Ava for vampire halloween girls

Among all the Halloween characters, the easiest one to transform into is a vampire. This image does not require a lot of makeup or a special costume. Vampires from films and books most often dress in the spirit of their time or prefer Gothic and Victorian styles. Therefore, all we need is a black dress and suitable accessories, and so that no one doubts our nocturnal origin, we will do makeup in the style of a vampire.

Dress and costume for the look of a vampire

In some films, vampires prefer leather trousers and corsets, or even leather suits - overalls with many details. These costumes look impressive, but unless you have leather pants and a corset, you probably won't buy them for your Halloween party.

We will start from more accessible options:

1. Black dress. A black floor-length or midi-length dress is best. A Victorian-style dress would be ideal; you can rent one.

2. A white blouse with a black lace collar and a black skirt will also fit into the image of a vampire. If the skirt is leather, the look will be even better, because leather adds a special energy.

3. A common element of the vampire image is the cape. Nowadays, a variety of capes are in fashion; go shopping and perhaps you will find a cape that is perfect for a holiday and then useful for everyday life. If not, you can sew a vampire cloak yourself from a piece of black fabric. The fabric gathers in folds in the neck area and is held in place by ties.

4. Accessories. Boots or shoes with elegant stilettos, a wide leather belt, ideally a corset belt, lace gloves, a ring with a black or red stone. But it’s best not to overload the look with many accessories, but to wear a lace choker; it will fit perfectly into our look.

Vampire Halloween Makeup

The Halloween vampire look involves a pale complexion with contrasting eyes and lips. At the same time, you don’t have to limit yourself in makeup; we paint our lips with bright red lipstick and do black eye makeup.

You can use the traditional smoky-eyes makeup technique, making the eyes very dark and expressive, or you can step by step paint the upper eyelid with black, purple and burgundy shadows. All these colors fit perfectly into dark gothic images.

Don't forget about the lower eyelid. Vampire makeup for Halloween does not impose strict rules. You can line your eyelid with a black liner or shade dark shadows throughout the area around the eyes. And if you want, draw a cobweb with a thin pencil, it looks very original. Experiment, take photos and then compare which makeup is better, that’s what we do for the holiday.

October 31st, All Hallow's Eve, is approaching, which means everyone is now scratching their heads over Halloween costumes. We all want to look great at the most sinister party, we dream that it is our image that everyone will remember. Today we will suggest several looks for you and your friends, your children and other family members, even for your pets.

One of the most common images chosen for Halloween parties is a vampire girl. Movies, in particular the “Twilight” saga, contributed to the popularization and romanticization of the image. You can choose both a classic version and one with a twist, so that it is immediately clear that you are going to a party. You can create the image of a mysterious vampire girl for Halloween yourself, without resorting to special makeup, but using ordinary cosmetics.

“Vampire” makeup for Halloween is based on the following principles:

  1. very pale skin;
  2. expressive eye and lip makeup.

What you need for a vampire girl's makeup for Halloween

To create a vampire look for Halloween you will need the following:

  1. moisturizer (it will serve as a base for makeup and protect the skin);
  2. foundation of a very light shade;
  3. loose powder of the same tone;
  4. bronze blush;
  5. black and red eyeliners;
  6. a palette of shadows, which contains dark and light shades;
  7. mascara;
  8. burgundy or purple lipstick;
  9. fake blood;
  10. overlays on teeth, with the help of which an imitation of fangs is created.

Do it yourself artificial blood You can use red and blue food coloring with the addition of:

So that the resulting mixture is not too thick, and the shade is close to natural. To do this, add a little blue tint to the red dye.

Using the listed tools, you can create a simple vampire girl makeup for Halloween. If you want to make a more complex make-up, then it is better to use theatrical makeup. The makeup will be complemented by a properly chosen suit. Fantasy is also not limited - it can be an old medieval dress or a modern outfit. You can use colored lenses - this will make the image more impressive. The main thing is that all of the above form a single ensemble.

Video: how to do vampire makeup for Halloween

Step-by-step instructions for applying “vampire” makeup for Halloween

Step-by-step instructions for creating a vampire girl's makeup for Halloween:

  1. The work begins with preparing the facial skin. It needs to be cleaned with tonic, then applied with moisturizer. If you have skin defects, they need to be disguised (a vampire's skin must be perfect). Next, apply a thick layer of foundation not only to the face, but also to the neck and ears. If you have a highlighter with reflective particles, apply it under your eyes. Set the result with powder.

Important! If you want to make your skin even paler, add a small amount of white and light blue eyeshadow to the powder.

  1. Apply a bronze blush to your cheekbones to create a sunken cheek effect.
  2. Make your eyebrows more expressive with dark shadows or a pencil.
  3. Apply a light shade of eye shadow to the moving eyelid. Apply a dark shade of eyeshadow to the crease of the upper eyelid and the area under the eyes. Blend everything thoroughly - this will create the illusion of dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Use dark purple or black shadows to line your eyeliner. Or use liquid eyeliner of a similar color.
  5. Using a pencil, draw a line along the growth of the lower eyelashes. If you use a black or red pencil, you will create the effect of sore eyes.
  6. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. If you want to make your eye makeup more expressive, you can use false eyelashes.
  7. Apply burgundy or other dark shade of lipstick to your lips. You can lightly smear it in the corners of your lips. And using artificial blood, draw thin streams of blood.

All you have to do is put on false fangs and colored lenses to make the image look impressive.

Photo: step-by-step instructions for vampire makeup

Video: how to do vampire makeup for Halloween

Creating Bites on the Neck for Vampire Girl Makeup

An important detail of a vampire's Halloween look is the bites on the neck. It is quite difficult to draw them on your own, so you can ask someone to help you. Below are instructions for creating bites:

  1. Using a black pencil (cosmetic), draw two dots with a diameter of 5 mm;
  2. there is no need to make them perfectly round - it is more appropriate to make them uneven to create the illusion of skin damage;
  3. use red shadows to draw a rim around the points so that the skin appears inflamed and irritated;
  4. apply a little purple eyeshadow - this will make the bruises appear. Blend the transitions between shadows well;
  5. add a drop of artificial blood and let it drain a little.

Important! If you didn't have time to make fake blood, you can use dark red lip gloss. But it flows worse, so you will have to smear it further to make it look natural and beautiful.

Video: how to do makeup with vampire bites for Halloween

Certainly, you can limit yourself to the “smoky eye” technique — its meaning is also in the expressiveness of the eyes. But it’s better to spend a little more time, practice and add to it so that the image of a vampire girl for Halloween turns out to be more natural and impressive.

The main thing is don't forget fangs are a feature of this image.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of a vampire girl for Halloween

An interesting solution for Halloween: instead of artificial fangs, you can draw them on your lips. The image of a vampire girl will not suffer from this; on the contrary, it will look interesting and original!

Vampire girls should focus not only on sharp fangs, but also on their eyes: bright shadows, eyeliner, lush eyelashes and even lenses! All of these will help make you the queen of your Halloween party!

The photo below is the perfect vampire look for a blonde.

A vampire girl for Halloween can have either natural hair color or artificial gray hair.

Video: how to do vampire makeup at home

With a harmonious combination of makeup, clothing and other details, the image of a vampire will be one of the most striking at the Halloween celebration.