Anti-aging care after 40

A topic such as facial care after 40 years is very difficult for many women. Unfortunately, at this age, the face of any representative of the fair sex has already undergone age-related changes, and no cosmetics can return the skin to its original appearance. But it is up to you to choose skincare products that can give your face a fresher, healthier glow, as well as slow down the appearance of deep wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Basic advice from a cosmetologist on skin care after 40 years looks like this:

  1. Regularity;
  2. Complexity.

If you thought the secret was hidden somewhere else, you're wrong! The main task is to select a complete list of necessary products and use them regularly, not forgetting to pay attention to your skin.

Signs of skin aging

As the 40-year threshold approaches, the skin enters the stage of withering, and age-related changes begin to appear more clearly on it.

The main signs of skin aging:

  1. Dull color, pigment spots;
  2. Spider veins;
  3. Puffiness under the eyes;
  4. Increased dryness;
  5. Porosity;
  6. Furrows, creases on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, deepening of the nasolabial folds;
  7. Loss of density;
  8. Oval deformation;
  9. Ptosis of the eyelids;
  10. Loss of firmness and elasticity.

Facial skin care after 45 years will be based on ways to prevent these problems or reduce their manifestations.

Facial care after 40 years - advice from a cosmetologist

Experts say that following simple rules and recommendations will help preserve the elastic turgor and density of the skin for a long time.

Important! Don't forget that your heredity also plays a big role in maintaining youthful skin. If you have a tendency to have low synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as early menopause, then your skin will age much faster, and in this case, only a consultation with a cosmetologist will bring significant results!

What is required of you:

  1. Regular facial care after turning 40. It should be based on the use of anti-aging cosmetics;
  2. Take care to moisturize your skin;
  3. Tone your face;
  4. Do not wash your face with tap water. It is ideal to use mineral water;
  5. Drink plenty of clean water;
  6. Take care of each area of ​​your face individually;
  7. Do not use large amounts of decorative cosmetics;
  8. Use products from trusted cosmetic brands with SPF filters;
  9. Don't forget to visit a beauty salon for specialized care.

Proper facial skin care can prolong youth and a fresh appearance for a long time.

Facial care after 40 step by step

To look several years younger in adulthood, you don’t need to invest hundreds of thousands of paper notes in your care and not leave the comfortable couches of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons; you just need to devote 10-15 minutes to yourself every day for care.

Facial care for 40 years in stages:

  1. Cleansing. To remove dirt and makeup, use filtered, melt or mineral water, as well as foam or milk for washing;
  2. Toning. To tone the skin and activate metabolic processes, lotions, tonics, and serums are used. Store-bought products can be replaced with chamomile, green tea, herbal infusions, and ice cubes;
  3. Hydration. The best option for replenishing moisture in cells is a day cream with a moisturizing effect. It must contain filters for ultraviolet protection;
  4. Nutrition. This can be achieved with night creams. Particularly effective products contain retinol.

Important! Monitor the microclimate in the room where you spend most of your time. Follow this care plan daily.

Watch this video to never make mistakes in skin care after 40!

When should you contact a cosmetologist?

For those who have already crossed this age threshold, facial skin care at 50 years old will be of interest.

When entering the aging phase, the skin on the face requires rejuvenating anti-aging care in a salon. This is a must if you want to admire your reflection in the mirror for many years. A professional cosmetologist will eliminate defects and you will be able to see dramatic changes.

Effective anti-aging procedures:

  1. Laser. With the help of grinding, the upper layers of the dermis are removed and the regeneration process is started;
  2. Botox and Dysport. “Beauty injections” are injected into areas of pronounced wrinkles;
  3. Mesotherapy. The doctor injects special cocktails that stimulate cellular renewal. Cosmetologists advise carrying out mesotherapy once a year;
  4. RF lifting. Warming up the internal structures of the dermis using radio waves, which helps to thicken the skin;
  5. Contour plastic. Introducing fillers to tighten sagging areas and smooth out furrows;
  6. Peeling. Chemical compounds cause exfoliation of the upper layers of the dermis and stimulate collagen and elastin fibers.

Facial skin care at home after 40 years is not capable of providing radical rejuvenation, like professional techniques.

Facial care after 45 years at home

Basic step-by-step facial skin care at 40 years old must be supplemented with scrubs and masks. The frequency of procedures is up to two times a week.

Recipe No. 1 Honey mask

Honey is useful for anti-aging facial care at home.


  1. Honey – 2 tbsp;
  2. White of 1 egg;
  3. Wheat flour.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix thoroughly. Add flour until a thick but elastic paste is obtained. Apply the mixture to a previously cleansed face and leave for a quarter. Wash with mineral water. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Recipe No. 2 Yeast mask

Yeast has a lifting effect on the skin and significantly tightens ptotic areas.


  1. Yeast – 10 gr.;
  2. Rye flour;
  3. Water.

Dissolve the specified amount of yeast in water. Gently fold the flour into the prepared mixture. Using water, bring the mixture to a creamy state. Cover your face and décolleté with the mask. Wash off after 20 minutes. This option is suitable for facial care in the fall, when the skin needs additional nutrition.

Recipe No. 3 Fruit mask

There is nothing better to nourish the dermis with vitamins than fruits. They refresh and saturate every cell.


  1. Strawberries – 3 pcs.;
  2. Strawberries – 3 pcs.;
  3. High fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp.

Mix these components thoroughly with a fork until a uniform mass is obtained and apply to the surface of the face. Wash off the residue after 10 minutes with heated water.

Recipe No. 4 Vegetable mask

Vegetables are also useful when applied externally.


  1. Eggplant;
  2. Zucchini;
  3. Cabbage.

Using a fine grater, grind the vegetables and combine in a bowl in a 1:1 ratio. Gently distribute the thoroughly mixed mixture and leave for 10 minutes.

Features of anti-aging care for problem skin types

Each type of skin has its own functional characteristics, so when selecting care products and techniques, it is necessary to take this factor into account.

Care for dry skin after 40 years

Start with cleansing. Wash with mineral water. To care for dry skin at 40 years old, it is important to ensure that creams and serums contain oil extracts and vitamins. Cosmetics must contain moisturizing components and UV filters.

Important! Do not use preparations or recipes based on alcohol in your care; it dries out the epidermis and causes irritation.

Care for oily skin after 40 years

If your skin actively produces sebum, it requires thorough cleansing. Special foams, lotions and tonics are suitable for this purpose. Buy them in strict accordance with your age and skin type.

For moisturizing, products based on aloe juice and vitamin E are used.

Proper care for oily facial skin at the age of 40 is aimed at preventing the active functioning of the sebaceous glands and enlarged pores.

Features of caring for facial areas after forty years

The face is divided into small areas, each of which differs in density. Facial skin care at the age of 40 should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each of this zones.

To remove defects and prevent the appearance of new ones, you need to know what is considered the best facial skin care product. What criteria should you pay attention to?

Skin around the eyes

When you reach a certain age, swelling appears under the eyes, and small rays of facial wrinkles appear along the outer edges. Due to the accumulation of fluid and blood, dark circles form.

Sensitive skin in the eyelid area is devoid of fat, so it requires careful care using creams based on vitamin K. This component will eliminate the accumulation of blood in the vessels and remove swelling.

Nasolabial folds

Active loss of moisture occurs in this zone. Over the years, this process intensifies and strong creases appear. To eliminate the defect, it is useful to use moisturizers and massage daily.

If the wrinkles are pronounced, then only a cosmetologist can even them out. For this purpose, filler injections are used.

Cheekbones and cheeks

As the 40-year mark approaches, the skin on the cheeks becomes flabby and goes down. This is due to a lack of moisture in the dermis. The problem cannot be solved with simple home care; you need to visit a cosmetologist. Filler injections or lipolifting are used to lift cheekbones.

Neck and décolleté

When carrying out daily facial care, do not forget about this area. Take care of its regular moisturizing, because the neck quickly loses its tone and against the background of a beautiful young face it will look ridiculous and will definitely show age.

The salon may offer you a tightening using microcurrents, biorevitalization or ultrasound.

Age-related changes are an indispensable companion for a person. It is impossible to always remain a young woman; the years will still leave an imprint on your face. But thanks to modern cosmetology and the beauty secrets of our grandmothers, you can skillfully disguise your age and delay the moment of old age for many years.

What should complete, high-quality, and most importantly - effective facial care be like after 40 years? We will talk about age-related changes that occur in the skin at this stage. Find out the features of salon and home care. Recipes for natural anti-aging masks will help you cope with aging.

What should it be facial care after 40 yearsso that age-related changes do not leave too obvious marks on the skin? Is it possible to somehow prolong youth and not be afraid to look in the mirror in the morning, looking for new wrinkles with fear? The modern beauty industry offers women of Balzac's age a lot of options on how this can be done in practice.

Not only are the stores overflowing with anti-age programs and anti-aging products, but beauty salons are open to anyone who wants to get a facelift. There are a huge number of options. The only problem is to figure it all out, sort it out and understand what is needed in your case.

Changes in the skin after 40 years

Before you find out what it includes proper care for the face after 40 years, you need to understand what happens to the skin upon reaching this age limit. It is at this stage of life that a serious disruption occurs in the functioning of the hormonal system (due to the onset of menopause), which is instantly reflected on the skin. It is hormonal disorders that provoke rapid aging of the epidermis. Cosmetologists argue that when discussing the causes of age-related metamorphoses, it will be enough to name changes in hormonal levels. Everything else is associated factors or a consequence of the same hormonal imbalance.

Get ready for the following changes to occur at high speed with your facial skin after 40 years.

Oily skin types will become combination or mixed, while dry skin will have a hard time as it will begin to age very quickly.

  1. Regeneration slowdown

The rate of production of new cells decreases, while their death occurs in the same way as before. The result is that the stratum corneum of the skin on the face thickens, and the layers of “living” cells below become thinner. Elasticity is lost, color deteriorates, and wrinkles appear. Dead cells begin to fall off in groups, and the face becomes very flaky. Special care will be required here for the eyelids and lips, which are the first to suffer from age-related changes. The eyelids undergo ptosis, that is, they sag, the lips are no longer so prominent, and small wrinkles, including “crow’s feet,” begin to radiate in different directions.

  1. Irreversible changes in living tissues

Year after year, the number of elastin fibers decreases, and after 40 years the skin finally loses its elasticity. Collagen fibers can be regenerated, but with age their rate of renewal decreases. Destroyed collagen “sticks together” and accumulates in the intercellular space. The result is wrinkles and age spots.

  1. Age wrinkles

Age wrinkles are the result of natural aging of the epidermis. This happens due to the fact that there are fewer collagen fibers, cell regeneration slows down, and a lack of vitamins, oxygen, and minerals is detected.

In addition to these main age-related changes, after 40 years you can observe a whole series of skin metamorphoses that require attention and special care:

  1. decreased tone;
  2. “swollen” oval of the face;
  3. pigmentation;
  4. unhealthy color;
  5. weakening of the walls of capillaries, as a result - the appearance of spider veins, rosacea;
  6. bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Based on all these age-related changes that occur in a woman’s skin after 40 years, cosmetic companies are developing anti-age formulas that slow down processes at the cellular level. With their help, anti-aging creams are created, anti-aging programs for salon procedures are patented. How to understand all this diversity and choose something for yourself? In this case it will be useful cosmetologist's advice on facial care after 40 years, following which you can delay old age. And it’s still worth starting with visiting salons.

This is interesting! According to statistics, it is precisely the age of 40 that women fear most: they fearfully await the onset of menopause and obvious age-related changes in the form of wrinkles. In fact, upon reaching this age, ladies become more confident and even experience the peak of sexual activity.

Salon care for ladies of Balzac age

Professional care facial care after 40 years includes anti-aging procedures that will help slow down the aging process. You need to keep in mind that you are unlikely to choose a suitable anti-age program for yourself. This will be done by a cosmetologist after an appropriate survey and examination, identifying individual characteristics. What is he most likely to offer you?

  1. Biorevitalization - injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which will smooth out the most noticeable and deep wrinkles.
  2. Mesotherapy - introduction under the skin of a whole cocktail of substances beneficial to the skin (vitamins, amino acids, mineral complexes). This procedure is recommended for skin care after 40, if you need to eliminate several age-related changes at once. It corrects the oval of the face, reduces wrinkles, restores a healthy complexion, eliminates dryness and flaking, and reduces the level of pigmentation.
  3. Microcurrent therapy - exposure of the skin to a device emitting microcurrents. Causes muscle contraction, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is prescribed to eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, tightens the oval of the face, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and reduces inflammatory processes.
  4. Photorejuvenation - exposure to the skin with a pulsed lamp: light rays are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis. The procedure is very effective for facial care after 40, as it activates metabolic processes, stimulates cell activity, destroys age spots, eliminates spider veins, and facilitates the course of rosacea.
  5. Stonetherapy - facial massage with stones, which provide alternating effects on the facial vessels with heat and cold.
  6. Chemical peeling - an obligatory part of the facial care program after 40 years, since the stratum corneum must be removed, clearing the way for new cells. They will probably recommend you:

* grape peeling - narrows enlarged pores;

* almond - ideal for caring for mature, dehydrated facial skin;

* retinol - has excellent anti-aging properties;

* TCA peeling - eliminates acne scars.

In addition to all of the above, facial skin care after 40 years in the salon may include various professional masks and exfoliants from famous brands, selected individually. And, of course, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself under the experienced hands of a massage therapist - there are a huge number of rejuvenating techniques that will only bring benefits. Between salon treatments, don’t forget to pay attention to your skin at home.

Helpful advice. 40 years is the same age when it’s time to think about contour plastic surgery. This is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. Just a few beauty injections will significantly delay old age.

Home skin care after 40

If you can relax in the salon and trust yourself to the skillful hands of a cosmetologist, then home care Taking care of your face after 40 years will entirely depend on your aspirations, desires, abilities and skills. The responsibility lies solely with you. Take it lightly and after 50 lost time can no longer be returned: the aging process will be irreversible and incorrigible. So what can you do?

  1. In the morning and evening, the skin must be cleansed. Wash your face with warm water using gel from the “anti-aging care” series. For example, Shungite or Beutisa.
  2. Don’t forget to remove any remaining makeup from your skin before going to bed - this is one of the most important rules for skin care after 40. Otherwise, not only will the aging process accelerate and new wrinkles will appear, but inflammation, irritation and even allergic reactions may begin.
  3. Be sure to nourish and moisturize your face once a week anti-aging masks. They can be branded (Amadoris cellular mask, stimulating from Natura Bisse) or homemade (honey, oatmeal, fruit).
  4. Be sure to use professional anti-aging creams, which will saturate the skin with necessary substances. Pay attention to Nuxellence Jeunesse from Nuxe, Regenerist from Olay.
  5. Be sure to visit a cosmetologist once every six months.
  6. Select foods for your diet especially carefully. You will finally have to relegate everything harmful to the back of your mind and learn to eat only healthy foods.
  7. Don't go outside without protective cream. This applies to facial skin care not only in summer, but also in winter.
  8. Lack of sleep and insomnia will accelerate the aging process, so these two ailments need to be fought after 40. A full 8-hour sleep is what your skin needs now.
  9. Exercising is also part of comprehensive facial care after 40, as it improves metabolic processes, which affects the condition of the skin.
  10. Try not to be nervous: stress is contraindicated after 40 years.
  11. The drinking regime should combat skin dehydration: it is advisable to drink 5 glasses of water a day.

Like this facial skin care after 40 years must be at home. Try to follow these recommendations from a cosmetologist to delay the onset of old age. This minimum program will be complemented by recipes for homemade masks.

Keep in mind. If you have never made homemade masks before, after 40 years you are unlikely to find them useful, because at such a mature age your skin, which is not accustomed to natural remedies, will not react to them.

Homemade mask recipes for those over 40

You don’t have to spend money on expensive masks and serums from famous brands. If from a young age you are accustomed to pampering your skin with coffee scrubs and herbal compresses, these same home care products for the face after 40 years will come in handy again.

  1. Milk-honey compress

Mix equal amounts of liquid honey and milk, heated until warm. Soak a fabric mask or multi-layer gauze with the resulting liquid and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

  1. Aloe and egg mask

Keep aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 10 days. Grind them to a paste. Mix 2 tablespoons of green puree with beaten egg. If the mixture turns out too thin, add a little wheat flour to it to bring it to a thicker consistency.

  1. Aloe and honey mask

We work according to the previous recipe. Keep aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 10 days. Grind them to a paste. Mix 2 tablespoons of green puree with melted honey. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add dry milk.

  1. Egg-sour cream mask

To care for mature skin prone to wrinkles after 40 years, it is a good idea to use quail eggs in homemade masks. Beat 2 pieces, mix with 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream. Action time - up to half an hour.

  1. Yeast mask

Dilute 2 tablespoons of baker's yeast with unrefined olive oil until the thickness required for the mask is achieved.

  1. Turmeric mask

Mix a teaspoon each of turmeric powder, heavy cream and melted honey.

If you have the opportunity and the means, you should not make a radical choice between home and salon facial care after 40 years. They complement each other at this age and give a full effect only together. Once every six months, we signed up for a rejuvenating procedure with a cosmetologist. And in the intervals between these visits, pay maximum attention to your skin every day: cleanse, nourish, moisturize, rejuvenate, try to protect it both from age-related changes and external aggressive influences. This is the only way you can enjoy your own reflection in the mirror in the morning and not be afraid of the question of how old you are.

It's not news that women in their 40s now look younger than before. The secret is simple: thanks to innovations in cosmetics and cosmetology, as well as the increasing effectiveness of anti-aging therapy, maintaining youthful skin and the body as a whole has become easier.

  1. Features of skin after 40 years
  2. What cosmetics to use at the age of 40+
  3. Types of anti-aging cosmetics: review of 10 products
  4. How to choose the right cosmetics

Features of skin after 40 years

Until around their 40th birthday, many women don't think about the fact that you can wake up with puffy eyes, even if there wasn't a wild party the night before, and that your skin can become dull, even if you regularly spend time outdoors. But sooner or later such a moment comes.

By the age of 40 (some earlier, some later) it becomes clear: wrinkles cannot be avoided, and age spots are not an invention of cosmetologists. At the same time, life in strict accordance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle saves only partly. Physiology cannot be fooled.

What happens to our skin after 40 years?

The sebaceous glands begin to produce less sebum, which is necessary for skin elasticity.

Wrinkles become noticeable, especially if you have not provided your skin with proper care.

Pigmentation may appear on the face and hands as a result of neglecting sunscreen products.

The skin ceases to “glow from within.” This is due to several factors, including thickening of the stratum corneum.

The texture and quality of the skin change - it does not look smooth, dry or irritated areas appear in some places, swelling and bruising under the eyes are noticeable.

The oval of the face begins to lose clarity.

It is after forty that it is very important not to miss the moment and start using cosmetics that contain powerful anti-aging components: moisturizers, moisture fixatives, nutrients, antioxidants, peptides.

What cosmetics to use at the age of 40+

As a rule, anti-aging cosmetics are a complex and most effective composition. Let us remind you which components guarantee a good result.

Active components

Hyaluronic acid attracts moisture and, importantly, retains it in the cells. This corrects wrinkles and tones the skin.

Natural sugars (rhamnose) specifically activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.

Vitamin C participates in the formation of structural proteins of the skin.

Vitamin A (retinol) enhances the renewal of epithelial skin cells, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Proxilan, polysaccharide of natural origin, increases skin density and elasticity.

Peptides, Depending on the type, they perform different functions. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, work as muscle relaxants, correct the negative consequences of the glycation process (gluing collagen fibers), strengthen skin immunity, and prevent hyperpigmentation.

Tightening polymers, including carnauba wax, contribute to a visual lifting effect.

Neohesperidin, Red grapefruit peel extract is a powerful antioxidant and supports elasticity.

Natural oils soften and nourish the skin, make it elastic, smooth out wrinkles, and moisturize.

By the age of 40, the first signs of aging appear on the skin: facial wrinkles, pigmentation, decreased turgor. © iStock

Main functions

The main tasks facing beauty products labeled 40+:

even out complexion;

fill the skin with moisture;

make the contours clearer.

Types of anti-aging cosmetics: review of 10 products

Competent prevention of age-related changes will allow you to delay the moment when you can no longer do without going to an aesthetic clinic for “beauty injections” or for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. While radical intervention is not required, review your daily care.


Your choice is soft non-alkaline foams, mousses, gels, micellar solutions. Also pay attention to peelings, they help renew the skin. Nowadays you can find many exfoliants in stores that carefully exfoliate the stratum corneum and care for the skin.

Oil for removing makeup and cleansing the skin of the face Midnight Recovery Botanical Cleansing Oil, Kiehl’s, upon contact with water, it turns into an emulsion that removes makeup (including long-lasting makeup) without causing a feeling of tightness and dryness. The product contains evening primrose oil, rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, olive squalane, and lavender oil.


Azazel: "Non-greasy oil, very gently and softly distributed over the skin, and when water is added it becomes a weightless emulsion. It is easily washed off and it is not even entirely clear whether it has been washed off))) Because the skin remains as soft as when the oil was applied . It doesn’t clog pores, it doesn’t cause comedones or pimples, and my skin is oily. It’s an incredibly pleasant feeling after washing, it dissolves everything and leaves no traces on the skin! Even the cream doesn’t ask for anything after washing! I really liked it.."

Cleansing gel for mature skin against imperfections Blemish&Age Cleansing Gel, SkinCeuticals, Thanks to the acids in the composition, it effectively cleanses the skin. Foam a small amount of gel in wet palms, apply to face in circular massage movements, rinse with water. Use morning and evening.


Madina: “I really like this wash, the effect on the face after a week is brighter and the pores are more cleansed.”

Day care

To strengthen the barrier properties of the epidermis, you will need a product with moisturizing and lipid-restoring properties. At the age of 40, dehydration is the factor that most negatively affects the condition of the skin, since the sebaceous glands do not produce enough sebum.

Anti-aging care against signs of aging Slow Age, Vichy, corrects signs of aging. The antioxidant baicalin in combination with vitamins C and E helps neutralize oxidation processes. The probiotic Bifidus reduces sensitivity and increases resistance to external factors. Vichy thermal water, enriched with 15 minerals, normalizes pH balance and strengthens the skin.


Galina: “I’m 41, my skin is dry, and I can say that the cream suits me completely. It definitely combats all the stated skin problems. I still have small rashes on my face, so it cleared them up. I’m completely delighted. I definitely recommend it. The cream is light, completely absorbed, does not form a film. I use it as a daytime cream under makeup."

Concentrated anti-aging care with retinol Redermic R, La Roche-Posay, reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone and color thanks to retinol included in the composition. When using the product, it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun.


Ksenia: “Although it is believed that retinol-containing preparations should be used for at least three months, I see results after just a month of use. The skin is smooth, expression lines are noticeably smoothed out. Retinol also has a good effect on rashes. Only once there was slight irritation, but in my opinion fault - I applied it too close to the orbital area around the eyes. The irritation was relieved with Cicaplast balm in 2 days."

Night care

Indispensable if the skin needs additional nutrition (and it does). Well, in general, at night, when the skin is actively regenerating.

Revitalizing night cream for firming and anti-wrinkle Rénergie Nuit, Lancôme, stimulates the production of ATP molecules (adenasine triphosphoric acid) - a source of energy for skin cells in particular and the body in general. The result is increased synthesis of collagen, elastin, and glucosamines, which promotes firmness, elasticity and helps fight wrinkles.


Maria T: “The cream is very good, the consumption is economical, it copes well with the tasks of an anti-aging cream.”

Ksenia Glushko: “Rénergie Nuit did not disappoint my expectations. Well nourishes and smoothes the skin. Easily absorbed. Delicate texture. Ideal night care after tonic.”

Night care “Active lifting 45+”, Garnier — while you sleep, plant cells of youth and shea butter work to ensure that in the morning the skin becomes soft, smooth, filled with moisture. In a word, she looked younger.


Thanks to the high concentration of active substances and the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis, it helps smooth out wrinkles and brighten the skin. Pay attention to serums with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. And by adding skin lightening serums to your care, you will reduce existing pigment spots and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Serum for deep hydration and radiance of the skin Aquasource Deep Serum, Biotherm, enhances the skin's ability to retain moisture and tightens the skin. Active ingredients include cellular water from thermal plankton and mannose, a natural sugar of plant origin.


Donna_K: “This serum is an irreplaceable must-have in my cosmetic bag. It instantly moisturizes even very dry skin, and hydration occurs not only on the upper layers. Deep saturation with moisture is felt purely physically - anyone who has encountered the problem will understand what we are talking about dry skin."

Serum for even skin tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl’s, Thanks to vitamin C, peony and white birch extracts, it makes pigment spots less noticeable, gives the skin radiance, refreshes and evens out the complexion.


Julia: “I have strong pigmentation on my face. I’ve been using this serum for about 3 months, and it really works!). The spots have really almost disappeared. I use it morning and evening paired with day cream 30 spf. If you have the same problem - highly recommend. "

Katerina 1001: “The serum really reduced the pigment spot, it became much lighter. A little sticky after application, but it lays on top well and does not roll down.”

Eye cream

Mandatory for use, because, as mentioned above, at the age of 40, dark circles and swelling under the eyes become frequent, albeit uninvited, guests. “Crow’s Feet” has not been canceled either.

Anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic With Yeux, La Roche-Posay, Due to the high concentration of vitamin C (5%) it reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Bitter orange and thermal water in the product help relieve puffiness and restore moisture balance.


Julia: “I’ve been using this cream constantly (morning/evening) for more than a year. The cream really works. It increases the elasticity of the eyelid skin, removes fine wrinkles, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, softens the skin, moisturizes it. During all the time I used this cream, I forgot that "This is swelling under the eyes, and before I constantly struggled with this problem. The cream is also an excellent base for makeup. Over the year of using this cream, not a single wrinkle has appeared; there are fewer of them. Thanks to the manufacturers for this product."

Anti-aging eye cream Collagenist Re-Plump Eye Zoom, Helena Rubinstein, with hyaluronic acid restores collagen synthesis, helping to restore firmness and elasticity to the eyelid skin. Recommended for those who complain of sunken eyes and loss of skin volume in this area. Thanks to its melting texture, the cream spreads well and is quickly absorbed.

How to choose the right cosmetics

When choosing an anti-aging cream, it is always worth considering a complex of factors.

Specific problems that concern you.

Compound. Carefully read the information on the label, giving preference to products labeled anti-age.