Allergy to Garnier micellar water

I tried a bunch. The best Bioderma sensebio micellar. I returned to her again.

I have dry and sensitive skin. Garnier turned out to be better than a bunch of tried two-phase products and micellar solutions. does not burn the eyes, unlike them

I have dry and sensitive skin. Garnier turned out to be better than a bunch of tried two-phase products and micellar solutions. does not burn the eyes, unlike them

So that you understand how “good” the water from Garnier is. I washed my down jacket in the summer. I hung it on a stepladder to dry. I didn’t notice that there was rust there, which was transferred to the hood. So, in order not to waste the goodness, I moistened a cotton pad with Garnier water and not the first time, but I wiped off this rust.

Micellar water needs to be washed off. If it eats away makeup, it has nothing to do with care. read below, as an advertisement! This is an advertisement.

Fuck your Garnier advertisement!

I'm 32 and have combination skin. I started using micellar water six months ago. It suits me as a universal remover, but I use minimal makeup and don’t use foundation at all. Perhaps water is not suitable for washing off a “serious” layer. And so, for me, any wash dries out the skin and after any, even the most gentle wash, you need to use a moisturizer.

The only problem with this water is that it doesn’t remove eye makeup; I’m afraid it’s not enough.

Allergies began to appear from Garnier. It didn't exist before. Now I had to not use this product until the end and throw it away...then take a new one. Then it got worse. Floaters appeared in the eyes and as if someone was climbing. In general, I stopped taking it. Next I decided to try L'Oreal. It was simply gorgeous for 2 weeks. But then the allergies suddenly started. It began to appear on the left cheek and began to spread. Now I wash my face with soap so that the allergy goes away. Tar soap. And wet baby wipes. I’m already afraid to take something else and wash my face... now I use a children’s cream when dryness occurs from soap.


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Girls, it's a nightmare. Today I bought Garnier micellar water (my face and eye wash had run out, so I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on at Watsons). At about 20:00 I washed off the mascara (not sparing this garbage, I moistened the cotton pad). I’m sitting there, it’s hot, it’s scorching, my eyes are watering, at first I thought it was because of the wind. I walked like that, then I started getting dry, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw redness under my eyes, and under one of them there were small rashes, it was clear that it was an allergic irritation.
My husband bought cetrin at the pharmacy. Girls, what else can you do? I’m so worried about the rashes, the dryness is terrible, there are even cracks, I’m very afraid of the consequences of this disaster, if only this bullshit would go away. oooooooh, I'm already panicking.
I am attaching a photo of this enemy. If you want to buy it, test it before applying it to your face.

Many cosmetic companies use innovative technologies to compete and launch products that are widely used by the population. The latest cosmetic development, called micellar water, has become in great demand among beautiful ladies.

Despite the assurances of experts that the product has a hypoallergenic composition, there have been cases when allergies brought a lot of inconvenience to representatives of the fairer sex using micellar water.

What is micellar water and how to use it?

A cosmetic product that gently cleanses the skin using particles called micelles.. This product is easy to use and does not require rinsing with water after use. This liquid effectively removes remnants of decorative cosmetics, sweat and fat, although it does not contain alcohol or soap, the micelles penetrate deeply and break down the smallest particles of dirt.

Micellar water is perfect for cleansing the skin of the face and neck of all types of impurities and even waterproof cosmetics.

Previously, this remedy was used by people suffering from various skin diseases. A little later, the composition of this solution began to be used as a cosmetic product for hygienic skin care for infants and people with sensitive and dry facial skin.

Today, micellar water is a fairly popular product, and the market offers products from both expensive brands and more affordable ones for mass consumption.

What causes an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product - micellar water?

Could there be a reaction to a product that is recommended for use by people with hypersensitive skin? This reaction may manifest itself in the form of skin redness, itching and burning. Such signs may appear in a person who is allergic to any types of herbs and if their extracts are contained in the product.

It happens that the manufacturer reduces the price of the product and introduces components into the composition that negatively affect the skin. Some chemicals can cover the skin with a microfilm and thus prevent it from breathing, then formations in the form of a rash appear on the skin. Such products can cause a reaction even in a healthy person.

The photos clearly show examples of an allergic reaction to the composition of cosmetic products from some manufacturers. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, it seems that water based on Garnier micelles also has an unenviable reputation.

To avoid unpleasant consequences when using cosmetic products, you should not blindly believe advertising; it would be a good idea to carefully read the composition of the product yourself.

Video advice from experts: