Hardware cosmetology at home, what to choose

How to choose homemade skin care products? TOP 7 facial care devices 2019

At all times, healthy facial skin was considered the basis of female beauty. Therefore, beauties spare no effort and money to organize professional skin care. Fortunately, modern cosmetology is constantly developing, offering effective ways to preserve youth.

Don’t rush to sign up for salons, because many procedures can be performed independently at home. Experienced cosmetologists give advice on how to do it correctly, and in the Medspros online store you can choose everything you need for beauty and health.

To organize facial skin care at home, it is important to take into account three parameters:

  1. Age – if the skin at a young age requires minimal care with the use of non-greasy creams and regular peeling, then with the appearance of the first signs of aging, additional hardware procedures are needed.
  2. Skin type – for example, for a normal type it is not difficult to choose cosmetic products, but combination skin or skin prone to dryness requires careful selection of creams, masks, lotions, etc.
  3. Season – it is believed that in winter the skin needs intensive hydration, and in summer it is necessary to use refreshing, cleansing and sunscreen products.

When choosing care at home, you should take into account the characteristics of each organism. In young years, the skin is prone to the appearance of acne, pimples and skin irritations - the use of medicinal creams, soothing and tonic agents can save the situation.

Sometimes the first wrinkles appear as early as twenty years of age, which makes it necessary to urgently take appropriate measures. But often, professional facial care is required at the age of 30. What cosmetologists say about it?

Secrets of self-care for skin after 30 years

At this time, women think about fighting wrinkles that begin to appear near the eyes and in the forehead area. Competent facial care after 30 years includes: mandatory use cleansing gels, nourishing creams and emulsions, scrubs, masks and other products.

Cosmetologists advise giving preference to formulas with hyaluronic acid, medicinal plant extracts, natural oils, sea minerals and other beneficial elements. The aging process can be slowed down by purchasing skin peeling and cleansing devices that you can use at home.

Experts say that hardware cleaning and peeling at this age - an important condition for professional home skin care. It provides the following benefits:

  1. enhancing the healing effects of creams and masks;
  2. restoration of blood circulation and water balance in tissues;
  3. gentle massage with a lifting effect;
  4. fight against expression wrinkles and skin tightening;
  5. normalization of a healthy complexion.

An important component of skin care after 30 years is hardware moisturizing. You can also regularly carry out the darsonvalization procedure. Typically, such devices operate on batteries, provide several settings and attachments, and their compact dimensions allow you to take them with you on trips. To take care of facial skin at the age of thirty - you can't imagine anything better!

Taking care of facial skin after 40 years - recommendations from experts

They say that at forty, life is just beginning - and it’s true! However, it is at this time that the skin needs intensive care. Many women are concerned about loss of elasticity, decreased skin turgor and changes in facial contour. But you shouldn’t sign up for Botox injections ahead of time - professional hardware skin care after reaching forty at home will help you maintain youth.

Cosmetologists recommend paying great attention to hydration. However, often creams and emulsions alone are not enough - you need to use special devices.

The advantages of hardware skin moisturizing are as follows:

  1. uniform nutrition of the skin with healing substances;
  2. natural ionization and powerful refreshing effect;
  3. increasing the effectiveness of moisturizing with creams, milk or masks;
  4. restoration of the natural water balance of the skin;
  5. the ability to reduce the number of wrinkles, including facial wrinkles.

At this age, collagen also comes to the aid of lovely ladies, which is able to fight wrinkles without the need for surgical intervention. For example, using masks with collagen, you can achieve an excellent cosmetic effect on your own. In addition, you can use devices for rejuvenation and darsonvalization, which provide salon results at home

50 years old: taking care of your facial skin correctly at home!

With the possibilities of modern cosmetology, age for beautiful skin - no problem! We are talking about the regular use of anti-aging cosmetic products, as well as moisturizing devices. In addition, it is recommended to include rejuvenation devices designed for:

  1. thorough cleansing and peeling;
  2. massage providing a lifting effect;
  3. light therapy and myostimulation;
  4. LED phototherapy and ultrasonic facial cleansing;
  5. humidification and vacuum therapy.

RF-lifting and darsonvalization devices have proven themselves well, guaranteeing professional facial skin care at home. They work using electromagnetic impulses, so they stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, providing a powerful rejuvenating effect and skin tightening.

Another secret that cosmetologists share with women who have reached the age of fifty is the use mesoscooter. It provides a gentle piercing effect, improving blood circulation and providing a natural tightening.

When developing an appropriate facial for your age, remember to consider skin type. The situation is simpler with normal skin, for which it is not difficult to choose care products. But owners of other skin types should approach this issue with increased care.

Dry facial skin: professional care at home

There is a simple test to determine if your skin is dry. Wash your face, dry your face, and if after some time - for example, after half an hour, your skin feels tight and dry when touched, then you have this type. And although dry skin has a more even color, wrinkles appear on it much earlier. How to be?

There is only one way out – caring for dry skin at home should include intensive moisturizing! It is important to choose nourishing gels for washing, creams and masks containing natural oils, plant extracts and hyaluronic acid.

Tips from cosmetologists for caring for skin prone to dryness:

  1. be sure to use not only a day moisturizer, but also a night cream;
  2. do not forget about nourishing masks - ideal compositions with vegetable oils, collagen, aloe or chamomile extract;
  3. in order not to injure sensitive skin, it is better to avoid frequent use of scrubs and peels;
  4. The ideal solution for cleansing and toning dry skin is nourishing milk;
  5. During the washing process, the water should not be cold or too hot - medium temperature is ideal.

Steam saunas are useful in caring for dry skin, as they increase the effectiveness of the cosmetic products used. A reasonable solution is special humidification devices that can be used throughout the day. They maintain the natural water balance of the skin and do not disturb makeup. They operate on batteries and easily fit in any purse.

Care for combination skin at home

Let's repeat the test. Wash and dry your face, and after half an hour, look in the mirror. If the skin is moist and shiny in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, it is combination skin. This type causes a lot of trouble and makes it difficult to select cosmetics for daily care. Such skin is both dry and oily, prone to the formation of blackheads and acne. What to do?

Experts say – competent care for such facial skin requires delicate moisturizing, the use of combined cosmetic preparations, as well as devices for treating acne, massage and gentle cleansing.

Tips from cosmetologists for combination skin care:

  1. choose natural cosmetics without alcohol;
  2. do not be too zealous with the use of scrubs, giving preference to cleansing gels, lotions and tonics;
  3. sometimes it is advisable to use a nourishing cream for dry areas, and a light tonic cream for oily areas near the nose, chin and forehead;
  4. to combat acne, blackheads and enlarged pores, use special devices;
  5. Don't forget to massage your face regularly.

If you organize proper self-care for combination skin, it will stop causing problems. For facial cleansing with this skin type, peeling devices with replaceable attachments and brushes of different hardness are ideal, thanks to which blood circulation is normalized and the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

If acne bothers you, use device with blue LED and sound vibration. The technology is safe and effectively used by cosmologists to eliminate various defects.

Features of care for oily skin

Identifying oily skin is not difficult. After some time after washing, a greasy shine forms on it. Cosmetologists say that such skin ages more slowly, but it is prone to various dermatological problems, including pimples and acne.

How to proceed? Proper home care for oily skin is based on thorough but gentle cleansing, adequate nutrition and timely cosmetic procedures that you can carry out yourself. It is important to use devices for moisturizing, since in most cases, oily skin can also be dehydrated.

Tips from cosmetologists for caring for oily skin:

  1. for washing, use soft, fat-free foams or gels;
  2. cleanse your skin with a soothing toner that tightens pores;
  3. give preference to creams that do not contain fatty, nourishing oils;
  4. It is advisable to use scrubs - products with finely crushed apricot, grape or cedar kernels are suitable.

Daily care for oily skin at home can also be done using LED phototherapy devices. The spectrum of light exposure, close to ultraviolet, not only rejuvenates, but also has a beneficial effect on skin prone to oily skin. You can supplement your care with steam saunas, which have a healing effect on the skin and increase the effectiveness of the use of cosmetic products. Another useful tip from cosmetologists is special light therapy masks, which effectively fight acne, redness and pimples.

When organizing facial skin care at home, be sure to pay attention to the time of year and the weather outside the window. Why is it important - we'll talk further.

Winter facial skin care at home

In winter, the body experiences a lack of vitamins, which directly affects the condition of the skin. Wind, frost, snow and cold have a negative impact. It is no easier indoors - it is known that central heating and the use of heating devices dries the air, therefore the natural water balance of the epidermis is disrupted.

At this time, it is important to provide winter skin care at home using nourishing creams, gels, milk, masks and other products. It is ideal to carry out the following in winter: cosmetic procedures:

  1. facial massage and procedures using Darsonval devices;
  2. automatic cleaning and chemical peeling;
  3. hardware humidification;
  4. masks with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Little secret – by purchasing steam saunas for the face, you can provide your skin with professional care in the winter at home, as the healing effects of steam expand the pores and moisturizing compounds penetrate the epidermis at the cellular level, providing intense nutrition.

Professional skin care in hot summer

In summer, the skin experiences stress due to high temperatures, aggressive ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Due to such negative factors, the following are observed: enlarged pores, increased sweating, hyperpigmentation and even sunburn. Cosmetologists give adviceHow to avoid these problems and organize proper skin care in the summer at home:

  1. Carry out cleansing procedures twice a day - in the morning and evening, and also, if necessary, throughout the day;
  2. buy creams with a light texture and do not overdo it with makeup;
  3. gentle emulsions and fluids are considered an excellent solution for summer care;
  4. Don’t forget about sunscreen formulas that will protect you from sunburn;
  5. use masks and gels, but without containing high amounts of fats and oils.

After prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin needs careful moisturizing - in this case, it is wise to apply a nourishing night cream or use special devices. In the summer it is important to carry out such salon sessions in a timely manner. cosmetic procedures, such as anti-rosacea and anti-inflammatory care, darsonvalization, deep peeling and cleansing, lymphatic drainage, healing massages and more.

Rating of TOP 7 facial care devices

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that professional facial care at home is it's not that expensive or difficultAs it seems at first glance. By choosing the beauty products that our store offers, you will be able to carry out cosmetic procedures yourself, and the health and radiance of your skin will be the envy of others!

These at-home beauty machines have been specially created for people who do not want to have invasive anti-aging procedures, but want to restore the basic architecture and visible lift of the face and body without surgery.

Slendertone face by Philip Treacy

A myostimulator from Slendertone and designer Philip Treacy promises to strengthen facial muscles, even out deep wrinkles and restore facial contours in 8 weeks of home treatments. Also, when stimulating muscles, blood flow and lymph circulation improves, which reduces swelling, evens out and improves color.

Gezatone Beauty Iris

Gezatone Beauty Iris facial massager with three replaceable attachments for non-surgical tightening, lifting and toning of facial skin. Galvanic currents provide deep nutrition and hydration to the skin. Microcurrent therapy is called non-surgical lifting; this method of exposure is one of the leading in modern anti-age cosmetology. Lottie's microcurrents smooth out individual stubborn wrinkles.

Crystal Renew, Rio

The combination of a vacuum and microcrystalline powder, which is supplied under pressure through a drive tube, leads to the effective removal of dead cells from the surface of the facial skin. The microdermabrasion procedure is extremely effective for enlarged pores and acne, but it cannot be used for skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, eczema, or if there are birthmarks.

La Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

The effectiveness of this Japanese combine, using an ultrasonic frequency of 7 MHz, is beyond doubt. The device combines the effects of the following modes: galvanic current, ultrasound and infrared rays in several combinations. With regular use, the permeability of cell membranes increases, metabolic and detoxification processes are accelerated, collagen synthesis by fibroblasts is stimulated, which leads to pronounced lifting, improved turgor and moisture.

Perfect Photo Portion

This portable device combines two advanced technologies for influencing the deep layers of the skin: electroporation and LED light beam. Electroporation ensures the promotion of nutritional components and moisture deep into the skin, and an ultra-precise LED beam increases cellular activity and has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. The LED light beam is red, blue and infrared radiation, depending on the type of radiation and in combination with electroporation, various effects are achievable from accelerating metabolism in the skin and increasing the amount of collagen to activating muscle fiber cells, which is a real alternative to salon care.

Gezatone Kus 2k

The operation of the device for carrying out full-fledged ultrasonic peeling and micromassage procedures is based on ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 24 kHz, which are applied to a thin metal paddle and promote deep cleansing of the skin, exfoliation of keratinized scales from the surface, and lightening of age spots. Exposure to ultrasonic waves improves metabolic processes, and increased lymph flow and blood flow during massage helps reduce swelling and even out complexion, increases skin turgor and its density.

60 Second Neck Toner, Rio

The name of the myostimulator specifies the required time for toning the skin of the neck and chin. Visible results are visible after just three uses of this device, designed specifically for the problem area of ​​the “double chin.” Alternating three 60 Second Neck Toner programs can effectively increase muscle tone and tighten the oval of the face.

All women strive to maintain youthful skin longer, but not everyone has time to visit a cosmetologist. In this case, specialized devices that can be used at home come to the rescue. Let's figure out how effective hardware cosmetology is at home, let's remember exactly what procedures can be performed without the help of a specialist.

Hardware cosmetology at home, what is it?

Every year new ways appear to prolong the youth of the skin and maintain an attractive appearance. Specialized devices are very popular, the action of which is based on deep penetration into the epidermis and activation of rejuvenating processes.

Fortunately for women who do not have time to visit beauty salons, such devices are available for free sale. Hardware cosmetology at home is an ideal option for taking care of your skin with minimal time investment.

With the help of modern devices, a woman can:

  1. get rid of wrinkles;
  2. cleanse pores;
  3. improve complexion.

And all this without resorting to surgery and anti-aging injections.

The results largely depend on the specific device and will be no worse than after the provision of professional cosmetology services. Power and functional parameters determine the degree and nature of the device’s impact on the body.

You can independently use units with which a woman plans to achieve the following results:

  1. remove sagging skin;
  2. make wrinkles less deep;
  3. reduce enlarged pores;
  4. get rid of cosmetic defects;
  5. make skin smoother;
  6. tighten the oval of the face;
  7. remove cellulite deposits;
  8. tighten muscle tissue;
  9. remove excess hair.

It is important to take into account that to obtain the effect, the procedures must be performed regularly, but not more often than cosmetologists recommend.


This method of preserving youth and beauty has many adherents, due to its undeniable advantages.

The advantages of home hardware cosmetology include the following factors:

  1. the opportunity to take care of your appearance at a convenient time;
  2. efficiency. Thanks to their effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, the devices trigger rejuvenation mechanisms that “work” for another 8-10 months after the end of the course of procedures;
  3. a wide selection of devices with different principles of operation and differentiated functionality - every woman can choose a unit that will be easy to use and will best satisfy her needs;
  4. “beauty injections” suppress the independent synthesis of hyaluronic acid, while cosmetic massagers, on the contrary, activate the body’s internal reserves and activate metabolic processes;
  5. saving money - by making a one-time investment in the purchase of suitable equipment, a woman has the opportunity to save on visits to a beauty salon. In addition, the whole family can use the “home” device;
  6. Possibility of use by men. Most representatives of the stronger sex consider obvious concern for their appearance to be “unmasculine” behavior. Nevertheless, many of them would also be happy to take care of themselves, if not for prejudices. Having an anti-aging device at home allows you to take care of your appearance without flaunting this fact;
  7. a small number of contraindications and rare side effects.

Unlike plastic surgery and special injections, after hardware cosmetology sessions, patients do not experience discomfort and lead their usual lifestyle.


There are also disadvantages to using cosmetic devices independently. These include the need for regular sessions, and the home atmosphere is rarely conducive to strict adherence to such recommendations. In addition, many women are disappointed when they find out that the effect of the procedures will appear only after a certain number of sessions.

This drawback is not decisive. It is individual in nature, so it is not necessary to take it into account.

The impossibility of constant professional control is also a disadvantage of independent use of hardware cosmetology.

A competent specialist, if necessary, will adjust the number and nature of procedures and apply various combinations of techniques.

Home use of devices may be less effective than if the process were controlled by a high-level professional. If desired, this disadvantage can be easily eliminated. A woman can always turn to qualified professionals and receive the necessary advice, and then continue the procedures at home.

Facial cosmetics that can be used at home

Based on the principle of influence, the most popular “home” units are divided into the following groups:

  1. equipment for microcurrent stimulation;
  2. devices with radio frequency waves;
  3. ultrasonic devices;
  4. lasers;
  5. vacuum units.

The possibility of independent use is an undoubted advantage of such technology. However, before the procedures, women need to carefully study the instructions and strictly adhere to the recommendations regarding the procedure for conducting rejuvenating sessions.

Regular use of cosmetic devices has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, these procedures should not be considered a panacea. In any case, you should take care of your appearance, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Proper nutrition, physical activity, and the absence of bad habits in combination with hardware cosmetology will help prolong youth and positively affect a woman’s health. In addition to hardware cosmetology, traditional methods of caring for aging skin should be used.

Moisturizing creams, gels, milk, nourishing masks will enhance the effect of modern procedures.

You can learn more about the use of hardware cosmetology at home by watching the video:

Device for tightening the oval face: how to use at home

After 40 years, women notice unpleasant signs of skin aging. The oval of the face loses its clear lines, a double chin appears, and the neck loses its fresh appearance. To maintain youthful skin, creams, masks, self-massage are used, or you can resort to more effective and modern techniques.

To tighten the oval face, equipment is used, the operating principle of which is based on the influence of microcurrent pulses or ultrasound. The use of such devices causes muscle tissue to contract more actively, as a result, blood supply to the tissues in the chin area often improves, and blood vessels are strengthened.

Regular use of such devices relieves a woman of a double chin, makes the contours of the face clearer, and the skin of the neck tightened.

Ultrasound lifting is one of the simplest procedures. In addition to a cosmetic device, a woman will need a special gel guide and a lifting serum. Before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash the skin, then apply the serum and wait until it is absorbed.

Next, the gel is applied to the face and the phonophoresis procedure begins. The device should be moved along the massage lines. To obtain the maximum effect, cosmetologists recommend conducting 3 tightening courses of 15 procedures each year. Between phonophoresis sessions there are breaks of 3-4 days. Among ultrasonic units, the Gezatone Ultra-Tonic m 115 model is popular.

Electric massagers with microcurrent pulses are another method for face lifting. A special gel is also purchased for sessions. The duration of home lymphatic drainage is 15 minutes. To get a noticeable effect, you will need to conduct 10-15 sessions.

At first, facial lymphatic drainage is done every other day, then the intervals between procedures are increased. For home use, the budget massager 60 Second Neck Toner Rio has proven itself well.

Ultrasound and laser devices

The most affordable and safest are laser and ultrasonic units. Such models are in greatest demand among women.

LazerLift Rio The device activates collagen production. Already the first 3-4 sessions give tangible results. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, radiant. LazerLift Rio comes with a special gel guide
Gezatone superlifting m355 Massage using the device improves blood circulation, helps smooth out the relief and improve complexion

Choosing a depilation device

Many girls worry about body hair and use various techniques to remove it. Getting rid of hair using wax, sugar, razor or depilator gives short-term results. Laser hair removal is much more effective than the above procedures. It is practically not painful and little traumatic, so more and more women prefer to remove unnecessary hairs this way.

To remove vegetation, you will need to complete a course of 6-8 procedures. In the future, laser hair removal should be repeated annually to maintain shape. If you don’t want to go to a beauty salon every time, you can purchase a portable laser epilator and remove hair yourself.

Such models have proven themselves well as “home” appliances.

Rio-Dezar X60 The unit has several modes. It can be used for delicate skin - bikini area, armpits, face
Advance An easy-to-use device, the mechanism of which is identical to professional cosmetology equipment. A special diode laser is used to destroy hair follicles. One pulse removes a large number of hairs. The advantage of the unit is several power modes and long-term operation - at least 5 years
Tria Hair Removal Lazer An easy-to-use model for home use. The epilator has several operating modes, but it is ineffective for working over a large area.

When choosing a laser epilator, women should listen to the opinion of professional cosmetologists. Also, preference should be given to well-known, trusted manufacturers who guarantee product quality.

Contraindications for use

Cosmetic procedures at home are convenient. However, before purchasing a specialized device, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for its use. There are few of them, but such warnings should not be neglected.

Oncological diseases Laser and ultrasound devices can contribute to the active growth of cancer cells and the formation of metastases. You shouldn't seriously risk your health for a fresher appearance. In such a situation, it is better for a woman to give preference to creams for mature or problematic skin
Pregnancy This period in the life of the expectant mother requires special precautions. Procedures whose safety for the fetus may be questioned should be postponed. Gynecologists warn that sometimes exposure to radiofrequency pulses can cause uterine contractions, which in turn can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
Inflammations and ulcers on the skin, herpes You should wait until the end of the acute process and only then begin cosmetic procedures. The impact of devices on open wounds interferes with their speedy healing
Mycoses Fungal skin diseases are treated by a qualified dermatologist. The external influence of the cosmetic device during the course of antifungal therapy complicates treatment. In addition, this is unhygienic, since fungal spores get on the device and subsequently provoke new foci of the disease.
Presence of a pacemaker Exposure to radio frequencies and ultrasound is prohibited, as they can lead to incorrect operation of the implanted device and lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition, including a heart attack;
liver and kidney failure. Contraindications are due to metabolic disorders, as a result of which hardware effects may be ineffective, and in some cases even undesirable
Liver and kidney failure Contraindications are due to metabolic disorders, as a result of which hardware effects may be ineffective, and in some cases even undesirable

You should not try to figure out all the intricacies of how cosmetic devices work on your own. For the first time, it is better to do each procedure in a good salon under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, you should ask him to tell you about the rules for operating the device and other important points.

The ability to carry out effective cosmetic procedures at home is a great achievement in the beauty industry. Thanks to modern developments, women have the opportunity to take quality care of their appearance. Before purchasing such a device, you should consult with a good cosmetologist.

To achieve maximum effect, hardware cosmetology should be combined with traditional methods of skin care and the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

We invite you to watch an interesting video about modern hardware cosmetology: