Aevit for facial skin externally reviews for wrinkles

Aevit is a medicine intended for oral administration. The chemical complex combines retinol and tocopherol. Small capsules are filled with vitaminized oil. Judging by numerous reviews on the Internet, Aevit can also be used externally for wrinkles around the eyes. It is applied alone or in combination with other ingredients.

Aevita contains two strong antioxidants - tocopherol or vitamin E and retinol or vitamin A. These ingredients are designed to counteract the effects of free radicals. They are responsible for the aging process in the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamins A and E help cells renew themselves faster. They increase skin tone and elasticity.

Properties and effectiveness of Aevit

Aevit contains a form of vitamin A called retinol palmitate. It has the following useful qualities:

  1. regulates cellular metabolism in tissues;
  2. prevents the development of bacteria and viruses;
  3. protects the skin from the aggressive effects of external factors;
  4. accelerates epithelial cell division;
  5. rejuvenates the skin;
  6. increases cellular immunity;
  7. helps cure mild forms of skin cancer;
  8. retains moisture in cells;
  9. stimulates blood circulation in small vessels;
  10. increases the protective properties of fabrics.

Vitamin E in the Aevit complex is presented in the fat-soluble form of alpha-tocopherol acetate. It has the following effect:

  1. strong antioxidant;
  2. normalizes metabolism in tissues;
  3. removes excess pigmentation;
  4. regulates microcirculation processes and improves cellular nutrition;
  5. moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis;
  6. promotes skin renewal;
  7. has whitening properties;
  8. rejuvenates the epidermis and accelerates cell regeneration.

Thanks to this, the use of Aevit allows you to achieve positive results:

  1. pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  2. deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and fine wrinkles almost completely disappear;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. skin looks more elastic, firm, youthful and less sensitive;
  5. acne disappears;
  6. sensitivity and irritability decreases;
  7. pores narrow;
  8. skin cells are restored faster.

All this allows Aevit to be used in the fight against the manifestations of aging facial skin.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of Aevit are the following problems:

1. Aging, fading skin. Aevit helps remove wrinkles and flaking on the face. The antioxidant properties of the drug slow down aging, and regeneration processes are launched in the skin.

2. Skin is too dry. The components of the product effectively moisturize.

3. Problem skin. If there are comedones, which are sebaceous plugs, then Aevit will cope with them perfectly. This helps prevent the proliferation of bacteria, and, consequently, inflammation and the occurrence of acne on the face. At the same time, cosmetologists advise using Aevit not only orally, but also topically and intramuscularly.

4. Severe skin diseases associated with decreased immunity and metabolic disorders, such as psoriasis. Aevit eliminates spots, rashes and other defects that occur due to a lack of vitamin A. Retinol promotes intensive cell renewal. Usually for this purpose the drug is taken orally.

5. Fungal diseases such as seborrhea, characterized by flaking of the scalp and significant hair loss. For such problems, a dermatologist can prescribe the remedy.

The main contraindications to taking Aevit vitamins are:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. cholecystitis;
  4. hypersensitivity or intolerance to the ingredients of the product - vitamins A and E;
  5. thyrotoxicosis;
  6. heart failure;
  7. acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  8. increased risk of thromboembolism;
  9. chronic circulatory failure;
  10. chronic glomerulonephritis;
  11. myocardial infarction.

If a woman is already taking another vitamin complex, then before using Aevita it is better to consult a doctor to avoid an overdose.

The drug can be used alone or mixed with other products to obtain useful anti-wrinkle masks with Aevit. To use the product externally:

  1. Squeeze the contents from the capsules.
  2. Apply to the face and spread over the skin along massage lines and under the eyes.

The lifting mask recipe involves mixing Aevit with potatoes:

  1. The potatoes are boiled and mashed into a puree.
  2. A teaspoon of the mass is mixed with 1 capsule of Aevita.

To achieve a face lifting effect, you can also use raw potatoes instead of boiled ones. Mix the components in similar proportions.

How to use Aevit to improve complexion? Cosmetologists recommend mixing it with herbs:

  1. Fresh parsley is chopped until juice appears.
  2. The gruel in the amount of 2 teaspoons is mixed with oil, which is squeezed out of a couple of Aevita capsules.

This green mask is best applied to the face in the morning. Thanks to the vitamin composition, facial wrinkles are smoothed out. It will help whiten the skin, eliminate bruises, dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. Other methods for getting rid of bruising and swelling are described in the article with the best ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

There is a recipe specifically designed to eliminate deep wrinkles on the face:

  1. Oatmeal is boiled in milk and cooled to room temperature.
  2. Take 2 teaspoons of porridge and mix them with oil from 2-3 Aevita capsules.

Oatmeal is good for removing wrinkles in the eye area – “crow’s feet”.

To moisturize your facial skin, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Squeeze out the oil from 2-3 capsules.
  2. Mix Aevit with a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream.
  3. Apply to the face, can also be used for wrinkles around the eyes.

The recipe will save you from severe dryness and flaking. The cream in the composition can be replaced with full-fat cottage cheese, milk or yogurt, preferably homemade.

You can remove wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes using this mask:

  1. A fresh, ripe banana is mashed to a paste.
  2. Mix 2 teaspoons of puree with the contents of 2 Aevita capsules.

Using this mask regularly in the morning under the eyes, you can get rid of expression lines, bags and bruises.

Reviews about the drug

Before using Aevit for the skin around the eyes and other areas, it is useful to read reviews of other people about it.

“In addition to wrinkles, the so-called “crow’s feet,” my problem has always been pimples in the cold season. Aevit helped cope with both. I applied the product, which I squeezed out from 1 capsule, once a day for 2 weeks. After 5 days, the inflammation disappeared. After 2 weeks, the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed, looks well-groomed, and the complexion is fresh. I decided to repeat the course after a while in order to achieve greater results in the fight against expression wrinkles.”

“I learned about Aevit a long time ago, but I was afraid to use it, since there were a lot of negative reviews on the Internet. People wrote that after using it, their skin condition worsened, and I already had problems. A week ago I decided to apply the product, but first mixed it with a ready-made moisturizing mask. The composition helped me get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and other ailments on the skin of the face.”

Ksenia, Moscow region.

“Judging by the reviews of cosmetologists and ordinary people on the Internet, the drug Aevit does not help against wrinkles for everyone, but for me it turned out to be a panacea. This is now my regular addition to my face cream. Within a month I saw how much younger my skin looked. Not very deep wrinkles smoothed out, pigment spots disappeared. I'm happy with this product."

“I read a review on the Internet about the combined use of Aevit vitamins and almond oil. I bought both ingredients at the pharmacy, mixed them and applied them to my face. I was not able to get rid of wrinkles with Aevit after the first time. Moreover, after a week of regular use, the condition of the skin around the eyes worsened. It became very dry and even began to peel. The drug did not suit me."

“I was attracted to Aevit by the low cost and good composition. Reviews from my friends who used the product were also positive. I have been applying Aevit against wrinkles under my eyes every day for a long time. The skin has noticeably smoothed out, and crow's feet have become less pronounced. I use the product in its pure form under the eyes, and also make masks for the entire face.”

Aevit is a universal drug that can be used for various skin problems. Low cost and effectiveness make it a popular and affordable remedy for wrinkles on the face.

Greetings, dear readers! I recently learned about a simple means of preserving youth. Aevit for wrinkles - the reviews from those who tried it impressed me! Therefore, I decided to figure out what this product is and how to use it.

What is aevit

The drug itself is a multivitamin. Pharmacological name Retinol + Vitamin E. Available in different forms - tablets, injections. I'm more interested in it in capsule form. These are balls made of a thin shell of gelatin and glycerin.

Composition of the active substance: retinol palmitate (vitamin A) – 100,000 IU and alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 0.1 mg. In other words, aevit is a combination of vitamins A and E in one capsule

Use Aevit internally if you have:

  1. problematic skin (pimples, acne);
  2. aging skin is exactly the issue on which we have gathered here today.

With the appearance of the first wrinkles, our skin undergoes changes. Those who have oily or combination skin begin to notice dryness and flaking. Natural protective functions are reduced. At this time, our skin needs effective care.

Already at the age of 22-24 years, the first signs of aging appear. And they start around the eyes. In this area the skin is devoid of fat

Why is Aevit so good for wrinkles? The components of the capsules are an antioxidant that slows down the aging process. The skin is renewed and its appearance noticeably improves. What do the girls who tried this product say?



Olya: I bought Aevit at the pharmacy. I also took almond oil there. Started using it. Liked everything. And then the opposite effect happened: dry skin around the eyes. Everything started to hurt and peel.

Galina: I use AEvit without using any additives. And only for a while. 5-6 minutes is enough. And don’t forget to carefully remove the excess afterwards.

Lyuba: I applied it in the evening. I slept through the night and woke up like a Chinese man with slits in his eyes. Is this product not suitable for me? The swelling goes away gradually. My friend said that it helps with wrinkles, otherwise she had them.

Alya: I had an overdose from Aevit. My lips began to crack, my hair was forever electrified. At first everything was fine. You have to be careful with medications.

Ksyunya: I take Aevit orally daily, 1 capsule. This is the third month of constant use and I am pleased with the results. Hair and nails have significantly improved their appearance.

ValentineA: I am a practicing cosmetologist. And I say with confidence, aevit is an excellent remedy. But taking it for more than 1 month can result in an overdose. Please read the instructions before you start taking it.

Natalia: And I'm happy. I use Aevit and there is no swelling. I take one capsule and add a drop of castor oil. And I apply it around the eyes. Just don’t use it during the day, pigment spots will appear.

Christina: Today I tried mixing almond oil with aevit. It seemed normal at first, but then the skin began to ache and peel.

Anyuta: It helped me. The skin became perfect. I drank 2 pieces every day. The dermatologist advised.

How to use Aevit

Reviews from cosmetologists are as follows: take Aevit internally. Using this drug as a course of treatment significantly improves the condition of the skin. 2 capsules per day are enough for only two months. Then take a break for 2-3 months. There is a smoothing of the skin, a reduction in rashes, hair and nails become stronger.

In our case, we will take a comprehensive approach in the fight against wrinkles. There are several ways to apply the drug to the face.

  1. Use as a stand-alone anti-wrinkle product. Puncture the capsule, mix with a small amount of water and apply to problem areas. 10 minutes is enough, then rinse off with foam and wipe with a paper towel.
  2. Apply the contents of the capsules under the eyes using gentle patting movements with your fingertips. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week. Five minutes is enough to nourish the eyelids. And then remove the remains with a napkin. If you don't do this, you will wake up in the morning with puffy eyes. And we definitely don’t need this!
  3. Facial massage – along the lymphatic drainage lines, do a small 10-minute facial massage with the addition of vitamins to the massage cream. I wrote how to do it correctly in an article about lymphatic drainage facial massage.

It is better to make masks with aevit in winter and in the autumn-spring period to nourish the skin. I don't recommend it in summer. When exposed to sunlight, excessive pigmentation may appear on the skin. Therefore, we prepare vitamin masks in the evening. Below I have collected 3 effective masks for nourishing the skin using Aevit. Read and write your reviews.

Do a reaction test

Before use, of course, we carry out a test reaction to a multivitamin product. First apply the contents of the capsule to the back of your hand. Hold this for 5 minutes. Will this place turn red or start to itch? This is necessary to avoid allergic reactions. In most cases, no allergic reactions were noticed.

Apply Aevit against wrinkles around the eyes carefully so as not to get into the mucous membrane. If this happens, rinse with running water. I smeared it carefully, applying the product specifically to the dark areas of the eyelids. There is no need to stubbornly cover it up to the edge of the eyelid.

When applying the mask, first cleanse your skin well. First you need to wash your hands, then apply the foam to your face. Then you can use a scrub or rolling sheet.

Recipes for masks with aevit

In addition to using vitamin Aevit with cream or separately on its own, prepare the following masks with it.

  1. Potato mask. Prepare mashed potatoes from 1 small tuber. Cool it down. Drop liquid 2-3 capsules of Aevit. Apply the mask completely over your entire face. After 15-20, rinse the mixture with water. A maximum of two times a week such a procedure is enough.
  2. Cucumber mask. Grind fresh cucumber without peel on a fine grater. Add the oily liquid of 2-3 aevita balls to the resulting slurry. Add enough wheat flour so that it is not very thick. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes. After leaving the mixture for 10-15 minutes, remove the vitamin cocktail with water.
  3. Egg-honey. Grind the yolk with 1 teaspoon of melted honey. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and squeeze out 1-2 capsules of aevit. Mix all ingredients well. Transfer the mask to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the composition with water.

This drug is very easy to use. Use this available tool. Beauty does not require sacrifice, but only a little effort. Just 1-2 days a week. It's not that much.

And in order to take a comprehensive approach to the care and nutrition of our skin, make it a rule to take care of it regularly. It's like brushing your teeth every day. In the morning we get up and what our skin has produced during the night needs to be cleansed. Therefore, a good wash + toning + moisturizer. It depends on your skin type. I have a combination, but just a little, it immediately reacts to irritants. And in the evening I remove my makeup with micellar water. I recently discovered that it does an excellent job with waterproof mascara and foundation.

Write your reviews - I'm always interested in your opinion and experience!

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The condition of our skin and its appearance are influenced by many factors. This includes nutrition (regime and diet), and ecology, and age, and care products, and heredity, and the amount of water drunk, and the condition of the whole organism. Unfortunately, we do not always understand what our skin lacks and what means can help it. Often creams and other care products do not give the effect we expect, especially in the area under the eyes, since the first wrinkles appear here. Often they are of a mimic nature, but this does not make it any better. It is recommended to take care of your skin even before wrinkles appear. But what if they already exist?

Composition and properties of the drug Aevit

The first thing you should pay attention to is the lack of vitamins in the body. And since vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) are of great importance for the skin, it is worth replenishing their deficiency. Aevit is ideal for this - medicine in capsules with oil, where these vitamins are dissolved. A and E are strong antioxidants. They are fat-soluble, which is why Aevit is highly effective in skin care. And this is proven by numerous reviews from women.

Vitamin A or retinol palmitate has the following effects on the skin and body:

  1. increases immunity in cells;
  2. promotes cell renewal;
  3. promotes retention of necessary moisture in cells;
  4. regulates metabolism in tissues;
  5. improves blood circulation in capillaries;
  6. inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  7. complex use of the drug (internally and externally) treats mild forms of skin cancer;
  8. increases the properties of tocopherol as an antioxidant.

Vitamin E or otherwise alpha-tocopherol acetate:

  1. stimulates skin regeneration;
  2. is a regulator of metabolic processes in tissues;
  3. delivers moisture to deep layers;
  4. removes pigmentation and whitens;
  5. normalizes tissue nutrition, improving microcirculation;
  6. has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  7. prevents retinol from oxidizing.

These vitamins have an amazing effect after use for the skin of the entire face and around the eyes, namely:

  1. rejuvenate the skin;
  2. improve complexion;
  3. reduce sagging, increase elasticity;
  4. smooth out fine wrinkles and reduce deep ones;
  5. tighten pores;
  6. treat acne;
  7. remove marks left by acne.

Aevit for facial skin

Let us remind you that this drug is suitable for women over the age of 35, as the skin begins to wither. It was created for oral administration, but our resourceful women figured out how to use it externally. Your doctor can determine whether you need to take this medication. But there are practically no contraindications for external use. You need to find out whether it will cause you an allergy and carefully monitor the doses, especially when taken orally on your own. Judging by the reviews, this sometimes happens. Aevita capsules contain a high concentration of vitamins, which is why you need to be careful when using it.

We remind you that Aevit is a medicine and therefore has established indications for use. It is prescribed for:

  1. oily or problem skin accompanied by acne, as well as if there are traces of acne;
  2. for dermatoses and psoriasis (increases skin immunity, thereby promoting recovery);
  3. hair loss and seborrhea;
  4. aging and dry skin.

Aevit for the face can be used in different ways. However, any of the methods proposed below are very effective if used regularly without overdose. In most reviews, women write about achieving the desired result.

The easiest way to pamper your skin is to apply Aevit in its pure form. To do this, take one capsule, pierce it with a needle and, squeezing the oil onto your finger, apply to the skin, distribute evenly, massage and go to bed. As we remember, the capsules contain a high concentration of vitamins, so you need to make this mask for no more than a month and only once a day, preferably at night. According to reviews, visible results occur in about 10 days. Women who have used Aevit in the same reviews recommend doing such courses twice a year during the off-season.

It is also allowed to add the drug to anti-aging creams and masks. You can squeeze three capsules of Aevit onto a jar of cream and use it as usual. The effect will not be long in coming. But here you need to decide whether you will use it with a mask twice a week or every day with cream, because you should not combine it. Older women will do better every day. For some, twice a week in masks will be enough.

You can prepare a special cream to whiten your skin. Determine the measurements for the ingredients yourself. In a water bath melt the beeswax (one part), add soft butter (4 parts), an arbitrary amount of mashed strawberries and three Aevita capsules. The face cream is ready. Transfer the thoroughly mixed mixture into a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. You need to apply the cream before going to bed.

Recipes for caring masks

Aevit is also added to homemade face masks. According to reviews, the effect is amazing. For example, you can make a mask like this: mix a teaspoon of melted honey with the same proportion of olive oil, squeeze out vitamins from one Aevita capsule. Mix well and apply to the face, except for the area around the eyes. Wash off the residue with water after 20 minutes. This mask rejuvenates and nourishes.

Next recipe. Make a puree from boiled potatoes in their jackets and while it is warm, squeeze two capsules of vitamins into it, and then mix. This mask can be applied to the entire face and area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, remove with warm water. The mask can be done twice a week for a month or as an express course - every day for a week.

Take a cucumber and grind it into a paste. Squeeze out 1 capsule of Aevit, add a teaspoon of millet flour so that the mask is not liquid. Distribute on face and rinse after 20 minutes. In reviews, women wrote that they use this mask for the area around the eyes.

The next mask should be done two hours before going to bed. Take shea butter (or coconut or cocoa butter). Add vitamins from one capsule, mix and apply only to wrinkle areas. Leave for 20 minutes, remove any remaining residue with a napkin.

In one of the reviews, a girl recommended using Aevit in scrubs. Introducing the recipe. For example, mix brown sugar (a pinch), finely ground coffee (one-quarter teaspoon) and vitamins from one capsule. Grind it all. Massage a clean face with this mixture. Wash with water. The effect is more of a peeling than a scrub.

Aevit for the skin around the eyes

You can take care of the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes with Aevit in the same way as you can take care of the entire surface of the face. That is, you can apply the product in its pure form (do not forget to do an allergy test). To do this, pierce the capsule with a needle, squeeze oil onto your finger and apply with patting movements to the area under the eyes and on the eyelids.

This will be justified for women after 45 years of age and older. Starting from the age of 35, you can limit yourself to adding vitamins from capsules to an anti-aging cream for the area under the eyes. Anyway Duration of use should not exceed a month, otherwise the skin will get used to it and the lifting effect will disappear.

When treating the skin under the eyes and on the eyelids, be careful, especially if you apply the oil in its pure form. It should not get into your eyes. This procedure is usually performed in the evening two hours before bedtime.

According to reviews, the effect of use can be seen after 1–2 weeks. The reviews also say that the effect can be observed for a long time. The skin is moisturized and refreshed. Aevit penetrates cells, relieves swelling, smoothes wrinkles and crow's feet.

If we talk about masks for this area, we have already described a potato mask above (see the section “Recipes for caring masks”). But usually adding Aevita to the cream or using it in its pure form quite enough to eliminate age-related skin problems in the area around the eyes.

So, as we found out, Aevit is an effective remedy for combating age-related skin changes in the area around the eyes and for the entire face. We remind you that for oral administration it is suitable for people of more mature age. And for young girls aged 25, external use is quite enough. Use it correctly and be beautiful.


I wouldn’t risk using it on the skin around the eyes. Somehow I don’t see the point in using these vitamins externally. There are no miracles! I conducted such an experiment. I did not like. And my friend became irritated. But for oral administration, this is what you need. Much more effective. And for skin, and for hair, and for nails. In general, drink Aevit - you will be beautiful!

I use Aevit as an additive to the cream. 5 or 6 drops per serving of cream at night. Well, I also add it to hair masks. I think that thanks to this, in my “well over 40”, I don’t have deep wrinkles, including under the eyes. It still happens I smear my nails with pure aevitwhen you're not lazy. They grow faster and look healthy.

I haven’t used pure Aevit, but I have used it in creams. And thanks to this, rashes and enlarged pores have decreased. The skin becomes less oily. Good vitamins. And inexpensive.

And I get acne attacks in winter, which is actually a common problem, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I read reviews on the Internet and bought Aevit. I applied pure product, without cream. And hooray for the end of the second week pimples are barely noticeable, or rather what is left of them. And the view is so well-groomed. Great.

In winter, dry skin is a real problem, so I decided to make it a little healthier. I chose Aevit. I applied the oil from the capsule at night. In the morning I noticed that the usual dryness was gone. The skin became, I would even say, silky. I will continue to use it. I also recommended it to my mother. She is simply depressed by the wrinkles on the surface of her forehead. The drug suited her too. And she was pleased. Let's get younger!