analysis to a laboratory where they are studied.

The advantages of duodenal sounding include the ability to obtain information about the condition of internal organs, as well as the ability to diagnose various diseases. However, like any medical procedure, duodenal intubation has its risks and can lead to some complications. Therefore, before carrying out probing, it is necessary to carefully prepare and consult with a doctor.

A duodenal probe is a special instrument for examining the condition of the biliary tract and other abdominal organs. This diagnostic method has been used since the time of Hippocrates. Since then, the technical characteristics of the duodenal tube have been improved with the development of medical science. Today its use is quite common, and before carrying out it is necessary to make proper preparation.

Indications for diagnosis with a duodenal probe are:

abdominal pain of varying intensity, most often occurring after eating. They may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting; However, you need to understand that these symptoms are similar to signs of acute diseases. During acute appendicitis, pain in the right iliac region is possible; inflammation of the gallbladder; pancreatitis; inflammation of the pancreas; impaired outflow of bile; suspicion of the presence of parasites with elevated temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, attacks of abdominal pain