Preparations for stretch marks on the skin

The percentage of women with stretch marks is growing every year. Most of them don't know how to deal with stretch marks. They spoil the appearance. Therefore, women cannot afford much, ashamed of stretch marks. It's time to pull yourself together and get rid of this defect once and for all. Having tried any remedy for stretch marks on the skin presented below, you will be delighted to tell your friends about it. Stop being afraid to wear shorts, skirts and tops - it's time to deal with the problem!

Reasons for the formation of stretch marks

Stretch marks are the most unpleasant defect in women’s skin, resulting from sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain during pregnancy, due to taking hormonal medications.

Collagen and elastin give the skin elasticity, and under the influence of various factors and causes, the process of producing these substances begins to collapse. Loss of skin elasticity leads to stretch marks. They can be purple, burgundy, pink, dark pink, light pink, nude.


There is no pain syndrome during their formation, they do not bring discomfort to a person, but they significantly spoil the appearance and cause a lot of anxiety. There is no option to wear a miniskirt, swimsuit, crop top or shorts.

Medicine does not sleep, and every day people are told interesting news from this area. Today there is a remedy for stretch marks on the skin, and more than one. Such products have been successfully tested and are used both at home and in salons.

What effect do essential oils have?

It takes longer to fight stretch marks after gaining weight than to lose extra pounds. The formation of stretch marks must be prevented. The best way to do this is to use essential oils. Before using any oil, it is important to exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells. Any remedy for stretch marks on the skin will help better if you first cleanse the skin of dirt, dead cells and make it less oily. Unlike store-bought creams, natural oils have a better effect on the condition of the skin.

Essential oils help:

  1. saturating the skin with nutrients;
  2. enriching it with vitamins and minerals;
  3. cell renewal;
  4. smoothing the skin;
  5. normalization of the production of your own collagen and elastin;
  6. improving blood circulation.

Essential oils can be found in every cream, but in their natural form they are much more effective. The main thing is to use them correctly.

Ancient recipes with olive oil for today's beauties

The best components for enriching the body with useful substances grow on our soil. Greece is a country famous for olives. And for good reason! After all, olive oil is useful not only for adding to food, but also for using as a cosmetic product. This is the first remedy for stretch marks on the skin. In adolescents, the formation of stretch marks is also possible due to changes at the hormonal level. Olives are rich in microelements and vitamins that give the skin firmness and elasticity. The oil produced from them can be consumed at any age.


For the simplest and easiest recipe based on olive oil you will need:

  1. 150 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  3. a pinch of chopped zest.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied to problem areas, and after 30 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature. The procedure can be done three times a week. After a month, you will see the result - the skin will become elastic, stretch marks will begin to disappear.

Using oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most pleasant period in a woman’s life. But instead of enjoying her position, the expectant mother constantly thinks about her appearance. Not only will you have to go on a strict diet after the birth of your baby, but stretch marks also cause inconvenience. Problem areas should be regularly lubricated with oils.

When using a remedy for stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy with the addition of oils, make sure that you do not have individual intolerance. Pregnant women are recommended to use oils such as coconut, wheat germ, almond and rose.


Vegetable fat is an excellent remedy for stretch marks on the skin. It can also be used after pregnancy. You need to mix lavender, neroli and almond oils in the same amount in a ratio of 1:1:2. The recipe is intended for massage. The mixture of oils should be rubbed with light circular movements into problem areas of the skin, and preferably after taking water procedures, when the pores are open.

Proper nutrition is one of the methods to combat the problem

The key to beautiful and elastic skin lies in proper and healthy nutrition. This applies not only to pregnant women, but to all people with stretch marks. Most specialists and nutritionists say that an attractive appearance and beautiful skin depend on your diet.

Have you ever wondered why athletes eat a lot of protein but limit the amount of carbohydrates? Carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, and proteins are a component that helps increase skin elasticity and avoid obesity and stretch marks.

Human nutrition should not include smoked meats, spices, sweets (cakes, candies), spicy and salty foods. Of course, you can sometimes use them, but you should limit their quantity if you want to remove stretch marks and get yourself into proper shape so that you won’t be ashamed to come to the beach.

Meals should be divided into 6 times. It is recommended to include protein-rich foods in your diet. Among them are butter, yogurt, liver, beans, cottage cheese, fish, and walnuts.

Folk remedies will relieve stretch marks

Most women who know what stretch marks are understand perfectly well how difficult it is to get rid of them. Previously, there were no creams and scrubs sold in pharmacies to eliminate them. Therefore, people were looking for a remedy against stretch marks on the skin and found it in the gifts of Mother Nature.

Traditional healers offer several recipes using natural ingredients.


  1. Grind a handful of grapes through a blender. Apply the pulp to problem areas of the skin for 25 minutes (it can be longer, the grapes will not cause harm, as they contain natural ingredients).
  2. Measure out olive oil and aloe juice in equal proportions. Mix them, add a few drops of liquid vitamin E to the mixture. This mask should be applied twice a day for a month. Do not rinse, but rub well into the skin.
  3. Every day after taking a bath, rub an oil-based mask into your skin: mix 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of frankincense oil, 2 drops of neroli oil. The entire mass must be rubbed into the skin.

Scrubs for stretch marks

An equally effective remedy for stretch marks on the skin is scrubs. The result will be noticeable in a month. Do you want to have velvety smooth skin? Try the coffee scrub against stretch marks for yourself, the results of which will pleasantly surprise you in a short time.

The coffee scrub is prepared as follows: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee with the same amount of sour cream (clay, white yogurt). If you use clay, dilute with water. The consistency of the mass should be thick. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area, and after 7 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

The second way to prepare a coffee scrub: you need to mix salt, sugar, natural ground coffee, cinnamon and honey in equal proportions. Mix thoroughly and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to skin and wash off after 10 minutes. After any scrub, the skin must be moisturized. You can simply smear yourself with any essential oil or baby cream.

Creams to combat problem skin

Every woman faces this problem. If you don’t have the opportunity or time to prepare the cream yourself, you can always buy it at the pharmacy. Will this remedy help with stretch marks on the skin? Reviews from customers of pharmacy creams are very different. Some were helped, but others still coped with the problem with the help of folk recipes.

If you decide to purchase a cream for stretch marks, pay attention to its composition. It should contain vitamins E and A to provide proper nutrition to the skin. The product must contain regenerating components to restore the skin. Such a cream will not be cheap, but many customers assure that it works quickly.


A list of some creams that women have tested on themselves:

  1. Elicina.
  2. Corpo.
  3. Astrea.
  4. Vanistryl.
  5. Bronzing.
  6. Sothys Toning cream.
  7. Mustela 9 months.
  8. Janssen.
  9. Cell-Plus with F.R.V.

All of these creams have been tested and are great for removing stretch marks and preventing new scars from appearing.

A month of regular use of gels - and there will be no stretch marks

When conventional means do not bring the desired effect, gels come to the rescue. They must be applied immediately after a bath, it is advisable to take a good steam bath so that the pores open as much as possible. This is the only way the gel will bring the desired result.

A set of gels "Fermenkol-Elactin" is the best remedy for stretch marks on the skin. The gel penetrates deep into the skin and perfectly removes stretch marks after a month of regular use. The active ingredients destroy damaged tissue fibers and promote rapid cell regeneration. The set includes 2 gels. One promotes resorption, the second restores the skin. These gels are designed for stretch marks on the abdomen during and after pregnancy. But it can be safely applied to any areas of the skin where there are stretch marks.


Gels reduce stretch marks. They stand out less and take on a pale tint. Helium products restore the fiber structure. Intensive gels will help you regain firm, elastic, tightened and fresh skin.

Natural homemade masks based on mumiyo

Shilajit is an amazing remedy for stretch marks on the skin. Treatment with this drug is only possible with the addition of essential oils. Because the mummy itself has a specific smell. This product perfectly fights problem skin and is combined with other equally beneficial oils.

You can use mumiyo in different ways, making a cream based on it or simply using tablets.

To create a mask we will need the following ingredients:

  1. spoon of distilled water;
  2. 4 grams mumiyo;
  3. regular baby cream or special one for stretch marks.

Mumiyo needs to be dissolved in water and added to the purchased cream (you can prepare it yourself). The mass should be applied to problem areas once a day; after this procedure, it is advisable to pinch the skin and massage.

Olive oil and mumiyo go together wonderfully. Both of these help get rid of stretch marks. Combine 3 mummy tablets with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The mixture must be applied at night.

Mumiyo is a unique preparation that can be added in its pure form to any cream and lubricated with it several times a day for stretch marks.

Several ways to prevent stretch marks from appearing

Stretch marks are an eternal problem for women, especially pregnant women. You can’t escape them, but you also can’t leave your body in this form. Review your diet and choose a remedy for stretch marks on your skin. Prevention against stretch marks should be comprehensive, as should treatment. Use all available means. Look in your cosmetic bag and refrigerator, there are many products for stretch marks that you read about in this article today.


To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, try to follow your diet. Finally, let’s reveal a little secret that will help stretch marks disappear forever. Take 100 grams of dandelion, 2 crushed aloe leaves, oatmeal, 75 ml of olive oil. All components must be mixed in a blender until smooth. The gruel should acquire the consistency of cream. It should be applied to areas with stretch marks, then rinsed off with warm water. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week.

How to choose the right product?

Striae always appear when the skin is sharply stretched and are the result of microtears in the tissue. It is very difficult to get rid of them; it is better to prevent their appearance at the initial stage of skin stretching.

There are 2 groups of remedies for stretch marks:

  1. preventing their appearance;
  2. masking the problem.

During pregnancy, you should use the first type of cream for prevention. If stretch marks are already noticeable, then a second one will do.

When choosing an ointment, it is important to pay attention to the composition. To prevent stretching of the epidermis, the product must contain the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid – increases skin elasticity, thereby reducing the likelihood of ruptures;
  2. vitamins A, C and E - accelerate the healing process, produce a rejuvenating effect;
  3. proteins – maintain water balance;
  4. glycerin – has a moisturizing effect;
  5. essential oils (roses, geranium, cocoa, shea, coconut, argan) - moisturize, retain moisture, nourish, prevent micro-tears;
  6. silicon – nourishes, makes the skin healthier and stronger.

Silicon is found only in expensive creams and gels.

Vitamin A should not be present in products for stretch marks during pregnancy; it can harm the fetus.

To treat existing stretch marks, you need a product with an enhanced composition:

  1. panthenol – produces a regenerating effect;
  2. zinc oxide – reduces inflammation, has a vasoconstrictor effect (not suitable for dry and sensitive skin);
  3. aloe – moisturizes and heals damage;
  4. onion extract – produces an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, restores the epidermis (not suitable for sensitive skin);
  5. citrus oil – prevents the increase of stretch marks;
  6. algae extract – nourishes and makes the skin more elastic;
  7. tea tree oil – reduces inflammation, heals damage.

To combat existing stretch marks, you should know that the first components in the list are the most significant.

When choosing a product for stretch marks on the skin, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin. If stretch marks appear on the thighs and abdomen, then you should use drugs with more aggressive components in the composition (zinc oxide or onion extract). For breasts, you need to choose gentle ingredients (panthenol).

Cream for stretch marks on the chest that contains zinc oxide, onion extract or essential oils should not be used during lactation.

Stretch marks on the bust and abdomen during pregnancy appear especially actively in the last trimester, so you cannot do without ointments. A pregnant woman should carefully choose a remedy. The composition should not contain artificial components, such as dyes, fragrances, silicone or parabens. You also need to look at expiration dates.

An allergy test should be performed before applying to the skin. Apply a small portion of the cream to your wrist and wait 30 minutes. If there is no reaction, then the drug is safe.

A preparation for stretch marks for pregnant women must be hypoallergenic.

For scars and old stretch marks that are more than 1 year old, you need products based on potent components, for example, silicone, sodium heparin, collagenase or urea. The best scar cream is Contractubex.


An anti-stretch mark product should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the skin and the age of the stretch marks. Here are some popular drugs.


This is a cream based on D-panthenol, salicylic acid, urea, almond oil, Japanese Sophora extract and naphthalene. It is suitable for dry skin, moisturizes, eliminates itching, flaking, inflammation, and has a regenerating and antibacterial effect.


This is an effective remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks. The cream has a natural composition, increases the elasticity of the skin, improves blood circulation, moisturizes, nourishes, and promotes the healing of microdamages.

Clearwin contains aloe vera, beeswax, sesame oil, calamus, madder, basil, petroleum jelly, glycerin and other components.

Before use in pregnant women, an allergy test should be performed. Biologically active components may be allergens.


This is one of the best remedies for stretch marks in pregnant and nursing mothers. It is worth noting that the cream is effective if stretch marks are already present, but it can also be used for preventive purposes. The product is suitable for stretch marks on the chest because it is safe for the baby and hypoallergenic.


  1. algae extract;
  2. Shea Butter;
  3. papaya oil

Green mama

This is an algae-based moisturizer. Suitable for regular skin care during pregnancy. It strengthens the skin, making it stronger, thereby reducing the likelihood of stretch marks. Used for preventive purposes.


Panthenol is not a specialized remedy for stretch marks, but it can be used for prevention, as well as in cases where there have been several small stretch marks. D-panthenol in the composition promotes skin regeneration, restores metabolic processes, reduces inflammation and increases skin strength.

Beta carotene

Cream with beta-carotene has an antioxidant effect, improves metabolic processes, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The skin becomes elastic and elastic, the likelihood of stretch marks decreases.


This is a remedy against stretch marks after childbirth in the form of a gel. Contains elastin, collagen and natural oils. The gel increases the elasticity of the skin and moisturizes it. Suitable for combating existing deep stretch marks. With regular use, they will become less noticeable, and small stretch marks will disappear altogether.

It can be used by pregnant women starting from the 3rd month, applied to the chest, abdomen and thighs.


It is a specialized effective remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Does not contain parabens, phthalates, alcohols or other harmful additives. Is 100% hypoallergenic. Active ingredients of the cream of natural origin:

  1. Sophora japonica;
  2. elastoregulator;
  3. lupeol;
  4. arabinogalactin;
  5. beeswax;
  6. Shea Butter;
  7. avocado oil

These components have a double effect on stretch marks. They make the skin more elastic and elastic, enhance regeneration, moisturize, nourish, and also reduce inflammation and strengthen capillaries.

The elastoregulator in the composition is a derivative of soy peptides. It regulates the production of collagen and elastin.


This is a cream based on mangosteen extract. This fruit has a rich biologically active composition. Contains:

Mangosteen nourishes, moisturizes, softens, evens out color, removes small stretch marks and makes the skin smoother. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it prevents stretch marks from turning into a scar. Use as a regular skin care product.


The gel is used to improve the appearance of scars and scars. It eliminates redness and itching, retains moisture, and smoothes stretch marks. To obtain a noticeable effect, it should be used for at least 2 months, applied 2 times a day.

As for pregnant and nursing mothers, there is no confirmed information that would prove or disprove the safety of the gel.


This is a remedy against stretch marks and scars, stimulating regeneration processes. The cream improves the color of the skin and removes pigmented areas. It doesn’t just mask the problem, but affects it from the inside.

Mederma restores cellular structure and moisturizes well. The active ingredients are allantoin and cepalin. They have restorative properties, normalize metabolic processes, and stimulate collagen production. Allantoin reduces inflammation and also stimulates the growth of new cells, which promotes skin renewal.

The gel is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but may cause allergic reactions. It must be applied taking precautions.

General principles of application

Even the most effective anti-stretch mark cream will not give the desired result if you do not use it correctly. Basic principles:

  1. Regularity of use.It is necessary to apply the product daily; if you miss at least one day, the effect will be lost.
  2. Preliminary cleaning of the skin.The skin needs to be cleaned, preferably steamed.
  3. Compliance with dosage and application technology.The cream should be applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the stretch marks, as well as to the area around it. Afterwards you need to wait for the product to be absorbed.
  4. Compliance with safety measures.If the drug is used during pregnancy or lactation, it should be safe. Breastfeeding women should apply the gel to their breasts between feedings. You need to calculate the time so that the product has time to be absorbed. Before feeding, the breasts must be washed.

Of course, there are many effective creams for stretch marks, but treating them is still problematic. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, preventive measures should be followed. It is necessary to increase the elasticity of the skin and prevent sudden weight gain.

Simultaneously with ointments, you should resort to physical activity. Stretching gives a good effect. This is a type of aerobics. Its action is aimed at losing weight and stretching.

Author: Oksana Belokur, doctor,
especially for

Useful video about stretch mark creams


Old stretch marks spoil the appearance of the human body. Striae can appear at any age: in adults and children of both sexes. Everyone wants to know if there is a way to get rid of them.

What are striae? Reasons for their appearance

Striae are deep or superficial breaks in the upper or middle layers of the epidermis. Usually their appearance is caused by a sharp stretching of the skin.


There are several reasons for this defect:

  1. Rapid weight gain occurs and cells do not have time to divide. This causes the epidermal layer to become stretched and unpleasant, obsessive itching occurs;
  2. within 1-3 weeks, visible stripes of a pale pink color form in the itching areas. In these places, cell division occurs at maximum speed. But the cells of the deeper layer, the dermis, do not have time to divide, and as a result, a sinking scar is formed;
  3. Striae can be called classic atrophic scars and they behave similarly.

After some time, their color darkens, after which it lightens to white.

Who is at risk:

  1. Pregnant women, while carrying a child, get stretch marks on the chest in 80% and on the stomach in 95%;
  2. in the presence of heredity, stretch marks are observed on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and forearms. In the presence of severe obesity, stretch marks occur on the cheeks, chest and décolleté;
  3. Athletes who suddenly gain weight can get stretch marks in addition. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully care for your skin. Studies have shown that 30-50% of bodybuilders have stretch marks and are located in the forearms, buttocks, and calves.
  4. In some adolescents, stretch marks appear due to obesity, diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders.


Is there a chance to get rid of old stretch marks?

There is always a chance, all you need is your desire and perseverance. Old stretch marks can only be removed with an integrated approach. The main thing in solving this problem is diet.

A healthy diet will help make your skin glow and reduce the risk of obesity, which always causes new stretch marks to form.

The skin needs vitamins and hydration. Eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Take multivitamin complexes twice a year.

Keep your carbohydrate intake to a minimum, giving preference to proteins.

Water will help you fight old stretch marks. It is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day. It will nourish every cell of the body and fill it with energy. Avoid alcohol. It dries and dehydrates the skin.

The effect of peelings and creams

Peels are superficial, medium and deep. In addition, they are divided into mechanical, hardware and chemical.


In a mechanical peel, the skin is smoothed using aluminum oxide or another substance. A special device under pressure sprays a powdery mass, particles of which remove dead epidermal cells, while the pores are cleaned. Mechanical peeling is very painful.

Chemical peeling is divided into 3 types: superficial, medium and deep. When carrying out superficial peeling, fruit acids are used. They penetrate the top layer of the skin and exfoliate dead skin cells.

For medium peeling, trichloroacetic or salicylic acid is used. This allows you to fight deeper stretch marks, wrinkles, and scars.

For deep peeling, phenol is used. It is able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and act on all its layers.

For stretch marks, peelings use succinic, salicylic, malic, lactic, glycolic acid, as well as numerous fruit and phenolic acids. It all depends on what results you need to achieve. For example, fruit acids exfoliate dead skin cells, restore and moisturize the skin, increase collagen production, and improve elasticity.


In addition to the listed types, Josner peeling, ozone, coral, gas-liquid and laser peelings are used to combat such defects.

Fractional thermolysis refers to laser cosmetology. Peels can improve the condition of the skin, even out its color, and remove stretch marks.

Creams help fight old stretch marks. You need to approach your choice very seriously. If you are pregnant, then the composition of the cream should be developed taking into account your situation, and be specifically for expectant mothers.

This product should moisturize the skin and prevent the formation of new stretch marks. The best creams for fighting stretch marks are: AVENT, VENUS, Antjstress, LJERAC, SANOSAN, Contractubex and others.


When using creams, the skin color evens out, old stretch marks decrease slightly, and new ones do not form.

How to get rid of old stretch marks with a massage with aroma oils

Essential oils will help get rid of old stretch marks and prevent new ones from appearing. To perform a massage, you need to prepare an oil mixture.


Take 30 ml of almond, olive or jojoba oil. Add 3 drops of neroli oil and 2 drops of lavender and lemon oil to it. Stir and rub the resulting mixture 2 times a day into the areas where stretch marks form.

Do not forget that the movements should be circular and light. You can use store-bought oils like La-Cri Mama.

How to remove old stretch marks at home, folk methods

You can fight stretch marks at home.

The first and main condition is diet:

  1. eat beef or pork every day;
  2. prepare salads from both fresh and boiled vegetables;
  3. use fish oil. Vitamin E is essential for the skin;
  4. eat fish, carrots, greens;
  5. be sure to consume zinc. It is found in oysters, gelatin, lamb, and beef.

Diet alone is not enough. Use skin care products. You don't have to buy expensive products.

You can make the scrub yourself at home:

  1. take vegetable oil
  2. add ground coffee and a little moisturizer. Vaseline also works. mix and rub the resulting mixture into the areas of stretch marks.

Replace expensive cosmetics with homemade cream:

  1. Add the white of one egg and the juice of one lemon to the Vaseline, stir thoroughly. This cream should be used in areas of itching.
  2. You can add aloe juice to the recipe.


It has long been known that temperature changes contribute to the training of capillaries, so it is useful to wipe itchy areas of the skin with ice after a hot shower. After wiping with ice, lubricate the skin with honey and crushed aspirin. If you are allergic to honey or aspirin, replace the component with a rich cream.

After 10 minutes, the compositions must be washed off. The result will become noticeable in 2-3 weeks.

An effective remedy can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 9 parts olive oil + 1 part wheat germ oil + 10-15 drops rose oil.
  2. Apply the mixture daily.
  3. Do this with pinch massage movements, allowing the healing agent to penetrate deeply into the skin.

We use mumiyo to make cream

One of the most effective remedies against old stretch marks is considered to be a cream with the addition of mumiyo. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, helps saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements, makes it more elastic, and helps damaged cells recover.

Shilajit-based cream for old stretch marks can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need to dissolve one mummy tablet in a small amount of warm water and add one spoon of baby cream. This composition keeps well in the refrigerator.

Making masks with bodyaga

Bodyaga will help get rid of old stretch marks. You need to mix bodyaga powder and hydrogen peroxide, taken in a small amount. The consistency of the mixture should be mushy.

Apply the resulting mixture onto the damaged areas of the skin with massage movements and leave for 20 minutes. Bodyaga promotes the appearance of local irritation and peeling of the skin, which activates the regeneration mechanism.

Modern methods of combating striae

Laser skin resurfacing

Not so long ago, the issue of removing stretch marks and scars on the skin was completely unsolvable. The advent of laser technology changed everything. Thanks to the laser, it became possible to quickly and efficiently obtain the desired result. The use of the device is completely safe. It can solve almost any skin problem.

Lasers belonging to the latest generation are able to control the depth to which the beam affects. This ability allows you to restore skin under very deep scars. No special preparation is required to carry out this procedure.

The treatment regimen is developed by the cosmetologist himself.

When you don’t have enough money to visit a beauty salon, don’t despair, because simple recipes are quite effective and will help, if not completely remove stretch marks, then make them almost invisible.


At its core, it is polishing leather using aluminum oxide microcrystals. Areas of skin with problems are treated with a special device with a vacuum tip. Inside the tip there are small metal shavings that knock out particles of skin.

During this procedure, you may feel slight pain. 5-10 days after the first session, the stretch marks become smaller and the skin color becomes more even. To completely get rid of postpartum stretch marks, you need to conduct 5-10 sessions. The break between them should be 14-21 days.


Treatment of postpartum stretch marks using mesotherapy is based on intradermal microinjections. Cocktails consisting of homeopathic remedies, amino acids, vitamins B and C, enzymes, collagen, stem cells, and herbal extracts are introduced.


During this procedure, damaged collagen and elastin fibers are destroyed. Their place is taken by newly formed fibers. The result is the complete disappearance of fresh and small stretch marks, and old ones become almost invisible.

To treat stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy, this method will require from 7 to 15 procedures, which cannot be performed more often than once every 10 days. Typically, mesotherapy sessions are used before or after chemical peeling.

Surgical intervention

To remove stretch marks through surgery, specialists usually use a mini method. A mini abdominoplasty is used when there is only a small excess of tissue on the anterior abdominal wall.

During the correction, punctures are made in the lower abdomen, the navel does not shift.

Learn more about the most effective remedies against stretch marks by watching the video:

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Re: How to get rid of old stretch marks, modern remedies.

After giving birth, I still have small stretch marks on my stomach and thighs. Over time they have become a little paler, but are still noticeable. I want to try to get rid of them using a bodyagi mask; it seems to me that this is the most effective method.

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Re: How to get rid of old stretch marks, modern remedies.

Stretch marks are already 5 years after pregnancy, my whole belly is covered in them. I have been doing peelings for a long time, but, alas, there is no effect. It does not affect stretch marks at all, but improves skin turgor and its nutrition. Most likely, you will have to turn to cosmetology and laser, although there is also not a 100% guarantee.