Aevit for the skin around the eyes application

Retinol and tocopherol are called beauty vitamins. When they are deficient in the body, problems arise, which include deterioration in the appearance of the skin.

Then premature wrinkles appear, seborrheic dermatitis, dryness and even acne develop. Deficiency conditions are eliminated by taking capsules orally.

But recently, recommendations have appeared according to which I use the usual oil solution of Aevit vitamins externally in the care of the delicate skin of the eyelids. Does this approach help get rid of signs of fatigue and aging? We have collected reviews from those who have already tested the product on themselves and have had specific results, as well as the opinions of specialists - dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Users' opinions

Many people use or have previously used Aevit in its pure form for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews indicate that the drug often brings the desired result. But not everyone is happy, there is an opposite opinion and experience about how capsules work better.

“I don’t risk applying Aevit vitamins to the skin around the eyes, because I don’t believe in miracles. Besides I tested this fable on my own experience, and I didn’t like the result. A friend also experimented with leaving, and it ended in irritation. But taking vitamins internally is beneficial. This brings results, improves not only the epidermis, but also hair and nails.”


“After giving birth, my appearance changed beyond recognition - there was no time to take care of myself. One day I saw myself in the mirror in daylight, and was horrified: dry skin, dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, wrinkles. A friend recommended Aevit, a budget product suitable for a young mother’s wallet.

I bought two records. When I got home, I punctured one capsule and applied the oil from it under my eyes. I saw the effect after two weeks. The skin is hydrated, wrinkles have disappeared, there are almost no circles. I apply vitamins in the evening, before bed. But since I like to sleep on my stomach, I also apply it during the day. By the way, at first the oil was absorbed immediately, but now it takes longer, since the skin is already well nourished.”

“Aevit should not be smeared at night, because the oil lies in a layer and clogs the pores, which causes swelling. Once I applied it at night, and the next morning my eyes looked like those of a Chinese man. Then the swelling gradually went away. It probably depends on your skin type. But vitamins still help. My friend has been using this product for 15 years and her face is smooth and wrinkle-free. And recently she recommended the drug to me.”


“Aevit has long been part of my collection of facial care products, but I haven’t noticed any swelling. I'll tell you how I use this tool. I take a capsule with vitamins, pierce it with a needle, and squeeze out the mass from there. Then add a drop of castor oil to it. Apply this oily mixture to the skin under and above the eyes. But you need to do this in the evening, because the sun’s rays will cause age spots!”


“An amazing remedy for the area around the eyes is an oil solution of vitamins A and E (Aevit). I often don't get enough sleep because I have a small child. That's why I developed bags, dark circles under my eyes, and puffiness.

From a close friend I learned about Aevit for the skin around the eyes. Reviews on the Internet also promised a wow effect, so I started applying this oil under my eyes. And two weeks later I was really surprised: instead of a tired woman, I saw a girl without signs of chronic lack of sleep and crow’s feet. I will continue to use this product."


“Even though I’m not a woman, I also use Aevit. This is how I get rid of bags under my eyes. And what? There are not so many cosmetics for us, representatives of the stronger sex - we need to somehow get out of the situation. However, this requires a system. I use vitamins in courses: then I take a break for the same period.”

Opinion of dermatologists

Doctors do not agree on the effectiveness of using the drug Aevit for the skin around the eyes. Reviews from doctors are similar in content: at a minimum, fortified oil will not be beneficial, and in some cases it will cause harm.

Vladimir Ivanov

“You shouldn’t experiment on yourself. Complex Aevit intended for internal use. Although these vitamins actually have a moisturizing effect. To solve dermatological problems, it is still better to buy products for external use. Fortunately, manufacturers of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals offer many products that have a rejuvenating effect. There are also many salon treatments that will improve your skin.”

Lyudmila Vashenskaya

“You should not use an oil solution of vitamins A and E in its pure form. Vitamin A in high concentrations causes retinoid dermatitis, which is characterized by thinning of the skin, dryness, and flaking. I recommend adding oil to prepared creams. Then they act differently - they promote regeneration, improve blood circulation, and add elasticity. It’s even more correct to buy finished products containing these substances.”

Olga Budnik

“There is no point in using Aevita externally, since the drug is not intended for this purpose and is not absorbed through the skin. At the same time, a burn may remain at the site of its application. There are preparations that contain this vitamin, and it should be used after consulting a cosmetologist or dermatologist.”

Cosmetologists' opinion

So can Aevit be used for the skin around the eyes? Reviews from cosmetologists differ somewhat from the opinions of dermatologists. Beauty experts do not deny the possible benefits of external use of vitamins.

Tatiana Belokon

“Despite the fact that Aevit capsules are intended for oral use, I do not exclude its use in folk recipes. For example, you can boil a potato, chop it, and add the contents of two Aevita capsules to the warm puree. Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Course: 10 procedures every 3 days or 7 procedures daily.”

Raisa Raiko

“You can try applying Aevit to the skin, but in a thin layer. Another option is to add the drug to the cream. I recommend using the vitamins themselves for a course of 10 days, then take a break for a month, and repeat if necessary. You can also alternate aloe extract with a vitamin complex.”

So should I use the product or not? Everything is strictly individual. However, before you decide to test a traditional recipe, you should at least test for allergies by applying the contents of the capsule to the skin of your wrist or elbow. It’s even better to consult a cosmetologist or attending dermatologist.

In the modern world, our skin has to deal with many unfavorable factors every day: sun, wind, dry air, various chemicals, dust and microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to take care of the condition of our protective covering, especially in those places where the skin is thinnest and lacks subcutaneous fat. We'll talk about the area around the eyes.

  1. here the skin is 4 times thinner than the skin of the face;
  2. contains few sebaceous and sweat glands;
  3. little collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the dermis;
  4. increased blood supply and number of nerve endings;
  5. This is where the first wrinkles appear.

In addition to special cosmetic procedures, lifting, massage and cosmetics to combat fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags, Aevit capsules for the skin around the eyes have proven themselves.

Application of Aevit

The drug is a mixture of fat-soluble vitamins Retinol palmitate and Alpha tocopherol acetate. The medicine is a gelatin capsule containing an oily liquid. Usually prescribed orally when there is a need for high doses of vitamin A and E - atherosclerosis, endarteritis, psoriasis, other skin diseases, optic nerve atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, liver diseases and digestive disorders, weight loss, asthenia.

But in cosmetology, another way was found to use Aevit for the skin around the eyes. It consists of applying the contents of the Aevit capsule to this area once or twice a week. To begin with, it is pierced with a sharp object and oil is carefully applied through the hole to the area under the eyes. Then use your fingertips to “drive” the composition into the skin by lightly tapping it. The movements should proceed from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. The reverse movement is not recommended, since in this direction the skin is greatly stretched; for the same reason, the oil should not be rubbed in, so that additional wrinkles and damage do not form. After twenty minutes, the remaining drug should be lightly blotted with a napkin.

How does Aevit help?

Cosmetic defects, such as dark circles and bags under the eyes, arise mainly from impaired blood microcirculation and lymph drainage. And since the skin in this area is very thin, all imperfections are clearly visible. Aevit helps restore the full volume of capillary blood circulation, reduces vascular permeability, and restores tissue nutrition.

The components of the drug are able to stimulate the proliferation of epithelial cells, promoting its regeneration, and regulate protein and fat metabolism in tissues.

Thanks to the action of retinol, Aevit is effective against wrinkles around the eyes. Retinol stops the keratinization process, which makes the skin less elastic and leads to the strengthening of expression lines.

It also plays an important role in redox processes, during which it acts as an antioxidant and protects fibroblasts from damage by free radicals. Fibroblasts, in turn, are responsible for the production of collagen, which is the framework for the skin. The antioxidant effect of vitamin A is possible due to the presence of many unsaturated bonds that interact with various free radical groups.

This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of proteins and lipids, stimulates cells to reproduce and rejuvenate the population. It affects the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, due to which the skin under the eyes receives additional protection from dehydration and drying out (common causes of the formation of fine wrinkles).

Vitamin E has gained fame as the main antioxidant and vitamin of beauty and health. It is able to slow down the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, which results in the formation of peroxides that destroy cell membranes. Alpha-tocopherol molecules are embedded in the cell membrane, preventing the contact of oxygen and free radicals with its lipids.

Due to active interaction with the mitochondrial apparatus of cells, vitamin E increases their resistance to oxygen starvation and improves overall energy potential.

The vitamin actively inhibits lysosomal phospholipase and thus prevents the destruction of phospholipids in cell membranes. It takes part as a coenzyme in the synthesis reactions of heme, nucleic acids, and cytochrome.

Due to direct stimulation of T-lymphocyte activity under the influence of tocopherol, cellular immunity and the ability to resist infection are increased.

Cosmetologists recommend this drug to combat fine wrinkles, eliminate puffiness under the eyes and dark circles, to rejuvenate and protect thin skin from the negative influence of the environment.

Other forms of the drug

In addition to using Aevit in its pure form, it can be used to enrich masks and the composition of any cream.

For example, masks with vitamins are prepared from two teaspoons of parsley and two Aevit capsules, or a teaspoon of freshly grated potatoes and one capsule of vitamins.

And to the cream, just add a few drops from the capsule to the jar and mix well. In terms of consistency, you need to choose a cream that is light enough so that it is well absorbed into the skin.

On an industrial scale, this introduction of vitamins A and E into a creamy base was implemented in Libriderm cosmetics. In particular, in the form of the product “AEVIT cream for the skin around the eyes with blueberries”.

The use of this product is aimed at comprehensive care for the special skin of the eyes - getting rid of dark circles and puffiness, nourishing and protecting the skin. Constant application of the cream makes the skin elastic and restores its smoothness. Elasticity is restored, cell renewal processes are accelerated, and their aging is slowed down. And the introduction of blueberry extract into the cream provides additional nutrition and has a soothing effect on the skin around the eyes.

The cream also contains soy protein and rice proteins, which strengthen the subcutaneous framework, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. According to the manufacturer's research, to achieve the effect, the area under the eyes and crow's feet must be smeared for at least a month.

Learn to use Aevit at home for the skin around the eyes: this medicinal vitamin complex of retinol and tocopherol will smooth out the smallest wrinkles, tighten the skin of the eyelids, moisturize it and make it young and radiant. Find the best recipes for masks with Aevit for the skin around the eyes here.

Aevit - a medicinal vitamin preparation, which appeared in pharmacies not so long ago, has already gained popularity among women not only as an excellent combination of retinol and tocopherol. These small capsules filled with oily liquid are actively used in home cosmetology.

In particular, recently you can increasingly hear that Aevit has very beneficial properties for the skin around the eyes when applied externally. We will now find out how true this is and whether the degree of effectiveness of such an unusual remedy is high.

Characteristics of Aevit

First, you need to find out how vitamins around the eyes Aevit work, and for this you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug, since it is still a pharmaceutical product. It’s worth mentioning right away that we’ll be talking specifically about capsules, since this complex under the same name is also available in ampoules for intramuscular administration - you won’t need them. What is this drug:

  1. compound: vitamin A (retinol), which has a regenerating and moisturizing effect on the skin around the eyes (eliminates dryness, flaking, treats eyelid diseases, softens the epidermis), and vitamin E (tocopherol), famous for its rejuvenating effect (tightens the skin of the eyelids, eliminates facial and age-related wrinkles, crow's feet, has a pronounced lifting effect);
  2. release form: small round capsules with oily contents, which, in order to prepare masks for the skin around the eyes, are pierced and the healing liquid is squeezed out; you can purchase a glass jar (it usually contains 40, 30 or 25 capsules) or a package (10 pieces);
  3. pharmachologic effect: Aevit reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, promotes tissue resistance to hypoxia, and normalizes cellular respiration;
  4. indications for oral use: vascular atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, trophic disorders;
  5. indications for external use on the eyelid skin: crow's feet, ptosis (sagging eyelids), dark circles, bruises, swelling, bags around the eyes, various diseases of the eyelids and eyelashes (blepharitis);
  6. contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, congestive heart failure, chronic glomerulonephritis, pregnancy (if the drug is taken orally), open wounds on the face (with external use of Aevita for the skin around the eyes);
  7. dosage: orally, 3 times a day (or 2), 1 or 2 capsules.

Complex vitamins Aevit for the skin around the eyes are an ideal solution for eliminating wrinkles of various origins and moisturizing dry eyelids.

Moreover, to achieve these goals, this drug can be used not only externally, as part of masks, but also taken internally - it also helps a lot. So if you have these problems, be sure to purchase such a valuable product for yourself and learn how to use it as part of your home cosmetology. This is not at all difficult to do.

Rules for using Aevita for the skin around the eyes

So, you have decided to use Aevit for the skin around the eyes: using this drug at home begins with mastering simple but very important rules. Such a course of treatment requires accuracy and caution.

  1. Firstly, it is a pharmaceutical drug, that is, a drug with a list of contraindications and possible side effects.
  2. Secondly, it is an oil that many people do not like to use in cosmetics because of its greasy consistency.

If you follow certain recommendations, you don’t have to be afraid of these alarming moments.

  1. Buy the drug only in pharmacies where the product is certified. And don't forget to look at the expiration date: when it expires. Under no circumstances should Aevit be used on the skin around the eyes if it has expired by at least 1 day.
  2. The cost of the product depends on the manufacturer and the number of capsules. A blister of 10 pieces can be purchased for 45 rubles, or for 135. It’s the same with jars of 40 capsules, which cost from 110 rubles and above.
  3. In order for Aevit to be as beneficial as possible for the skin around the eyes, you need to be able to store it correctly. The place should be dry and dark. Do not leave the capsules even in a jar or package in the light: try not to let the sun's rays fall on them.
  4. As already mentioned, use Aevit capsules for the skin around the eyes for cosmetic purposes, and not ampoule solutions for injection. Pierce them with a thin, clean needle and squeeze out the healing oil, which you will use to prepare masks.
  5. First, see how your skin reacts to this complex vitamin. Rub the oil squeezed onto your finger over your wrist, wipe off after 15 minutes and observe the treated area for 2-3 hours. If you do not experience any unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, discomfort, redness, rash, etc.), you can safely use Aevit to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes and not be afraid of allergic reactions.
  6. Many people ask whether Aevit can be smeared around the eyes in its pure form, without using oil in masks. Definitely yes. Although, when additional ingredients are added, the product becomes more effective.
  7. Any vitamins do not like heat and high temperatures. Therefore, cosmetologists do not recommend using Aevit with heated ingredients. All components of the mask should be at room temperature.
  8. Before the procedure, you will need to clean the skin of your eyelids from decorative cosmetics, dust, dirt and other foreign substances that have settled during the day. To do this, you need to wash your face using a cleansing gel.
  9. To prepare a mask, it is better to mix the ingredients in ceramic or glass containers, but not in metal ones, where oxidation of many products occurs.
  10. The product with Aevit is driven with fingertips into the skin around the eyes along massage lines - from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, along the upper and lower eyelids.
  11. The exposure time of masks is determined individually. For the first time, 5 minutes is quite enough to prevent the formation of edema in the morning: the eyelids are too sensitive an area of ​​the face that can react differently to a new product. If the procedure was successful and the result satisfied you, next time you can extend it and leave Aevit on the skin around the eyes longer. The maximum exposure time is 20 minutes if the reaction is good.
  12. Since you are using an oily liquid, you may have problems removing it. Many simply do not know how to do this and then complain about the greasy film that forms on the eyelids after Aevit, which cannot be washed off with anything. And it only forms if you start rinsing this product off with water. Proper removal is with a dry cotton pad.
  13. It is best to carry out such procedures in the evenings, an hour before bedtime.
  14. After masks with Aevit for the skin around the eyes, it is very good to use any cream or gel that you usually use.
  15. The frequency of procedures, as well as their duration, is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin. If your skin is very dry and riddled with wrinkles and folds, it is recommended to use masks with Aevit at least every day (provided they do not contain aggressive ingredients). If you want to try this vitamin complex as a preventive measure, use it 2-3 times a week.
  16. Aevit is a medicinal product, so it should not be abused even for cosmetic purposes when used externally. The course of treatment should be 15-20 procedures, but no more. After this, be sure to take a break so that your sensitive and vitamin-rich skin around the eyes rests and weanses the habit of retinol and tocopherol. Otherwise, she will simply stop responding to them.

Now you know how to apply Aevit around the eyes in pure form and as part of masks. Follow these recommendations - and the effectiveness of this unique drug will not disappoint you.

It will smooth out folds and eliminate wrinkles, and even make the notorious “crow’s feet” less pronounced and noticeable. For dry, mature, aging, wrinkled skin around the eyes, this product can be a real salvation if used correctly and competently at home.

See this for yourself. All you have to do is find suitable recipes for masks containing Aevit.

Masks with Aevit for the skin around the eyes

Aevit is good because the vitamin complex can be combined with almost any product - cosmetics, vegetable and essential oils, vegetables and fruits, milk and herbs. Accordingly, there are a lot of masks for every taste.

When choosing a recipe, be guided primarily by the problems you want to solve. What exactly is stopping you from living - crow's feet, eyelid ptosis, dryness, vitamin deficiency, some kind of eyelash disease? In accordance with this, select a recipe for a mask with Aevit for the skin around the eyes.

Squeeze the oily liquid from the capsule onto your finger and rub it along the massage lines along the lower and upper eyelids.

  1. Lifting mask: potato + Aevit

To prepare this mask, you can use boiled potatoes: mash them and add Aevit. A teaspoon of potatoes will take 1 capsule of vitamins. For the same purpose, you can grate fresh, young potatoes and combine them with our oil in the same proportion. The lifting effect is guaranteed in both cases.

  1. Refreshing mask: greens + Aevit

Fresh parsley should be chopped until the juice is released. Mix this fresh pulp (2 teaspoons) thoroughly with the oil squeezed from 2 Aevita capsules. This refreshing and toning mask is good to do in the summer mornings, when dark circles, bruises or puffiness are found under the eyes. And the redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes will disappear after such a remedy. Be sure to try this mask - you won’t regret the results.

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask: Aevit + oatmeal

Cook oatmeal in milk and cool to room temperature. Mix 2 teaspoons of the prepared product with oil from 2-3 Aevita capsules. Oatmeal is a time-tested product recommended by all cosmetologists that does an excellent job of removing crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes.

  1. Moisturizing mask: Aevit + cream

In principle, any dairy product is suitable for preparing this mask, but heavy cream is just the perfect ingredient for it. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of cream with the contents of 2-3 capsules and apply to the skin around the eyes. This remedy is especially suitable for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the eyelids, even to the point of flaking. The cream in this recipe can be safely replaced with cottage cheese, milk, yogurt without dyes, but under one condition - all these products must be as fat as possible.

  1. Mask against dark circles: Aevit + banana

Mash a fresh, unspoiled banana. Mix 2 teaspoons of banana puree with the contents of 2 Aevita capsules. With regular use of this miraculous mask, in the morning you will stop seeing unpleasant dark circles, bruises, bags and other cosmetic defects under your eyes.

Now you know how to use Aevit pharmaceutical capsules around the eyes at home to eliminate wrinkles, crow’s feet, ptosis and other troubles. This effective vitamin preparation will perfectly cope with any problem in this area of ​​your face if used correctly and regularly. Even if it seems to you that you have already tried all the products, and everything is useless, do not despair: Aevit is an ideal product for caring for the skin around the eyes. See this for yourself.