Self-tanning for dark skin

Everyone wants to have beautiful skin with a bronze tint, but not everyone has the opportunity to fly closer to the equator to soak up the gentle rays of the sun. Therefore, for a quick chocolate tan, many go to the solarium or use self-tanning. If the first has many contraindications, provokes photoaging and the formation of melanomas - malignant formations, then self-tanning is free of these disadvantages. Do you also want to look like a mulatto this spring? We will tell you everything about self-tanning - a modern and safe way to achieve golden skin color.

Self-tanning is an artificial tan that is achieved by coloring the top layer of skin. Dehydroxyacetone is an active substance included in cosmetic products that helps to obtain the desired shade: from slightly tanned to very dark skin. The substance does not penetrate the body and is eliminated naturally. The tan appears within a few hours and lasts for several days, and then gradually fades as dead cells slough off.

So, let's highlight the pros and cons of artificial tanning.

  1. Does not require special skills.
  2. Available and safe.
  3. Ability to control color saturation.
  4. Cosmetics do not contribute to rapid aging of the skin.
  5. Possibility to paint individual areas of the body.
  6. Evens out skin texture.
  7. When applied correctly, it gives instant results and a seductive golden tone.

  1. This is a synthetic product that has no medicinal or beneficial properties.
  2. Self-tanning components do not protect against sun rays.
  3. Cosmetics often contain alcohol, which dries out the skin. It is necessary to properly moisturize it.
  4. Self-tanning can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Poorly dried product may leave stains on clothing.
  6. If self-tanning is applied incorrectly or unevenly, streaks and yellow streaks form on the skin, which are difficult to remove.
  7. The product clogs pores, which prevents the skin from breathing and receiving the necessary microelements.
  8. After applying the product, an unnatural smell remains on the skin (not always pleasant).
  1. Herpes and allergies.
  2. Too dry skin.
  3. Cuts, damage and injuries.
  4. Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.
  5. Should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Cosmetics for giving the skin a golden brown hue come in different forms: lotions, concentrates, sprays, creams and bronzing wipes. The products do not differ significantly from each other, the most important thing is their correct application.


Bronzers contain a water-soluble dye that appears instantly and is just as quickly removed with soap and water. The pigment does not stay on the skin for long.


Compared to bronzer, it has higher durability. Auto-bronzant contains dihydroxyacetone, which, when reacting with skin protein, causes it to darken. Does not leave marks on fabrics.

Self-tanning cream

An even more effective product, but it takes longer to apply, absorb and dry, as it has the risk of staining clothes. Before getting dressed, leave the cream on for 30 minutes.


The same principle of action as the cream. The less dense texture of the milk is easier to apply and absorbs faster.


For those who save time and don't want to get their hands dirty. The product sprays easily and dries in about 10 minutes.


It is absorbed better than cream and also perfectly moisturizes the skin. It is recommended to use after water procedures.


Wipes impregnated with a special bronzing agent are designed for instant correction of the face, neck and other areas. It is not advisable to wipe them on very light skin.


Self-tanning lotion is convenient to apply in a thin, even layer. Dries quite quickly.


Easy to apply, dries quickly and does not stick. The active substance of the gel promotes the production of melanin. The desired shade will appear after 4-6 hours.


4-6 drops of the product should be mixed with a portion of your favorite cream and applied as usual. Thus, a concentrate with an artificial tanning effect from Clarins gives the skin a chic golden tint and has a sunscreen, and the oils included in its composition perfectly moisturize and care for the skin.

Professional self-tanning

To get a guaranteed result, you can use salon services. A professional self-tanner is performed by a cosmetologist who evenly sprays a bronzing product onto the body. This method eliminates spotting, and the imitation of a luxurious tan lasts up to two weeks.

Self-tanning cream is used to color the skin a beautiful chocolate color. The modern fashion industry, as always, dictates its own rules. A shade of bronze or golden color on the skin is considered the ideal of beauty. To achieve this effect, some people spend a lot of time in the sun, others visit a solarium, and still others prefer to use self-tanning products. Rules for using self-tanning cream. Rating of the best funds.

Types of cosmetics for self-tanning

Reed self-tanning is considered the safest. The active component dihydroxyacetone is extracted from sugar cane. Darkening of the skin is superficial, affecting only the upper layer of the endometrium. The substance is included in many self-tanning products. Home remedies based on coffee, chamomile, walnut leaves, black tea, and rhubarb root have a similar effect. Thus, self-tanning with a cream does not have a negative effect on the skin. A negative consequence may be an allergic reaction to a component of a cosmetic product. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. The procedure will not take much time, but will eliminate unwanted effects.

  1. Bronzants. The instant effect is achieved thanks to the special paint in its composition. The cream is easy to apply and, if necessary, quickly washed off with soap and water. Such a knight's move before a significant date!
  2. Auto bronzants. The active component of such products is dihydroxyacetone. Upon contact with skin, it reacts with proteins, causing darkening. The result is noticeable 4 hours after applying the cream. The effect lasts slightly longer than bronzers. Doesn't stain clothes. It is considered absolutely safe.
  3. Cream. The product gives lasting results. Lasts a long time. Colors the skin evenly. Can be applied to all areas of the body. It takes a long time to absorb. After treating the skin, do not get dressed for 30 minutes.
  4. Milk. The operating principle is similar. It just has a more liquid structure and is absorbed faster.
  5. Spray. Designed for those who save time and are not particularly demanding on the duration of action. The spray is evenly applied to the skin and absorbed in 10 minutes.
  6. Mousse. Something between cream and milk. Has a moisturizing effect. Slightly shades skin color. Suitable for maintaining the effect after applying the cream.
  7. Lotion. Convenient to apply. Quickly absorbed. The effect is no worse than after self-tanning cream.
  8. Gel with sea buckthorn oils. The active substances of the cosmetic product cause the skin to actively produce melanin. The result of darkening the skin is noticeable 6 hours after application.
  9. Napkins. A corrective that allows you to quickly correct the flaws of an unsuccessful tan. Used on various parts of the body.

What is the best self-tanning cream to use?

The skin looks healthy and well-groomed if its color is beautiful. Many women consider self-tanning creams a real achievement in cosmetology. Due to the fact that recently people have increasingly begun to talk about the dangers of sunlight on the human body, natural tanning is becoming undesirable. However, self-tanning creams do not deprive women of the opportunity to obtain a bronze, golden skin tone. Which one is best to use, a woman must determine individually. Each product has its own active ingredients and duration of action. Moreover, instead of professional cosmetics, you can use folk recipes.

How to choose the right one

In your choice, you must be guided not only by the type of cosmetic product, consistency, but also take into account your skin type and its natural color.

For blondes Those with fair skin should choose self-tanning creams marked “light”. The skin will darken slightly, which will look natural with light hair and eyes. It is better to choose preparations with a lighter structure - gel, mousse, spray, lotion.

Brunettes You should choose cosmetics labeled “dark”. The skin of dark women is itself several shades darker than that of blondes. More active influence can be allowed. A cream with a dense structure will be able to give the desired effect, even out skin unevenness, make it smooth, soft, and maintain naturalness.

Fair-haired and brown-haired can choose self-tanning creams from a series of blondes, brunettes, depending on the desired result. But cosmetics labeled “medium” would be ideal for them.

How long does the result last?

The duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the frequency of water procedures, and the quality of the chosen product. On average, the lasting effect lasts 4 days. After which the self-tanning cream begins to gradually disappear. This happens because the product acts only on the upper layer of the endometrium; skin cells die and are renewed every day. That is, there is no way to avoid the disappearance of a pleasant shade. But, based on reviews, self-tanning with high-quality expensive cosmetics can last about 2 weeks.

How to apply cream to the body

There is nothing complicated in the application procedure. But if you don’t know all the subtleties, instead of a beautiful colored body, you can get a spotted color.

  1. A new product must be tested initially. A small amount is applied to the forearm. At the same time, the reaction to sensitivity will be checked.
  2. Initially, the skin must be prepared. During the week, it should be moisturized with nourishing, moisturizing creams. If this is not done, when applying self-tanning cream, it will accumulate in problem areas. Instead of hiding them, it will focus attention on them. Exfoliate the entire body in 1–2 days. Particular attention should be paid to the elbows and knees. If there are dry areas left there, the self-tanning cream will cause dark spots to appear on them.
  3. The day before the procedure, you should take a shower and bath. Dry your body well. If a drop of water remains, streaks will remain.
  4. The product must be applied from bottom to top. On areas of the body such as the décolleté, back of the elbows, knees, and palms, the cream will act faster. They are processed last.
  5. Immediately after the procedure, you should drink your hands well with soap and rub your nails with a brush. If this is not done, their color will change beyond recognition, and the nails will simply turn black.
  6. 30 minutes is enough for absorption. But the drug will finally be distributed and begin to act after 2 hours. Clothing can be worn at least one hour after applying self-tanning cream. Showering is allowed after 6 hours.

The first result will become noticeable after 4 hours.

How to apply on face

Body cream should not be used on the face area. For this purpose, there are special cosmetics that act more gently. Before the procedure, you need to clean your face of dirt, cosmetics, and wipe with lotion. Apply the cream evenly, leaving the area around the eyes untreated. Leave for impact. At the end of the time specified in the instructions, apply moisturizer. Moisturize especially intensively according to hair growth. Then the transition will smooth out, the tan will not look like a mask.

The best self tanner for the body

Among the variety of products, several made it into the top best:

1. Self-tanning Sublime Bronze Airbrush, L’Oreal

The product gives the skin a bronze tan, looks natural, without spots or streaks. Smells good. Evenly colors hard-to-reach places - on the back, under the knees. Quickly absorbed. The effect appears after 1 hour. There is no greasy shine on the body, no marks on clothes. Cost 560 rub.

2. Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express, Clarins

Gives the body an even Mediterranean tan. Among the advantages are a non-greasy structure that is quickly absorbed, a pleasant aroma, and a moisturizing effect thanks to aloe juice. The active component is the DHA complex, extracted from chestnut bark. It oxidizes skin amino acids, giving cells a dark tint. Suitable for all skin types. The cost of self-tanning cream is 1100 rubles.

3. Ronze Self-Tanner Shimmering Glow, Dior

A product with a large number of caring ingredients, suitable for sensitive skin. The highlight of the self-tanning cream is the gold powder. It adds a mystical, mysterious glow to the body. The skin looks like girls from the cover of a glamor magazine. Instantly absorbed, leaves no stains or streaks. The price of self-tanning cream is 1500 rubles.

4. Lancome Flash Bronzer: for emergencies

Self-tanning with cream for fair skin. Designed for emergency cases when there is no time to wait for results. The cream has a delicate, light structure. Quickly absorbed. The effect is noticeable already during application. It is quickly washed off, but constant use for 1 week triggers a certain mechanism in the cells of the epidermis. The effect begins to last longer. The cost of self-tanning cream with instant action is 1200 rubles.

5. Bronze Nature by Yves Rocher

With the help of self-tanning cream, the imperfections of mature skin are smoothed out and the processes of young skin are activated. The drug is intended for use after 25 years. Suitable for daily use. It works especially well on the skin of the feet. Active substances cause epidermal cells to actively produce melanin. This is what causes the lasting result. The cost of self-tanning cream is about 600 rubles.

Good self-tanning creams for the face

Among cosmetic products, you can choose an effective product that is expensive, mid-price, or budget.

6. Flash Bronzer Oil-Free Tinted Self-Tanning Face, Lancome

Used to create a pleasant bronze tint on the skin. The product contains a large amount of vitamin E, natural caramel extract, and pearl particles to add shine.

Light skin becomes bronze instantly. A natural tan appears within an hour. Smells pleasantly of honey and jasmine. The consistency is similar to thick sour cream. To maintain a permanent effect, the skin is treated 3 times a week. The cost of self-tanning cream is 1300 rubles.

7. Jurlique Sun Specialist Sunless Tanner

Australian natural organic cosmetics. The active ingredients are wild saffron oil and orange extract. Leaves a nice golden color. The homogeneous creamy structure makes it easy to apply the drug to the skin of the face. Does not create streaks or stains. No mask type, smooth transitions. For lasting effect, apply twice a week. The cost of tanning cream is from 3000 rubles.

8. Sol Self Tan, Oriflame

Using tanning cream, you can achieve a matte body tone at any time of the year. The active bronzing component allows you to enjoy the result in an hour. Does not leave a greasy sheen and is evenly distributed. There is no “koala bear” effect.

Distribute with massage movements. For a lasting effect, repeat the procedure several times a week. The cost of self-tanning cream is only 390 rubles.

9. Sun Energy Golden Olive Cream

A product with a lot of nutrients. Panthenol increases the protective function of the skin, olive oil adequately moisturizes. Suitable for all skin types. The consistency is non-greasy and light. Well absorbed. Pleasant bronze shade, obtained after 2 hours. Price 70 rub.

10. BELKOSMEX Sunvita

Belarusian cosmetics with excellent lasting results up to 7 days. Lightweight structure. The color is initially white. It smells good, but during exposure a completely different aroma appears, which indicates transformations on the skin. After 2 hours you can see the result.

It must be applied evenly and thoroughly. Because stripes and stains may remain. Wash off evenly. The price of a long-lasting self-tanning cream is about 450 rubles.

Self-tanning cream at home

You can prepare an effective remedy yourself. Sometimes the effect of traditional self-tanning cream lasts much longer. However, this is not really a cream, but simply a means that allows you to get a similar result.


Fresh carrot juice intensively changes your complexion. Suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women with dark complexions. Thanks to carrots, this skin acquires an enviable bronze tint. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Apply to the face as a mask. For dry skin, mix with sour cream and cream. You will also get a nourishing mask. Hold for 30 minutes. Wash it off. The effect is obvious!


Use the shell, green peel. The shells are brewed with boiling water and simmered over low heat for several minutes. They insist for a day. Rub the skin intensively. The more shells, the darker the color. The peel is crushed in a blender and applied as a mask for 20 minutes.

Onion peel

A universal product for face and body. The husk is brewed with water. The more it is, the richer the broth. To obtain a golden body color, fill the bath with the decoction. You need to lie in it for at least 20 minutes. The face is painted by washing.

Many men and women love a tan so much that they do not want to part with it, either in winter or in summer. However, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly relax under the bright rays of the sun. And some people do not want to visit a solarium because of the risk of premature skin aging. In this situation, self-tanning comes to the rescue, which you can apply yourself at home. The main thing is to choose the most suitable product and learn how to apply it correctly.

What is self-tanning

Self-tanning is an artificial tan that is acquired by the skin as a result of repainting its top layer. This tanning method does not require exposure to ultraviolet rays. The principle of self-tanning is simple. In most cases, the active ingredient in self-tanning is dihydroxyacetone, which is obtained from sugar cane. This substance reacts with protein molecules and stains the top layer of skin.

Is self-tanning harmful to the skin and body?

Many people mistakenly believe that only tanning that exposes the skin to ultraviolet rays is harmful. However, it is not. Even harmless self-tanning poses danger:

  1. the use of low-quality self-tanning can cause a severe allergic reaction;
  2. Often those who have applied self-tanner believe that now the sun will not harm them. But that's not true. If you use self-tanning without SPF in the summer, the skin will not be protected, and exposure to ultraviolet rays will negatively affect its condition;
  3. Frequent application of self-tanning (three times a week or more) leads to skin dehydration.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-tanning

Self-tanning is popular because it has a number of advantages compared to other tanning methods:

  1. after applying self-tanning, the skin acquires a beautiful dark shade within a few hours;
  2. self-tanning only colors the top layer of skin, so it does not cause any harm to the body;
  3. with the help of self-tanning you can correct some imperfections, for example, age spots and circles under the eyes;
  4. Self-tanning can be applied at home.

However, this procedure also has disadvantages:

  1. the tan lasts no more than five days;
  2. within a few hours after the procedure, self-tanning can stain clothes and bedding;
  3. visiting the pool, sauna and bathhouse helps wash off the tan. Sweat can also cause uneven tanning and blemishes;
  4. It's not easy to completely remove a tan. This may take about a week;
  5. It is problematic to apply self-tanning to the entire body on your own, so you will need the help of another person;
  6. Repeated application of self-tanner within one week may result in uneven coloration.

Video: cosmetologist and chemist-technologist about self-tanning

Contraindications to self-tanning

Self-tanning is contraindicated if you have:

  1. tendency to allergic reactions;
  2. herpes;
  3. dry skin;
  4. cuts, injuries, damage, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.).

Self-tanning is not contraindicated for children, pregnant and nursing mothers, but it should be used with caution. Buy only proven products and consult your doctor first.

Types of self-tanning

There are two types of self-tanning: bronzers and auto-bronzants. The principle of their action is the same, but the degree of resistance is different. Bronzers are applied to the skin, but are not absorbed into it, so this tan will last only a few hours, after which it can be easily washed off with water. This effect is achieved due to the presence of special coloring particles in the product. Auto-bronzants, in turn, react with the stratum corneum of the skin and color it. As a result, this tan will last for several days. Auto-bronzants contain dihydroxyacetone.

Artificial tanning products differ in release form:

  1. Self-tanning cream has a lighter consistency than regular body and face creams. This product is evenly distributed over the skin and is quickly absorbed.
  2. The gel not only gives the skin a dark tint, but also gives a feeling of coolness, which is especially valuable in summer.
  3. Milk, along with creams, is the most popular form of self-tanning. The milk applies smoothly and does not leave spots or streaks on the skin.
  4. The spray is quickly applied to the skin, and the shade appears almost immediately. You can also adjust the tan tone using the spray.
  5. Self-tanning wipes are a new development. They are convenient to renew your tan and enhance its shade.
  6. The cushion allows you to apply self-tanning more evenly, as it is more convenient to do it with a sponge than with your palms.
  7. Booster is a concentrate for artificial tanning. It is enough to add just a few drops of booster to face or body cream, and then apply it to the skin. However, the effect of the booster does not appear immediately, but after several procedures.

People with dark hair and dark skin should choose self-tanners from the “dark” line. For those who have brown or light brown hair and a slightly dark complexion, products from the medium series are suitable. And blond and fair-skinned people should choose a self-tanning cream marked light.

Rating of the best self-tanners

The market offers a large selection of self-tanners. Among them there are those that are most popular among consumers.

Self-tanning body milk Garnier Ambre Solaire “Even tan”

This face and body lotion helps you achieve a beautiful, natural tan that looks just like the tan you get in the sun. The product contains a natural bronzing component of plant origin and apricot kernel oil. It is thanks to these ingredients that the milk not only promotes the appearance of a long-lasting, blemish-free tan, but also moisturizes the skin well for up to 12 hours. To begin with, this self-tanner should be applied every day, and when you achieve the desired shade, then once or twice a week. You can buy milk for an average of 470 rubles.

The self-tanner smells pleasant, the standard smell is overwhelmed by the fragrance. The consistency is slightly thicker than regular body milk, it applies easily and is absorbed quickly. I apply it about 20 minutes before bed, and it shows up in the morning. Milk does not stain laundry at all. I apply self-tanner 2-3 days in a row, then maintain it 2-3 times a week. Milk consumption is quite economical, especially when mixed. The color turns out very natural. The self-tanner washes off quite evenly; streaks remain in some places, but disappear quickly.

Karina Braun

Self-tanning gel for face and body L’Oreal Paris Sublime Bronze

Self-tanning gel from L’Oreal helps you get an even tan with a natural shade. The product does not leave a greasy film on the skin, it is non-sticky, absorbs quickly and does not stain clothes. The gel contains a smoothing component AHA, thanks to which the tan is even. First, the product is applied daily, and then two to three times a week. You can buy self-tanning gel for 700 rubles.

I have been using self-tanning gel for about two months now, once a week. I can’t afford it more often because, like any self-tanning, it fades unevenly. Not with spots like a cheetah, but it’s still better to thoroughly peel, scrub and wait until the skin is completely cleansed of coloring pigment before each new visit. The gel gives a really beautiful natural tan. The only negative I found is that it is sticky for the first 20-30 minutes after application.


St. Moriz Auto-bronzing mousse tinting Professional

At the auto bronzant St. Moriz has a mousse texture, thanks to which the product is evenly distributed over the skin, quickly absorbed and dries. After applying it, you get a beautiful, even tan without orange spots or streaks. The mousse contains olive milk and vitamin E. The product is suitable for all skin types and does not contain parabens. A tan will appear within 3-5 hours after applying the mousse. If you repeat the procedure 2-4 more times, the shade will be more intense. And the tan is washed off gradually, without staining clothes and bedding. This auto-bronzant is sold in two shades: Medium for fair-skinned people and Dark for dark-skinned people. The cost of the mousse is on average 800 rubles.

The mousse is wonderful! After one application, the result was as if I had been at sea for a week. The tan is washed off in 3–4 days. But if you do it on the eve of any event, it will be great. It is important to apply with gloves! It does not stain clothes and dries quickly on the skin. The figure immediately looks slimmer and more prominent. I recommend!


Uriage Auto-bronzant-spray thermal Barjesan

This auto-bronzing spray not only gives the skin a light tan, but also saturates it with vitamins and minerals. The product is evenly applied to the skin. You just need to spray it and wait until it is absorbed. The main components of the spray are dihydroxyacetone and erythrulose. And thanks to the presence of glycerin and butylene glycol in the product, the skin does not dry out or peel. This auto-bronzant contains no alcohol, it does not clog pores or cause irritation, so the product is suitable for sensitive skin. The cost of the spray is on average 1350 rubles.

Absorbs well and does not dry out the skin. The smell is not unpleasant, as is the case with auto bronzers. The color is quite natural, but still yellowish on my white skin. The only thing is that it didn’t seem very economical to me.


Floresan Self-tanning spray “Bronze”

This is an easy-to-use spray, thanks to which an even tan appears on the skin within 3-4 hours after application. The product contains apricot, soy and coconut oil, as well as vitamin E. These components not only tone the skin and increase its elasticity, but also prolong the durability of the tan. And hyaluronic and lactic acids prevent the appearance of peeling on the skin. This is a non-comedogenic product that does not clog pores or make the skin sticky. Auto-bronzant can also be used to camouflage age spots on the skin. You can buy a spray for an average of 150 rubles.

The consistency of the cream is like milk, a little runny. Absorbs immediately. Doesn't stain clothes and linen. This is currently the best self-tanner for daily use. It moisturizes the skin well, does not have a nasty odor, and the skin acquires a nice warm, non-yellow tint. In general, I recommend it.


Solbianca Solid body self-tanning oil Coconut

Solid oil gives the skin a beautiful and even dark shade. The product contains coconut oil and shea butter. Thanks to these components, the number of stretch marks is reduced, the skin is well moisturized and tightened. And the Selftan bronzer complex promotes the appearance of a lasting dark tan, which is noticeable within three hours after applying the oil. The product can be used both at home and in a solarium. The cost of solid self-tanning oil is 870 rubles.

Perfect for my pale skin! Effect after the first use. Very neat natural tan without orange spots. If you want to get a more pronounced color, the result becomes more noticeable after the third application. Plus, this oil moisturizes the skin very well. I don't use other lotions with it.


Clarins Tanning Jelly Gelee Auto-Bronzante Express

This jelly has a light, non-greasy texture. The product is quickly applied and absorbed into the skin, giving it a beautiful and even tone. Thanks to the presence of plant extracts in the self-tanning product, the product moisturizes the skin well and makes it soft and silky. To obtain a light tan, the jelly should be applied from time to time. And those who want a more saturated shade should repeat the procedure regularly. The cost of jelly is on average 1,400 rubles.

Light, non-greasy gel texture, spreads easily on the skin and is instantly absorbed. The result is excellent. My skin has never been so perfect. Everything is simple, without streaks and unpleasant orange pigment. Looking at my tan, it seems that I flew to Turkey for a couple of days.


Sun Care Self-tanning cream SUN CARE for face and body

This cream helps to achieve a quick, natural and safe tan. The product has a light texture that ensures uniform application of the cream and its rapid absorption. As a result, the skin acquires a beautiful tan without orange spots and stripes. The product contains moisturizing components that make the skin smooth and elastic. You can buy the cream for an average of 350 rubles.

Not a bad cream. Absorbs quickly, there is no sticky effect, the skin breathes. The best part is that there is no strong smell afterwards. It is there, but it’s barely perceptible and it’s pleasing. Yes, I didn’t notice a strong “dense” tanning effect, it turned out to be a light shade. I didn’t find any bright spots or stains, and there is also no clear contrast between white and “tanned” skin.


DOVE Body Lotion Summer Glow

Dove lotion is designed for dark skin to enhance your tan tone. The product contains a complex of natural nutritional components and essential oils, thanks to which the skin becomes soft and smooth. The lotion can be used daily, and the tan will appear gradually. The cost of this product is on average 400 rubles.

It does not make the skin too tanned, but gives a beautiful, even, light tan color. The skin becomes soft and soft. The smell of the lotion is pleasant and unobtrusive. The tan appears gradually. If you do not apply the lotion for more than a week, the skin returns to its original appearance. Good product with adequate effect.


Floresan Self-tanning milk-express

This milk is intended for all skin types. A natural tan after application appears within three to four hours and lasts for five days. The product is also used to disguise age spots. You can buy milk for an average of 100 rubles.

Milk of medium thickness. It spreads easily over the skin. I apply the milk exclusively to my feet. The effect lasts for me for 4 days, and on the fifth it begins to noticeably brighten. On days 6–7 I repeat the procedure. The shade fades evenly, I didn’t find any “tiger” stripes. I recommend!


Video: how to apply a tan evenly

Self-tanning is the ideal choice for those who want to tan at home as quickly as possible. The main thing is to read the contraindications, choose the most suitable product for you and learn how to apply self-tanning to your skin correctly. Only in this case will you be pleased with the final result.