A wrinkle on the earlobe is a sign of atherosclerosis

I don't want to scare you, but you need to pay attention to your nails, eyes and ears.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women.

That's why it's important to take extra care of your heart and avoid risk factors that may be associated with heart disease.

When it comes to heart disease, symptoms can manifest differently for everyone.

Many people only find out about heart problems when they have a heart attack.

But this should not be the first signal to action.

Signs of Heart Disease

There are several symptoms of heart disease, which you should pay attention to:

Chest discomfort

Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or stomach pain

Dizziness or weakness

Sore throat or jaw

Pain spreading to the arm

All of these symptoms are common and tell you to pay attention to your heart or make an appointment with your doctor if your symptoms persist.

It is important to know that there are unusual signs that you may have heart problems. These are external manifestations that you can see with the naked eye, and which will help you learn more about your health.

Signs of heart problems

1. Folds on the earlobes

More than 40 different studies have found a link between earlobe folds and an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.

It is difficult to say what causes this connection, but many experts believe that it has to do with general embryological characteristics.

Deep folds on the ears are known as Frank's sign and were named after Sanders Frank, the physician who first described this phenomenon.

2. Fatty bumps

Yellowish fatty growths, scientifically called xanthomas, appear on the elbows, knees, buttocks and eyelids and are one of the external manifestations of heart disease.

These plaques occur in people with a genetic disorder called familial hypercholesterolemia, in which the level of bad cholesterol is so high that it is deposited on the skin. Unfortunately, such fatty deposits also settle in the arteries that go to the heart.

Signs of heart disease

3. Thickened, rounded fingernails

Nail deformation occurs as a result of changes in the shape of the nail. It becomes thicker and wider due to the production of large amounts of tissue.

This sign indicates heart disease, since oxygenated blood does not reach the fingers. Because of this, tissue cells grow, and nails become like watch glasses.

4. Circle around the cornea

The so-called corneal arc is one of the indicators of coronary insufficiency. The ring is often gray in color and located around the cornea, representing a fat deposit.

It does not interfere with vision and occurs in about 45 percent of people over 40 and 70 percent of people over 60.

5. Sore gums and loose teeth

Our mouth is filled with good and bad bacteria. Bad bacteria can enter the bloodstream in the mouth and cause inflammation of blood vessels, leading to heart disease.

Moreover, research has shown that some markers of heart disease are tooth loss, loose teeth and inflamed gums (periodontitis).

If your lips have a bluish tint, and this is not due to cold or altitude, then this indicates heart problems.

Bluish skin occurs when the cardiovascular system is unable to provide oxygenated blood to the tissues.

If this symptom occurs along with the others mentioned above, you should consult a doctor for advice.

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A fold on the earlobe is a reason to be wary

Do you know what "Frank's Sign" is? I only recently found out about him, although, as it turns out, I’ve had this very sign of Frank for at least 10 years.


A small lyrical digression. I have very big ears. Yes, yes, big, with large fleshy lobes. I don’t really worry about this, although I envy my husband, whose ears are small and neat (well, why does he need such beautiful ears?!). And then one day they told me that I should wear lighter earrings, because the ones I was wearing now were weighing down my ears. I don’t understand anything, what are we talking about? My earrings are normal, not heavy at all. As proof, I took them off and handed them to my interlocutor so that he could verify the correctness of my words. Meanwhile, she looked at her ear in the mirror and saw that there was a deep fold running diagonally across the entire lobe, on both ears. Its depth and overall appearance did not depend on whether there were earrings in the ears or not. I was surprised (I had never paid attention to this before, I don’t even know when this fold appeared or was it there all the time?) and took into account the fact that this is the structural feature of my ear. And she continued to live with it, periodically explaining to people that my earrings are not heavy, but my lobe is so strange, what can you do?


So I lived in blissful ignorance until earlier this year I came across an article that talked about the so-called “Frank Sign”. This is a diagonal fold on the earlobe that begins at the ear canal and crosses the lobe to its edge. For the first time, Dr. S.T. drew attention to the unusual correlation between the presence of such a fold on the earlobe and the likelihood of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the myocardium. Frank back in 1973. In honor of him, this phenomenon was given the name “Sign (sign) of Frank.” He noticed that 80% of patients suffering from atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the myocardium have a similar fold on their ears. This sign is especially significant for people who are under 40 years old. This does not mean that all people who have Frank's sign have atherosclerosis, but they are at risk and should be wary and pay attention to this. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to detect a possible heart problem. And also think about whether a person lives correctly from the point of view of his attitude towards health. You also need to keep in mind that the absence of Frank's sign does not guarantee absolute well-being with the health of the cardiovascular system.

In my case, Frank's sign is an indicator of the risk of coronary atherosclerosis. This is hereditary for me, both my father and mother have atherosclerosis. Plus, at the age of 30, I discovered very high cholesterol levels. Thanks to the fact that I paid attention to this in time, completely changed my diet, became a vegetarian, changed my attitude to health and lifestyle, I managed to cope with this potential danger. Now my cholesterol level is normal, I constantly monitor it.

Taking various dietary supplements helps me a lot in this matter. For example, one of the main dietary supplements for me is coenzyme Q10. I have been taking it constantly for about 10 years. It does not directly lower cholesterol levels in
blood, but taking it on a regular basis in the amount of 60 mg daily leads to significant changes in the favorable direction of numerous indicators of risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. Coenzyme Q10 prevents the oxidation of “bad” cholesterol and thereby stops the formation of cholesterol plaques. It carries energy to all cells of our body, and is especially beneficial to the cells of the cardiovascular system. It is a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenates the body. Many naturopaths recommend its use for people over 40 years of age on an ongoing basis. I bought Q10 from various manufacturers on iHerbe; for me personally, it is important that the capsules are vegetarian. This one is really good

I didn't want to scare anyone with this post. I just want to draw your attention to such an important and unfamiliar sign, Frank’s sign. Check to see if you or your loved ones have such a fold on their earlobe. And if there is, then be sure to undergo a check to detect the risk of atherosclerosis and take appropriate measures.

I wish everyone excellent health! And remember, forewarned is forearmed!

You can always use my code AKT9997 and get a 5% discount on any of your purchases.

This post is written as a story about personal experience using this drug and is in no way a recommendation for use.

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Unfortunately, he often finds out that a person is sick only after a heart attack or (micro) stroke. But there is visible external signs, which may indicate that something is wrong before it occurs serious problem. Without further ado, here they are:

Wrinkle on ear

One of these external indicators is diagonal folds on the earlobes , known as Frank's sign, which bears the name of Sanders Frank, the physician who first described this signal. Research has shown that there is a connection with this fold and an increased risk atherosclerosis, in which plaque forms in the arteries.

More than forty studies have shown a connection between this trait and increased risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

If you have identified the same fold in yourself, get examined by a doctor for possible problems with the heart and blood vessels!


This nodular plaques, which appear due to lipids in skin . They may appear on elbows, knees, buttocks or eyelids . They are harmless in themselves, but can be a sign of a much larger problem. Such rashes can often be confused with a possible allergy. People with this condition have exceptionally high levels bad cholesterol and, it is so high that xanthomas appear on the skin. Unfortunately, they are also found in the arteries that supply the heart and brain.

The first thing you need to do if you notice such rashes on your skin is to get tested and find out your cholesterol level!

Senile arch

Fatty deposits can also be seen in the eye as gray ring around the outer part of the iris. This so-called senile arch begins at the top and bottom of the cornea before progressing to form a complete ring and does not interfere with vision. She also may be whitish and is more common in older people.

Approximately 45% of people over 40 and 70% of those over 60 have this halo . Its presence has been shown to be associated with several risk factors for the development coronary heart disease . It sometimes appears in young people with severe cases cholesterol and high triglycerides passed from parents to children suffering from familial hyperlipidemia .

Check your blood pressure and find out your blood cholesterol levels!

Infections of teeth and gums

The state of your gums and teeth can also predict the situation with cardiovascular health The mouth is filled with bacteria, good and bad. Malignant ones can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in the blood vessels, which can cause a heart attack and other heart-related problems. Research has shown that loss of teeth and sore gums (periodontitis) are markers of this type of disease.
Periodontal disease is the most common pathology in humans.

Blue lips

The color of your lips is another indicator that you should pay attention . You know that they are usually pink or red, but if they suddenly turn bluish in color, it may be due to a failure in the cardiovascular system. This called cyanosis and depending on the cause, it may occur suddenly, along with difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

It is important to undergo an ECG on time and pass the necessary tests.

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