Allantoin properties in cosmetics

Many cosmetic preparations contain a substance called allantoin. Allantoin is a non-toxic, hypoallergenic substance that gets along well with other components of the cream. What is allantoin? What is its origin? Why is it so valued in cosmetology? We will learn about this below.

What is allantoin?

Allantoin is a substance that is obtained as a result of the aerobic breakdown of purine nucleotides. It is found in humans and animals in allantois fluid, urine and amniotic fluid. Allantoin is formed by the oxidation of uric acid by the enzyme uricase. Allantoin is widely used in both the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is a white, odorless crystal that can dissolve well in water. It is obtained both from natural raw materials and through biochemical synthesis. Plants also contain allantoin, and they are its source for cosmetic compositions and medications. Allantoin can also be of animal origin. It is found in urea from cattle, insects and shellfish. Nowadays, mollusks of the species Helix aspersa Muller (a relative of the grape snail) are actively used as raw materials. It’s not for nothing that there is a series of Korean regenerating creams with snail mucus extract.

The story of its discovery is very interesting. The now in-demand ingredient in cosmetic creams was first discovered in the embryonic tissues of birds. It gets its name from the allantois, the embryonic respiratory organ of mammals, birds and reptiles. It has been proven that without allantoin, the embryo does not receive proper development and growth.

Beneficial properties of allantoin

Allantoin contains ingredients that are beneficial for our skin. In other words, it contains: mucopolysaccharides, glucose, glycosides, fructose, carotenes - substances that can improve skin characteristics. Allantoin is especially valuable for its wound-healing properties. After applying allantoin to the skin, rapid regeneration of the skin occurs. For example, in case of sunburn or frostbite, allantoin is an indispensable remedy that can soothe and restore the skin. It becomes clear why it is so popular among both manufacturers and consumers of cosmetic products. Let's find out what beneficial properties allantoin has:

  1. Bactericidal property. Allantoin has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which promotes rapid and effective healing from a number of skin diseases.
  2. Exfoliating property. It effectively exfoliates the skin, which contributes to the thinning of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and its regular renewal. It also prevents the appearance of comedones and clogging of pores with sebum.
  3. Conditioning property. Allantoin is a valuable moisturizer for sensitive and problematic skin. Actively protects skin from environmental influences.
  4. Antioxidant property. Allantoin has the ability to resist free radicals, which justifies its inclusion in anti-aging creams.
  5. Anti-irritant (prevents skin irritation) property. Effectively copes with irritation, softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Due to its miraculous properties, allantoin is used not only in cosmetology, but also as an ingredient in dermatological medicinal ointments, gels, aerosols and sprays.

Allantoin is widely used in men's lines for and after shaving due to its ability to effectively soothe irritated skin, and it is also included in children's cosmetics, as it can quickly eliminate diaper rash.

In what cases are drugs with allantoin used?

Preparations with allantoin are used:

  1. when skin is damaged by ultraviolet radiation;
  2. for skin irritation of any etiology;
  3. if necessary, increase skin tone (in case of loose and tired skin);
  4. if necessary, moisturize and soften the skin;
  5. in the presence of fine wrinkles resulting from insufficient hydration;
  6. when age-related skin defects occur, as part of anti-aging drugs.

How does allantoin work in a cosmetic composition?

The basic property of allantoin is its ability to participate in the process of new cell formation through their division and reproduction. In other words, after applying allantoin to the skin, rapid cell regeneration occurs due to their proliferation. A big plus is the fact that even a small concentration of allantoin in a cosmetic product helps demonstrate its unique properties.

Allantoin is actually an effective and efficient drug that is part of cosmetic creams, emulsions, and serums. It has a lot of positive properties, is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, easily eliminates skin imperfections and promotes its rapid recovery.

Recently, people have been talking about how useful allantoin is for the skin of the face, especially if it has suffered from some kind of external damage (scars, scars, stretch marks, etc.). Its wound-healing and rejuvenating properties have helped many people. Learn how to find it and use it correctly.

Have you read the packaging of a new cosmetic product that you bought on and plan to use on your face? A wise, self-respecting woman should make this a habit. After all, the condition of the skin will largely depend on what you treat it with day after day.

The problem is that some components are familiar to everyone (chamomile extract, aloe, collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc.), but some ingredients are hidden under unfamiliar names. One of these is allantoin, which many cosmetic and even pharmaceutical concerns include in their products.

This is a substance of natural origin, unique in its properties. It is credited with miraculous anti-aging, lifting and regenerating effects. Thanks to this, it is the main active substance in various medicinal ointments, gels and sprays, as well as in tightening masks, anti-aging creams, and concentrated serums.

So it's time to get to know each other better, what it is and how effective allantoin for the face is.

What is allantoin

Describing the physical properties of this chemical, we can say that allantoin is colorless crystals of small size, soluble in water (disappears easily and quickly in hot water, weakly and slowly in cold water). It can be found in nature in both plant and animal forms.

Allantoin of animal origin contains:

  1. in the bodies of all mammals except humans and primates;
  2. in the mucus left behind by the mollusks Helix aspersa Muller - southern European relatives of the large grape snail;
  3. in embryonic tissues of birds.

Allantoin of plant origin located:

  1. in the rhizomes of comfrey;
  2. in soybeans;
  3. in sprouted wheat sprouts;
  4. in rice husk.

To care for problem skin, it is better to choose allantoin of plant origin. According to laboratory studies, it is the most effective in this regard. Accordingly, cosmetic products containing it will not only be of higher quality, but also more expensive than those containing allantoin of animal origin.

Why is the effect of this substance on the skin so beneficial? It's all about the composition, which contains many of the most useful components:

  1. glucose;
  2. glucosides;
  3. glucoronic acid;
  4. carotenes;
  5. mucopolysaccharides;
  6. tannins;
  7. fructose.

Thanks to this chemical composition, which has such a positive effect on the condition of the skin, it is actively used allantoin in cosmetics: many products contain it as a wound-healing component. And not only!

Through the pages of history. In 1800, allantoin was first isolated as a chemical from the epithelium of birds. Since then, research on its properties has not stopped.

The effect of allantoin on facial skin

Cosmetic abilities determine chemical properties of allantoin, which consist primarily of an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect on tissue. It is not for nothing that this unique substance is included in the list of anesthetics by the familiar World Health Organization.

Accordingly, this is a full-fledged drug, which was recently adopted by ubiquitous cosmetologists. According to advertising of some brands, this component of face creams and serums is capable of:

  1. soften the upper layer of the epidermis, covered with horny scales and dead cells, due to which they exfoliate quickly and without injury - this is the scrubbing effect of allantoin;
  2. stimulate tissue regeneration;
  3. rejuvenate, smoothing wrinkles and tightening age folds;
  4. quickly narrow enlarged pores, so all cosmetics with allantoin are recommended for the care of oily facial skin;
  5. in winter, save from peeling, effectively softening skin roughened by winds and frost;
  6. in summer, tidy up the epidermis suffering from the sun;
  7. quickly heal abrasions, wounds, microcracks on the face;
  8. relieve irritation;
  9. effectively prevent the formation of comedones (blackheads);
  10. dissolve stretch marks, scars and scars, making them almost invisible on the skin of the face;
  11. inhibit bacterial growth;
  12. minimize the irritating, aggressive effect of various surfactants on the skin of the face, eliminating the feeling of tightness while washing.

Despite such amazing medicinal and cosmetic properties, today there is a lot of talk about the fact that allantoin for facial skin - harm, not benefit. We hasten to assure everyone who is bothered by these rumors that this is not so.

Firstly, there are no arguments about what kind of danger allantoin poses.

Secondly, its safety was recently tested by the FDA - the American Food and Drug Administration and the CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review) expert group. They conducted a series of laboratory tests and found that allantoin is not dangerous in cosmetics for facial skin, in which its content does not exceed the norm. So let's take it and use it!

Additional Information. Allantoin is a rare substance that is not capable of causing side effects and is not toxic. The most effective concentration is 0.5-2%.

Allantoin as a drug

Despite the fact that we plan to use the cosmetic properties of allantoin, it should be treated exclusively as a medicinal product, since it has quite a powerful effect. Fortunately, pharmacists provide detailed instructions for its use, which it is advisable to study in advance before purchasing creams and face masks containing it.


Not all medications and cosmetics will contain allantoin under its real name on the packaging. Most often he hides there under the following names:

  1. 5-Ureido-2,4-Imidazolidindion (2,5-Dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl);
  2. Urea pura, Carbamid, Carbamidum, Ureaphil (urea, carbamide, since in laboratory conditions allantoin is a product of oxidation of uric acid);
  3. Allantoin (Alantoin, Allantoine, Allantonin);
  4. Glyoxyldiureid;
  5. 5-Ureidohydantoin;
  6. Cordianin.

Now you will know what is hidden under these foreign words in the composition of the cream you like - allantoin, which disinfects wounds and smoothes out wrinkles.

Pharmachologic effect

As a medicine, allantoin has the following effects on damaged tissues and facial skin:

  1. Astringent;
  2. keratolytic (scrubbing, exfoliating);
  3. antiseptic, disinfectant.

The pharmacological properties of allantoin in creams and face masks become therapeutic and cosmetic.


Allantoin is able to penetrate deep into the dermal layers of the face, stimulating tissue renewal at the cellular level. It is not absorbed by the blood, but it is perfectly absorbed into the skin, drying without residue almost instantly after application.

Indications for use

You shouldn’t buy face cream with allantoin just because all your friends have already tried it or because you really want it. This is a medicinal product, which means that even for its external use there are indications and contraindications. It is worth using his services in the following cases:

  1. skin diseases;
  2. seborrhea;
  3. erosions, injuries, wounds, ulcers, scratches, microcracks and other damage to the skin of the face;
  4. stretch marks;
  5. scars, scars;
  6. age-related changes: wrinkles and ptosis.

If we are talking about skin diseases, it makes sense to seek permission to use allantoin for treatment from a dermatologist. Most likely, he will not even prescribe a face cream, but an ointment.


The only contraindication for allantoin in cosmetics is allergies, individual intolerance.

Side effects

Allantoin is usually well tolerated, and allergies to it are rarely diagnosed.

Methods of application

  1. Pharmacy spray with allantoin can be added to a cream to care for oily, mature, injured facial skin.
  2. Pharmacy ointments or gels with allantoin are used locally: they lubricate damaged areas of the face (only where there are wrinkles, scars, inflammation, wounds, rashes, etc.) until they are completely healed.
  3. Rejuvenating and regenerating creams with allantoin, gels, serums, face masks are used for regular facial skin care.

Special Recommendations

  1. To make cosmetics with allantoin more useful for your face, apply creams and masks to steamed skin.
  2. Allantoin therapy goes well with physiotherapeutic procedures.
  3. When using creams and ointments with allantoin, it is not recommended to sunbathe heavily, visit a solarium, or do facial massage.
  4. Be careful not to get allantoin in your eyes, mouth, or nose.
  5. Allantoin can be used on the face by pregnant and lactating women.

This is how it is used allantoin in cosmetology and medicine. If you have serious problems or facial skin diseases, you should pay attention to it. With it you can count on the healing of various microdamages and rejuvenation. What remains for us is to do short reviews of medicinal and cosmetic products that contain allantoin.

About the origin of the name. The term “allantoin” owes its birth to the scientists Liebig and Wehler. They isolated this substance from allantois fluid, from the name of which they derived the word.

Medicines containing allantoin

To heal scars, scars, scratches, stretch marks on the face, use ointment with allantoin, which perfectly regenerates damaged tissue. Although this is not the only dosage form of the drug with this remedy. Judge for yourself based on the list below.

  1. Mederma (Mederma) from Merz Pharma (Germany) - therapeutic and cosmetic gel for stretch marks, scars, scars, post-acne, and any damage to the skin. $10.
  2. Contractubex from Merz Pharma (Germany) - gel for resorption of keloid scars. $10.
  3. Jox (Yoks), Czech Republic - a spray with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in the treatment of ENT organs (for the treatment of sore throat, for example), but it can be included in face masks for rashes of any kind. $3.7.
  4. Hepatrombin from Hemofarm A.D. (Serbia) - a gel with antithrombotic and tissue regeneration-improving effects. $2.8.

Any pharmaceutical preparations containing allantoin should be used with extreme caution when treating the face. First, get permission from a specialist (this could be a dermatologist, surgeon, cosmetologist). Secondly, follow the instructions for use exactly. If the problem is more of a cosmetic nature, it is better to use creams.

Good news! Medicines containing allantoin are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Facial cosmetics with allantoin

If you are struggling with age-related changes (wrinkles, double chin, bags and circles under the eyes, deterioration of complexion), purchase a cosmetic product with this unique substance. Anti-aging products have proven themselves to be excellent face creams with allantoin:

  1. Rouge defense - protective face cream against rosacea with allantoin, white lupine and algae proteins, menthol from Reneve (Monaco). $84.5.
  2. Kelofibrase is a scar cream with allantoin from Sandoz (Germany). $27.
  3. High Performance Glycolic Acid Blend is an anti-scar cream with allantoin from Devita (Belarus). $25.
  4. Linea Termale is an active cream for problem skin with allantoin from Lacrima (France / Italy / Switzerland). $17.
  5. Collagen 3D face cream for irritated and dry skin with allantoin from Collagene 3D (Russia). $11.
  6. Camelox is an allantoin cream for stretch marks from Vertex (Russia). $6.
  7. “Protection and Moisturizing” - allantoin cream for sensitive facial skin from Natura Siberica (Russia). $3.
  8. “Winter Amulet” is an allantoin protective face cream from MeiTan (China). $2.7.
  9. "Antoshka" is an allantoin antiallergic cream for children. Russia. $0.8.
  10. “Rosy cheeks” is a children’s protective cream with chamomile extract, allantoin and vitamin A from Avanta (Russia). $0.8.

Such ratings will guide you through a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic products that contain allantoin. Be sure to try them if you suffer from complexes due to age-related changes or wounds on your face. If you use them wisely, you won’t have to wait too long for an amazing effect.

Today this component does not have wide popularity, but is rapidly gaining popularity as one of the very effective means used in cosmetology.

Actually, what is allantoin?

The use of allantoin in the beauty industry and addition to cosmetics

This is a chemical element represented by colorless microcrystals that quickly dissolve in water.

The chemical compound allantoin is a product of the oxidation of uric acid with potassium permanganate or lead. Can be found in animals or plants. Such a compound is not produced in the human body.

The substance is notable because it is a valuable additive to cosmetics and is widely used in cosmetology. More valuable is allantoin of plant origin, which contains a lot of useful components, including:

  1. monosaccharides;
  2. glucose;
  3. carotene;
  4. fructose and other components.

Probably every woman has a cream on her bathroom shelf that contains this substance—you just need to read the ingredients.

Cosmetologists actively add it to hand and foot creams, facial skin care products, preparations that stimulate hair growth and block hair loss, moisturizers, etc. And all because allantoin helps soften rough skin and stimulates the flow of moisture to its cells.

Allantoin also promotes the rejection of dead skin cells and regeneration.

Products in which you can find Allantoin:

  1. sun creams and burn milk;
  2. remedies used for frostbite;
  3. face creams;
  4. moisturizing and regenerating hand/foot creams;
  5. antiperspirant deodorants;
  6. anti-aging creams;
  7. anti-wrinkle creams;
  8. moisturizers against skin irritation;
  9. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  10. medications;
  11. ointments against hemorrhoids;
  12. ointments/creams used for skin rashes, acne, pimples;
  13. ointments that promote the disappearance of veins on the legs and many others.

Allantoin is also used in its pure form in cosmetology. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy and is relatively inexpensive.

To use it, it must be diluted with water so that the concentration of allantoin itself does not exceed 2%.

The effect of the substance on the hair structure

Allantoin is an indispensable substance in cosmetics against hair loss and in preparations that stimulate hair growth.

Also, it is worth paying attention to the property of the drug to combat excessive oily hair. If you are tired of washing your hair every day and caring for your demanding hair, we advise you to choose a shampoo or conditioner that contains allantoin. After some time, you will see from personal experience that it works.

In addition, with regular use, the product stimulates the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, due to which hair grows quickly. The roots are strengthened, hair loss stops, blood circulation improves and dandruff disappears.

Perhaps girls have heard about various balms and shampoos with a hair lamination effect, due to which the hair is sealed with a special microscopic film that protects the hair from the negative effects of the environment. Subsequently, hair grows faster and stronger and becomes more durable. Allantoin has precisely this laminating property.

Nowadays you can find many such products on the cosmetic market, but we advise you to give preference to products of more natural origin, the so-called “Eco-cosmetics”.

The concentration of allantoin and other beneficial substances in such products will definitely be higher than in conventional popular products.

The effect of the chemical component on the skin

As you know, WHO included allantoin in the list of harmless anesthetics that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the skin and more.

Until recently, the substance was widely used only for medical purposes: it was prescribed by doctors in its pure form or as part of medications. Over time, cosmetologists became interested in this chemical compound and discovered a lot of positive aspects.

For example: allantoin in face cream is able to protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment, including temperature changes - in the cold season, the substance protects the skin from hypothermia and dryness, and in the warm season - from burns, redness and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin .

Allantoin, contained in anti-aging creams, like hyaluronic acid, stimulates skin regeneration and exfoliation of dead cells, increases skin elasticity and gives it a healthy appearance.

Women who use various creams against stretch marks are directly familiar with allantoin, because it is definitely contained in any such cream. In general, the palette of beneficial properties of allantoin is very, very diverse, and in addition to all of the above, it also:

  1. fights irritation;
  2. has an antibacterial effect;
  3. promotes skin regeneration;
  4. safe;
  5. Allantoin is not prohibited for use during pregnancy or lactation;
  6. softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  7. hypoallergenic;
  8. in a reasonable proportion (2% in solution) is completely harmless;
  9. Contained in makeup remover milk, cleansing foam, etc.

Are there any harmful properties of allantoin and contraindications for use?

This compound cannot be called a universal remedy for all diseases in the world, but the scope of its beneficial influence is quite wide, which has been repeatedly confirmed by various medical and cosmetological studies in European and American laboratories.

This tonic is an excellent antioxidant for the skin and is found in various creams, shampoos, milks, foams, gels, etc.

The effect of this tonic is often compared with the effect of ascorbic acid on the body. For a long-lasting effect, it is indicated for continuous use without interruption. Otherwise, if after long-term use of the substance as part of various drugs you stop the course for a while, it is possible that you will have to start all over again. This directly depends on your skin type, dryness and age.

In general, in the world practice of using this chemical compound, no cases of overdose or poisoning have been recorded. But any use of a chemical substance independently in its pure form must be carried out in compliance with all safety rules, namely, before use, it is worth conducting a small skin test: apply just a small amount of the solution to the back of the elbow and wait 15-30 minutes.

As mentioned above, the substance is harmless even for pregnant women and nursing mothers