Aromatika anti-wrinkle cosmetic oil

Anti-wrinkle cosmetic oil

The mixture is prepared on the basis of fatty vegetable oils of grape seeds and jojoba with the addition of lime, neroli, rose and santal essential oils. Does not contain preservatives, dyes or synthetic additives.

The mixture nourishes, revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin, eliminates sagging, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin elastic, smooth and firm, giving it a fresh and healthy look.


The mixture is prepared on the basis of fatty vegetable oils of grape seeds and jojoba with the addition of lime, neroli, rose and santal essential oils. Does not contain preservatives, dyes or synthetic additives.


This is an excellent moisturizing and softening face and body care product that is suitable for any skin type. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin, restoring its original firmness and elasticity. The oil eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin, refreshes and revitalizes tired and sagging skin. It is an excellent preventive measure for the appearance of wrinkles, and with regular use helps eliminate existing wrinkles (especially masterfully smooths out mesh wrinkles under the eyes).

The use of oil is beneficial for all skin types, especially mature, aging, dehydrated and irritated. Since the oil improves blood circulation and skin nutrition, it is successfully used to care for dry, cracked, flaky, inflamed and sensitive skin. The oil eliminates skin hypersensitivity, narrows capillaries, relieves hyperemia, eliminates visible vascular patterns and rosacea, restores the protective mantle, tightens pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helping to eliminate acne on oily skin. It can be used for daily care of the skin around the eyes, as well as dry, chapped and cracked lips. The oil eliminates puffiness, swelling of the eyelids, blurred facial contours and dark circles under the eyes. Slightly whitening the skin, gives it an even and beautiful color.

The oil effectively eliminates dryness, flaking and inflammation of the skin, which are caused by exposure to aggressive environmental factors. Possessing pronounced cytophylactic properties, the oil stimulates the renewal of skin cells and promotes its rapid regeneration. The antiseptic properties of the oil help to quickly heal wounds, suppuration, and get rid of acne and boils. The oil has a healing effect on the skin for allergic dermatitis and eczema accompanied by itching.

Mode of application

Apply the mixture daily morning and evening to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck (and, if necessary, hands), lightly massaging until the oil is completely absorbed.

Contraindications and precautions

Individual intolerance to individual components of the oil.

How to properly use tea tree oil for acne

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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You can fight acne using different means. But expensive drugs are not always effective.

Therefore, you can use more affordable natural remedies purchased at the pharmacy.

Essential oils are often used for these purposes.

And tea tree oil is considered the best for acne, reviews of which speak of its effectiveness.

Properties and composition

This oil is one of the best. It has a rich composition and strong properties.

Previously, it was widely used for a wide variety of diseases caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria.

And only the spread of antibacterial drugs made the use of this essential oil less popular.

But it is still often used for the face in cosmetology.

Thanks to many natural antibacterial substances, resins and other components, it is very useful. But the unique substance terpentol gives it special properties.

Therefore, tea tree has the following effects:

  1. cleanses pores;
  2. reduces swelling and inflammation;
  3. relieves irritation and itching;
  4. stimulates regeneration processes, which helps with acne marks;
  5. kills microbes, including viruses, fungi and parasites;
  6. neutralizes poisons from insect bites;
  7. heals wounds;
  8. dries out acne.

Photo: before and after

How it works

To find out if this oil helps get rid of acne, you need to understand why it appears.

With increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the pores become clogged, dust and particles of dead skin get into them.

This environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria, which cause rashes.

And tea tree acts at every stage of inflammation.

  1. It not only kills any microorganisms that provoke the development of skin diseases.
  2. This essential oil dissolves sebaceous plugs and reduces oil production. Therefore, the very cause of acne formation is removed.
  3. In addition, tea tree activates the process of cell regeneration. Therefore, it is very effective against acne spots.

Regular use of this oil makes the skin even and smooth, removes fine wrinkles, normalizes fat balance and improves complexion.

It can be used to treat herpes, lichen, chicken pox, boils, acne and even warts.

How do you get it?

This oil began to be actively used only in the 20th century, when it was studied and proven to have strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is obtained from the leaves of the tea tree, which grows in Australia. This tree from the myrtle family is similar in properties to eucalyptus, therefore it is also useful.

Video: “Miracle cure for acne”

How to use

The use of tea tree oil helps with a wide variety of skin problems.

  1. It can only be used externally.
  2. It is applied pointwise to areas of inflammation, dissolved in water for washing, added to lotions, tonics, creams, or made into masks.
  3. The oil is also effective for aromatherapy.

Anti-acne cosmetics based on tea tree oil

Any cosmetic product can be made more effective in the fight against acne if it is enriched with essential oil.

  1. Before applying the nourishing cream, you need to squeeze a little onto your palm and add 1-2 drops of oil.
  2. It is also added to shampoos, shower gels or bubble baths.
  3. Even simply applying it to your skin leaves it feeling clearer and more hydrated.


Tea tree oil can be used daily for both acne treatment and prevention.

In the morning, add a few drops to the water for washing, mix cream, any cosmetic milk or make lotion with it.


In the morning, you can wipe your face with plain water in which a few drops of oil are dissolved.

This will help prevent the appearance of rashes and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

For pimples that have already appeared, especially subcutaneous or purulent ones, it is better to use cauterization with pure oil.

You need to soak a cotton swab in it and apply it pointwise only to the inflamed skin. This is done twice a day.

  1. You need to take 65 ml of rose water and 35 ml of strained sage decoction.
  2. Add 5-8 drops of oil.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and use to wipe the skin.

If the sebaceous glands are overactive, you can make a lotion with alcohol:

  1. For 80 ml of clean water add 10 ml of alcohol and 35 drops of oil.

This lotion is stored in a dark glass container and shaken well before each use.

Mask for oily skin

Tea tree is especially good at helping to get rid of oily skin problems.

Apply masks with it to steamed skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You can use one of the most common recipes.

  1. A mask for problem skin is made based on honey. To 100 ml add 20 ml of water and alcohol, a couple of drops of grapefruit and tea tree. You need to apply the mask using a cotton pad, as it turns out to be runny.
  1. A mask based on beaten egg whites dries out rashes well. You need to add 3 drops of tea tree and 2 drops of rosemary and lavender to it. It is better to apply it only to problem areas.
  2. Dilute 2 tablespoons of white clay with kefir. Add a few drops of oil and mix well. Keep this mask on your face for 10 minutes.
For dry

If the skin is dry, this oil is also useful, but it is mixed with moisturizing ingredients.

The most effective mask that soothes inflammation is considered to be a product based on yolk.

  1. Mix it with olive oil and add 3 drops of rosemary and tea tree.
  2. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

Using the oil, you can prepare an effective remedy for blackheads.

You need to take 100 ml of calendula tincture, add 3 drops of lavender, oregano and tea tree, mix thoroughly.

  1. This medicine can only be used in diluted form - a teaspoon is diluted in a glass of warm water.
  2. Soak a napkin in the solution and apply to the problem area.
  3. After 10 minutes, the napkin needs to be moistened again.

Such procedures are carried out daily for 10 days. After that, you can use lotions for prevention several times a week.


Many people are familiar with acne lotions and creams containing tea tree oil.

But not everyone knows how to use it in the presence of more serious problems. This remedy helps against herpes, lichen, scars and even against parasitic diseases.

From stains and marks

Tea tree is very effective in helping with scars that often remain after acne.

  1. It is used in combination with rosemary oil, rubbing problem areas with them alternately.
  2. But it is better to prepare a special regenerating lotion.
  3. You need to mix a tablespoon of avocado puree and lemon juice with 3 drops of tea tree.

You need to wipe problem areas with the resulting composition in the morning and evening.

From demodex

Demodectic mange should be treated under the supervision of a doctor with special medications.

But if you add oil to cosmetic products, this will enhance their effectiveness.

From wen

The oil also helps against wen.

  1. You need to mix it with water in equal parts and apply it to the wen 2 times a day.
  2. The medicine will be more effective if the oil is mixed with aloe juice.

Safety regulations

Before using this oil to treat acne, you need to know how to use it correctly.

It can cause harm if safety rules are not followed:

  1. Do not apply it to mucous membranes or take it orally;
  2. You should avoid applying it to your eyelids; it is especially important to prevent oil from getting into your eyes;
  3. do not use oil for burns or eczema;
  4. It is undesirable to use products with its addition before exposure to the sun;
  1. undiluted oil can only be applied spotwise;
  2. It is advisable to conduct an allergy test before use.


Do not use tea tree if you have an individual intolerance, as in this case it causes a strong allergic reaction.

The rest can use it without restrictions, because it has no side effects.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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But it is not recommended to use tea tree oil under the age of 10 years and for women during pregnancy.

What is the price

Despite its high efficiency, the cost of this oil is low.

It is sold in small 15 ml bottles. Such a product will cost about 150 rubles.

The price of various cosmetics containing it or diluted oil varies depending on the composition, volume and manufacturer.

In Moscow pharmacies, cosmetics containing tea tree oil cost the following:

Pharmacy name Product containing oil Price (in rub.)
"Vivapharm" Oil "Aromatica" 160
"Economy" Cream Boro Derm" 50
"Sun" Tea Tree Cream 169
"Good Pharmacy" Tea tree oil mask 245

How not to run into a fake

Only natural 100% tea tree oil will be effective.

Therefore, when purchasing, you need to be careful not to buy a fake. Natural oil has a delicate aroma. If the purchased product smells strongly, for example, of camphor, then it is a fake.

Useful tips

Before using tea tree oil, be sure to test for individual intolerance.

  1. A couple of drops should be applied to the inner surface of the wrist and wait 20 minutes.
  2. If there is no redness, itching, or burning, then the oil can be used.
  3. But if you have extreme dryness, it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, only dilute it.


Most reviews about the use of tea tree oil are positive.

Some people don't like its smell, and there are those who have an allergic reaction.

But if the oil is well tolerated, its use against acne has a positive effect.

Acne and tea tree oil

Face masks and scrubs with peach oil

Delicate, smooth skin with a slight pinkish tint – isn’t this the dream of every girl? Peach facial oil will help achieve this effect. Since ancient times, it has been used by beauties all over the world to take care of themselves. Nowadays, you can buy peach oil in a cosmetic store or in a pharmacy. Manufacturers offer products of different quality and in different price categories, but any woman can afford such a cosmetic product.

Benefits of peach oil

The wonderful effect of peach oil is determined by the composition of this product. Like many other oils, this product contains many healthy fatty acids (oleic, stearic, etc.), vitamins B, A, E, as well as trace elements and other substances necessary for the skin.

All this contributes to the fact that peach oil:

  1. slows down skin aging and smoothes wrinkles (vitamin E is responsible for this);
  2. cleanses the skin of rashes, removes harmful substances through the pores (vitamin A);
  3. have a slight whitening effect (vitamin B);
  4. nourishes the dermis, eliminates dryness (fatty acids);
  5. is an antioxidant (vitamin C);
  6. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the microflora of the skin;
  7. improves complexion and tone;
  8. moisturizes the skin (potassium);
  9. restores damaged structure (silicon);
  10. eliminates vascular fragility (vitamin P).

Peach seed oil can be used at any age and with any skin type, but it has the most beneficial effect on aging skin, as well as overly sensitive and dry dermis. At the same time, the texture of peach oil is quite light, so it will not clog pores even on oily skin.

The product is also recommended for baby skin care from the first days of life. It can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other hypoallergenic oils.

Before using oil for a child (especially a newborn), you should consult a pediatrician.

Production and manufacturers

Peach oil is obtained from peach seeds. They are crushed in a press, allowing the oil to drain, and then the resulting product is filtered and sent for sale. Due to the fact that the oil is not subjected to heat treatment, it retains a maximum of beneficial substances.

As mentioned above, purchasing peach seed oil is now quite easy. Many manufacturers, having realized the advantages of natural cosmetics over industrial ones, began to produce vegetable oils as a separate product.

The most popular manufacturers in this segment are the following companies:

Also, many companies are engaged in the production of cosmetics based on peach oil. It enriches products with vitamins and microelements and enhances the beneficial properties of other components.

Methods of use

In home cosmetology, this product is used along with other oils. It is often used as a base, but often acts as an additional ingredient.

Peach oil is used in the following cases:

  1. for making homemade masks;
  2. for preparing treasures for leather;
  3. as a lotion or compress;
  4. for removing makeup and cleansing the face;
  5. for skin care around the eyes;
  6. as a night cream.

Let's take a closer look at all the ways to use facial oil.

Face masks

Recipe No. 1. Lemon-oat mask

Mix one spoonful of peach kernel oil, one spoonful of fresh lemon juice and a little oatmeal (you can use finely ground oatmeal). You can add a spoonful of peach pulp to the mask.

Leave the mixture for a few minutes and then apply it to your face using gentle circular movements.

Wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes.

This procedure is good for oily skin. To adapt the recipe for dry and sensitive skin, replace lemon juice with rose hydrosol or plain water.

Recipe No. 2. Mask with cottage cheese

Take one spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese and mix it thoroughly with one spoonful of peach butter. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. This mask is best suited for delicate sensitive skin, as cottage cheese is an excellent softening and nourishing component.

Peach scrubs

Recipe No. 1. Honey scrub

Mix one spoon of oil and one spoon of fresh honey, add half a spoon of ground peach seeds or peach powder to the mixture. Apply the paste to your face and scrub your skin for a few minutes. After the massage, rinse the mixture with water.

The scrub will cleanse the skin and give it an even, pleasant color.

Recipe No. 2. Bran scrub

Heat the peach butter to a comfortable temperature (usually about 40 degrees). Add one spoon of bran or ground oatmeal to it and mix well. Gently cleanse your face with the resulting scrub and leave the product on the skin as a mask for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse with water.

The scrubbing agent in the composition can be replaced. For oily skin it is better to use sea salt, for dry skin - sugar, for sensitive and thin skin - ground oatmeal, and for thick and thick skin, chopped nuts or ground peach pits are suitable.

Oil lotions

Recipe No. 1. Lemon lotion

Heat the peach kernel oil until warm and add some lemon extract or lemon juice to it. Moisten a soft napkin made of natural material or fabric base for masks in the resulting mixture.

Apply the lotion to your face for a quarter of an hour. Blot the remaining oil after the procedure with a paper napkin.

Recipe No. 2. Soothing compress

Add a little chamomile infusion or hydrosol to the peach oil. Soak a napkin in the mixture and apply it to your face as indicated in the previous recipe.

This lotion will soothe inflamed skin, relieve redness, rashes and unevenness on the face.

Facial cleansing and makeup removal

Peach oil, like any of the base oils, can be used as a makeup remover lotion. To do this, just apply a little product to a cotton swab and cleanse your skin with it.

Fans of homemade cosmetics can make hydrophilic oil based on peach. To do this, you need to add about 20% Polysorbate-80 or any other emulsifier to the oil. Such a product will be absolutely natural and beneficial for the skin. You can enrich it with useful substances by adding esters and extracts from plants.

Eyelid skin products

Recipe No. 1. Oil mask

Make a mixture of the following oils: olive, peach, avocado, jojoba. Take half a teaspoon of each ingredient.

Apply the mask to the eye area for 20 minutes, either alone or using cotton pads. The procedure can be carried out every day.

This mask will protect the thin skin of the eyelids from drying out and the appearance of “rays”, and will also strengthen the eyelashes, making them brighter and longer.

Recipe No. 2. Eye mask “My fish”

Combine fish oil and peach oil in equal proportions. Dip two cotton pads into the mixture and place them on your eyelids. To fight off the smell of fish, you can add a few drops of ylang-ylang, jasmine, mint or rose esters to the mixture.

Recipe No. 3. Parsley + aloe

To prepare the mask, you will need half a spoon of aloe juice, half a spoon of fresh parsley juice, a few drops of peach oil, vitamin E (to enrich the mixture).

Combine all the ingredients so that you get a homogeneous mass (it is advisable that the mask does not contain aloe pulp and parsley leaves). Apply it to the eye area using your fingers or cotton pads. You can wash off the mask 10-15 minutes after application.

Use as a cream

For those who don’t have time to make homemade masks and scrubs, peach oil can also be useful. It is enough to apply a few drops to your face every evening and gently massage them into the skin with your fingertips. This massage can completely get rid of wrinkles and prolong youth.


Peach seed oil has almost no contraindications. It can be used equally effectively for both oily and dry skin. But it brings the greatest benefit to sensitive and aging skin.

Based on this product, you can make homemade maxis and creams. Such products will successfully replace all purchased cosmetics.

Read the article: Macadamia oil for face

By secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you put it on your face at night...

Natural cosmetics are based on natural ingredients such as essential oils. Nature itself gifts women with organic substances to prolong their youth and beauty. Essential oils for the face against wrinkles will be even more effective if you use them in their pure form and not in cosmetics. Do you know how to prepare such products? The instructions below will help you choose both the oil and the recipe for using it.

Using essential oils for the face

The esters themselves are antioxidants that have the ability to regenerate the skin, reducing inflammation, healing wounds and eliminating redness on the skin. Being highly concentrated, they require addition to creams or combination with base oil formulations. Natural facial oils must be selected carefully, paying attention to the beneficial effects and restrictions on use.


Lavender essential oil for the face against wrinkles is more suitable for combination skin. In addition to the aromatic effect, it has the following beneficial properties:

  1. getting rid of acne, treating psoriasis, acne;
  2. giving elasticity and an even tone to the face.

Contraindications for use are:

  1. diabetes;
  2. overly sensitive skin;
  3. pregnancy and lactation;
  4. ingestion.


This is a common plant that is used in both official and folk medicine due to the following beneficial properties:

  1. reduction of peeling, redness and dryness of the skin;
  2. increased metabolism of epidermal cells.

Chamomile extract should not be used in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. use of homeopathic medicines;
  3. individual intolerance.


Lemon oil is valued for the following positive effects:

  1. exfoliation of dead skin cells, eliminating its pallor;
  2. slowing down the aging process and preventing wrinkles.

Not recommended for use in several cases:

  1. just before leaving home;
  2. period of chemotherapy;
  3. use in its pure form;
  4. allergy to citrus fruits;
  5. pregnancy and breastfeeding.


It is obtained by distilling the leaves of a shrub called patchouli, which boasts the following properties:

  1. acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  2. healing of cracks, wounds and abrasions;
  3. lifting sagging skin.

Its use should be avoided for the following indications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. diseases of the digestive system;
  3. tendency to allergies.


An incense-based oil product can:

  1. treat acne;
  2. eliminate inflammation on the skin;
  3. tighten a sagging face;
  4. prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

It is necessary to exclude the use of incense if:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. multiple sclerosis;
  3. Parkinson's disease;
  4. oncology;
  5. systemic lupus;
  6. pregnancy and lactation.

tea tree

The effects of tea tree on the skin can be described by the following points:

  1. treats burns, cuts, fungal infections;
  2. reduces skin oiliness, eliminates acne;
  3. fights dermatitis, eczema.

Tea tree oil extract should not be used if:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. children under 6 years of age.

Mint is rarely used in cosmetology, but it is of great benefit, improving the protective properties of the epidermis. The cooling effect evens out skin tone, eliminates acne and vascular patterns. Although not a strong allergen, mint is still limited to children under 6 years of age. A course of taking homeopathic medications, individual intolerance, and sleep problems are also included in the list of contraindications.


Melissa-based aroma oil is well suited for problematic skin prone to acne or furunculosis. It is also an excellent remedy in the fight against skin infections such as eczema. Pregnant women and people in whose work their voice is important should limit lemon balm oil due to the fact that this plant can cause hoarseness.


Neroli oil extract is made from Seville orange flowers, sweet orange flower petals or lemon and mandarin flowers. Any of them helps to moisturize dry and tired skin, rejuvenate and smooth out wrinkles. In addition, the oil reduces vascular patterns and reduces acne. Standard contraindications:


Myrrh oil extract is the most effective among anti-aging ones due to the following properties:

  1. smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  2. skin tightening;
  3. elimination of dermatitis;
  4. scar resorption.

Myrrh oil extract should not be used:

  1. in case of allergies;
  2. during pregnancy.


Fir oil extract has several beneficial properties for the skin:

  1. treatment of pustular rash;
  2. lifting aging skin;
  3. antiseptic effect.

Fir oil extract has more contraindications than others:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. kidney disease;
  3. gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. individual reactions;
  5. pure use.


Jojoba essential oil is valued for the following abilities:

  1. improve the condition of loose, aging skin;
  2. reduce dryness;
  3. remove wrinkles under the eyes;
  4. correct dull complexion.

It is not recommended to include jojoba oil extract in facial care:

  1. with significant hair on a woman’s face;
  2. with an individual reaction.

Is it possible to use oil instead of face cream?

Complete replacement of cosmetics with oils can lead to the appearance of acne and comedones, as well as the loss of the skin's protective layer, because the oil composition dissolves sebum - the natural layer of the epidermis. For this reason, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Apply to damp skin to avoid drying it out.
  2. Do not make too large a layer - 4-5 drops are enough for dry skin, 2-3 for normal skin, and 1-3 for oily skin.
  3. When using regularly, apply a moisturizer such as a cream or toner beforehand.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home

Essential oils for the face against any wrinkles are used in various mixtures, the basis of which is a base oil. As the latter, it is recommended to choose flaxseed, peach, camphor, almond, castor or sea buckthorn. Any of them is suitable for the skin of the eyelids and forehead. The main condition is that the oil must be prepared using cold pressing. Even sunflower oil is suitable, but only for dry skin, because it is very oily.

Under and around the eyes

Here are some recipes on how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Mix 1 drop of pine oil with 3 drops of cedar oil, add 3 drops of vitamin A and E. Apply the pine mixture to the wrinkles around the eyes using whipping movements. It's better to do this at night before bed. After half an hour, blot with a cosmetic napkin.
  2. To care for the skin of your lips and eyelids, mix 10 ml of jojoba oil with 10 drops of sandalwood oil. Apply every evening with a whisking motion, blotting with tissues. Sandalwood tones the skin, helps against wrinkles around the eyes, and jojoba oil copes with cracks and dryness.
  3. Mix 3 drops each of eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender oils. Add 1 drop of this mixture to your face cream or any mask.

On the forehead

To smooth out deep wrinkles on the forehead, use the following recipes:

  1. For 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil, take the same amount of jojoba and avocado oils, and another 3 drops of incense and 4 of rosewood. Wipe your forehead with the prepared mixture up to 3 times daily, the last time should be before bed. Suitable for more mature skin.
  2. Combine 2 tbsp. l. peach oil with 2 drops of Chinese lemongrass oil and 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil. Before going to bed and in the morning, lubricate wrinkles with the mixture. The product helps better against facial or not very deep wrinkles.
  3. Take 3 drops of orange and 1 drop of neroli per 5 ml of macadamia oil. Use every day to smooth out wrinkles and prevent them from appearing again.

Video: which oils are good for facial skin


Natalya, 35 years old On the advice of a cosmetologist, I use jojoba oil, because it is often included in anti-wrinkle cosmetics. Helps tone the skin very well. The face looks fresher, the wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, and the smell is fragrant. I recommend!

Tatyana, 41 years old Regular creams began to dry out the skin, so I switched to oil recipes. I really liked grape seed oil. I combine it with fennel, jojoba, and tangerine. Effective anti-aging products are obtained. I recommend!

Alevtina, 28 years old I am a positive person by nature, so I always smile, which led to facial wrinkles. To avoid their development, I began the fight, armed with oils. I like the almond flavor the most. I add a couple more oils to it, often something from conifers. I recommend you try it too.