Zygomatic Area

The zygomatic region is an anatomical area on the face that is located between the lower jaw and the temple. It has the shape of a triangle, with a base at the bottom and a spike-shaped apex in the area of ​​the cheekbone.

The zygomatic region contains muscles and nerves that play an important role in facial functions. For example, the zygomatic muscles are responsible for moving the cheeks and pulling up the corners of the mouth. Also located in the area is the zygomatic nerve, which carries pain and motor signals throughout the face.

Fun fact: The name "zygomatic" comes from the Latin word "os", which means bone. This is due to the fact that the zygomatic bone is one of the most prominent elements of the zygomatic region.

The zygomatic region is an interesting area to study and use in aesthetic medicine. Surgeons use it to increase cheek volume while reducing and strengthening muscles. You can also use injections of hyaluronic acid, lipofilling or thread implants to improve the facial contour.

In addition, the malar area is used to inject Botox or fillers to reduce nasolabial folds and raise eyebrows. Zygomatic fillers can also be used to conceal scars, pigmentation, or other skin imperfections on the face.

It is important to remember that the procedure should only be performed by a professional doctor or esthetician who has experience with facial procedures. Self-intervention can lead to serious complications and undesirable results.

The malar region is therefore an important area for aesthetic practitioners, as it offers many possibilities for correcting the contour and quality of the skin. It is only important to remember that intervention in this area should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and the doctor’s prescription.

The zygomatic region is an anatomical formation that is located on both sides of the cheekbones and has important functions in the human body. It plays an important role in the formation of the face, maintaining the structure of the jaws, and also serves as an area where a large number of nerves and blood vessels are concentrated. In this

The zygomatic region is the upper third of the face. This is one of the most sensitive areas of the body and is especially vulnerable to strength training. The muscles in this area have fairly low tension when creating everyday facial movements. Therefore, it is very easy to get injured there.

The first sign of damage to the zygomatic muscles is hematoma and swelling, and possible pain.