Bavl - urine

The most useful urine is the urine of an Arabian camel, that is, a purebred camel, and human urine is the weakest, although even weaker is the urine of groomed domestic boars. The strongest urine is the old one, and the urine of the empty one is weaker in all respects. Human urine is the purest.

As they say, hot and dry.

Actions and properties.
All types of urine are cleaned. Human urine with grapevine ash is applied to the bleeding area, and the bleeding stops. Camel urine helps against dandruff if you wash your hair with it, just like bull urine.

Urine reduces bahak well.

Wounds and ulcers.
Donkey urine, like human urine, and especially old urine, helps with creeping and moist ulcers. It helps against flaking, scabies and barasa, especially with bavrak and sorrel juice. Urine sediment is applied to areas affected by erysipelas, and this is beneficial. As part of an ointment, urine helps against jarab, safa and ulcers infected with worms. Pee on foot ulcers and leave them there until they heal.

Tools with joints.
Urine is useful for nerve pain, especially the urine of the domestic and mountain goats, and helps mainly against spasms and tension. It is also put into the nose when stretched.

Organs of the head.
If myrrh is dissolved in ox urine and poured into the ear in liquid form, it soothes the pain. Goat urine also works on its own or mixed with myrrh. Old human urine prevents pus from draining from the ears.

Camel urine is very helpful for loss of smell and is very powerful in opening up blockages in the ethmoid bone.

Eye diseases.
Urine is condensed in a copper vessel and then it helps against cataracts and trachoma, especially children’s urine, as well as urine boiled with leek.

Respiratory and chest organs.
The urine of infants is said to help with "standing breathing."

Nutritional organs.
One man with a diseased spleen dreamed that he was told to drink three handfuls of his own urine every day. He did this and recovered. This treatment was tried and it turned out to be wonderful.

Human urine and camel urine, especially with the milk of a dairy camel, help against dropsy and hardening of the spleen. Goat urine is used for fever, especially the urine of mountain goats, and is most useful with the fragrant spikenard.

Pig urine kept in the bladder has the same effect if taken with strong wine.

Eruption organs.
Pig urine crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder and drives both of them away. Donkey urine helps with pain in the kidneys, and human urine, boiled with leek, if you sit in it for five days, once a day, is useful for pain in the uterus.

Drinking human urine helps treat viper bites. It is also poured onto the bitten areas, especially if bitten by a viper that lives on the rocks; mixed with natural soda, it is poured over the area bitten by the dog, and over every bite and injection.

Old urine helps against all poisons and even against the poison of the sea hare.