Arnica ointment reviews in cosmetology

Efficiency and safety during use are the key positive qualities of homeopathic ointment "Arnica". For sprains and injuries of soft tissues, the product is indispensable. The instructions for use contain a complete list of cases when the drug may be useful.

Release form

“Arnica” is produced in aluminum or plastic tubes with a volume of 30 g. It is produced in the form of a homogeneous yellowish-green substance with a specific odor. Instructions for using the ointment are included with the tube, which is additionally packaged in a cardboard box.

Composition of the product

The main active substance in the preparation is mountain arnica extract. Mountain arnica flowers are used in medicine due to their effective medicinal properties, rich in essential oils, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, tannins, betaine, and sugars.

The naturalness of the composition is one of the main advantages of the drug. Enriching a homeopathic remedy with natural plant extracts makes it even more useful.

The ointment contains various macro- and microelements:

In addition to the main components that have healing properties, an auxiliary agent, Vaseline, is used to impart viscosity.

Effect of the ointment

In pharmaceuticals, arnica-based drugs are prescribed to achieve a calming effect and relieve spasms.

The components included in the ointment have different effects on the injured area:

  1. Arnica montana extract used to speed up the healing process of wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps stop bleeding. This is an indispensable remedy for healing bruises and pain relief.
  2. Plantain extract – has an antibacterial effect on burns, bruises, abscesses and ulcers.
  3. Lobelin, which is part of the extract, has a moderate antimicrobial effect.
  4. Inulin, Belonging to the group of polysaccharides, it activates the activity of the immune system. At the same time, the body's resistance to infections increases significantly.
  5. Helenalyn added to provide a hemostatic effect.

By increasing blood flow in the upper layers of the epidermis, the process of resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages is enhanced. Improvement from the use of Arnica will be noticeable already on the 2nd day: the skin will be actively restored, the injured area will no longer be bothered by pain.

The high concentration of active components included in the ointment provides a complex therapeutic effect:

  1. Reduced puffiness and swelling.
  2. Elimination of pinpoint hemorrhages and extensive hematomas.
  3. Regeneration of vessels damaged as a result of trauma.
  4. Acceleration of the recovery process of muscles, skin, ligaments, tendons, subcutaneous tissue.

"Arnica" ointment, the instructions for use of which contain all the necessary information about the use of the drug, is also used for cosmetic purposes.

Arnica extract has an effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Treatment with acne courses allows you to restore the skin to a healthy appearance, saturating it with moisture and eliminating the possibility of clogged pores.

Indications for use in cosmetology and medicine

Due to its powerful regenerating properties, there are a large number of indications for the use of a homeopathic drug:

  1. Chronic dermatitis;
  2. Burns;
  3. Insect bites accompanied by swelling, pain or itching;
  4. Muscle and joint pain;
  5. Bruises and dislocations, sprains;
  6. Partial or complete ruptures of muscles, tendons and ligaments;
  7. Joint pathologies in remission;
  8. Painful sensations during exacerbations of rheumatism;
  9. Damage to soft tissues;
  10. Hematomas of various locations;
  11. Boils, skin lesions with pustular rashes.

The ointment is used in cases where the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

The drug helps alleviate post-traumatic conditions and stop capillary bleeding.

The ointment copes well with various dermatological problems:

  1. Various rashes, ulcers on the face;
  2. Expression wrinkles;
  3. Edema;
  4. Dermatitis;
  5. Inflammatory skin diseases;
  6. Redness. Helps reduce spider veins and spider veins;
  7. Dark circles under the eyes;
  8. Rosacea and rosacea.

The action of arnica extract is aimed at improving the condition of dry and damaged skin: it is saturated and elasticity is restored. In cosmetology, the drug is often recommended for use after mesotherapy sessions. After its use, wound healing and elimination of bruises will be much faster.


"Arnica" ointment, the instructions for use of which indicate contraindications in the form of individual intolerance, is not always useful.

The drug is not recommended for use:

  1. In case of hypersensitivity to substances included in the ointment.
  2. In case of skin disorders.
  3. For dermatitis accompanied by sputum production.

Due to the lack of information on the results of clinical studies, the homeopathic remedy is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age and pregnant women, as well as women during lactation.

One of the components of Arnica is helenalin, a substance that is a strong allergen. This component may carry a high risk of skin irritation, especially in case of overdose of the drug. Its content in the ointment is insignificant, but when first used, people prone to allergic reactions should be extremely careful.

Instructions for use for children and adults

The instructions for using Arnica ointment contain information that the drug should be used externally only. Apply the product to the damaged area in the morning and evening. The course of such treatment is 3-7 days. When applying, it is recommended to lightly rub the product until it is partially absorbed. Injured areas must be cleaned before application.

Treatment of bruises and elimination of hematomas are the most common cases when the drug is used for children over 1 year of age. Arnica accelerates the regeneration process, helps relieve pain, and dissolve subcutaneous coagulated blood.

Children should also apply the ointment to the cleaned area of ​​the injury, lightly rubbing and not wrapping. It is strictly prohibited to apply the drug to open wounds and mucous membranes.

How to use for lactostasis

Research on the use of arnica extract during breastfeeding has not been extensively conducted, so It is not advisable to use the ointment without first consulting a doctor. The appearance of stagnant processes in the milk ducts can lead to pain, purulent mastitis and infection in the area of ​​stagnation.

Promoting easier milk flow, Arnica ointment is often used for lactostasis.

It promotes rapid onset of relief in the mammary glands, relieves swelling and reduces pain. The drug is applied in the periods between feedings with light massage movements. Immediately before feeding, it is recommended to cleanse the mammary glands to remove any remaining ointment.

Using ointment for wrinkles on the face

Most of the effects that Arnica ointment has are used to solve various aesthetic problems in cosmetology. The plant composition helps restore the skin as a result of damage. Arnica enhances lymphatic drainage in nearby tissues, activating metabolic processes.

When the first signs of age-related changes appear, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care using specially selected products. Some of the products are too expensive, and the effect of their use may be minimal or even absent. In this case, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs that contain powerful active ingredients.

Arnica ointment copes well with shallow expression wrinkles

“Arnica” ointment (instructions for use are presented above) is actively used to smooth out the fine network of wrinkles on the face. Due to the peculiarities of the composition and the presence of petroleum jelly, the product tightly covers the surface of the skin, retaining moisture and maintaining its elasticity. Arnica extract has a beneficial effect on delicate facial skin, eliminating dryness and flaking.

To prevent an allergic reaction on the face Before use, it is recommended to test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin - behind the ear or in the crook of the arm. If there are no unwanted reactions, then the drug can be used on the face.

When used systematically, the active ingredients will help smooth out facial contours, eliminate wrinkles and tighten sagging tissue. The product is applied to the skin of the face before going to bed, and after sleep, its remnants are removed by washing.

special instructions

When using a homeopathic remedy, there is a small chance of temporary exacerbations. If this happens, it is recommended to temporarily stop using arnica extract and consult a doctor.

The drug does not affect the speed of reflexes and the ability to concentrate, since it does not contain aggressive agents. The ointment can be used by persons whose activities require quick reactions: when using it, you can control vehicles and moving mechanisms.

Before using the medicine, adults and children need to make sure that the wounds subsequently treated are not infected. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into damaged tissue requires additional treatment in the form of antibiotics.

The ointment should not be used to treat open wounds resulting from varying degrees of damage.

Contact with mucous membranes (oral cavity, eyes, nose) should be avoided, and if the product gets in contact, you should immediately rinse the area with plenty of water.

Interaction with other tools

The use of homeopathic remedies does not exclude the joint use of traditional medicine. Therefore, Arnica ointment can be used with various medications.

Side effects

You can minimize the likelihood of side effects by first consulting with a traumatologist or dermatologist. Your doctor will help you calculate the optimal dose for using the drug, reducing the possibility of an allergic reaction.

When using arnica extract, isolated cases of hives, swelling and slight redness have been observed. All these side effects are associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


In most cases, the ointment is well tolerated during treatment. Using Arnica more than 2 times a day or applying an excessive amount of the drug to the site of injury can lead to an overdose, which will manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction: redness, itching, hives.

In this case, it is recommended to temporarily stop using the ointment and remove its remnants from the skin with water. Symptoms should disappear on their own within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then you should seek help from a doctor.


If for some reason the use of Arnica ointment is not possible, then its analogues can be used.

These products have the following properties:

  1. "Traumel" – homeopathic remedy with complex action. The ointment is used for injuries, sprains, and various sprains. Arnica montana is the main active component of the drug.
  2. Kuznetsov ointment – used for joint and muscle injuries to relieve pain.
  3. Ointment "Tsel T" – effective in eliminating pain and normalizing processes in bone and cartilage tissue. In the treatment of osteochondrosis and various joint pathologies, it has an analgesic effect.
  4. "Newflex" – a drug in the form of an anti-edematous gel to eliminate hematomas. The action is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the epidermis.
  5. "Doctor Theiss Arnica" – the drug has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate bruises.

The combined composition of analogue ointments provides a wide range of anti-inflammatory effects and helps relieve pain.

Terms and conditions of storage

The maximum shelf life of a homeopathic medicine is 2 years, after which the product cannot be used. Storage must be ensured in a place inaccessible to children. The drug should be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise its properties may be damaged. During storage, ensure a temperature of up to 20°C.

Price of Arnica ointment in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

You can purchase the ointment at almost any pharmacy chain. The product is not only highly effective, but also at a relatively reasonable price.

Depending on the manufacturer, the price of the drug may vary:

Average price for a Russian-made drug Average price for a foreign-made drug
Pharmacies in Moscow
60 rub. 270 rub.
Pharmacies in St. Petersburg
60 rub. 220 rub.
Pharmacies in the regions
55 rub. 204 rub.

To purchase the drug in pharmacies, a doctor's prescription is not required.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the effectiveness of the ointment

People's opinions regarding the homeopathic drug "Arnica" are quite contradictory: some of them are completely confident in the absence of a therapeutic effect due to the complete naturalness of the product, others are confident in the miraculous effects of medicinal herbs. In most cases, reviews from the use of the ointment are positive.

Mothers with small children are especially positive and recommend having the drug in the first aid kit.

The ointment does not sting the baby's delicate skin and contains natural ingredients. When relieving swelling from insect bites and quickly eliminating bruises, Arnica ointment is an indispensable remedy.

Doctors in most cases consider a homeopathic drug as an adjunct that should be used in combination with the main methods of drug therapy. In cosmetology practice, opinions are mixed, but some cosmetologists highlight the product as quite effective in the fight for clear facial skin.

Unambiguous conclusions can be drawn only after independent use of a homeopathic remedy. Information about Arnica ointment is generalized and for informational purposes only. This description does not replace the official instructions for use of the drug.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Arnica ointment

Homeopathic remedy: Arnica ointment for bruises and bruises:

Useful properties and uses of mountain arnica:

Arnica ointment is a homeopathic preparation made on a natural plant basis. It has been prepared according to a special recipe since ancient times. It began to be actively used in the 12th century. Homeopathy in Russia is permitted at the legislative level. A homeomedicine based on arnica is officially approved by the Ministry of Health for sale in pharmacies and for use in certain pathological conditions.


An external agent in the form of an ointment contains a natural component (active substance) and an auxiliary element.

  1. The active component is a herbal extract from mountain arnica.
  2. The auxiliary component is petroleum jelly or lanolin (depending on the manufacturer).

pharmachologic effect

The effect of a homeopathic drug is due to the main components. Mountain arnica is a perennial herb. It has yellow or orange inflorescences, which act as raw materials for the preparation of medicinal products. The flowers of the plant contain:

  1. Sahara;
  2. tannins;
  3. ascorbic acid;
  4. essential oils;
  5. betaine;
  6. alkaloids.

The medicinal properties of the plant and, as a consequence, medicines prepared on its basis include:

  1. effectively stops bleeding;
  2. relieves the inflammatory process;
  3. promotes activation of blood circulation;
  4. eliminates swelling.

Indications for use

The main indication is therapy after injuries, in particular in the presence of:

  1. severe bruises;
  2. hematomas (bruises) on all parts of the body, including the face, arms, legs, soft tissues;
  3. abrasions (large and small).

The home remedy is used for the following purposes:

  1. pain relief (as an analgesic);
  2. elimination of inflamed foci;
  3. reducing swelling and tissue congestion;
  4. restoration of the functioning of soft tissues in the body;
  5. healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions and skin regeneration.


Despite the fact that the external remedy is completely natural and is positioned as absolutely safe for humans, there are some situations when its use is not recommended. This list includes:

  1. individual hypersensitivity to one or another component included in the ointment;
  2. pregnancy period (due to the fact that this category of people did not participate in clinical trials, therefore there is no information about the effect of the drug on their body);
  3. breastfeeding (lactation women did not take part in clinical trials of the homeomedicine, so there is no data on its effect on their body).

Age under 18 years is also a relative contraindication, since there is also no sufficient information about the effect on the body of children and adolescents.

If a situation arises when there is an urgent need for a pregnant or lactating woman to use Arnica ointment, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended. The same applies when treating children aged 1 year and older.

Directions for use, dosage

There are several basic rules (recommendations) that must be followed when undergoing a course of treatment with homeopathic ointment.

  1. Before using the product, it is necessary to pre-treat the damaged area using an antiseptic solution.
  2. If there is swelling or pain in the joints, the ointment should be applied specifically to this place.
  3. For the first time, a small amount of homeomedicine is applied in a layer half a centimeter thick.
  4. The permissible rate of applying Arnica ointment is from 2 to 4 times a day for 7 days to 2 weeks (maximum).
  5. If there is no positive result, medical consultation is necessary.
  6. If irritation, redness, or a rash appears on the skin during treatment, you should stop treatment and consult your doctor.

Side effects

At the current time, no side effects, except for possible allergic reactions, have been identified.

special instructions

By analogy with most homeopathic medicines, treatment with this herbal ointment at the initial stage can provoke a short-term exacerbation of existing symptoms. If this happens, it is recommended to interrupt therapy and consult a doctor about the advisability of using the product in the future.

The ointment has no effect on concentration, emotional state, or productivity. The patient can continue to drive a car or other type of transport, work with dangerous mechanisms and high-precision equipment, and engage in other activities familiar to him.

Interaction with other medications

Any homeopathic remedy, and Arnica ointment is no exception, can be taken together with other medications, regardless of their belonging to a particular pharmacological group. It is often used as a component of complex treatment in the post-traumatic period.


During the entire period of use of the local homeomedicine, there were no cases indicating the presence of an overdose.

Contents, storage conditions, expiration date

The ointment is available in a tube with a hermetically sealed cap placed in a cardboard package. Instructions for use must be included with the homeopathic remedy.

The ointment should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 25. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture. After its completion, the product is not used.

Preparations similar in composition and action

There are several drugs that have almost identical composition and have the same effect when used.

In all of the listed homeopathic preparations, the main component is natural plant material – mountain arnica. Before using any of the above remedies, it is recommended to obtain the approval of a doctor.

In the pharmacy chain, drugs are sold without a prescription.


Judging by the reviews, patients consider Arnica a stronger drug than Arnica GF. The composition is slightly modified, but it contains more plant components that affect human connective tissue. People who are regularly treated with this remedy claim that it also helps with deep bruises, puncture wounds, and also with dog bites. Arnica is credited with being like a soap that draws out the infection and stops its further spread.

This is a universal homeopathic medicine that is suitable not only for young children, but also for pregnant girls. Problems can only arise if you have an allergic reaction to the herbs that are in the drug. But apart from a rash and redness on areas of the skin, the patients did not describe anything. The drug easily interacts with other ointments and creams, does not leave marks on clothes and does not have an unpleasant aroma. Even if a child accidentally eats a little ointment, only mild poisoning awaits him, as is also stated in consumer reviews.

The material was prepared jointly with homeopathic doctor Vladimir Alekseevich Galiev and the E-Medica media agency.

You can find out more about the authors by following this link.

A little about the balm for bruises and bruises on the face and body Ekoll "Arnica and Horse Chestnut" We bought it primarily for the child. I have a very active daughter. However, like the eldest son in his time. But I don’t remember what ointment I applied to his bruises. It was a long time ago, but I bought something similar. Recently, my daughter hit her foot hard on the step of a children's slide on the playground. A large bruise immediately formed. There was no way to apply cold to the bruise. I usually do this if it happens at home. Shortly before this, we already managed to buy a remedy for bruises and bruises. Since with the onset of summer, a constantly running, jumping child gets more bruises every day. But it was all small things and I couldn’t fully understand how effective the balm was. I anointed a severe bruise almost immediately after returning from a walk. TO . Read by this time the bruise had become quite swollen. It was in the evening and therefore the next time I looked at the leg was the next morning. There was no swelling and, in general, the appearance of the bruise was no longer so frightening. This made me very happy. The bruise went away completely in about a week. But I didn’t smear it often, just twice a day. I smear small bruises on my child regularly, even very small ones. It definitely won't get any worse. It seems to me that they all go away quickly. If the bruise is severe, it is advisable to apply it several times a day. Recommendations for the balm: every 2-3 hours. About the balm itself: Light. Well distributed. Quickly and completely absorbed into the skin. Not greasy. Smells like herbs. There is no strong smell. The volume is small - 30 ml. But the consumption is economical. Not counting special cases. This package will last a long time for ordinary bruises. On the back of the package: composition, indications, application and manufacturer. The tube was sold in a box. It didn’t survive, so I immediately threw it away. Shelf life is 24 months. Storage conditions are on the side of the tube. At the top there is a production date. The balm is good. I think it will help in more serious cases than minor bruises.

A little about the balm for bruises and bruises on the face and body Ekoll "Arnica and Horse Chestnut" We bought it primarily for the child. I have a very active daughter. However, like the eldest son in his time. But I don’t remember what ointment I applied to his bruises. It was a long time ago, but I bought something similar. Recently, my daughter hit her foot hard on the step of a children's slide on the playground. A large bruise immediately formed. There was no way to apply cold to the bruise. I usually do this if it happens at home. Shortly before this, we already managed to buy a remedy for bruises and bruises. Since with the onset of summer, a constantly running, jumping child gets more bruises every day. But it was all small things and I couldn’t fully understand how effective the balm was. I anointed a severe bruise almost immediately after returning from a walk. By this time, the bruise had become quite swollen. It was in the evening, so the next time I looked at the leg was the next morning. There was no swelling and, in general, the appearance of the bruise was no longer so frightening. This made me very happy. The bruise went away completely in about a week. But I didn’t smear it often, just twice a day. I smear small bruises on my child regularly, even very small ones. It definitely won't get any worse. It seems to me that they all go away quickly. If the bruise is severe, it is advisable to apply it several times a day. Recommendations for the balm: every 2-3 hours. About the balm itself: Light. Well distributed. Quickly and completely absorbed into the skin. Not greasy. Smells like herbs. There is no strong smell. The volume is small - 30 ml. But the consumption is economical. Not counting special cases. This package will last a long time for ordinary bruises. On the back of the package: composition, indications, application and manufacturer. The tube was sold in a box. It didn’t survive, so I immediately threw it away. Shelf life is 24 months. Storage conditions are on the side of the tube. At the top there is a production date. The balm is good. I think it will help in more serious cases than minor bruises.

There was a case where I hit myself hard (that’s how handsy I am) in the passage and a large black bruise appeared on my arm. I bought this product for literally pennies. The effect was not long in coming. But of course I smeared it very often, 6 times a day. And the bruise completely disappeared within a week. The only downside is the herbal smell.

There was a case where I hit myself hard (that’s how handsy I am) in the passage and a large black bruise appeared on my arm. I bought this product for literally pennies. The effect was not long in coming. But of course I smeared it very often, 6 times a day. And the bruise completely disappeared within a week. The only downside is the herbal smell.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the Otzovik portal. Today my review is dedicated to Cream-Balm Lifebuoy Arnica skin regeneration for bruises and contusions. I’ll say right away that for me it’s a completely useless remedy. In the summer I went roller skating in the park with my friend. She fell and hurt her leg quite badly in the area under the knee. There was no fracture, just a severe bruise. Although at first she not only couldn’t roller skate, she couldn’t walk. I sat her down on a bench and went to the nearest pharmacy. The pharmacist advised me to buy this particular cream-balm. I bought it, fortunately it turned out to be inexpensive, although not cheap. I remember paying something like 230 rubles for it back then. I brought it to my friend. The bruise site was smeared immediately. The following components were indicated in the cream: Arnie. read more + Fir oil + Badyaga + Adam's root. I found the composition to be very convincing. It seems to be a well-known bodyagu, which has always helped well with bruises and bruises. That’s why I actually took this cream. So, the instructions say that you need to use it at least twice a day. My friend did just that. She applied this ointment to her bruise for 7 days, but not only the pain, even the bruise did not go away. As a result, the place where she hit herself during the fall hurt so much that she was forced to go to a traumatologist, who prescribed her a completely different treatment and added that for bruises there was no need to invent anything, but she needed to buy the proven remedy "Bodyaga" and for There would be no trace of injury left. By the way, this cream is very poorly absorbed, and rubbing the bruised area is not a pleasant process. I personally have never used this cream, but according to a friend, and I have no reason not to trust her, I would not recommend purchasing it. I hope my review was useful to you. Be careful and careful when roller skating, wear knee pads to avoid bruises and injuries.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the Otzovik portal. Today my review is dedicated to Cream-Balm Lifebuoy Arnica skin regeneration for bruises and contusions. I’ll say right away that for me it’s a completely useless remedy. In the summer I went roller skating in the park with my friend. She fell and hurt her leg quite badly in the area under the knee. There was no fracture, just a severe bruise. Although at first she not only couldn’t roller skate, she couldn’t walk. I sat her down on a bench and went to the nearest pharmacy. The pharmacist advised me to buy this particular cream-balm. I bought it, fortunately it turned out to be inexpensive, although not cheap. I remember paying something like 230 rubles for it back then. I brought it to my friend. The bruise site was smeared immediately. The following components were indicated in the cream: Arnica + Fir oil + Badyaga + Adam's root. I found the composition to be very convincing. It seems to be a well-known bodyagu, which has always helped well with bruises and bruises. That’s why I actually took this cream. So, the instructions say that you need to use it at least twice a day. My friend did just that. She applied this ointment to her bruise for 7 days, but not only the pain, even the bruise did not go away. As a result, the place where she hit herself during the fall hurt so much that she was forced to go to a traumatologist, who prescribed her a completely different treatment and added that for bruises there was no need to invent anything, but she needed to buy the proven remedy "Bodyaga" and for There would be no trace of injury left. By the way, this cream is very poorly absorbed, and rubbing the bruised area is not a pleasant process. I personally have never used this cream, but according to a friend, and I have no reason not to trust her, I would not recommend purchasing it. I hope my review was useful to you. Be careful and careful when roller skating, wear knee pads to avoid bruises and injuries.

My husband is interested in motorcycles. But this is a very dangerous type of driving. One day he fell off his motorcycle at high speed. My whole face and body looked like one big bruise. Thank God at least I didn’t break anything! We applied ointment to the scratches, but for bruises, I bought Ekoll “Arnica and Horse Chestnut” balm at the pharmacy for bruises and bruises on the face and body. I didn't believe in the quick effect. But in vain. On the second day of use, the swelling began to subside and the bruises began to turn yellow. Within a week, the face began to look much better, and after three weeks only yellow marks remained on the face and body. The balm is very good and not expensive. Didn't cause any irritation.

My husband is interested in motorcycles. But this is a very dangerous type of driving. One day he fell off his motorcycle at high speed. My whole face and body looked like one big bruise. Thank God at least I didn’t break anything! We applied ointment to the scratches, but for bruises, I bought Ekoll “Arnica and Horse Chestnut” balm at the pharmacy for bruises and bruises on the face and body. I didn't believe in the quick effect. But in vain. On the second day of use, the swelling began to subside and the bruises began to turn yellow. Within a week, the face began to look much better, and after three weeks only yellow marks remained on the face and body. The balm is very good and not expensive. Didn't cause any irritation.

Not long ago, an unpleasant incident occurred, namely, I accidentally hit myself at work and a bruise appeared on my face. The hematoma formed as if after a fight and is visually really unpleasant. The pharmacy recommended a balm for bruises and blood on the face and body, Ekolla “Arnica and Horse Chestnut”, which cost only 28 hryvnia. The price is very cheap, and I really liked the effect. After the first rubbing I felt an improvement, the pain and swelling went away and it really relieves swelling in the bruise area. After 3 days there was no longer a trace, the effect is simply amazing, the balm is worth attention and a positive review. I leave a positive review of Ecolla balm “Arnica and Horse Chestnut”, it is effective for bruises and hematomas, it heals quickly and is quite affordable.

Not long ago, an unpleasant incident occurred, namely, I accidentally hit myself at work and a bruise appeared on my face. The hematoma formed as if after a fight and is visually really unpleasant. The pharmacy recommended a balm for bruises and blood on the face and body, Ekolla “Arnica and Horse Chestnut”, which cost only 28 hryvnia. The price is very cheap, and I really liked the effect. After the first rubbing I felt an improvement, the pain and swelling went away and it really relieves swelling in the bruise area. After 3 days there was no longer a trace, the effect is simply amazing, the balm is worth attention and a positive review. I leave a positive review of Ecolla balm “Arnica and Horse Chestnut”, it is effective for bruises and hematomas, it heals quickly and is quite affordable.

Arnica cream-gel (Just), for joints, 100 ml. I became acquainted with the products of the Swiss company Just 20 years ago. Then they worked together with Vivasan, distributing products through sales consultants. At some point, the cooperation between the firms ceased. And the manager who brought us the goods remained in Vivasan. I had several favorite products from Just that I couldn’t find a worthy replacement for. And about 4 years ago, I happily discovered that the Just company was alive. My favorite products remain and a very popular new product has appeared: Arnica Cream-Gel for Joints. The consultant talked about it with such enthusiasm that I definitely decided to buy it (I have enough relatives with joint problems). I bought it and somehow it didn’t work. It stayed with me for several months, until one day. read I didn’t wake up at night from terrible pain. I once injured my elbow and did not recover from the consequences of the injury. Now I am periodically tormented by neuralgia. My hand ached painfully, preventing me from falling asleep. I came across a gel cream. I decided to use it. The product smelled quite pleasantly of herbs, the texture was very light and quickly absorbed. Surprisingly, after applying the cream-gel, I somehow quickly managed to find a good position for my hand and fell asleep. In the morning I didn’t even remember the events of the night. After this incident, I began a real friendship with this Just product. And not only for me. My husband also appreciated its effectiveness. He first tried it on vacation, complaining of neuralgia in the shoulder area. But he especially liked it after a 20-kilometer walk. “It’s amazing, I thought I wouldn’t get up after yesterday’s forced march, but I feel great,” he commented with joy. Arnica cream-gel is very suitable for people involved in active sports. It relieves muscle fatigue very well. This is really a very good product and I would like to recommend it to my friends. I recommend!

Arnica cream-gel (Just), for joints, 100 ml. I became acquainted with the products of the Swiss company Just 20 years ago. Then they worked together with Vivasan, distributing products through sales consultants. At some point, the cooperation between the firms ceased. And the manager who brought us the goods remained in Vivasan. I had several favorite products from Just that I couldn’t find a worthy replacement for. And about 4 years ago, I happily discovered that the Just company was alive. My favorite products remain and a very popular new product has appeared: Arnica Cream-Gel for Joints. The consultant talked about it with such enthusiasm that I definitely decided to buy it (I have enough relatives with joint problems). I bought it and somehow it didn’t work. It stayed with me for several months, until one night I woke up from terrible pain. I once injured my elbow and did not recover from the consequences of the injury. Now I am periodically tormented by neuralgia. My hand ached painfully, preventing me from falling asleep. I came across a gel cream. I decided to use it. The product smelled quite pleasantly of herbs, the texture was very light and quickly absorbed. Surprisingly, after applying the cream-gel, I somehow quickly managed to find a good position for my hand and fell asleep. In the morning I didn’t even remember the events of the night. After this incident, I began a real friendship with this Just product. And not only for me. My husband also appreciated its effectiveness. He first tried it on vacation, complaining of neuralgia in the shoulder area. But he especially liked it after a 20-kilometer walk. “It’s amazing, I thought I wouldn’t get up after yesterday’s forced march, but I feel great,” he commented with joy. Arnica cream-gel is very suitable for people involved in active sports. It relieves muscle fatigue very well. This is really a very good product and I would like to recommend it to my friends. I recommend!