Pharmacy remedies for puffiness under the eyes

Age-related wrinkles are a problem that sooner or later affects every person. The fair half of humanity is most puzzled by the problem of sagging skin on the face, so they are trying to combat this problem with all available methods. There is no need to say that today there are plenty of products for rejuvenation and smoothing, the range is amazing. But pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products deserve more trust. In addition, many of them do not cost a lot of money, unlike expensive cosmetics, but at the same time they have unique properties for youthful and beautiful skin. Some of them are definitely worth getting to know.

General recommendations

Indeed, today you can find many ordinary medicinal ointments, gels or creams that effectively combat age-related skin changes, but here you need to take into account one important fact: the harm of pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products can be several times greater than the benefit. Before using any drug, you must study the instructions, read the contraindications, take into account the characteristics of your body, and consult with a specialist. In general, take a set of measures that will help prevent unwanted consequences.

In addition, you need to be aware that pharmaceutical products for swelling and wrinkles, which are not intended for this purpose, may have side effects. There is no need to self-medicate; it is better to visit a dermatologist first.

There are a number of drugs that are sold in pharmacies and are in demand among those who want to get rid of wrinkles and swelling. Below are some of them, the composition and beneficial properties for the skin are discussed.


There is little information about how this product fights wrinkles. Only based on consumer reviews can conclusions be drawn.

First of all, it is worth noting that in some cases applying cream to the face is strictly prohibited. Which ones exactly?

  1. For sensitive and thin skin.
  2. If there is damage to the skin: wounds, abrasions, scratches.
  3. If you have rosacea.

Also, no specialist will recommend pharmaceutical products for wrinkles on the face, at least Capsicum, but women are inclined to experiment, so they use such drugs, and are even satisfied with the result, judging by the reviews.

The cream must be applied in extremely small quantities, literally on the tip of a toothpick. The pharmaceutical product should be mixed with a regular nourishing cream, then applied to the face. Do not apply the product to the skin around the eyes and lips. The cream warms and stings the skin, which can be compared to the effect of a sauna. After 15 minutes, the mixture of cream with Capsicam should be washed off and the skin of the face should be lubricated with Bepanten. You should not abuse the product; once a week will be enough.

Apricot oil

This is an ideal and completely natural remedy that helps preserve youth and beauty. The oil is made from apricot kernels; they contain a whole vitamin complex. Despite the fact that specialized pharmaceutical products for wrinkles under the eyes are presented in a wide range, they will be much more effective if used in combination with apricot oil.

The composition of this product is rich, but below are those components that directly fight wrinkles both around the eyes and on the face:

  1. Vitamin A promotes skin cell regeneration.
  2. Vitamins E and C ensure collagen production.
  3. Zinc regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Rare vitamin F moisturizes the skin.

This product is absolutely harmless, it is ideal for any skin type, especially dry. You can apply it to the area around the eyes in its pure form using a cotton pad. In terms of its effectiveness and safety, it surpasses many pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products.

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that apricot oil is not a panacea for age-related changes in the skin around the eyes. It can only cope with shallow wrinkles. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use it for prevention.

"Blefarogel 1"

Surely many women suffer from bags under their eyes and are interested in what pharmaceutical remedies for swelling and wrinkles can be bought. One of the budget specialized drugs is “Blepharogel 1”.

This is a medicine that is prescribed for irritation and swelling of the skin around the eyes. But it is not limited to medical use; many women use it to relieve puffiness and smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.

This drug contains hyaluronic acid and aloe vera extract; these components help get rid of swelling in the visual area in just a few days. Directions for use: Apply a thick layer of ointment to the skin around the eyes at night.

Despite the fact that the instructions for use do not indicate such a cosmetic effect of the drug, judging by the composition and indications, it is capable of smoothing out fine wrinkles around the eyes. The great advantage is that “Blepharogel 1” is harmless, but you must read the instructions for use. All specialized pharmaceutical products for swelling and wrinkles are quite expensive, and “Blepharogel 1” can be purchased for no more than 200 rubles.

Heparin ointment

Many people believe that inexpensive pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products either do not help or do not exist at all. But this is far from true; there is a universal, inexpensive remedy for swelling and wrinkles - heparin ointment.

The active ingredient of the product is sodium heparin, although many people mistakenly believe that it contains a hormone. Traditionally, this medication is used for varicose veins, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, resorption of bruises and thrombosis. At the same time, the cream promotes the regeneration of skin cells, relieves puffiness and prolongs youth. It makes more sense to use it to prevent wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle ointment should be used twice, or preferably three times a day for 7-10 days. It should be applied in a thin layer, because otherwise the skin will not be able to breathe. Among the disadvantages of this product, only an unpleasant odor can be noted, which is not so important compared to the positive qualities of the drug.

The cost of the miracle remedy is not much more than 100 rubles. Finding cheaper pharmaceutical products for wrinkles and swelling with similar effects is quite difficult. But do not forget to read the instructions for use, because each medication may have contraindications.

Retinoic ointment

Initially, retinoic ointment is intended for the treatment of acne, so it is mostly in demand among teenagers. But the properties of this medication can also be used in adulthood to smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. By the way, not all the best pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products can surpass retinoic ointment in their effect.

The effect of the drug is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamin A, and it is indispensable for the restoration and renewal of skin cells. After all, wrinkles on the face appear due to the depletion of skin cells and a decrease in the level of collagen in them. Retinoic ointment prevents aging of the integument and restores it, in addition, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

You can use the drug daily instead of night cream after complete removal of makeup. But you should not use it on the skin around the eyes. At the initial stage, you should not apply the drug daily; first you need to make sure that it does not cause a negative reaction on the skin. Then you can use it regularly.

But do not forget that this is not a cosmetic product, but a medicine. It has contraindications and side effects. Typically, retinoic ointment is prescribed by specialists, so a consultation with a doctor will not be a superfluous event. It is worth noting that not all pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products receive positive comments. Reviews about this drug indicate its effectiveness.

Ointment "Relief Advance"

Quite a well-known remedy, probably everyone has already heard about it. But this is not a drug that is created for beauty and youth. The fact is that it contains unique components - shark liver oil, glycerin, vegetable oils, beeswax, vitamin E. Together, all these substances have a lot of positive properties for the skin:

  1. Moisturizes and prevents moisture loss.
  2. Relieves inflammation and irritation.
  3. Soften the skin and smooth out wrinkles.
  4. Relieves swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Not all pharmaceutical products for wrinkles around the eyes act as comprehensively as Relief Advance ointment. But only to feel the effect, you need to use the drug correctly. It should be applied once a day at night. Before this, the covers must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics. Next, you can apply the product to the skin of the face and the area around the eyes. The secret is that the ointment is applied with patting movements, and this is very important so that the drug penetrates deep into the skin. After a couple of minutes, remove any remaining drug with a soft cloth.

The effectiveness of this product depends on regular use. But here it is worth noting that pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products should be used with extreme caution, because they have contraindications.

Ointment "Solcoseryl"

This is the best option for those who are looking for the most effective pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products. The fact is that Solcoseryl ointment was created as a healing agent for wounds. It has restorative properties, which is undoubtedly very important when fighting wrinkles.

How the medicine works:

  1. Nourishes the integument.
  2. Increases the flow of oxygen and glucose to the skin surface.
  3. Improves blood circulation.
  4. Promotes collagen formation.

Surely, similar characteristics are familiar to many; expensive anti-wrinkle creams have this effect, but the cost of this drug is only about 200 rubles.

You need to know exactly how to use this product correctly. To obtain the proper result, you need to prepare a mask; you will need Dimexide and water. Before applying the resulting mass, it is necessary to steam the skin. Next, you should mix the concentrated antiseptic "Dimexide" with water in a ratio of 1:10.

A mixture of "Dimexide" with water is applied to the skin, then you have to wait until it dries, only after that you can apply "Solcoseryl" ointment. You need to keep the mask for one hour, but you need to make sure that it does not dry out; you should spray it with water. After this time, you need to remove the remaining product with a napkin and lubricate the skin with a hypoallergenic cream.

There is no consensus on how often a mask can be used. Some say that it should be applied every three days and ten procedures done, others advise using the product no more than twice a month.

The only thing I would like to note once again is that the main thing is not to cause harm, since all pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products have a number of contraindications. You need to read the instructions, and it is best to consult a doctor.

Gel "Curiosin"

The gel is intended primarily for the treatment of acne and acne. The instructions for use do not contain any recommendations regarding the use of this anti-wrinkle product. Nevertheless, even experts confirm that it can cope with age-related skin changes. Like any other pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products, Curiosin gel is not cosmetic and should be used with caution.

The effect of the medication is due to the fact that it contains hyaluric acid and zinc. These components are necessary for our skin, because its own supply of these elements runs out over time, as a result of which the skin becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

Numerous reviews indicate that this product tightens the skin and makes it more elastic. Some users compare regular use of the ointment with an injection of hyaluronic acid.

There is no clear answer on how to use the gel. But even cosmetologists claim that it can be applied daily and combined with other facial cosmetics. It does not react with other drugs and also does not cause allergies, which is suitable for people with thin and sensitive skin. Nevertheless, everything is good in moderation, and you should not abuse it, just as you should not use anti-wrinkle products before the age of 30.

So, you can apply Curiosin ointment daily.

Zinc ointment

This is another simple and cheap remedy, it contains nothing but petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. We are already accustomed to the fact that cosmetics and pharmaceutical products for facial wrinkles cannot be cheap. But few people know that an accessible recipe for youth exists - zinc ointment. The price of this medication is less than 50 rubles.

How does zinc affect the skin?

  1. It activates enzymes that are involved in skin cell renewal.
  2. Protects skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.
  3. Regulates collagen synthesis.
  4. Cleanses the skin surface of dead cells.
  5. Heals minor injuries.

The product can be used not only to smooth the skin, but also to prevent age-related changes.

It's no secret that the main cause of skin aging is exposure to ultraviolet rays. Zinc oxide reliably protects the skin from harmful effects, so it remains beautiful for a long time.

To begin with, it should be noted that the product does not pose any danger and is truly universal.

There are several recommendations for use:

  1. Since the product leaves an oily sheen, it is better to apply it at night.
  2. Applying any product is permissible only on a cleansed face.
  3. The drug can whiten the skin.
  4. For those with dry skin, zinc ointment is recommended to be used in combination with moisturizers.
  5. There is no need to lubricate the entire surface of the face; it is enough to apply the ointment only to problem areas.
  6. The ointment dries the skin and should be applied in a thin layer.

Despite the fact that the drug is safe, consulting a cosmetologist or dermatologist will not be superfluous.

Surely, this is not the entire list of pharmaceutical products. Every woman has her own secrets of beauty and youth, and most likely there is no universal recipe for everyone. Nevertheless, experiments with pharmaceutical drugs must be approached very carefully, and it is better not to self-medicate.

Finally, it is worth noting that you need to carefully and responsibly choose pharmaceutical products for wrinkles around the eyes, because not all of them are safe. Also, do not forget to read the instructions for use and test creams and ointments for allergic reactions.

It is difficult to stop and prevent the irreversible processes of skin aging, but doing nothing and watching old age rapidly approach is also not recommended. Today at the pharmacy you can purchase effective medications that effectively fight wrinkles and other skin defects.

How to choose a cream for puffiness under the eyes in a pharmacy

If increased swelling appears in the eye area, and the appearance of the skin leaves much to be desired, it’s time to visit the pharmacy. You should not hide the problem under a thick layer of decorative cosmetics; it is best to recognize the predominant defect and then eliminate its root cause. To do this, you can use a special eye cream, but the main thing is to choose an effective and most gentle product. As an option:

  1. Dioptigel gently solves the problem, while being a relatively inexpensive cosmetic product. In addition to puffiness, it eliminates facial wrinkles, bags under the eyes, and is widely available in over-the-counter pharmacies.
  2. Dr. Nona is an analogue of the competitor described above, which also effectively helps with the appearance of increased swelling of the face area, and can replace a day cream. In addition, this is an effective way to nourish and moisturize dry dermis that is prone to peeling.
  3. Cream Expert 26+ from Black Pearl is another proven pharmaceutical product that allows you to quickly remove wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Its use is appropriate for increased swelling, pallor, fatigue of the skin, and is important for the appearance of bruises and dark circles in the characteristic zone. This is a cheap cream for bags under the eyes that everyone can afford.

How to use pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles in cosmetology

Anti-aging drugs not only quickly remove wrinkles from the face, but also tighten the upper layer of the epidermis, provide a progressive lifting effect, contain a high concentration of collagen and no harmful components. This is natural rejuvenation at home, which does not require expensive masks in a beauty salon or visiting procedures at an aesthetic surgery clinic.

Solcoseryl face gel

When buying pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products, the first thing you need to do is read the instructions to determine the real help for problem areas. Solcoseryl for wrinkles is a special ointment that has powerful regenerating properties and can even dissolve postoperative sutures and treat hemorrhoids. In practice, the following positive points are highlighted:

  1. ideal for dry skin types;
  2. ensures collagen production at the cellular level;
  3. accelerates the healing process of minor abrasions and cuts;
  4. enhances the bioavailability of glucose influx;
  5. saturates with vitamins.

Retinoic ointment

If the condition of the skin on your forehead leaves much to be desired, it’s time to buy effective remedies for the signs of aging at the pharmacy. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles contains retinol in the recipe, which rejuvenates the skin, tightens the eyelids, and ensures a healthy appearance of the dermis. You can use the composition as a day and night cream, while remembering other beneficial properties:

  1. elimination of wrinkles and extensive pigmentation;
  2. removal of inflammatory processes of unknown origin;
  3. strengthening the regeneration process;
  4. normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  5. stopping skin aging processes.


When purchasing pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products, you must be careful so that the chosen medicine really helps get rid of progressive pathology from the field of cosmetology. The drug Curiosin effectively eliminates pimples and all manifestations of acne. The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is more suitable for adult skin. The anti-wrinkle remedy costs a penny, but among the additional points doctors highlight:

  1. reduction of skin dryness;
  2. enriching the skin with oxygen and vitamins;
  3. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  4. suppression of pigmentation symptoms on the forehead and other parts of the face;
  5. elimination of the early stage of cellulite.

Zinc ointment

Some anti-wrinkle products from the pharmacy cost a penny, but they provide long-lasting youth and beauty of the skin. Zinc ointment for the face has just such properties, and the epidermis is renewed within a week after regular procedures. The drug should be used as a day cream, and its main advantages are:

  1. resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  2. an even tan with varying durations of exposure to the sun;
  3. the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  4. corresponds to normal and fat type;
  5. moisturizing and nourishing wrinkles.

Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes

This is an effective cream for bags under the eyes, which is often used for advanced stages of blepharitis. The presence of hyaluronic acid and natural aloe juice makes the drug as effective and safe as possible. The presence of glycerin promotes maximum nutrition; it moisturizes dry skin. The following advantages are worth highlighting:

  1. elimination of wrinkles using the official pharmacy method;
  2. treatment of blepharitis;
  3. restoration of the skin after injury, mechanical or chemical damage.

Find out more methods on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes.

Effective anti-wrinkle masks at home

Pharmacy anti-wrinkle products do not work immediately, so there is a desire to speed up the cosmetic effect. Camphor and castor oil are actively used to restore the hair structure; such a prescription is appropriate to prevent irreversible skin aging processes. Below is an effective and time-tested recipe for young men and women.

  1. castor (camphor) oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  3. some water.

Method of preparation and instructions for use:

  1. Grind all the ingredients and lubricate your face with the resulting serum.
  2. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week to achieve a rejuvenating effect on your face.
  3. Additionally, you can use ice cubes, candles or pharmaceutical leeches, but professional cosmetologists recommend using effective Thiogamma preparations or pay attention to the products of the Shiseido cosmetic company.

For the face with solcoseryl and dimexide

This pharmaceutical remedy for facial wrinkles is considered to be budget Botox, and the rejuvenating effect is provided better than a leech bite. The first step is to cover the skin with Dimexide, and after a quarter of an hour, lubricate it with Solkseril. This combination of solutions ensures a lasting result, and the procedure with pharmaceutical products is allowed twice a month.

With aspirin against wrinkles

Since Actovegin and Relief are expensive, you can use cheaper pharmaceutical products that can also provide even and smooth skin. These can be regular Aspirin tablets, which need to be crushed in a mortar, diluted in water and applied to the wrinkles. For faster and more productive results, it is advisable to use Panthenol, hydrogen peroxide, Radevit or Foretal. The products are not cheap, but they significantly prolong youth.

Video: heparin ointment for wrinkles


Maria, 31 years old I use only Vichy cosmetics for wrinkles, I am very pleased with the result. The face seems to be lubricated with gelatin, repelling pathogenic factors through such an invisible protective layer. This is an effective remedy for rosacea, so if you have any skin problems, you should go to the pharmacy to purchase it.

Irina, 41 years old Pharmacy hydrocortisone ointment, which costs a penny, helps me against wrinkles. Hydrocortisone itself, like heparin, cleanses pores, promotes tissue regeneration, and is found in many regenerating agents. If you use it, the skin becomes younger before your eyes, and the drug acts on the principle of a corrector - wrinkles are not visible.

Anna, 31 years old I liked the Lyoton gel, which has the consistency of jelly. It contains nourishing oils that simultaneously protect the skin and eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is an effective remedy for varicose veins and against wrinkles, so it’s definitely worth taking note of.

The cream for puffiness under the eyes can be used until the puffiness goes away. Such creams should be applied to clean skin, previously cleared of traces of cosmetics. Swelling in most cases appears after sleep, in the morning. Sometimes dark circles appear along with swelling, giving the impression that the person is sick. You can cope with this problem with the help of different creams, the choice of which is largely related to the cause of the appearance of this condition. Ointments and creams against puffy eyes are quite effective if you make the right choice and use regularly, according to the instructions in the instructions.

Puffiness under the eyes can appear under the influence of various factors. This is mainly due to the disordered rhythm of life, eating large amounts of salty food, drinking large amounts of water before bed, constant lack of sleep, and frequent stress. Swelling under the eyes can also be signs of serious illnesses, a signal of dysfunction of internal organ systems, for example, kidney or heart diseases.

Puffiness under the eyes can also be a concern as a result of incorrectly chosen cosmetics and their improper application. Some women apply a nourishing cream around their eyes before going to bed. This approach can provoke the appearance of bags under the eyes in the morning. It is recommended to apply the product an hour before bedtime.

How to choose a cream for puffiness under the eyes in a pharmacy

In order to look well-groomed and beautiful, you should regularly take care of your facial skin, especially the skin around the eyes, since it is thinner and more sensitive.

Pharmacies offer a large selection of different creams and ointments that are designed to combat swelling under the eyes. Pharmacy anti-wrinkle products are conventionally divided into two large groups. The first group includes specialized cosmetics for the eyelids and skin around the eyes, including anti-aging cosmetics. Such products are sold in pharmacies. The second group includes products intended for the treatment of completely different diseases, and not for the problem of the skin around the eyes, but they are successfully used to combat bags and dark circles under the eyes. For example, Heparin ointment is used against hemorrhoids and abrasions. The product is also effective for relieving swelling and improving blood flow. The ointment makes the skin around the eyes soft, hides crow's feet, and eliminates bags under the eyes. Pentanol ointment helps with dry eyelid skin, activates the restoration of skin cells, Lyoton gel is intended for use in dilating blood vessels on the legs, and is also used against swelling under the eyes. Blefarogel is chosen due to the fact that it contains hyaluronic acid. Effective products for caring for the skin around the eyes and eyelids are Relief, Zinc, Hydrocortisone ointments, etc. Many people choose preparations with glycerin, pharmaceutical Vaseline, fish oil, vitamin formulations, oils of various plants and fruits to care for the skin under the eyes.

The right choice is a guarantee that the effect will come quickly, providing the woman with a healthy appearance and a beautiful look. You need to choose a cream taking into account certain requirements:

  1. the product should produce a tightening effect, thereby increasing the tone of the skin around the eyes and elasticity. This cream helps drain excess moisture, especially if the appearance of edema is associated with excess water drunk.
  2. A high-quality cream should moisturize the skin around the eyes, nourish it, and lighten the dark circles under the eyes.
  3. You should pay attention to the fact that the cream is hypoallergenic and has a gentle effect.
  4. a good cream should protect the skin from the effects of UV rays, combat age-related changes in the skin and the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Ointments and gels should be selected based on what specific problem needs to be solved. First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition and indications of the drug, conduct a test by applying a small amount of the product behind the ear. If redness, itching, or rash appears, then this product should not be applied to the delicate area of ​​the eyes.


All eye skin care products should include:

  1. water. Is a mandatory moisturizing component;
  2. glycerol. Retains moisture, forming a thin film on the skin;
  3. sodium hyaluronate. Stabilizes water balance, the amount of collagen and elastin, promotes healing and regeneration of skin cells;
  4. urea. Moisturizes the skin, has a phytoprotective effect, and is used in anti-aging products;
  5. collagen. Actively absorbs moisture, thereby maintaining skin elasticity;
  6. panthenol. Retains moisture and has the ability to moisturize the deep layers of the epidermis;
  7. soybean hydrolysate. Protects the epidermis from drying out;
  8. liposomes. Strengthen the upper zone of the epidermis;
  9. elastin. Increases elasticity and tone;
  10. argyrelene. Tightens the skin, preventing the appearance of bags under the eyes;
  11. vitamins A, B, C, E, K, H, F.

The products should also contain herbal infusions. Extracts of chamomile, coltsfoot, mint, and gentian are useful. Vegetable oils, seaweed, and caffeine also ensure the effectiveness of these drugs.

There are no special contraindications to the use of eye creams. Almost everyone is allowed to use such means, if the problem is not caused by a malfunction of the internal organs.

It is recommended to use creams with glycerin during the day, because when the glycerin content in the cream is more than 7%, instead of preserving moisture, it can cause dehydration.

If you choose a product containing hyaluronic acid, you need to take into account that cosmetologists recommend its minimum content when using a cream to care for young skin.

Due to the presence of caffeine in these products, their use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

When choosing a cream, you need to remember that it must correspond to the age, type and specifics of the skin. This approach will prevent the occurrence of side effects and allergies.

How to use?

When choosing a cream or ointment, you need to pay attention to the composition and expiration date. Combinations of branded and pharmacy products with homemade masks, contrast showers, and massages are useful. All remedies are more effective with proper organization of the daily routine and adjustment of the diet.

Anti-puffiness agents under the eyes should be used 2 times a day, after hygiene procedures. Hands must be washed before applying the product. Apply creams until swelling disappears completely. Apply the cream pointwise, using your fingertips, from the temple to the nose (under the eyes) and back (above the eyes). To prevent the cream from getting into your eyes, do not apply it right next to your eyelashes.

It is recommended to start care with a light night cream that does not clog pores (twice a day). It is better to store the cream against puffiness under the eyes in the refrigerator, which will help maintain the freshness of the drug and increase its effectiveness. If the skin around the eyes is very dry, it is recommended to add drops of vegetable oil to the cream.

During pregnancy

Swelling during pregnancy is almost inevitable. It is best to use home remedies to get rid of puffiness under the eyes while expecting a baby. Creams or ointments for puffy eyes should be used after consulting a doctor, avoiding products that contain caffeine.

Review of creams

Ointments and creams for puffiness under the eyes are used for constant puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, for constant swelling of the eyelids or severe dehydration of this area, when the skin around the eyes is sensitive.

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of products to solve this problem, the action of which is aimed at reducing inflammation, increasing the tone of the muscles of the venous vessels, improving local blood flow, stimulating metabolic processes in tissues, and accelerating cell proliferation. Effective creams and ointments have antithrombic, decongestant, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

These products are produced in jars and aluminum tubes. Pharmacy ointments for puffiness under the eyes have a gel texture; the active ingredients completely and easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, having an effect within an hour. Quite effective remedies are ointments for hemorrhoids. Drugs used for swelling under the eyes include Afulim, Besoril, Gepatrombin, Lyoton, Kurizin, Troxevasin, Relief, Heparin ointment.


Solcoseryl for wrinkles has pronounced restorative properties, promotes the resorption of postoperative sutures, and treats hemorrhoids. When used against swelling around the eyes, certain properties of the ointment are taken into account. The drug ensures the production of collagen at the cellular level, activates the wound healing process, enhances the bioavailability of glucose influx, and replenishes the problem area of ​​the skin with vitamins.

Retinoic ointment

The composition of retinoic ointment includes retinol, which helps rejuvenate the skin, helps tighten the eyelids, and improves the health of the skin. Applying the ointment helps eliminate wrinkles and age spots, stimulate the regeneration process, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent skin aging.


The drug effectively eliminates acne and post-acne marks. The active component of the product is hyaluronic acid, so this ointment is recommended for use after 40 years. The ointment helps reduce dry skin around the eyes, saturate the skin with oxygen and vitamins. Application of Curiosin helps smooth out wrinkles and eliminate age pigments on the forehead and other parts of the face. The ointment is effective at the early stage of cellulite.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is an effective remedy that promotes skin regeneration. After several days of use, you can see an improvement in the condition of the skin around the eyes. The drug has protective properties against UV radiation, perfectly moisturizes the skin, and fights wrinkles.

Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes

The drug is used for severe blepharitis. The drug contains hyaluronic acid and natural aloe juice, which makes the product safer and more effective. The drug also contains glycerin, which successfully moisturizes dehydrated areas of the skin. Applying the gel helps eliminate fine wrinkles and restore the epidermis after injuries, mechanical or chemical damage.

Green pharmacy

The brand "Green Pharmacy" is produced by the pharmaceutical company "Elfa". The cream is designed to relieve fatigue and swelling under the eyes. The product returns a fresh look to the skin, prevents the appearance of swelling and dark circles. The cream contains red seaweed, which prevents skin dehydration. The composition is enriched with horse chestnut extract, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating puffiness under the eyes and strengthening the walls of capillaries, rutin, which prevents capillary fragility, has an antioxidant and vascular strengthening effect. It is recommended to apply the product morning and evening. Excess cream should be removed with a cotton pad. The swelling in the eyelids goes away 30 minutes after application. The cream does not roll off and is well absorbed into the skin. It is recommended to use after 35 years, when the thin skin of the eyelids begins to require special care.

Vichy Liftactiv Derm Soure

The product is intended for middle-aged women. Used to eliminate pronounced wrinkles, crow's feet, dark circles, swelling, sagging eyelids, sagging upper eyelid (ptosis). The cream helps accelerate cellular metabolism and restore the epidermis, activates the production of its own collagen fibers. The active ingredients of the cream are rhamnose 10%, caffeine, white wax, escin, thermal water from the Vichy brand. Apply the product in the morning after hygiene procedures and in the evening after removing decorative cosmetics.

Lieras "Dioptigel"

The product is a transparent yellow-green gel with a dense texture that spreads easily on the skin. There is almost no smell. Used to eliminate swelling in the lower eyelid. Additional benefits include skin whitening and reduction of dark circles around the eyes. The product is completely absorbed, providing a quick and long-lasting effect. The gels contain extracts of ivy, horsetail, mantle, chamomile, which help smooth out wrinkles around the eyes. The result appears 15 minutes after application.

Eye contour nourishing cream

Eye contour cream is intended for the care of dry and very dry skin. Produced by the Swiss brand Eldan, it has moisturizing and nourishing properties. Due to its rich composition, it eliminates deep wrinkles, rejuvenates and smoothes the skin, has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates local blood circulation, eliminates swelling and dark circles around the eyes. The cream contains jojoba oil, extracts of echinacea, centella, butcher's broom root, panthenol, allantoin, lecithin, bisabolol, tocopherol, lactic acid, glycine, matrixyl. It is recommended to use after 30 years of age to prevent early aging of the eyelid skin.

Doctor Nona

Dr Nona balm contains Dead Sea minerals, rosehip oil, jojoba, sesame, vegetable wax, vitamin E. Thanks to its unique components, the product actively tightens the upper eyelid, eliminates signs of fatigue and a feeling of eye strain, and fine wrinkles. The balm is intended for the care of dry skin; after application, the phenomena of dryness, peeling and tightness completely disappear. The product improves local blood flow, eliminates swelling of the lower eyelids, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Mode of application

All creams against puffiness under the eyes should be applied only to clean skin, free of decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to apply the products twice a day, in the morning after waking up and hygiene procedures, and in the evening after a shower.

It should be applied with light massaging movements; the area to which the cream is applied should be tapped with the pads of your fingers, moving from the bridge of the nose in the temporal zone. If allergic reactions and redness of the skin do not occur, creams are recommended to be used until swelling and dark circles under the eyes completely disappear.

Masks against wrinkles and swelling at home

In order to restore skin cells and prevent skin aging, as well as swelling under the eyes, home remedies are quite effective.

Compress with green tea or chamomile decoction

Gauze or a clean napkin made of natural fabric should be moistened in a strongly brewed decoction of green tea and placed on the eyes for about 20 minutes. The same is done when carrying out the procedure with chamomile decoction. After such compresses, the eyes rest, swelling disappears, the skin becomes smooth and soft, local inflammatory processes are reduced.

Mask with castor (camphor) oil

2 tbsp. l. castor or camphor oil is mixed with 1 tsp. liquid natural honey, add a little water (about 4 tbsp.) to the mixture. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area 2 times a week. The mask eliminates facial wrinkles, tightens the skin, eliminates bags under the eyes, and prevents aging of the thin skin around the eyes.

Ice cubes

Homemade ice cubes are very useful. Such cubes are prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark, nettle), then lightly massage the skin around the eyes with prepared ice. The procedure allows you to reduce puffiness under the eyes, nourish the skin, and provide the effect of a contrast shower for the skin of the area around the eyes.

For the face with solcoseryl and dimexide

A mask made of solcoseryl and dimexide has the effect of a procedure using Botox. The skin is covered with a thin layer of dimexide, after 15 minutes solcoseryl is applied. While the mask is on your face, you should periodically moisturize your skin with clean water to prevent drying out. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off the face, first with warm, then with cold water.

With aspirin against wrinkles

An effective mask can be prepared at home from ordinary Aspirin tablets, which are crushed and diluted with water to form a paste. Add 0.5 tsp to it. vegetable oil or honey (the choice is made based on skin type). Apply the mixture to cleansed skin, the procedure lasts 15 minutes. Aspirin suppresses the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, which leads to the elimination of inflammatory processes. The drug increases blood flow to the upper layers of the epidermis, which improves its nutrition and saturation with vitamins and nutrients.

This mask is mainly intended for the care of oily skin. When supplemented with oils, honey, clay, vinegar, such masks can be used for different skin types. Any mask containing aspirin is suitable for use at night so that the skin has time to rest and recover during sleep.

It is important to consider that after masks with aspirin, the epidermis becomes susceptible to UV radiation. Before going out into the sun, it is recommended to apply sunscreen.

You can eliminate swelling under the eyes by using creams and ointments, the correct choice of which determines the effectiveness of use. When combining drugs with homemade masks and compresses, you can prevent aging of the delicate skin around the eyes and eyelids, and maintain youth and freshness of the face.


You can leave your reviews about the cream for wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes in the comments below, they will be useful to other users!


Swelling began to appear under the eyes in the morning. The face looked like that of a sick person. I turned to a cosmetologist, she advised me to use the “Green Pharmacy” cream for caring for the skin around the eyes. I started applying the cream morning and evening. The texture of the product is light, odorless, and after application there is no shine left as it is completely absorbed. The effect occurs after half an hour. I found a solution to my problem.


My work involves a computer, sometimes I sit until late at night, and in the morning dark circles and bags appear under my eyes. On the advice of an employee, I started using a cream with a lifting effect from the Vichy brand. The effect comes quickly, wrinkles, swelling and dark circles have disappeared, the skin around the eyes has become more elastic.