Retinoic ointment for acne

On pharmacy counters, acne products are presented in a wide range. But most of them are not able to eliminate the cause of acne. Retinoic acne ointment is an effective drug for improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It quickly stops the inflammatory process of any intensity occurring in the skin pores.

As a result, the face is cleared of acne and blackheads, and the greasy shine disappears. The skin texture is evened out, the structure of the epidermis is improved, it is saturated with moisture and nutrients.


The ointment contains retinol. This is not the harmless vitamin found in multivitamin complexes, but its bioactive form. The drug has a wide range of contraindications and often provokes adverse reactions. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about the advisability and safety of its use.

Does retinoic ointment help with acne?

Treatment of pimples and acne is the main purpose of Retinoic ointment. It is used as monotherapy and in combination with other drugs. The main ingredient of the external remedy is isotretinoin.

It has a multifaceted clinical effect on the skin condition:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. keratolytic;
  3. regenerating;
  4. sebostatic.

The drug is characterized by dermatoprotective properties. After eliminating inflammation in the skin pores, blood circulation and microcirculation are normalized. Biologically active substances and oxygen enter damaged tissues. The epidermal layers are gradually restored, pores are narrowed, and the surface of the skin is smoothed.

Using an external remedy allows you to avoid the negative consequences of eliminating acne. After treatment there are no scars, blemishes or scars left.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, Retinoic ointment often becomes the first choice drug for acne.

It not only reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, but also improves the condition of the skin. This is possible due to the exfoliating effect of isotretinoin. Under its influence, the upper layer of the epidermis becomes keratinized and removed. In place of damaged tissues, new young cells are formed. The skin rejuvenates, becomes more elastic and firm.


When to expect the effect

When using Retinoic ointment for the face, you should not expect quick relief from acne. You will have to be patient and carefully follow all medical instructions. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months, and if necessary can be extended by a dermatologist. All retinoids are characterized by a gradual effect on inflammatory foci.

The duration of therapy also depends on the following factors:

  1. the number of inflamed sebaceous glands;
  2. sensitivity to isotretinoin;
  3. the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

The duration of therapy is also affected by the cause of acne. Retinoic ointment is an effective acne treatment. But its active component is active after eliminating internal or external negative factors:

  1. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. irrational and unbalanced nutrition;
  5. poor quality skin care.

Until the cause of acne is eliminated, the use of the drug will not bring the desired result. In this case, remission is often replaced by periods of exacerbation, during which new rashes appear.


Description of the drug

Patients often ask dermatologists how long they can apply a topical product to their face to eliminate acne. The doctor answers the question only by conducting a series of laboratory and sometimes instrumental studies. If the cause of acne is external factors, then a month of treatment is enough. And when the pathology is diagnosed, simultaneous treatment of acne and the underlying disease is carried out. It can last 6-12 weeks.

Isotretinoin is produced in several dosage forms:

  1. ointments;
  2. capsules;
  3. rectal suppositories.

In the treatment of severe rashes, the external form of vitamin A is used, and capsules are taken orally.

Specialists rarely resort to this method of treatment due to the very toxic effects of systemic drugs. During acne therapy, foods high in sugar and fat are excluded from the diet. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of clean still water daily. This will significantly increase the clinical effectiveness of Retinoic ointment and speed up recovery.


Clinical and pharmacological group

Retinoic acne ointment is part of the pharmacological group of topical retinoids. The variety of medicinal properties also allows us to classify it as a dermatoprotector and antiseborrheic agent.

Release form and composition

Retinoic ointment is produced in many domestic pharmaceutical factories. 0.05% and 0.1% external agent are packaged in 10.0 g in aluminum tubes. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with an attached annotation. In addition to isotretinoin, the drug consists of the following components:

  1. dibunol;
  2. emulsion wax;
  3. glycerin;
  4. purified water;
  5. butyloxyanisole;
  6. Vaseline oil;
  7. 95% ethanol.

Many of the additional ingredients exhibit weak therapeutic antiseptic activity. They also accelerate the absorption of isotretinoin into inflammatory lesions and promote its uniform distribution.

The combined composition of Retinoic ointment allows it to be used against spots and blackheads. Excipients dissolve and draw out the contents of comedones. And ethanol and dibunol:

  1. accelerate exfoliation of the epidermis;
  2. discoloring pigment spots.

Glycerin and petroleum jelly retain moisture in the cells and prevent infection of the skin pores.


The optimal temperature for storage is 2–8 °C. Approximately this mode will ensure the location of the drug on the side shelf of the refrigerator.

Retinoic ointment should not be stored for longer than 24 months. It must be taken into account that after the seal of the tube is broken, the shelf life is limited to 2 weeks. The drug should not be used if a foreign odor appears or the consistency changes.

The average cost in pharmacies is 365 rubles.

Instructions for use

Before using Retinoic acne ointment, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin. The deeper it penetrates into the pores, the stronger the therapeutic effect will be. After washing with soap, the face is wiped with antiseptic solutions or infusions of medicinal herbs:

Experts recommend carrying out therapy during the cold season. The fact is that isotretinoin increases susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. Using the drug in summer may cause the appearance of new age spots.

During the period of eliminating acne and wrinkles, it is necessary to additionally moisturize the skin with gels and creams with a light structure. Do not apply Retinoic ointment to areas with thin epidermis - around the eyes or mouth.


Indications and contraindications

In dermatological practice, Retinoic ointment is used in the treatment of papulopustular acne and seborrhea. A course of use of the drug allows you to quickly get rid of rosacea and perioral dermatitis.

In cosmetology, Retinoic ointment is recommended for various skin defects:

  1. black spots on the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks;
  2. pigment spots of any location.

With the help of a pharmaceutical drug, women get rid of facial wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones.

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients. The drug should be used with caution in severe pathologies of the liver and urinary organs.


Directions for use and doses

Retinoic ointment should be used for both pimples and comedones in accordance with medical recommendations. You should not violate the dosage regimen in the hope of speeding up skin cleansing.

The drug is applied pointwise to inflamed areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to carry out the treatment procedure before bedtime. Overnight, isotretionine is completely absorbed by the epidermis and will have maximum effect. To get rid of acne faster, you should regularly apply the drug, rubbing it lightly.


Features of use for acne

Retinoic ointment effectively treats any form of acne. It eliminates subcutaneous acne and pimples located on the surface of the skin.

The relative toxicity of the drug requires careful use.

A few days after the start of therapy, acne may recur. New acne and small pimples form. After continued treatment they quickly disappear.

Side effects

When using an external agent, a local adverse reaction may develop. Skin itching occurs, the epidermis swells and turns red at the sites of application. The following negative effects of isotretinoin occur much less frequently:

  1. conjunctivitis;
  2. cheilitis;
  3. excessive dry skin;
  4. severe exfoliation of the upper epidermal layer.

Any of the symptoms becomes a reason to discontinue the drug. The dermatologist will prescribe its analogue or adjust the dosage regimen.



In pharmacies you can buy acne creams with a similar effect to Retinoic ointment. These are Isotrexin and Videstim. The price of gel and ointment for acne treatment varies significantly. Vidistim is significantly more expensive than Retinoic ointment. Analogs of the drug also include Differin and Effezel.



I heard a lot of positive reviews about Retinoic ointment. She arranged the price for me too. I treated acne for 2 months, then gradually reduced the dosage. My face cleared up after a month and a half, but I completed the therapeutic course.

My dermatologist has heard only positive reviews from patients about Retinoic ointment. I really liked her too. It is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy marks on bed linen, and is very effective.

Retinoic ointment is a preparation for external and internal use based on isotretionine, a form of vitamin A. It is widely used in dermatological practice.

The effect of isotretionine on the human body has not been fully studied, but it is reliably known that this substance affects all systems of the body.

Composition of the product

The composition of this drug includes (in descending order):

  1. isotretionine 0.05 g;
  2. butylated hydroxytoluene;
  3. butylated hydroxyanisole;
  4. emulsion wax;
  5. Vaseline oil;
  6. glycerol;
  7. ethanol;
  8. purified water.

The main active ingredient is the biologically active substance isotrethionine, the remaining components are auxiliary, necessary for ease of application, as well as achieving a viscous consistency.


Indications and contraindications

This remedy must be used after consultation with a doctor, often when:

  1. skin problems (pimples, ulcers, blackheads, comedones);
  2. the product has a “drying” effect;
  3. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces the formation of secretions, which is an excellent substrate for the proliferation of infection and bacteria;
  4. has some anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. activates healing processes and renewal in epithelial tissues.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or use the product without a doctor’s prescription.

All isotretionine-containing medications (including retinoic ointment for acne on the face), as well as vitamins A, are strong teratogens, i.e. substances that provoke severe mutations and deformities in the fetus during intrauterine development.

The ointment is contraindicated for use:

  1. pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy;
  2. when breastfeeding;
  3. individual intolerance;
  4. liver failure;
  5. hypervitaminosis A;
  6. joint therapy with tetracycline;
  7. disorders of the kidneys and liver.

How to use

Like any medicine, retinoic acne ointment should be used only for its intended purpose for medicinal purposes according to the instructions. When applied topically, you should adhere to the following recommendations, which describe how to use retinoic ointment for acne:

  1. The skin should be cleaned of impurities.
  2. Pat dry with a clean towel.
  3. Apply the composition in a thin layer evenly only to problem skin with light circular movements, being careful not to rub.

The duration and frequency of use of retinoic ointment for acne depends on the recommendations and reviews of the dermatologist, as well as the intensity of the rash. The duration of applications with retinoic ointment for acne can last up to three months in accordance with the instructions for use.





Where can I buy

Pharmacy name Address A drug Price, rub
Alexandrovskaya Pharmacy Moscow, st. Generala Belova, 9 Retinoic ointment 0.05% 10g 264
Planet Health St. Petersburg, lane. Kuznechny, 17/2 A Retinoic ointment 0.05% 10g 295
Online Pharmacy Minsk, Nezavisimosti St. 155/1 Retinoic ointment 0.05% 12 bel. R
Online pharmacy Farmnova Kyiv Retinoic ointment 0.1% 10g 379.5 UAH

Is it possible to leave the ointment on overnight?

Retinoids are quite active substances, and compositions based on them may cause some skin reactions after use. For example, redness, peeling, mild itching. As a rule, such reactions are minor and pass quickly. But with prolonged exposure to large amounts of retinoic acne ointment, unpleasant consequences are possible, including chemical burns and blisters.

You can read reviews about use, look at before and after photos, before finding out experimentally whether retinoic ointment helps with acne. In any case, it is strongly recommended not to apply the product generously and for a long time, especially at night.

To ensure that the body is reacting normally to the drug, you can apply it to a small area of ​​skin to monitor its reaction throughout the day.

Will acne go away forever?

It is important to realistically assess the capabilities of retinoic ointment and start from how serious the form of skin rash in the form of acne is. In numerous reviews and in the photos presented below, you can clearly observe the healing effect.

But you shouldn’t expect miraculous relief after several uses of retinoic acne ointment for severe inflammatory rashes in large quantities, although reviews and before and after photos say otherwise.

Only complex long-term therapy will give results. However, if you use retinoic ointment against small pimples, then it can be considered quite effective, allowing you to get rid of hated pimples for a long time.




Analogues of the drug

There are not many analogues to this product. Other retinoids with similar active substances include:

As a rule, the above drugs are used, for the most part, as a tool to combat fine expression wrinkles. However, based on the composition, they can sometimes be used not only for rejuvenation, but even against inflammatory reactions on the skin.

You should not purchase or use the listed medications yourself without first consulting your doctor.

Product reviews

The analysis of opinions about retinoic ointment was based on reviews on the Internet. It should be said that this acne remedy has conflicting reviews. For the most part, they are positive, but there are also those who are not entirely happy with the effect and even received a chemical burn as a result of application.

Tatyana Golovko, 24 years old:

I’ve suffered from problem skin since I was a teenager, and I’ve tried everything I’ve tried during that time. By chance, on the Internet, I came across an article about retinoic ointment for acne. I became interested, read the reviews, and the next day I went and bought it. My skin is quite oily, but after about a week of use it became much better. Although, in the first days I could not avoid redness and peeling. As a result, it’s already the third month of using this product. The one person who benefited from retinoic acne ointment was me. I won’t say that my skin has become perfect, but there are much fewer acne spots, and my face no longer looks like a sandwich with butter. I still use the product, but a friend said that long-term use can cause burns. That is why I am going to visit a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Oksana Pechorina, 17 years old:

My friend and I were watching TV one day, and in a program about health we heard about this ointment. It said that it helps in the fight against wrinkles and acne. I told my mom, she bought me retinoic ointment. They started using it together, only my mother for wrinkles, and I smeared it on my pimples and acne marks. My mother liked it, she says that she began to look younger, but I didn’t really like it, my skin was very hot, so I stopped using it completely. However, the problems did not end there: after 2 days, my face became very red and began to itch, so I had to run to the doctor. After an examination and a couple of tests, a burn and a severe allergic reaction were diagnosed. Now I am already treating completely different ailments. I do not recommend buying this product without consulting a doctor.

Liliya Gorodnichuk, 40 years old:

I have been familiar with this drug for quite a long time, sometimes I do so-called retinoic peels at home - a cool thing! But then my son became quite an adult, he learned all the “charms” of adolescence in the form of huge inflamed pimples on his youthful face, even on his back. She took me to a dermatologist; one of the medications he prescribed was retinoic ointment. What I want to say: it definitely helped, that’s why I left a review. For about a month we were treated for acne, of course, strictly following the instructions for use. Only then did visible results appear. The skin became much clearer, pinker, there were fewer blackheads, and the inflamed pimples disappeared completely.

Acne, or pimples, is certainly a very unpleasant problem. They not only spoil your appearance, but kill your self-esteem. Many girls suffering from this disease cannot imagine leaving home without a thick layer of foundation and concealer on their face. Young men, unable to use cosmetics, can only suffer by buying another jar of expensive product at the pharmacy.

Of course, in the fight against skin problems, you can use expensive and advertised products. But there is a cheaper, and, most importantly, no less effective solution - Retinoic ointment.

How does retinoic ointment work on acne and acne scars?

The active component of retinoic ointment is isotretinoin, a substance that has sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory and anti-acne properties. Most advertised cosmetic products are based on isotretinoin. Retinoic ointment also contains:

  1. Vaseline, which has softening and regenerating properties;
  2. glycerin, which is a moisturizing component;
  3. dibunol and butyloxyanisole as an antioxidant;
  4. emulsion wax that retains moisture in skin cells;
  5. ethyl alcohol, which is a strong antiseptic.

Thus, retinoic ointment fights the main ally of acne - excess sebum secretion. By normalizing its production, the ointment eliminates comedones, pimples and blackheads, and also helps with dermatitis, rosacea and seborrhea.

What problems will it help with + before and after photos

The effect of the product can be seen in more detail in the photo.

Before and after a course of using retinoic ointment

How to use

Typically, dermatologists prescribe retinoic ointment once or twice a day to cleansed and water-dried affected areas of the skin.

Since retinoic ointment is a potent agent, it must be used strictly according to certain rules.

  1. Use the drug for no more than four weeks. Such a relatively short period of time is enough to cure skin problems. Otherwise, you risk drying out your delicate facial skin.
  2. You should not apply retinoic ointment to the areas around the mouth and eyes, even if there is acne there.
  3. Do not use aggressive scrubs. Only gentle light peelings are allowed, but not more than once a week.
  4. Once you see the desired result, do not stop applying the ointment. Do this less often and in small quantities.
  5. It is advisable to apply retinoic ointment in the evening. The fact is that retinol increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. For the same reason, you should avoid using a solarium during treatment.
  6. Distribute the ointment over problem areas using either a cotton swab or clean hands.
  7. Use moisturizers that suit your skin type.
  8. Retinoic ointment can also be used as a means for healing post-acne scars. To do this, use it daily.

Remember that after several days of use, a period of exacerbation begins. Don’t be alarmed, this is how your skin gets used to the ointment. If you are very bothered by peeling and acne, stop using retinoic ointment for 2-3 days, then resume it.

Before starting to use the ointment, be sure to consult a dermatologist.

Retinoic ointment copes well with post-acne scars


As a rule, negative reviews about retinoic ointment are left by those who stopped using it due to the unpleasant effect upon addiction. Those who continued to apply retinoic ointment and achieved a lasting effect have a positive opinion.

Recently I encountered an exacerbation of dermatosis - rashes. I tried several products on the recommendation of a dermatologist. No effect was observed. I decided to try retinoic ointment 0.05%. The manufacturer does not recommend using it in summer, since sunlight after applying the ointment causes severe pigmentation and burns. But a good sunscreen saves me. I apply the ointment morning and evening in a thin layer on the skin of the face. The effect appeared after the first week of use. Large pimples dried up and disappeared. No trace! Small rashes still persist, but they are easily masked with powder. The ointment dries the skin and significantly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. I don't notice any peeling or redness.

Nika L

For me, retinoic ointment turned out to be a real salvation. I got rid of acne in just a month. I'm very glad I found out about her.


I'm using it for the third week. At first there was a clear deterioration... Now looking in the mirror, I see: the effect is positive! I only apply it at night.



Like any medicine, retinoic ointment has its contraindications.

It is prohibited to use the ointment during pregnancy and lactation. Retinoic ointment should not be used to treat children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Use the drug with caution for diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, as well as for cardiovascular diseases.

Among the huge selection of products for problem skin, retinoic ointment stands out. It treats acne, comedones, blackheads, seborrhea and, in addition, helps remove scars and post-acne.