Baziron acne ointment price

The description is valid on 02.06.2014

  1. Latin name: Basiron AC
  2. ATX code: D01AE01
  3. Active substance: Benzoyl peroxide >


The composition of Baziron AS is as follows: gel 2.5% contains 2.5 g benzoyl peroxide aqueous, in the gel 5% contains 5 g of the active substance, in the gel 10% - 10 g of the active substance.

The gel also contains a number of excipients: poloxamer, methacrylic acid copolymer, glycerol, edetate disodium, carbomer, propylene glycol, sodium docusate, sodium hydroxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, water.

Release form

It is produced as a cream and gel for external use, sold in 40 g tubes, which are packaged in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

Baziron AC has a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the body, acts against Staphylococcus epidermidis And Propionibacterium acnes. The drug also has comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, it activates tissue oxygenation. Under the influence of the product, the secretion of sebum in the sebaceous glands is reduced, ensures the absorption of excess sebaceous secretions and helps moisturize the skin.

Benzoyl peroxide is an active oxidizing agent that provides a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that subsequently can no longer produce strains that are resistant to benzoyl peroxide.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug consists of inactivating free radicals at the site where the inflammatory process occurs, as well as in the process of inhibiting free fatty acids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Benzoyl peroxide does not penetrate the skin particularly well. Basically, benzoyl peroxide gradually turns into benzoic acid. After absorption, it ends up in the bloodstream and is subsequently actively excreted through the kidneys. There is no accumulation in tissues. When applied topically, Baziron AS ointment does not provoke the development of systemic side effects.

Indications for use

The drug is used for acne. The drug is also sometimes used to treat comedones without acne. The ointment is also used for trophic ulcers of the leg.


Contraindications for treatment with the drug are as follows:

  1. high sensitivity to the components of the product;
  2. The patient's age is up to 12 years.

Side effects

In rare cases, the following side effects occur in the place where the product is applied:

  1. skin irritation;
  2. allergic manifestations;
  3. dry skin;
  4. peeling;
  5. burning sensation.

Instructions for Baziron AS (Method and dosage)

The gel is applied to dry and clean skin where there is acne. The ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day. This can be done in the morning or evening. The instructions for use of Baziron contain information that the course of therapy usually lasts three months. The appearance of a therapeutic effect should be expected four weeks after the start of treatment.

If there is such a need, a second course of therapy may be carried out.


If a large dose of the product was accidentally applied to the skin, severe irritation may occur in this area. In case of overdose, the drug should be completely discontinued and symptomatic treatment should be given.


There is no data on how Baziron AS interacts with other medications.

Terms of sale

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in its original packaging, and the storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

Baziron can be stored for no more than 36 months.

special instructions

If the acne remedy Baziron AS causes severe irritation, it must be discontinued and replaced with another drug.

This remedy should not be used for acne on face in places where there is damage to the skin.

If the gel gets into your eyes or onto the mucous membranes of your nose or mouth, you should immediately rinse these areas with warm water.

Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the areas where the drug is applied, as this may cause additional irritation.

It is not recommended to use products that dry out or irritate the skin at the same time as treatment with the drug. During this period it is better not to use scrubs, alcohol-containing products.

Analogues of Baziron AS

The price of the gel is quite high, so very often consumers have a question about whether there are cheap analogues of Baziron AC. To date, there are no domestic analogues of this drug. In some cases, this medicine can be replaced with drugs Desquam, Proderm, Klerasil ultra, Benzakne, Ugresol, Eclaran, which have a similar effect. The price of analogues in some cases is slightly lower than the cost of Baziron.

Which is better: Baziron or Differin?

Active ingredient of the product Differina is adapalene, synthetic analogue vitamin A. The drug does not contain hormonal components or antibiotics. It is used to eliminate comedones, acne in mild to moderate severity. It is better not to use Baziron and Differin together, as this can lead to severe irritation and drying of the skin.

Which is better: Zinerit or Baziron AS?

Zenerite used for acne and contains erythromycin (antibiotic), which has been used for acne for a very long time. Unlike Baziron, Zinerit ointment can be applied to the skin under cosmetics. However, Zinerit can cause an addictive effect, so it can be used for no longer than 3 months, after which a break is necessary.

Which is better: Skinoren or Baziron?

The drug Skinoren is also available in the form of a gel or cream. Its main component is azelaic acid, which also produces a pronounced effect in the process of fighting acne, drying it out on the skin. Gel should be preferred by those with oily skin, cream - by people with dry skin. Skinoren, unlike Baziron, can be applied completely to the entire skin, and not pointwise.

Thus, all these products can actively fight acne. But if a person is faced with the question of what to choose - Skinoren, or Baziron, or Zenerite, it is better to initially consult a doctor and be sure to take into account all individual characteristics.

For children

The gel can be used to treat children over 12 years of age.

During pregnancy

Baziron AS at pregnancy, and also during breastfeeding use is not recommended, since clinical trials of such use of the drug have not been conducted. However, no toxic effects on the fetus were recorded. Therefore, during pregnancy, Baziron AS can be used for treatment only if the expected benefit from such therapy outweighs the potential risk.

Reviews about Baziron AS

People who suffer from acneHaving tried this acne cream, reviews of Baziron AS are mostly positive. Reviews from doctors indicate that the active substance benzoyl peroxide is today one of the most effective means to overcome acne.

The gel very quickly allows you to achieve pronounced results and get rid of acne. This is proven by numerous positive reviews about Baziron AS, before and after photos taken by those who used the ointment according to the instructions.

There is an anti-inflammatory effect of the product, which allows you to quickly dry the skin and eliminate severe acne. Reviews also mention the ability of the product to reduce the severity of spots that remain after acne. The ointment reduces the level of oily skin, which helps prevent the formation of new acne.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, its side effect is mentioned - drying of the skin and the appearance of irritation after frequent use. To avoid this, you need to moisturize your skin more often.

Baziron AS price, where to buy

The price of Baziron gel in pharmacies in Russia averages from 550 to 700 rubles. If this is Ukraine, then the price of Baziron AS in a pharmacy is approximately 250-400 UAH. for one tube. How much the cream costs in pharmacies should be found out at specific points of sale, since its price in Donetsk and Kiev may differ. The cost of the drug in Belarus is higher, since you can only buy analogues of the drug in Minsk, and Baziron AS ointment must be ordered. Baziron AS is also not sold in Kazakhstan; it must be ordered additionally.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Baziron AS - instructions for use,
  2. Baziron AS – price for 2019,
  3. Baziron AS – reviews from dermatologists about the effectiveness of the drug.

Baziron AS is a drug in the form of a gel for the treatment of acne. Produced by the pharmaceutical company Galderma (France). The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription and is approved for use in patients over 12 years of age.

Today, pharmacies have a huge number of drugs for the treatment of acne and pimples. Due to lack of knowledge, it is almost impossible for patients to make the correct choice of drug on their own. This article was written by a professional dermatologist, and below you can read what to expect from using Baziron, and whether it will help you.

Baziron AS - instructions for use

Baziron: composition and release form
The main active ingredient is the component “benzoyl peroxide”. There are 3 forms of the drug: the gel can have a concentration of benzoyl peroxide of 2.5%, 5% or 10%. Each form is available in 40 g tubes.

As an additional component, the preparation uses the acrylate copolymer-glycerol complex, due to which the gel has a degreasing effect. When the copolymer absorbs sebum, glycerin is simultaneously slowly released, which helps moisturize and soften the skin.

What gel concentration to choose
Baziron instructions for use of the drug do not contain detailed information about what concentration of the gel is preferable to use. However, clinical studies have shown that the effectiveness of the drug is practically independent of what concentration you use.

If this is your first time using a drug with benzoyl peroxide, we recommend a 2.5% gel. If repeated courses of therapy, then 5% gel. But 10% gel should be used only for severe forms of acne that are resistant to drug therapy.

Pharmacological action of the drug -

Benzoyl peroxide, which is part of the Baziron gel, has very high activity against bacteria that cause suppuration of the hair follicles of the skin, i.e. the appearance of acne. These bacteria include Propionibacterium Acnes and Staphylococcus Epidermidis. Microbiological studies have shown that Baziron gel suppresses acne-causing bacteria by 94% already on the 7th day of use, and after 15 days – by 97-99%.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect, the drug also has -

  1. reduces secretion production by the sebaceous glands,
  2. anti-inflammatory effect (reduces redness and inflammation),
  3. keratolytic effect (exfoliating),
  4. helps remove blackheads (fat plugs) from skin pores.

A course of treatment -

The drug is intended for external use only. The gel should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day with light massaging movements. First you need to cleanse the skin with mild detergents and dry it well.

The pronounced effect of using the drug will be noticeable within 3-4 weeks from the start of use. However, in no case should you stop using the drug at this point. To consolidate the effect for a long time, the course of treatment should be 3 months. At the same time, if you managed to achieve the disappearance of acne much earlier than 3 months, from that moment you can start using the drug only once a day.

We wrote above about what gel concentration (2.5%, 5% or 10%) to choose. Remember that it is advisable to carry out repeated courses using drugs based on benzoyl peroxide only after consultation with a dermatologist.

Baziron AS: price, reviews

Baziron, the price of the drug in pharmacies for 2019 starts from 750 rubles. Moreover, gels in concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10% cost approximately the same.

Baziron AS: cheap analogues
cheaper analogues are produced mainly by Indian companies, but it must be said that they are not represented on the Russian market. But you can easily find branded drugs from Neutrogena or Mary Kay, as well as Persa-gel (USA).

Baziron AS: reviews from dermatologists

Gel Baziron - reviews of the drug will depend primarily on what form of acne you will use it for: pimples, acne or a mixed form of acne (i.e. when the skin has both acne and pimples at the same time).

It is worth understanding that acne and pimples are completely different entities. Pimples are festering hair follicles (Fig. 6). With acne, pus forms inside the follicle, and the skin above it has a red, inflamed appearance.

Acne is nothing more than fatty plugs in the pores of the skin, which are formed due to increased production of sebum by the sebaceous glands located around the hair follicles. Blackheads can look like either white bumps on the surface of the skin (Fig. 7) or blackheads in the pores of the skin (Fig. 8).

1) Using Baziron for acne
preparations with benzoyl peroxide, which include Baziron AS, are the gold standard for the treatment of acne (with the exception of the cystic form). According to the recommendations of European and American medical associations, benzoyl peroxide for acne should be prescribed as basic therapy.

As an alternative to benzoyl peroxide, the following can be used to treat acne: gels containing the antibiotics clindamycin or erythromycin, or combination preparations that contain both benzoyl peroxide and an antibiotic. However, such drugs are best used only if a basic course of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel has proven ineffective.

You can learn about the full range of effective medications for acne, and for which forms of acne which medications will be more effective, in the article:
→ “Advice from a dermatologist on choosing medications to treat acne”

2) Application of Baziron for acne
although the instructions for the drug say that the drug can be used to treat acne - we do not recommend using it for acne, because The comedolytic and keratolytic effects of the drug are very moderate, and are noticeably inferior to drugs from the retinoid group. Retinoid drugs are the gold standard for treating acne.

In addition, with acne there is no inflammation in the skin that would be caused by pathogenic bacteria. The use of an antimicrobial agent (benzoyl peroxide) under these conditions can cause the formation of strains of pathogenic bacteria on the skin that are resistant to antimicrobial agents. In the future, this can lead to the appearance of acne, which is extremely resistant to treatment with any medications.

3) If you have pimples and blackheads on your skin
in this case, you need to use Baziron AS gel together with drugs from the retinoid group, i.e. use them in parallel. But in this case, it is best to use combination drugs for treatment that already contain both benzoyl peroxide and a retinoid. This will reduce possible skin irritation. An example of such a drug is the Epiduo gel (France).

Side effect of the drug -

When using the drug, local skin irritation is possible, which is normal. Symptoms of irritation include: peeling and dry skin, redness, burning sensation. Often, after getting used to the drug, these symptoms decrease. If the symptoms of irritation do not decrease, then you can either reduce the frequency of use to 1 time per day, or switch to using another group of drugs, for example, antibacterial gels.

Rarely, an allergy to the components of the drug may occur, which requires its discontinuation.

Important : Benzoyl peroxide increases skin sensitivity to the sun. This means that when using the drug during periods of high solar activity, hyperpigmentation of the skin in the areas where the drug is applied is highly likely. Therefore, you will need to use sun protection products (creams, sunglasses, Panama hats).

Contraindications for use –

  1. allergy to one of the components of the drug,
  2. children up to 12 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation –

The drug has extremely low absorption from the surface of the skin, due to which it practically does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect on the body. However, no safety studies have been conducted during pregnancy and lactation. Thus, prescribing the drug is possible, but in cases where the expected benefit will exceed the expected risk.

Special instructions -

  1. Do not apply the drug to mucous membranes. Can only be applied to skin. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, or mouth, rinse immediately with water.
  2. It is not advisable to use Baziron AS in parallel with products that have a drying, exfoliating effect, or alcohol-based products.
  3. The drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees. Shelf life of the drug is 3 years

We hope that our article on the topic: Baziron AS price reviews was useful to you!

Today, there are a lot of topical medications for acne, however, as it turns out, some of them are ineffective and not safe. In this regard, the choice of drugs against acne, acne and acne vulgaris should be taken as seriously as possible.

Today we will look at the popular anti-acne drug Baziron, as well as its pharmacological effects, beneficial properties, price and existing analogues.

Instructions for use

The product is applied to the affected skin once a day. If you use the drug systematically, you can achieve a good effect in a few weeks. A lasting improvement occurs after three months of using the drug.

The biggest advantage is that when using Baziron ointment, bacteria do not get used to the components of the drug.

This makes it difficult for harmful microorganisms to develop immunity to the drug over time.

The powerful oxidizing effect also contributes to the antibacterial effect, due to which harmful microorganisms living on the surface of the skin are effectively eliminated.

A special complex based on glycerin promotes the absorption of sebum, it also moisturizes and softens the skin.

The drug Baziron is available in various concentrations:

It is recommended to apply the ointment at night. After applying the drug to the skin, you must wait some time for the substance to be completely absorbed into the skin.

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the attached instructions.

The sequence of application of Baziron is as follows:

  1. Cleanse your skin thoroughly. Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to clean the skin with an antibacterial tonic or using regular hygienic soap. Do not apply the product to wet skin.
  2. The ointment must be applied to all areas of problem skin, and not point-by-point to individual inflamed formations.

An individual regimen of use can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Video: Application, recommendations, errors

Indications for use and therapeutic effect

Cream-gel is used to eliminate acne, comedones, pimples and acne. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

The gel also improves oxygen supply to tissue cells, due to which the drug is also used to treat ulcers on the limbs and body.

The drug promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues, improves blood supply and has a broad therapeutic effect.

Baziron ointment also has other useful therapeutic properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. reduces sebum production;
  3. cleanses pores of impurities;
  4. neutralizes harmful bacteria;
  5. The gel has a soothing and drying effect on the skin.

Cream Baziron - contraindications for use

Each body has its own individual characteristics and reacts differently to the same medications.

For example, Baziron is not recommended for use by people with dry skin. This is due to the fact that the drug can dry out the epidermis, which will lead to the formation of microcracks on its surface.

Doctors recommend using moisturizers with Baziron, regardless of skin type. It is also not recommended to apply the gel to the skin in too thick a layer.

The fact is that an excess amount of gel may not be absorbed by the skin, and its residue may cause additional irritation of the epidermis.

There are the following contraindications to the use of the gel:

  1. lactation period;
  2. during pregnancy;
  3. persons who have not reached 12 years of age;
  4. people prone to allergic reactions to various external medications;
  5. during the use of other medications, both internal and external.

Some people mistakenly believe that by choosing Baziron ointment with a 10% concentration of the active substance, they will be able to get rid of acne faster - this is not so.

A high concentration of the drug promotes the effective destruction of harmful bacteria; this circumstance does not affect the healing of wounds and acne.

Moreover, using an ointment of increased concentration increases the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritations.

During treatment, you need to protect your skin from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation and refrain from going to the solarium.

What causes internal acne on the chin in women? More details here.

Baziron ointment - beneficial properties

The active ingredient in Baziron is benzoyl peroxide (benzyl peroxide).

The ointment has the following beneficial properties that distinguish it from other analogues:

  1. Keratolytic effect. During the use of the drug, the skin has an exfoliating effect. Thanks to this, a crust appears on the pimples, which promotes rapid healing.
  2. Benzyl peroxide has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, which quickly relieves swelling of inflamed tissues. Also, the active substance inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria, which prevents damage to additional areas of the skin.
  3. Baziron promotes the resorption of comedones, but it is from comedones that vulgar inflamed acne forms over time, which is much more difficult to fight.
  4. The active substance cleanses pores and reduces sebum secretion. Thanks to this, after starting to use the drug, new acne does not form on the skin.
  5. The keratolytic property of the substance helps eliminate post-acne (spots after comedones and pimples).

Does it help? a drug

It is worth understanding that a one-time use of an anti-acne product will not provide an effective effect.

Treatment of acne requires regular use of Baziron, and the course of therapy itself is quite long, which can reach three months.

But this also has its advantages. For example, long-term use of the drug prevents the appearance of new inflamed formations on the skin.

With continued proper skin care and compliance with a number of personal hygiene rules, you can get rid of acne forever and prevent their reoccurrence.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend using the drug several times a day:

  1. In the morning, when the skin has rested after sleep and is ready to absorb beneficial minerals and substances.
  2. In the evening, when skin cleansing procedures with antibacterial agents are carried out. It is at this time that the skin requires additional nourishment.

If there are small pimples on the face and there are few of them, in this case it is better to use the ointment pointwise. However, if the rash has spread to large areas of the skin, then the gel should be applied to the entire face in a fairly thin layer.

The first positive changes are already noticeable after the first two weeks of using the drug. The gel should also be applied to the skin carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Price in Russia and Ukraine

The cost of the drug varies depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the concentration of the active substance. Baziron of the same concentration may differ in price due to different markups of pharmacy chains.

The more expensive drug does not differ in quality from the cheaper one, since the production of the gel is carried out by one single pharmaceutical company, and not several.

The average cost of Baziron 5% in Russian pharmacy chains ranges from 450 to 750 rubles per tube. In Ukraine the price is 240 – 420 g.

A 10% concentration gel in Russia will cost from 670 to 850 rubles. In Ukraine – 350 – 450 hryvnia.

Today, 2.5% Baziron cream is not supplied to Russia, for this reason it is simply impossible to purchase it.

Existing analogues

Today, there are many analogues of Baziron ointment, which contain the same active substance benzoyl peroxide.

It is also worth noting that analogues are much cheaper, but the list of substances included in the ointment may differ.

In order to save money, you can give preference to the following drugs: