Roller massager for cellulite reviews

Every woman knows that with the help of a balanced diet, exercise and massage, you can get rid of the hated cellulite. But if you can do exercises and follow a diet without outside help, then giving yourself a massage is not so easy. And this is where a massager comes in handy in the fight against “orange peel.”


Features of hand massagers

Although manual roller massagers for cellulite are considered the easiest to use, judging by the reviews of many women, they are very effective. The devices consist of gears or rollers and are small in size. They often have a handle attached to them, but the most convenient are those massagers in which the working area is located directly under the palm. This design allows you to massage your thighs and buttocks effectively and without problems.

How to choose?

When choosing a massager, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The rollers must be made of rubber or wood. It would be great if they were made of birch or aspen.
  2. Rubber wheels are ideal for people with sensitive skin and those who suffer from varicose veins and rosacea. Made from this material, they will not damage surface vessels, even with very strong pressure.



Massage against cellulite using rollers is contraindicated if you have:

  1. tumors and various inflammations;
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. high temperature;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. liver and kidney diseases;
  6. infectious or fungal diseases;
  7. tuberculosis.

Pros of use

Roller massage helps reduce fat deposits, strengthen connective tissue, work muscles, improve tone and smooth the skin. Regular use of the massager helps relieve muscle fatigue and recovery after injury, and also relieves swelling.

How to use?

First of all, you need to warm up your skin well, for example, by taking a hot bath or shower. This will help increase blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The roller massager should not stretch the skin, so it will have to be lubricated with some kind of scrub, lotion or cosmetic oil. Each area should be massaged for at least 10-15 minutes, twice a day.

Roller trainer for cellulite

It is not at all necessary to massage manually to get rid of cellulite. There are special massagers that are more similar to a chair with beech rollers. With their help, you can give yourself both classic and anti-cellulite massage. On such a simulator, any mode and speed of rotation of the rollers can be set.

It has many positive reviews: it helps fight cellulite, reduces fat, activates blood circulation, supplying the skin with oxygen, enhances the process of lymphatic drainage, and corrects the body's contours. The disadvantage of such a roller massager over a manual one is its cost and size.



Cellulite is a serious, however, surmountable obstacle to an ideal body. The main thing is not to limit yourself to one massage, but to fight the “orange peel” complexly, doing special wraps and eating right.


Beautiful, smooth and radiant skin is important from a health and aesthetic point of view. The beauty industry regularly replenishes women's arsenal with new inventions, but there are devices that are constantly popular. These include a roller massager for cellulite.

The term “cellulite,” so familiar to the fair sex, has the scientific name “lipodystrophy.”

Cellulite is formed under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Adipose tissue cells stop working correctly and accumulate fat, fluid and toxins.

The content of the article:

General idea and principle of operation

The difference lies in the material of manufacture, appearance and cost. The most expensive models are made of natural ebonite, the cheapest massagers are plastic. However, you should not focus only on price. Often, the cheapest option may be perfect for a certain skin type.

What is this device? A hand massager consists of a handle and movable rollers. On some samples, the surface of the roller is strewn with non-sharp spikes.


What goals do users of anti-cellulite massagers pursue:

  1. destruction of the concentration of lipoic (fat) deposits;
  2. cleansing the skin from keratinization;
  3. increased lymph and blood circulation;
  4. improving skin quality.

Come here if you are interested in whether cellulite occurs on the buttocks of men.

Indications and contraindications

The massager is used mainly by girls and women, since scientists have proven that cellulite practically does not occur in men.

You can massage any problem area. The massager can be used:

  1. women who dream of getting their figure in order after childbirth;
  2. owners of cellulite areas that are not reduced by diet;
  3. overweight people.

Contraindications apply to the following cases:

  1. Skin diseases can create troubles in the form of exacerbation of the disease, or injury to unhealthy areas;
  2. Any period of pregnancy and lactation;
  3. Tumor formations on the surface of the skin;
  4. Drug addiction and alcoholism;
  5. Epileptic seizures, tetany, eclampsia, etc.;
  6. Recent surgery;
  7. Poor blood clotting;
  8. Diabetes;
  9. High blood pressure;
  10. ARVI



Massagers can be different depending on the method of use. Handheld massagers can be easily used at home by yourself. This use does not require extra financial costs and allows you to take care of your skin without leaving home.

Below are some types of devices:

Wooden hand massager usually made of high-quality and environmentally friendly material. This tool is distinguished by durability and strength.

They can be smooth or with spikes, “fingers,” or balls. It is better to select a tool by type individually, taking into account age, health status and the degree of neglect of cellulite deposits.

A wooden hand massager is not suitable for working with thin and sensitive skin, as it is much rougher than rubber or silicone samples. However, of all the budget options, wooden remains the most effective in the process of destroying fat cells.
Magnetic roller massager contains permanent magnets inside each roller. The healing abilities of magnets last for 6-7 years.

During the massage, a magnetic field is created, which reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots. It also helps accelerate metabolic processes in the blood and lymph flow.

The rollers of the magnetic device are movable, with non-sharp teeth; they are able to move smoothly over the surface of the skin and improve its quality.
The newest way to combat cellulite at home is represented by laser massagers. Laser devices affect the subcutaneous fat layer using low-frequency laser radiation.

The action of the device is to stimulate cells, stabilize lymph flow and improve cell quality. Mature skin produces less ATP (adenositriophosphate), which is necessary for the active functioning of the cell.

The laser device increases its production. Thus, fat cells are broken down, balance is restored and the “orange peel” disappears.

The video provides an overview of the US MEDICA Miami roller electric massager.

Rules of application

The massage is carried out by using a massager from bottom to top with the most comfortable pressure on the instrument:

  1. To begin the procedure for combating cellulite, you need to use a non-aggressive cleanser that is suitable for your skin type.
  2. Then you need to steam the skin and cleanse it with a mild scrub.
  3. It is advisable to use oil or anti-cellulite cream to moisturize and soften the skin before the procedure.
  4. The massage is performed from bottom to top, in the direction of lymph flow.

Waist and belly

To massage the waist and abdomen, you need to lie on your back with your knees bent. The abdomen is slightly raised so that it is comfortable to move the device over it.

Movements should be measured and leisurely. The massage begins with circular rotations around the navel.

4-5 minutes will be enough to manipulate the abdominal area. Then you can move on to the side walls of the waist. Each side is massaged for no longer than 2 minutes from bottom to top.

In this publication you will find objective reviews about pressotherapy and photos before and after the procedure.

To treat your feet, it will be more convenient to sit on a chair with a high back. Leaning back, start moving the device from bottom to top, first from the inside of the thigh.

After 5 minutes it’s time to move to the outside. The second leg is worked in the same way.


From a lying position on the right side, massage of the left buttock begins. The three-minute procedure involves massaging the left buttock with pressure on the massager. After this, you can turn on your left side and do the same with your right buttock.

The final step will be to apply anti-cellulite cream to problem areas.

Useful tips


Experts usually give several recommendations for combating “orange peel” at home:

  1. Classes should be carried out systematically. Breaks in working on subcutaneous fat will significantly reduce the desire to fight, since the result simply will not be visible.
  2. You won’t be able to say goodbye to skin imperfections in just 1 week of intense exposure. Quality does not depend on the force of pressure, but on the consistency of the impact. The use of force will only lead to rupture of small capillaries, hematomas and prolonged pain.
  3. One massage session lasts a maximum of 15-20 minutes. It will be enough to perform the complex no more than 2-3 times a week. Frequent massaging injures the skin.
  4. Constant morning or evening procedures are performed daily for a month. Then comes the break phase, when the skin calms down and adapts to the pleasant changes that have occurred to it.
  5. After each use, it is advisable to wash the device with warm soapy water and disinfect it with a cotton pad., or a cloth soaked in an antiseptic liquid.
  6. Massage is carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating and no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  7. Cellulite will not go away unless you take any steps other than massage. This problem can only be solved comprehensively. Proper and balanced nutrition, sufficient physical activity and adequate sleep will serve as good helpers.
  8. If possible, it is better to entrust a course of anti-cellulite massage to professionals. The specialist always clearly determines the strength, speed and duration of the impact.

He knows exactly the lines along which to move the massager. The quality is also enhanced by the fact that all areas that are difficult to reach for self-massage will be treated.

Expected Result

The rate of fat reduction depends on:

  1. Maintaining healthy eating principles. Moreover, this is not maintaining a diet for a week; the principles of proper nutrition should be maintained for life.
  2. Physical activity also helps reduce the spread and worsening of cellulite. Even a short walk at a brisk pace in the park, or refusing to use the elevator, will give a positive result.
  3. Regular massage in reasonable quantities with mandatory rest periods, it can restore silkiness and smoothness to the skin.

If all these conditions are met, you can get rid of cellulite in 1.5-2 months. Next, it is necessary to maintain the result, since there is a threat of recurrent skin imperfections.


People suffering from cellulite can always find motivation and support on thematic forums and websites. Thousands of people share their impressions and results of efforts. Share it too!

You can leave your reviews and recommendations or ask a question you are interested in on the topic of fighting cellulite in the comments to this article.

I’ll say right away that with my height of 165 cm and weight 52 kg, I HAD quite pronounced cellulite! I did cupping massage for 2 months, every day for 20 minutes. BUT everything remained unchanged ((
So! Month. and he is no more! I alternated between a honey massage day and a cupping day (20-30 minutes a day). After the honey massage, I take a contrast shower with a scrub (mix ground coffee with shower gel). Twice a week I take a bath in essential oils (juniper, orange) . In addition to all this, I excluded sugar, sweets, flour, too much salt, coffee. I wouldn’t say that I’m eating healthy, but still. I drink a lot of green tea.
Well, it seems like everything)) Result: the butt is toned, elastic, without dimples! My pride! I wish everyone good luck. Your text, if it’s not a secret, how long did it take you to completely delete it??

Girls, I’m very glad that I reduced this infection!))))

I finally found a recipe for getting rid of cellulite! For the first time in my life I am leaving my review on the Internet, because... I think it can be useful to many. I am a lazy person by nature, but hardy. Those. I’m too lazy to stick to a daily diet and go to the pool and gym, and I don’t have time. But all kinds of burning creams, rubbing, kneading and massages with my husband’s strong hands, injecting ozone in huge portions... HORROR. It hurts, it’s a waste of money, but there’s no point!
I am not inclined to be overweight: I am 35 years old, weight 55 kg with a height of 165 cm, but my legs and hips were in terrible lumps, completely jelly. I walked around exclusively in trousers, now I’ve completely forgotten about them. I wear dresses and skirts and I’m happy, I’m a woman.
1. Vibrating massage belt (approx. 2,500 rubles) (it’s very pleasant in the evening, after a delicious dinner, to lie on the sofa, watch TV and alternately apply the belt to your calves, thighs, buttocks, even to your feet) for no more than 30 minutes in total.
2. Fucus - algae (approx. 80 rubles in the pharmacy 36.6) I drink 1/2 tsp once a day at lunch.
3. Laminaria - also seaweed - I sometimes drink in the evening as a cleanser.
Nothing bothers you, and algae is very beneficial for the whole body. You just need to learn how to drink them
And in order to lose weight, I know that the “Lose Weight in a Week” suitcases from Leovit are very helpful (my sister really lost weight)

There are many such topics here, excuse me for repeating myself, but let’s now talk not about how and how you can get rid of it, but about those who REALLY got rid of it! Are there any such things at all? Otherwise, in other topics they only write advice about cellulite, but I haven’t seen a single message from those who have completely gotten rid of it.

I got rid of cellulite! Now I will describe in detail how this is done.
Take a small amount of honey (natural, not crystallized) and apply it to the problem area (stomach, thighs, buttocks, etc.), having first measured the volume of this area in cm. Rub the honey evenly over the skin. Next, with smooth movements, you glue the palm of your hand to the skin and sharply peel it off. At first, the hand will easily “come off”, but when the honey is absorbed into the skin, it will become more and more painful (tolerable).
After some time, you will see that a white coating will appear on the surface of the skin - this is subcutaneous fat! There will be more and more of it, you will see how it will begin to remain on your hands and the honey will lose its effect. Wash everything off your skin. Take a meter and measure the circle. At least minus 3 cm! Everything took no more than 20 minutes.
The next day, repeat the procedure, but it is possible that after it the volume of the problem area will become larger, not smaller - this is a slight swelling, it will go away in a couple of days.
In short, do this for 5-6 days or 14-15 (every other day) and you will be satisfied with the result.
I wish you success and results!
This is really true. I’m tormented by vague doubts that this is how the fat comes out right away)

24. It was the case - I never took contraceptives, but there was always cellulite and my hair always fell out. So don't talk bullshit.