Allergy to aloe on the face

Aloe is a plant known to most people since childhood. This is a universal home medicine from the windowsill, which is still used by patients of all ages to combat the runny nose, improve the condition of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and even tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. Today, drops, infusions and ointments are made from fresh juice, and the fleshy stems are cut to prepare a healing decoction. Of course, the plant can be called one of the most popular natural remedies in folk medicine, but how safe it is is decided on an individual basis. If an allergy to aloe occurs, you must treat any option for its use with extreme caution - otherwise there is a risk of developing respiratory disorders, pathological changes in the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract.

Can you be allergic to aloe?

Many people trust traditional medicine much more than pharmacological agents - after all, ancient recipes have been tested by generations of our ancestors. However, when using a healing succulent (that is, a plant capable of storing water) to eliminate various disorders, it is important to remember the risk of an individual intolerance reaction. Contrary to popular belief about the safety of aloe, deterioration associated with its use does occur.

The likelihood of developing sensitivity is considered higher:

  1. in children of the first years of life;
  2. in pregnant women;
  3. in nursing mothers.

Allergies can develop even when a very small amount of provoking substances enters the body - for example, repeatedly diluted juice.

Contact with aloe for these categories of patients poses the greatest risk, so it is important to adequately assess the expected benefits from the plant; sometimes it is better to abandon home methods, no matter how reliable they may seem.


Many people suffer from sensitivity to succulents, but some of them are not even aware of it. This is explained by the nonspecificity of the manifestations - signs of the reaction often resemble food intolerance or even infection. Sometimes the situation becomes exactly the opposite: tingling in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, which is a natural consequence of contact (but only if there are no other manifestations - runny nose, cough, etc.), is mistaken for an allergy.

Skin changes

They can occur almost immediately after contact with the plant, and can look like classic dermatitis (an inflammatory process in the skin area). Observed:

The listed signs are quickly accompanied by a rash (spots, blisters, etc.); some patients experience a distinct feeling of dryness, accompanied by peeling. If we are talking about contact dermatitis, the changed area has clear boundaries (for example, only the inner surfaces of the palms and fingers are affected if the patient cut the aloe without gloves). In the atopic variant, constant contact with the plant and other allergens is important, and areas of rashes and redness are very itchy and can be located in the armpits, popliteal fossae, on the scalp, etc.

Urticaria (skin swelling, itching, blistering) and Quincke's edema (affects lips, cheeks, eyelids, mucous membranes, forming a focus of significant increase in tissue volume) are also likely.

Rhinitis (runny nose) dominates among them. It develops not only due to the presence of individual sensitivity, but also when a chemical burn of the nasal mucosa occurs (for example, when using undiluted juice or adding alcohol and other components to home medicine). Aloe allergy symptoms include:

  1. Edema.
  2. Congestion
  3. Sneezing.
  4. Tingling.
  5. Discharge of clear mucus.

Many people experience decreased hearing, noise, itching, and “crackling” in the ears. General symptoms may also occur: weakness, headache. In severe cases, bronchospasm is observed (shortness of breath with wheezing and difficulty exhaling, a feeling of suffocation, paroxysmal cough).

Digestive disorders

They appear in cases where aloe is taken orally - for example, for the purpose of treatment, and represent, in fact, gastroenteritis syndrome. May be accompanied by skin changes, since Quincke's edema can affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. They are characterized by such signs as:

  1. nausea;
  2. vomit;
  3. cramping pain in the abdomen;
  4. flatulence;
  5. diarrhea.

They are not caused by the toxic effect of the plant, but by the release of various biologically active substances during the protective immune reaction. The listed manifestations may be accompanied by another symptom: detection of blood in the stool, and mucus in the vomit. The pain syndrome is extremely intense.

An allergy to aloe in some people is accompanied by a fever, so do not rush to take medications, especially antivirals or antibiotics - they can worsen the situation.

An increase in body temperature is not an indicator of the presence of an infectious process - such a sign can indicate a variety of pathologies, including an individual sensitivity reaction. Therefore, self-medication without understanding the correct diagnosis is associated with the risk of drug intolerance and exposes the patient’s body to a meaningless pharmacological load.


Succulents are considered hypoallergenic by many people, but reactions to them are still possible. She is called by:

Aloe, also known as agave, contains a variety of substances, including essential oils and vitamins, which often act as provocateurs of adverse symptoms. Once in the body, they cause the formation of specific sensitivity (sensitization) on the part of the immune system - as a result, each repeated contact ends with a slight or, conversely, severe deterioration of the condition.

People who are sensitive to aloe are likely to have cross-allergy:

If it develops, you should not only eat, but even peel or cut these foods.

Possible complications

Individual intolerance to succulents is not at all harmless: it can provoke a variety of consequences that affect the entire body. It is worth considering the most likely of them - disorders of the respiratory system and eyes.

Chronic rhinitis

A persistent runny nose, despite the absence of a direct threat to life, is extremely unpleasant. Noted:

  1. Blockage in both nostrils.
  2. The need to suck in air through the mouth.
  3. Dry and sore throat in the morning.
  4. Periodic sneezing, coughing.
  5. Moderate itching in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

A person who constantly has a stuffy nose faces sleep disturbances, fatigue, regular dizziness, and general malaise. His ability to concentrate decreases and his memory deteriorates. But all these changes can be avoided if nasal breathing is restored in time, the safety of which largely determines the patient’s quality of life.


This is an eye lesion that develops when a person comes into contact with aloe and touches the eyelids with hands on which the juice remains. The following signs are observed:

In addition, copious amounts of tears are produced. This manifestation, combined with a narrowing of the palpebral fissure, makes it impossible to maintain normal vision - its acuity remains the same, but the person is not able to look at the world around him with fully half-closed eyes.

If conjunctivitis develops, do not try to relieve itching by rubbing the eyelids with your fingers or foreign objects - this will only increase swelling and redness.

In addition, scratching is associated with the risk of infection, especially if the patient has long nails - microtraumatization of the mucous membrane and skin occurs, which literally opens the “entrance gate” for bacteria. Therefore, the best solution is to consult a doctor immediately.


Finding out the reasons for the development of individual sensitivity is not always easy, because almost any substance from the environment can be an allergen. To determine the true provocateur, the doctor uses methods such as:

Sometimes the patient is asked to keep a diary, which describes sensations at different hours and days of the week. However, this option of searching for an unfavorable factor takes a lot of time and is more suitable for people with food intolerance. Therefore, before the consultation, it is worth thinking about whether there are significant moments during the day when symptoms were observed after approaching aloe or taking a medicine based on it. The patient's attentiveness reduces the diagnostic search time for him.

The examination is carried out by a doctor and includes an assessment of changes in the skin, mucous membranes, identification of any disorders of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory system. Tests are carried out in the laboratory; the most informative is the search for IgE class antibodies to succulent allergens in the blood. During a skin test, a provoking substance is applied to the forearm, which, in the presence of sensitivity, causes redness, swelling, and rashes.


The adverse changes caused by aloe may go away on their own - but the wait costs patients considerable suffering. In addition, if contact with the plant continues, the symptoms are unlikely to disappear on their own: the patient will still need help.

Elimination therapy

The allergic potential of a succulent during the formation of sensitization to it cannot be reduced, but another option can be used: stopping contact with the provocateur. To do this you need:

  1. Remove aloe (vera and other types) from the home.
  2. Avoid treatment with plant-based folk remedies.
  3. If contact is unavoidable, wear gloves, wash your hands thoroughly, and do not touch your face.
  4. Do not allow juice or pulp particles to come into contact with unprotected skin and mucous membranes.

If the course of the reaction is mild, the listed measures will be enough for the patient to soon feel a significant improvement.

It is important to remember that allergies do not disappear anywhere: contact with aloe should be avoided throughout your life.

Drug therapy

There are many drugs designed to alleviate the patient's condition. They should be used depending on the indications.

Histamine H1 receptor blockers (Cetrin, Fenistil, Allergodil), cromones (Intal), glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex, Elokom).

Tablets, drops (nasal, eye)

Local administration is permissible only after excluding infectious inflammation.

Capsules, injections, powders, suspensions

Antiallergic drugs are combined with sorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel).

Lotions, creams, ointments

External products should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin (wounds, ulcers).

In addition to antihistamine tablets, beta2-agonists (Salbutamol) are indicated, and in severe cases, Prednisolone.

A doctor must prescribe any pharmacological agents - the table reflects only the general principles of the approach to treatment.


To avoid worsening the condition, preventive measures must be comprehensive. In addition to removing aloe from your own home, it is important to think about the risk of contact with this plant in rooms where the patient often visits:

  1. Job;
  2. classroom;
  3. kindergarten, etc.

You should discuss the issue of placing a succulent with colleagues, teachers and educators - the flower can be replaced with safer analogues. Then neither the design of the room nor the health of the allergy sufferer will be affected. If a reaction is observed in a child, all adults who are near him (grandparents, teachers, sports coach, etc.) should be warned about it.

It is also important to pay attention to cosmetics - they may contain an extract that threatens your health. All soaps, lotions, tonics, toothpastes, deodorants and other aloe-based products are completely excluded.

Allergy to aloe is extremely rare - only 2% of the population. This plant is included in many drugs and cosmetics and belongs to the category of hypoallergenic products.

However, sometimes people experience increased sensitivity to the components of aloe, which requires contacting a specialist.

Types and features

Aloe is quite actively used to treat various diseases and skin care, because this plant has many beneficial properties.

However, certain features of this product should still be taken into account so as not to harm your body.


The biologically active components that are present in the juice and leaves of this plant help to increase the tone of the body and normalize the processes occurring in it.

Aloe contains individual components that help cope with bacteria, and therefore it is often used for bactericidal purposes.

Negative reactions of the body to this product may be associated with its multicomponent composition, which includes:

  1. vitamins;
  2. enzymes;
  3. amino acids;
  4. biologically active ingredients;
  5. mucopolysaccharides;
  6. hormone-like elements;
  7. resins;
  8. essential oils.


One of the main advantages of this plant is its excellent effect on the skin. The fact is that it includes nutrients that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Since aloe is a natural product, it works at the cellular level, helping to restore and nourish the skin.

That is why this component is often included in masks, shampoos and facial cleansers.

Quite often, aloe helps get rid of various skin problems:

To achieve tangible results, such cosmetics should be used for quite a long time - at least 2-3 weeks.

However, it is worth considering that there is still a risk of a reaction. Therefore, before applying such cosmetics to the skin, you should perform a sensitivity test.

It is strictly not recommended to use new products for pregnant women, because their risk of allergies is much higher.


Aloe juice is included in many medicines. It is usually combined with ethyl alcohol.

Tablets are usually a form of preserved leaves. They are used to treat pathologies that are accompanied by a pronounced weakening of the immune system.

There are also products for external use - usually using emulsions or liniment. Such products help treat ulcerative skin lesions because they promote tissue regeneration.

Liquid aloe extract is commonly used against stomach ulcers. This remedy is also used when taking antibiotics is necessary.

Such drugs have a pronounced toxic effect, while aloe helps to minimize the negative impact on the body.

Although this plant is considered hypoallergenic, contraindications to the use of drugs containing it always include intolerance to certain ingredients.

Therefore, before using the medicine, you need to conduct a special test - drink a quarter of a single dose and observe the body’s reaction.

Additives for household chemicals

Aloe is quite often used as an additional ingredient in the production of various household chemicals.

It is used to make:

  1. dishwashing detergents;
  2. powders;
  3. fabric conditioners.

Typically, such ingredients have emollient properties.

However, if a person is allergic to this product, then buying such products is contraindicated for him.

If you purchased a new product and it caused you a negative reaction, it is better to stop using it.

Can aloe cause allergies?

Aloe allergies are quite rare, but can have very serious symptoms.

The main reason for the appearance of such problems is the rich composition of this plant, which has not yet been thoroughly studied even by specialists.

Today it is known that aloe contains:

  1. vitamins;
  2. enzyme components;
  3. hormone-like substances;
  4. amino acids;
  5. essential oils and resins.

In general, the plant contains approximately 80 different compounds.

Due to such a broad composition, the body’s reaction to internal or external use of the product can be unpredictable.

Reasons for intolerance to this product include the following:

  1. elderly age;
  2. children under 5 years of age;
  3. the presence of autoimmune pathologies;
  4. weakening of the immune system.

To reduce the likelihood of negative symptoms, all aloe-based products should be taken in the right dosage.

The course of therapy should not be extended without a doctor's recommendation.

Video: Useful properties of the plant

How it manifests itself

An allergy is a pathological reaction of the body to exposure to certain substances. In this case, the immune system overreacts to contact with the allergen.

Aloe allergy symptoms vary.

In some cases, the reaction appears immediately after contact with the plant, while in others it becomes delayed and occurs within a day.

In young children, internal use of aloe can cause toxic poisoning, which poses a real danger.

On the skin

When used externally or internally, aloe can cause various manifestations on the skin.

Most often, this plant provokes the appearance of rashes, which are accompanied by a feeling of itching and burning.

Often a urticaria-type rash occurs, which causes severe itching of the skin.

Photo: Urticaria-type rash

On internal organs

Allergic reactions can also manifest themselves in the form of damage to internal organs. As a rule, similar symptoms occur with internal use of drugs based on this plant.

This may affect the functioning of the digestive system. Such problems manifest themselves in the form of:

  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. stomach pain;
  3. stool disorders.

In some people, the use of aloe leads to damage to the respiratory system. In this case, a person experiences a feeling of lack of air. Asthma symptoms and a severe cough may also appear.

On mucous membranes

When the mucous membranes are damaged, symptoms such as nasal congestion, itching and burning sensation in the nasal cavity occur.

Often people develop a severe runny nose, which is called allergic rhinitis.

Also, an allergy to this plant can manifest itself in the form of constant sneezing and sore throat. Sometimes people's eyes and eyelids become red, there is increased lacrimation and unpleasant pain.

What is aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the asphodel family.

Its main advantage is the gel that is present in the fleshy leaves.

Despite the fact that the juice of this plant is 95% water, it contains more than 75 different vitamins and other beneficial substances.

These include the following:

  1. glucose helps strengthen the immune system;
  2. enzymes help digest food;
  3. phytosterols cope well with inflammatory processes;
  4. saponins have a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  5. anthraquinones help cope with pain;
  6. salicylic acid eliminates inflammation.

At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to use this remedy thoughtlessly, because it can provoke negative processes in the body.

Side effects include:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. skin rashes associated with the release of toxins;
  3. nausea, pain, stool disorders, vomiting - such phenomena are associated with the low quality of the product containing aloe.

How does an allergy to tea manifest itself? Click to find out.

Treatment options

If a reaction occurs to this plant, first of all you should avoid any contact with it. After this, treatment of the disease begins.

First of all, you should take an antihistamine that will relieve the symptoms of the disease.

If the pathology is accompanied by severe manifestations, special therapy is required, which should be prescribed by an allergist.

It consists of a person following a regimen of reduced activity and using antihistamines - this can be Tavegil or Suprastin.

Such remedies help restore the body's immune status.

The main disadvantage of this technique is the short therapeutic effect.

In addition, with long-term use of antihistamines, the body becomes addicted, after which they stop working.

Another treatment method is immunotherapy, which involves vaccination. Thanks to this, it is possible to strengthen the immune system and quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease.


To prevent the occurrence of this disease, you need to know that there are certain categories of people who are at risk.

Aloe can provoke negative reactions in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. liver or kidney failure;
  3. weakened state after serious illness;
  4. chronic systemic pathologies during exacerbation;
  5. immune system diseases;
  6. high sensitivity to herbal remedies.

People who have similar diseases or conditions should absolutely not use aloe products.

The practice of using juice and other forms for treatment

Aloe extract promotes the production of hydrochloric acid in the body. Thanks to this, this product significantly improves the digestion process and helps cope with immune reactions.

This is why aloe is so actively used for skin allergies.

The exception is a situation in which an allergy occurs to the plant itself and medications that are made on its basis. Also, a negative reaction can occur with an overdose of these drugs.

Useful tips

To prevent the development of negative reactions to aloe, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before applying the product to the skin, you need to conduct an allergy test;
  2. for internal use, you first need to drink a quarter of a single dose and observe the reaction for half an hour;
  3. if symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately stop using all products containing aloe;
  4. To eliminate allergy symptoms, you can take an antihistamine.

What should you not eat if you are allergic to peanuts? The answer is here.

What should the diet be like if you are allergic to wheat? Details in the article.

Precautionary measures

To prevent negative reactions when using aloe, it is not recommended to apply it to open wounds. In rare cases, this plant provokes allergies.

If any rashes appear on the skin, you should immediately stop using aloe.

Internal use of aloe juice may cause diarrhea or severe cramping.

This product should strictly not be used by pregnant women, as it can cause uterine contractions and even miscarriage.

Also, breastfeeding women should not drink juice, since it is difficult to predict the baby’s reaction.

Allergies to aloe are very rare, since this plant is classified as hypoallergenic. However, some people experience individual intolerance to this product.

If any symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and consult a doctor immediately.

Aloe is a plant that is known for its beneficial properties. It is used mainly in medicine and cosmetology. It contains approximately 80 useful components, but, unfortunately, the entire composition of the agave is unknown. Due to its medicinal properties, it has a healing effect.

The plant is considered hypoallergenic, however, some people are sensitive to it, since the agave has a rather different composition.

Causes of an allergic reaction

An allergy to this flower can be difficult to tolerate for both adults and children. This is due to the variety of components that make up the plant:

  1. Amino acids.
  2. Vitamins.
  3. Oils.
  4. Enzymes.
  5. Resins.
  6. Biologically active compounds.
  7. Hormonal compounds.

And also intolerance of the body can occur due to unknown elements of the agave.

Common causes of allergies are person's agewho takes medicine with flower extract. This age category includes people over 45 years of age. Children under five years of age are also sensitive to aloe components. Therefore, you should try a small amount of dosage before treatment, if after an hour no reaction is observed, then treatment with the chosen drug can be continued. However, it would be more correct the doctor's consultation before using any drug or the plant itself as treatment.

People who suffer from intolerance should undergo testing at a medical laboratory. It will reveal the degree of negative impact of the plant on the body. If the reaction is positive, then the use of agave should be abandoned.

The following may also serve as the basis for the manifestation of the disease:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Anomalies of the liver and kidneys.
  3. Weak immune system.
  4. Hypersensitivity to any components.;
  5. Exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Allergy symptoms

Each person has a different degree of reaction to a given plant, so it is impossible to determine exactly when and how the body will react. The manifestation of the disease in any form can occur either after two hours or after several days.

The most common symptoms of intolerance are skin rashes, swelling and redness of the eyes, runny nose, malaise, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing, and discomfort in the throat.

When the skin comes into contact with agave leaf or juice, dryness may occur, which is accompanied by peeling of the skin.

The human body, especially a child, can respond with anaphylactic shock, so if you observe a severe cough and shortness of breath in someone using the plant, you should seek medical help.

In some cases, symptoms may include hearing loss and tinnitus. Headache and weakness of the body may also be signs of a reaction to an allergen.

How to treat an allergy to aloe?

If you detect an allergic reaction to aloe, you should consult an allergist. He will prescribe a specific course of treatment after conducting an examination and testing.

If any allergic manifestation occurs, you must stop using the plant or product containing aloe. This will promote rapid recovery and cleansing of the body.

In such cases, the doctor most often prescribes the use antihistamines, which remove all allergy symptoms. One disadvantage is that such drugs cause addiction to the body, and their positive effect ceases.

Antihistamines include medications such as:

  1. Claritin – a remedy that helps get rid of allergic intolerance (its various symptoms) effectively and quickly. The medicine is time-tested, its properties are clinically tested;
  2. Aleron – an effective allergy remedy that will cope with any of its manifestations;
  3. Tavegil – an antihistamine that has fewer adverse reactions among other medications. The only downside is the relatively high price.

There are other medications, both in the form of tablets, drops, sprays, ointments, and gels. For example, Alergodil, Fenistil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Iricar, etc.

Treatment also comes in the form of vaccination. This method helps restore and strengthen the immune system.

Diagnosis of allergies

Allergies are not difficult to identify. In children and adults, aloe causes irritation in the form of a rash, itching, redness of the eyes, burning in the nose and discomfort; in severe form it can be expressed by swelling of the throat.

The presence of an allergy to agave can be determined in a medical laboratory. Specialists conduct allergen tests on the skin.

It is necessary to correctly determine whether there is an allergy, since some symptoms are similar to a viral disease. Nasal congestion, high temperature, dry mouth can be signs not only of an infectious infection, but also of an allergic reaction. Therefore, when examined by a doctor, you should tell him what medications were used, after which he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.


In order to find out whether there is an allergic intolerance to a plant, it is necessary to make a diagnosis in a medical laboratory, which will more accurately show this.

If a negative reaction to an allergen is detected, you should limit the use of the plant. It is also necessary to exclude all drugs and products that contain aloe extract. Such products also include cosmetics, since it is likely that they contain aloe extract.

Medicines based on agave should be replaced with others, since these drugs are immunomodulators. This means that such drugs are used as auxiliary drugs, and analogues can be used instead.

For prevention, you should also strengthen your immune system and avoid any contact with the plant.

Aloe for skin allergies

In addition to the negative property of causing negative manifestations, aloe helps get rid of skin irritation. The beneficial substances contained in it neutralize the allergic reaction of the skin. So, for treatment it is necessary to wipe directly the place where the rash appeared.

Aloe lotion, which is easy to prepare, helps well against skin rashes. To do this, you need to cut the washed leaf, pour 100 ml of water in a saucepan and heat well, but do not boil. Then mash the leaves well, strain, let cool and add glycerin (50 ml). Apply lotion to areas affected by allergic intolerance several times a day.