Badyaga 911 for acne spots

Why do acne spots appear?

These are acne scars and appear in three cases:

  1. Under the influence of melanin after inflammation. Red, stagnant spots often occur after a long period of inflammation that affects the deeper layers of the skin. The defects do not remain forever, but it takes a very long time for them to completely disappear.
  2. Blue spots are the most unpleasant phenomenon on the skin. They arise after squeezing pimples. The risk of their occurrence increases if an infection enters the epidermal tissue, inflammation and pigmentation of the skin begins.
  3. Incorrect or insufficient hygienic facial care - another reason for the appearance of spots. If white pimples appear that are not treated in any way, and the skin is not regularly cleansed, then after they disappear, red spots will remain.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of acne spots, they cause no less discomfort than the inflammation itself. You can wait until they pass on their own, but the best way – act and use effective products in the fight for perfect skin. One of the most effective means is recognized Bodyaga 911.

Composition of the product Badyaga 911

In addition to the dried badyagi the product may include water, horse chestnut extract, polymer sulfonic acid salt, chamomile extract, arnica oil, tea tree oil, mint, juniper.

Badyaga itself consists of several elements that have a positive effect on the skin:

  1. Silicon - the basis of a natural remedy. This substance increases skin elasticity, helps get rid of dead cells, and activates metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  2. Spongin is a natural protein that has absorbable, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  3. Microscopic needles are part of the badyagi. They improve blood circulation and speed up the process of disappearing spots, scars and bruises.

Thanks to such a rich composition, badyaga is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The product exfoliates dead cells, smoothes wrinkles, cleanses and brightens the skin, heals microcracks and injuries.

How to use the gel

The gel can only be applied to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer for 20 minutes. If there is no strong burning sensation, then the product is washed off after a while with warm water. Before the procedure rememberthat after it you cannot go outside for 3 hours. The maximum number of uses is 3 times a week. After badyagi, you can apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

The effectiveness of Badyaga 911 gel

The gel has a cleansing and absorbable effect, with regular use prevents acne and acne, promotes the disappearance of stagnant and age spots after acne, improves skin condition, its elasticity, and activates blood circulation.

Before applying the gel to your facial skin, test it on the crook of your elbow to rule out individual intolerance and allergic reaction.

Those who have used badyaga in the form of gel and powder claim that the second remedy is more effective and aggressive. The gel has a gentle effect, but is not able to get rid of acne spots, especially old ones.

Using badyagi powder

A Proven Way to Get Rid of Acne Spots – a mixture of badyagi powder and hydrogen peroxide. To prepare such a mask, you will need to mix the products in a ratio of 1 part badyagi to 4 parts peroxide. First, cleanse your skin with toner, then apply the resulting product in a thin layer, wait 10 minutes until the mixture dries a little, rub it into the skin until slight redness appears, then rinse with warm water. While using the badyagi a slight burning sensation may occur on the treated areas, this is a normal skin reaction, the procedure can be continued. This mask can be done no more than once every 7 days, after the procedure in no case Do not apply other cosmetics to the skin.

A remedy made from badyagi and boric acid, a mask with badyagi, rice and oatmeal helps in the fight against acne spots.

Badyaga powder+water

Add the powder to boiled warm water and stir until smooth. Apply to cleansed skin immediately so that the mixture does not have time to cool. Wait 15 minutes and rinse off. The water bottle can be used no more than 3 times a week.

Badyaga+badyaga gel

To prepare, dilute 1 tsp. badyagi powder in hot water to obtain a mixture similar in consistency to sour cream, then add 1 tsp. gel, mix everything thoroughly and leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then remove with cotton swabs or a napkin, wash with warm water.


Badyaga has long gained popularity among people suffering from acne and its consequences. Most reviews about this product are positive, the product really effectively eliminates skin defects. But not everyone who uses badyaga talks about the effect of the product on the skin in the same way. Some do not experience any discomfort, while others, on the contrary, feel a strong burning sensation. Much depends on your skin type and its characteristics. Before using the badyagi, be prepared for the fact that skin redness may take several days.

Almost everyone who used badyagu got rid of old acne spots, and the condition of their skin in general also improved. However the product has a drawback, which has no direct effect on the skin, is an unpleasant odor. But to get perfect skin, you can tolerate a specific smell.

Badyaga is a unique natural remedy that helps in the fight against spots left behind by acne. It can be used in powder or gel form, and can be used to make masks and scrubs. It is important to remember that the product should not be used more than once every 7 days, or if there are wounds or scratches on the skin.

Among the traditional methods of treating acne and blemishes, badyagu has long been used.

The product is obtained by drying a freshwater sponge, or more precisely, the skeleton of a coelenterate animal of the same name.

The product is available in gel and powder form.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

Badyaga gel is not only widely used for acne, but also effectively copes with acne spots.

Causes of acne

Acne appears due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

This happens for various reasons, namely:

  1. increased androgen levels during adolescence;
  2. intoxication of the body;
  3. increased levels of steroid hormones (during menstruation);
  4. stress;
  5. mechanical damage to the skin;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. violation of hygiene standards;
  8. taking certain medications;
  9. heredity;
  10. pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Often, after acne treatment, reddish or bluish spots remain on the skin.

The reasons for their appearance are as follows:

  1. concentration of melanin in the affected area;
  2. mechanical skin injuries;
  3. poor hygiene.

Sometimes spots go away on their own, but usually special cosmetics and procedures are required to make them disappear, namely:

  1. chemical peeling with acids, badyaga, etc.;
  2. phototherapy;
  3. laser resurfacing, etc.


Products for the treatment of acne are selected depending on the cause of their occurrence and the individual characteristics of the person.

Photo: acne treatment is best left to a doctor

It is best to entrust this to a doctor, then the therapy will not only be effective, but also safe.

Products for external use Pills People's Pharmacy
Creams and gels with retinoids:
  1. "Isotrexin";
  2. "Retinoic ointment";
  3. "Klenzit";
  4. "Differin."

They are prescribed when other remedies have not helped and there is a bacterial infection in the body.

Mask with mumiyo

Can be mixed with honey, egg white or yolk

Treatment with acids:

Contained in the preparations:

  1. “Zinerite;
  2. "Baziron";
  3. "Azelik."
  1. "Streptocide";
  2. "Aspirin".

Blue and white are used to treat acne.

Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids):

Prescribed for the release of excess sebum.

Cucumber or yeast masks. Preparations:

Used as a component of masks and independently.

Compress with celery and butter Zinc-based ointments Hormonal pills:

Prescribed when the body produces excess male hormones.

Compress of honey and carrots. Antibiotic creams and ointments

Can be purchased at the pharmacy:

Or cook it yourself.

Herbal decoctions:
  1. sagebrush;
  2. celandine;
  3. hop;
  4. St. John's wort;
  5. chamomile.
Hormonal creams:
  1. "Regetsin";
  2. "Dapsone."
Colon cleansing products:
  1. "Lactofiltrum";
  2. "Activated carbon".
A mixture of cream, yolk, honey and lemon. Healing creams:
  1. "Baziron";
  2. "Nivea"
  3. "Vichy"
  4. "Emalan."
Strawberry and oatmeal lotion.

Most often, complex therapy is used to treat acne, combining external medications and tablets.

Video: “How to lighten your skin using Badyaga Forte gel”

What is Badyaga

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that is dried and used in the form of lotions or as a component of cosmetic masks.

Does the drug help with acne?

Badyaga has the following effects:

  1. absorbable;
  2. activation of blood circulation;
  3. regenerating;
  4. increases the production of skin elastin;
  5. bactericidal;
  6. antiseptic;
  7. cleanses skin pores
  8. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  9. restorative;
  10. prevents acne.

The product is effectively used for:

  1. treatment of bruises and contusions;
  2. getting rid of stretch marks and scars;
  3. exfoliation of the dead layer of the epidermis;
  4. getting rid of acne spots;
  5. treatment of radiculitis and joint pain;
  6. therapy for rheumatism and arthritis;
  7. rejuvenation (wrinkle polishing), etc.

Types of drugs

Photo: preparations with badyaga

The substance is available in the form of gel, ointment and powder.

  1. The most aggressive product is considered to be in powder form. It is used as a component of various masks, as well as in its pure form for deep peeling.
  2. Ointment and gel are less effective for severe skin lesions, but are convenient to use for newly formed age spots.

Sometimes, for greater effect, 2 forms of the drug are used at once: gel and powder (in the absence of contraindications).

Composition of Badyaga 911 acne gel

Among drugs of this type, Badyaga 911 is one of the most popular remedies for acne spots.

How to get rid of subcutaneous acne? Find out here.

Its composition makes the use of the product very effective because it includes:

  1. horse chestnut extract;
  2. chamomile;
  3. arnica oil;
  4. spongin;
  5. silicon;
  6. mint;
  7. tea tree;
  8. sulfonic acid salt;
  9. juniper, etc.
How it works Instructions for use Efficiency
The algorithm of action of the product is as follows:
  1. Silica needles penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis, irritating it.
  2. Blood vessels and capillaries under the skin dilate.
  3. Blood supply is activated.
  4. The process of regeneration of damaged tissue begins (scars resolve, spots disappear, bruises heal).
  5. The herbs and beneficial substances included in the gel lighten acne spots and smooth the skin.
  6. With regular use of the gel, acne stops appearing, and the elasticity of the skin improves.
How to use the gel:
  1. Apply the product to cleansed skin (avoiding the eye and lip area);
  2. keep for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. After the procedure, use any nourishing cream.

During use, skin redness and mild burning may occur.

  1. If the sensations are too unpleasant, then the procedure should be shortened in time (up to 5 minutes).
  2. Do not use the gel more than 3 times a week.
  3. After the procedure, you cannot go outside for 3 hours (exposure to the sun and wind on irritated skin is contraindicated).
  4. Be sure to use gloves when applying the drug and do not rub it aggressively into the skin.

The course of treatment is 5-10 times.

It is better to carry out therapy in late autumn or winter.

It should be remembered that the gel, unlike the powder, has a gentle effect on the skin.

It is not able to rid a person of old scars and stains.

If you use the drug on recently healed skin with residual pigmentation, the result will be good.

Mask recipes

Photo: preparing the mask

To get rid of acne on the face and spots after them, as well as to rejuvenate the skin, you can prepare masks with badyaga at home.

Ingredients Mode of application
  1. Powder;
  2. blue clay;
  3. water.
  1. Mix all components in a ratio of 2:1:3.
  2. The resulting mass should be homogeneous.
  3. Apply to affected areas for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Apply nourishing cream or mask.
  1. Badyaga;
  2. hydrogen peroxide.
  1. Mix the components in equal quantities and wait for the reaction to start.
  2. Mix thoroughly and apply to face.
  3. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Quickly helps with pigmentation.

  1. Product in powder;
  2. Ryazhenka
  1. Mix the substances in equal parts and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.
  2. Rinse off.

The mask helps not only against acne, but also marks from it.

  1. Substance in powder;
  2. olive oil.
  1. Dilute the badyagu with water, add a small spoon of olive oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Do not use the mixture for oily skin.

  1. Powder;
  2. green clay;
  3. salicylic acid;
  4. water.
  1. Mix the ingredients until creamy.
  2. Apply directly to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly (can also be used on the body).


Badyaga should not be used under any circumstances if:

  1. there are inflammations on the skin of any type and intensity (using the drug will only aggravate the process);
  2. sensitive, dry and thin skin;
  3. other cosmetics are used for treatment (especially those included in the drug);
  4. there are wounds and scratches on the skin;
  5. the patient has excessive facial hair (the use of the drug will aggravate the process);
  6. the patient is allergic to the product or its components.

The best acne masks based on badyagi

I welcome everyone who wants to get rid of acne, cleanse their skin or remove acne spots. I want to share with you a remedy that helped me tighten my pores and relieve inflammation from problem areas on my face. Finding Badyaga 911 gel, reviews of which fill almost all specialized Internet sites, is not a problem. It can be bought at any pharmacy.

It is important that the drug is available not only in the form of powder and ointment, but also in gel. Since I was worried about bluish spots on my skin after acne, I chose the gel for myself.

Reviews - what interesting things you can find out

Badyaga gel has a wide range of effects on problem skin. This can be judged from the reviews of those who have used this drug. Many note that it is light and easy to use, is gentle on the skin, and also gives excellent results if you undergo a certain course of cosmetic procedures.

If you still doubt that badyaga helps get rid of bruises and spots, as well as acne, reviews from people will help you make sure of this:

  1. Anastasia, 18 years old: “An excellent effective product! I apply the badyagu to my face with a silicone brush. Then I wash it off with water using cotton pads. Sometimes the skin may turn red, but other times I don’t feel any discomfort.”
  2. Marat, 22 years old: “I remove bruises on my face using Badyaga 911 gel. I recommend everyone who has acne to try this drug.”
  3. Inna, 32 years old: “I really liked the effect of using badyagi. After several treatments, my skin seemed to look younger, my pores were smaller and the amount of acne was reduced.”

Properties of Badyaga 911 gel

Currently, the drug is one of the most popular. It helps get rid of scars, bruises and acne spots. Badyaga is an algae that resembles an ordinary sponge in its porous structure. Dried seaweed is used to make a powder that is actively used in cosmetology.

The beneficial properties of the gel include the ability to quickly relieve swelling, inflammation and irritation, improve blood circulation, and also reduce pain. It has a resolving and cleansing effect. The composition of the drug includes:

If you use it correctly, you will soon notice a clear improvement in the condition of your skin: wrinkles will become less noticeable, age spots and scars will disappear, and the skin will become smooth and elastic.

The price of the medicine depends on the manufacturer and distribution channel.

Rules for using badyagi 911

The tube with gel and cream, as well as the bag with powder, must be accompanied by instructions for use, which it is advisable to read and follow all the recommendations specified in it.

I applied the gel spotwise twice a day to clean, dry skin for no more than twenty minutes. It is important not to go outside after this procedure for four hours.

Making masks from badyagi at home

Badyaga is most often used in powder form, from which medicinal masks are made. It can be used to cleanse and brighten the skin. To enhance the effect, it is enough to properly care for your face. Therefore, after you wash off the mask, apply some medicated cream to your skin. It will help double the effect of the procedure.

Choose the most suitable mask for yourself from the following:

Mask 1. Mix powder, water and blue clay in a ratio of 2:3:1. Apply a homogeneous mass to the affected areas for fifteen minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water. After the treatment procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask or cream.

Mask 2. You will need hydrogen peroxide and badyaga. Combine them in equal quantities and mix well. Apply to face. After ten minutes, remove any residue using a cotton swab and water.

Mask 3. Mix the powder, water and a little olive oil. Apply the medicinal composition to dry skin for no more than a quarter of an hour. The mask is not suitable for those with oily skin.

Mask 4. Prepare powder, green cosmetic clay, salicylic acid and water. Mix all ingredients and apply dotted to face or body. After ten minutes, the creamy mass should be washed off.

If you do such procedures at least once a week, you will be able to get rid of annoying acne, blackheads, bruises, acne, spots and other dermatological diseases that can be caused not only by adolescence, but also by gastrointestinal diseases, stressful situations or hereditary factor.

Existing contraindications to the use of badyagi

The use of Badyagi 911 gel or powder for acne is prescribed by a doctor strictly individually, taking into account the tolerability of all components.

Before starting the procedure, perform a sensitivity test to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to mix a little product with boric alcohol (possibly with peroxide) and apply it to the skin. Keep the mixture for no more than fifteen minutes, then wash it off with warm water and soap. If you experience itching, irritation or redness within 24 hours, then badyaga is not suitable for you.

In addition to allergies, pay attention to the following contraindications. It is not recommended to use the product for children under two years of age, or if the person has:

  1. very thin and sensitive integument;
  2. acne in the stage of acute inflammation;
  3. hypertrichosis;
  4. dry, flaky and dehydrated skin.

If you apply badyagu to inflamed acne, it will only aggravate the condition of the problem areas. Make sure that the product does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

The instructions contain all the indications and contraindications for the use of the drug and will help you avoid making mistakes.


As for me, I am very pleased with the result after using Badyaga 911 gel. Now I am not ashamed to go to a party with friends, to work or on a date. My face is clean and beautiful.

Decide for yourself what powder, gel or ointment is best for you. The main thing is not to doubt their effectiveness. See you soon, dear readers and thank you for your attention!