Zutera Cut

Zuter, Anton (Anton Avgustovich) (1883-1946) - Russian anesthesiologist-gynecologist, known for his work in the field of obstetric anesthesia. Born in Gumbinnen, graduated from the University of Dorpat, a surgeon from Baku. Anesthesiologist of Soviet obstetrics, author of original methods of drug-free anesthesia and, together with L. S. Persianov, created a widely known method of pain relief (later, unfortunately, lost by the Soviet workers of the A. I. Kuibyshev maternity hospital), proposing a new system of pain relief for childbirth. Books: "Opiate analgesia and anaesthesia", ("Pain relief and anesthesia"; 3 editions were published - in 1932, 1950 and 1987; the first edition is 56 pages, the rest are 80 pages each). Subsequently, the principles he proposed were repeatedly modified. Mentioned in a number of domestic and foreign monographs. Under his leadership