Wrinkle between eyebrows hanging needle

How to smooth out deep vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows?
We found out that catgut threads are pointless.
Hyaluronic acid or Botox injections? I am prone to allergies I had angioedema in childhood (I read that Botox can cause it).

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Try Aevit oil at the pharmacy, liquid vitamins a and e, rub in every evening with cream. It helped me, but my problem was not deep and I was 25 years old

Fillers can help, but in combination with Botox it is much more effective. What caused your swelling?

Olya, the fact is that you have a severity wrinkle for a reason. First you need to smooth out your forehead internally, and only after that correct the external side of the problem.

Fillers can help, but in combination with Botox it is much more effective. What caused your swelling?

Olya, the fact is that you have a severity wrinkle for a reason. First you need to smooth out your forehead internally, and only after that correct the external side of the problem.

Try Aevit oil at the pharmacy, liquid vitamins a and e, rub in every evening with cream. It helped me, but my problem was not deep and I was 25 years old

Related topics

Fillers can help, but in combination with Botox it is much more effective. What caused your swelling?

I try not to frown, but the wrinkle, of course, won’t disappear.

Please note: the particle does NOT appear twice.
That's what we're talking about.

Please note: the particle does NOT appear twice.
That's what we're talking about.
))) It's clear. Thank you!

I had 2 such wrinkles since childhood, like my grandmother, I was terribly tired of them, they really spoil my facial expression, I always heard that she was so gloomy. I had Botox done for the first time in my life six months ago, at Prof. clinic. By the way, the cosmetologist said to read less on the Internet, the drug is absolutely safe. An unpleasant procedure, but it helped, it smoothed out. I'm 34

What were you thinking about when you were constantly wincing? And they wrinkled so much that the wrinkles became deep

I had 2 such wrinkles since childhood, like my grandmother, I was terribly tired of them, they really spoil my facial expression, I always heard that she was so gloomy. I had Botox done for the first time in my life six months ago, at Prof. clinic. By the way, the cosmetologist said to read less on the Internet, the drug is absolutely safe. An unpleasant procedure, but it helped, it smoothed out. I'm 34

I had 2 such wrinkles since childhood, like my grandmother, I was terribly tired of them, they really spoil my facial expression, I always heard that she was so gloomy. I had Botox done for the first time in my life six months ago, at Prof. clinic. By the way, the cosmetologist said to read less on the Internet, the drug is absolutely safe. An unpleasant procedure, but it helped, it smoothed out. I'm 34

Every six months I inject 10 units of Botox into the area between the eyebrows. Gone.

What were you thinking about when you were constantly wincing? And they wrinkled so much that the wrinkles became deep

9 units, about 2-3 thousand, I don’t remember exactly. And the discount was 20 percent. But I'm not in Moscow

I bought it at work)) I’m a teacher)))

Olya, the fact is that you have a severity wrinkle for a reason. First you need to smooth out your forehead internally, and only after that correct the external side of the problem.

Those. Is “threateningly” wincing a teacher’s credo? What for? At our school we had teachers without these wrinkles and there was discipline and these teachers were good teachers. So why frown?

How to find the problem?

How to smooth out deep vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows? We found out that catgut threads are pointless. Hyaluronic acid or Botox injections? I am prone to allergies I had angioedema in childhood (I read that Botox can cause it).

Warn the doctor, I don’t think there will be a reaction to Botox - this happens very rarely. in your case, Botox is the only right solution.

I also have such a wrinkle, but not from severity. I have suffered from migraines since childhood, and when I have an attack, my facial expressions inevitably change. My eyebrows are drawn together in pain. I’m not struggling yet, I’ll read the advice.

read post 4: the author is allergic to you.

Should I go to work with him too?)))

read post 4: the author is allergic to you.

of course, and never take it off, even in the shower

do facial exercises. It's gone away a little for me, but it's still noticeable. Now I’ll try to “finish off” it with vitamins, as Lena wrote))

I also have 2 wrinkles between my eyebrows, I try not to wrinkle, but the sun just makes me feel like that. I have a relative who is a cosmetologist, I’ll go get filler and I’ll definitely forget my problem for a year. She told me she wouldn’t inject me with Botox, so I really didn’t understand why it was harmful

And when I sleep, I frown, I noticed more than once at the moment of waking up that my eyebrows were directly knitted together. how to deal with this?

Botox is our everything, I’ve been doing it for a long time, I’m simply happy, my forehead is smooth.
Do it and don’t be afraid, the results will come immediately. By the way, I did Dysport this time, and I’m happy too.

Botox is our everything, I’ve been doing it for a long time, I’m simply happy, my forehead is smooth.
Do it and don’t be afraid, the results will come immediately. By the way, I did Dysport this time, and I’m happy too.

I also have 2 wrinkles between my eyebrows, I try not to wrinkle, but the sun just makes me feel like that. I have a relative who is a cosmetologist, I’ll go get filler and I’ll definitely forget my problem for a year. She told me she wouldn’t inject me with Botox, so I really didn’t understand why it was harmful

Sophia Botox is our everything, I’ve been doing it for a long time, I’m simply happy, my forehead is smooth.
Do it and don’t be afraid, the results will come immediately. By the way, I did Dysport this time, I’m also happy. How much does Dysport cost?

The Chinese call this wrinkle "hanging needle". And, indeed, it testifies to the difficult life of a person. But on the other hand, the owner of such a wrinkle is a strong personality, often a politician, businessman, or military man.

Botox is our everything, I’ve been doing it for a long time, I’m simply happy, my forehead is smooth.
Do it and don’t be afraid, the results will come immediately. By the way, I did Dysport this time, and I’m happy too.

Sophia Botox is our everything, I’ve been doing it for a long time, I’m simply happy, my forehead is smooth.
Do it and don’t be afraid, the results will come immediately. By the way, I did Dysport this time, and I’m happy too. Tell me, do your eyebrows not droop after this? And doesn’t it affect the puffiness under the eyes?

It doesn’t affect swelling in any way, well, for me anyway.
In general, a competent specialist is better, as I wrote above, he basically sees what will happen to the face and how it will age and knows where and how to inject, but this of course applies more to fillers.

Botox is a confident drug, if you have any fears, do deep peelings, this is the season,

I’m 57, I had Botox and I looked years younger. eleven))) and it’s not painful at all and inexpensive. paid 70 euros in Estonia.

What if you are 23 years old?? What to do!? Damn two vertical grooves (


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Wrinkles are not only a trace of years lived, but also a sign of rich life experience. With the help of facial wrinkles, you can accurately determine the main character traits of a person, which is very important in communication.

  1. If you notice facial wrinkles between the eyebrows on someone, you should know that this person is an alarmist. He likes to create a lot of problems out of nothing, which is due to his constant insecurity. Such a person wants, as they say, to put everything in order, to do everything correctly, but this does not work out very well. He constantly returns to the past, hoping to complete what he started, forgetting about the present. In the end, problems grow like a snowball and in the end he cannot solve even the simplest ones, which, naturally, does not in any way contribute to a feeling of moral satisfaction. And people believe that by the number of wrinkles between the eyebrows one can determine how many times a person will become a widow.
  2. Facial wrinkles near the eyes (the so-called crow's feet) indicate a person's goodwill and cheerful disposition.
  3. Wrinkles running from the outer edges of the nose to the edges of the mouth indicate a person’s eloquence and oratorical abilities. Such wrinkles are found in lecturers, teachers, actors, that is, in those people whose profession obliges them to talk a lot and not just speak, but put feelings into their words, in a word, those who have the gift of persuasion.
  4. Expression wrinkles that run from the corners of the mouth to the chin indicate a capricious character. Such wrinkles appear in those who constantly purse their lips, expressing their dissatisfaction.
  5. Wrinkles on the forehead: a person is constantly immersed in his thoughts. And a limited person, naturally, will not constantly think, so we can draw a completely reasonable conclusion: people with longitudinal wrinkles on their foreheads have a high level of intelligence. In addition, people of this type are very purposeful they never waste time on trifles, completely devoting themselves to the main goal of their entire lives. Such wrinkles can be found among scientists.

What do facial wrinkles say about a person?

  1. A short vertical facial wrinkle between the eyebrows is a sign of strong will and perseverance it also portends trouble with the law and divorce.
  2. Two short vertical folds between the eyebrows are a favorable sign: such a person is honest and occupies a high social position.
  3. Three short vertical folds between the eyebrows are a sign of longevity.
  4. Two curved vertical lines between the eyebrows are a sign of not very good fortune. Such a person is reckless, overly trusting, always gets into unpleasant situations, and does not know how to learn from either his own or others’ experiences. Women are susceptible to injuries (most often - broken limbs), they are not very lucky in their personal lives, it is difficult to get along with them.
  5. Three curved vertical lines between the eyebrows are a sign of a significant mental deviation from the norm, an unexpected inadequacy of the reaction.
  6. A single vertical facial wrinkle, shifted to one of the eyebrows, is evidence of poor health, frequent headaches associated with osteochondrosis, and an indicator of sedentary work.
  7. Wrinkles rising up the forehead from the outer corner of the eyes are a sign of cunning, dishonesty in business, and deceit.
  8. A small cross formed by two intersecting wrinkles anywhere on the forehead is a sign of a high government position.
  9. Intersecting folds are a sign of poverty and misfortune.

What do facial wrinkles say about a person?

Three serpentine facial wrinkles on the forehead indicate a person’s versatility.


The first facial wrinkle on the forehead - crossing the entire forehead above the eyebrows, indicates that in childhood he experienced severe stress, perhaps lost his parents and was raised in an orphanage. The earlobes are close to the neck, which indicates stubbornness and assertiveness.

We will tell you further how to determine your character by facial wrinkles.

Such people know how to show character, stand up for themselves and more. They can be elite athletes. A snub nose indicates goodwill, devotion to loved ones and friends. These people cannot be cruel, even if they were born in February or May. They have a subtle sense of humor, love a good joke, and will never offend their neighbor. They often suffer because of their kindness. If they find themselves in favorable conditions, they can achieve a lot and are talented in any field of activity. Dexterous and resourceful in any situation. Full of various plans and ideas, they know how to successfully implement them. Depending on their first name or patronymic, they may be too stubborn or not too stubborn. They do not give in to influence, do not allow themselves to be led astray. They always weigh their actions and do not rely on chance. Many are distinguished by their innate intelligence, they like to indulge in philosophical reflection, read, are interested in everything, and constantly expand their knowledge. Although they do not strive for this, they always attract the attention of others and especially the attention of the opposite sex. Many become famous personalities. These people are among those who bring peace to others, they are grounded and stable. They know how to control themselves, are prone to self-discipline, are very obligatory, and punctual. Their cheerful laughter calms some and inspires others.

Most often, these people bear first names and patronymics: Vladimir Petrovich, Andrey Viktorovich, Alexey Andreevich, Mikhail Sergeevich, Eduard Mikhailovich, Boris Ivanovich, Leonid Viktorovich, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich.

Women with such facial wrinkles have a strong character, masculine in nature. They can be tough and irreconcilable. Physically strong and resilient. They are prone to adventure and can play any role well. They are successful with men. Sexual problems worry her little this is the type of business woman.

“December” people are very excited in extreme situations and prone to use force. The vampiric look attracts strong men, but such women choose weak-willed men in order to be able to lead them. Power is the main goal of their life. Such women get married several times. They strive to be leaders in the family, which is why the family breaks up. These women are leaders by nature, they can lead any team, but they prefer to work in a male team. They easily find a common language with any man and consider them more reliable and organized.


A facial wrinkle on the forehead indicates that such a woman has suffered severe stress, possibly associated with troubles with law enforcement agencies, or perhaps that she was under investigation. Preference for a short haircut indicates willpower and strong character. Such women know how to protect themselves, both themselves and others, offended, weaker, defenseless people. They excel in sports and can easily endure heavy physical activity. The eyes indicate that such a woman can flare up at any moment and say rude things.

Such women do not strive to become good housewives they have other goals: career, position in society, politics. But cleanliness cannot be taken away from them: they love order in everything, and although they do not like to clean the apartment, they do it carefully and often. They usually give birth to girls more often, and only from a man with a strong character and a solid name and patronymic do they give birth to boys.


Since ancient times, such deep folds on the forehead in front of the bridge of the nose or even descending onto the bridge of the nose were said to be found only in thinkers: philosophers, scientists. Our ancestors were not mistaken, but many people with organizational skills, good leaders, and administrators still have such folds. Such folds are also found in famous writers, physicists, and mathematicians. Depending on the name, patronymic and month of birth, serial killers and recidivist criminals also have such folds.

How to determine character by facial wrinkles in “April” people? They are good organizers, entrepreneurs, and know how to subjugate people. They never raise their voices, influence with their authority, show humanity in extreme situations, and are not inclined to take radical measures towards the guilty. Women have a complex character, they strive for leadership in the house, they try to subordinate their spouse to their will. They are respected at work and are known as businesslike and fair. But in the family it is more difficult for them. They are good housewives, know how to create comfort, do not trust their spouse to do anything, but demand his complete obedience.

“December” men are excellent leaders, but they are domineering, strict, and unyielding.

Men with such facial wrinkles take out their bad mood on their subordinates. But their work area is always in order, everything is always done accurately and on time. “Noyabrskys” know how to get things done and get along with people. Their team has good discipline, they strive for new technologies, allow young specialists to take initiative, try their hand, and express ideas. They love it when people consult with them. They are very worried about production failures, but they do not give up. What others call distrust, in such people develops into prudence and leads to cautious actions and far-sightedness. They achieve success in any field of activity, are good diplomats, and know how to build harmonious relationships in a team. They don’t like to be obligated to anyone, so they never ask for favors, even from loved ones.

“November” women have a literary gift and become famous journalists and writers (they mostly write science fiction and detective stories). Great leaders. They are good at business and know how to get along with everyone. They do not like boring women and talkative men, they avoid intrusive people. They make decisions quickly and approach everything in a business-like manner. They have a sharp mind and good memory. They are wonderful wives, but they don’t always have time to manage the house.

Now you know how to determine your character by facial wrinkles.


The forehead can be roughly divided into 3 horizontal zones (Fig. 3).

The bulge in the upper part speaks of a rich imagination, a tendency to exaggeration and fantasies. A prominent middle part of the forehead is a sign of excellent memory, convex brow ridges are an indicator of insight and observation.

Deep bald patches on the forehead indicate a predisposition to sexual disorders associated with insufficient function of the endocrine glands. Baldness starting from the center of the forehead indicates cardio-renal failure.

Pale skin on the forehead indicates incipient hypotension.

Blueness of the forehead (together with the same color of the lips and cheeks) warns of severe cases of cardiac and respiratory failure.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Small, indistinct, broken and crossed wrinkles on the forehead indicate a lot of fears and anxiety. Depending on which area of ​​the forehead they are located, one can judge the influence of an anxious state on certain mental abilities.

Thus, with many wrinkles in the middle part of the forehead, sudden lapses in memory of nervous origin are observed a striated brow indicates periods of absent-mindedness and inattention.

A palisade of small longitudinal and transverse wrinkles and red dots at the hairline, which then turn into brown spots, indicate liver dysfunction.

Three clear horizontal lines in the middle zone, sometimes intersected by a short vertical line (Fig. 3a), indicate a clear life position, energy, good health and optimism. According to Chinese physiognomy, these lines make up the hieroglyph “king” and promise its owner the respect of others and prosperity. Another hieroglyph on the forehead - “mountain” - in the form of one horizontal line and three vertical lines extending from it, reminiscent of the letter Ш (Fig. 3b), portends great deeds and success in life.

Thickened skin on the forehead, covered with a network of deep wrinkles, is a sign of congenital weakness of the kidneys and bladder.

Wrinkles between eyebrows


One vertical line between the eyebrows in the Chinese tradition is called a “hanging needle” (Fig. 4a). She talks about perseverance, determination, but also about selfishness and anxiety. If it is crossed by horizontal lines, it turns out to be a cross (Fig. 4b), the person is distinguished by ruthlessness and cruelty.

One vertical line between the eyebrows on the right side indicates that suppression of emotions affects the liver. One vertical line on the left side indicates an excited state of the spleen. Two vertical lines between the eyebrows indicate increased stress on the liver due to poor nutrition.

Two folds, curved towards one another (Fig. 4c), belong to a person who is subject to attacks of excitement, self-centered, and unsure of his own abilities.

Skin changes

The appearance of pimples (in people past puberty) between the eyebrows and just above warns of a hidden inflammatory process in the throat or lungs. The regular appearance of inflamed areas or pimples on the bridge of the nose above the left eyebrow is a sign of emerging heart problems.