Baziron for wrinkles

Do you often wonder what the names of popular skin treatment products mean? How many of us read the ingredients on the back of the package to the end? In order not to give fantasy priority over common sense, let's clarify what we put on our face, striving for its beauty and healthy skin. Naturally, we will attract real professionals and experienced users to help.

The ingredient we'll be talking about today is designed to fight acne and is called benzoyl peroxide or benzoyl peroxide. The most famous and accessible drug containing it is baziron for acne.

Baziron gel, what is it?

A pharmaceutical preparation in the form of a gel or cream with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Its main ingredient belongs to the organic family of peroxides, peroxides. It is part of the funds

  1. against acne, skin whitening preparations, teeth whitening gels and pastes, detergents with a whitening effect.

Doesn't remind you of anything? Yes, it is a form of hydrogen peroxide.

How it works?

Thanks to the sebostatic effect of benzoyl peroxide, basiron

  1. reduces the secretion of sebum, the comedolytic effect helps cleanse and narrow the mouth of the pores, the antibacterial effect prevents bacteria from multiplying.

Simply put, it creates conditions that are impossible for bacteria to live. The drug releases additional oxygen molecules into the subcutaneous tissue, where bacteria that cause acne live and actively reproduce.

The strains of bacteria that cause acne are anaerobic microorganisms. This means that they do not like oxygen. The drug simply kills them, reducing the number of colonies and leaving little chance for acne to form.

What does it treat with baziron cream?

Dermatologists prescribe baziron for the treatment and prevention of acne. It can be used for inflammation on the face and body. Because of its bacteria-killing properties, it is an excellent preventative.

Who should use baziron for acne?

Benzoyl peroxide is a component that has no age restrictions. Any acne patient can use it.

It is applied in a minimal dose to sensitive skin prone to irritation and peeling.

English dermatologist Somerville considers the drug ideal for patients with oily skin prone to acne.

Where to find baziron and analogues

Baziron is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription, along with other anti-acne products. Analogues of baziron:

  1. benzoyl peroxide, desquam, proderm, eclaran.

Dermatologists often prescribe a regimen of basiron and another drug for the treatment of acne, but it is good on its own.


Baziron gel is sold with a main component content of 2.5%; 5%; 10%. For most, the first two options are enough.

The ten percent form may be more effective, but the likelihood of complications also increases:

  1. the appearance of dryness, peeling of microcracks.

How often to use baziron

It is considered optimal to use baziron twice a day for treatment and prevention. But it determines the frequency of the skin condition. You should follow the course recommended by the instructions; if irritation occurs, you can reduce the dose or skip one use.

How long to use

Acne is treatable, but there is a high probability of recurrence, so you should always have the remedy on hand. This way you can keep the situation under control and prevent it from getting worse when the first signs of concern appear. For prevention purposes, it can be used once a day at night.

If so-called tolerance or addiction occurs, gel treatment should be combined with exfoliation (peeling) using a special sponge or facial brush.

And finally, a little-known fact and a common myth.

Many people don't know that peroxide can leave fade marks on clothing.

A common myth is that benzoyl peroxide is linked to cancer. Scientists deny these rumors; the substance is not a carcinogen.

Customer reviews

The instructions do not promise miracles: with systematic use, the effect occurs in a month, the tube should be enough for three. Most people notice improvement within a week. But there are also those who are disappointed. Perhaps they didn't give the drug a chance?

What cosmetologists say

Among experts, reviews about Baziron Ac also vary:

  1. Some consider it a useless drug, others recognize its effectiveness and include it in complex cosmetic regimens.

Among the opponents of its use are those who are confident in the correct treatment of acne with antibiotics, and see basiron as the cause of terrible phenomena - contact dermatitis.

Proponents of the drug recommend combining it with professional care to treat local rashes. In combination with differin (a retinoic drug) it is used to stimulate peeling and cleanse pores.

We advise anyone who suffers from difficult-to-treat acne to make friends with a dermatologist, with whom you can be guaranteed to achieve success.


A moisturizer helps with peeling and dry skin after baziron, and it should be applied immediately after baziron is absorbed. I had the same problem (and the skin itself was rather dry), but after I started using the cream, all the problems ended. And baziron fights acne better than anyone else.

Basiron causes the skin to peel off greatly. And considering that my skin is already too sensitive, it is generally contraindicated for me. Zerkalin suits me better. I would recommend it to anyone with sensitive skin.

Well, what is this analogue? Zerkalin is an antibiotic.
Baziron is not an antibiotic; its main active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, which is not addictive and has nothing to do with antibiotics. I can say from my own experience that basiron has helped me well against acne. Now they appear very rarely, but if suddenly, then apply it to the pimple a couple of times, and everything goes away.

Zerkalin is sort of an analogue of Baziron. Only it is almost 2 times cheaper. And in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to Baziron at all.

I smeared the skin (all over my face) with basiron and differin for 2.5 months, did not use moisturizers. The skin became dry and wrinkles appeared under the eyes. How to get rid of them?
P.S. Age 19 years. experts

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Did you apply basiron under your eyes?

You just dried it, apply cream

Olive oil to the rescue

You just dried it, apply cream

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Today, there are a lot of topical medications for acne, however, as it turns out, some of them are ineffective and not safe. In this regard, the choice of drugs against acne, acne and acne vulgaris should be taken as seriously as possible.

Today we will look at the popular anti-acne drug Baziron, as well as its pharmacological effects, beneficial properties, price and existing analogues.

Instructions for use

The product is applied to the affected skin once a day. If you use the drug systematically, you can achieve a good effect in a few weeks. A lasting improvement occurs after three months of using the drug.

The biggest advantage is that when using Baziron ointment, bacteria do not get used to the components of the drug.

This makes it difficult for harmful microorganisms to develop immunity to the drug over time.

The powerful oxidizing effect also contributes to the antibacterial effect, due to which harmful microorganisms living on the surface of the skin are effectively eliminated.

A special complex based on glycerin promotes the absorption of sebum, it also moisturizes and softens the skin.

The drug Baziron is available in various concentrations:

It is recommended to apply the ointment at night. After applying the drug to the skin, you must wait some time for the substance to be completely absorbed into the skin.

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the attached instructions.

The sequence of application of Baziron is as follows:

  1. Cleanse your skin thoroughly. Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to clean the skin with an antibacterial tonic or using regular hygienic soap. Do not apply the product to wet skin.
  2. The ointment must be applied to all areas of problem skin, and not point-by-point to individual inflamed formations.

An individual regimen of use can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Video: Application, recommendations, errors

Indications for use and therapeutic effect

Cream-gel is used to eliminate acne, comedones, pimples and acne. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

The gel also improves oxygen supply to tissue cells, due to which the drug is also used to treat ulcers on the limbs and body.

The drug promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues, improves blood supply and has a broad therapeutic effect.

Baziron ointment also has other useful therapeutic properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. reduces sebum production;
  3. cleanses pores of impurities;
  4. neutralizes harmful bacteria;
  5. The gel has a soothing and drying effect on the skin.

Cream Baziron - contraindications for use

Each body has its own individual characteristics and reacts differently to the same medications.

For example, Baziron is not recommended for use by people with dry skin. This is due to the fact that the drug can dry out the epidermis, which will lead to the formation of microcracks on its surface.

Doctors recommend using moisturizers with Baziron, regardless of skin type. It is also not recommended to apply the gel to the skin in too thick a layer.

The fact is that an excess amount of gel may not be absorbed by the skin, and its residue may cause additional irritation of the epidermis.

There are the following contraindications to the use of the gel:

  1. lactation period;
  2. during pregnancy;
  3. persons who have not reached 12 years of age;
  4. people prone to allergic reactions to various external medications;
  5. during the use of other medications, both internal and external.

Some people mistakenly believe that by choosing Baziron ointment with a 10% concentration of the active substance, they will be able to get rid of acne faster - this is not so.

A high concentration of the drug promotes the effective destruction of harmful bacteria; this circumstance does not affect the healing of wounds and acne.

Moreover, using an ointment of increased concentration increases the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritations.

During treatment, you need to protect your skin from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation and refrain from going to the solarium.

What causes internal acne on the chin in women? More details here.

Baziron ointment - beneficial properties

The active ingredient in Baziron is benzoyl peroxide (benzyl peroxide).

The ointment has the following beneficial properties that distinguish it from other analogues:

  1. Keratolytic effect. During the use of the drug, the skin has an exfoliating effect. Thanks to this, a crust appears on the pimples, which promotes rapid healing.
  2. Benzyl peroxide has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, which quickly relieves swelling of inflamed tissues. The active substance also inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria, which prevents damage to additional areas of the skin.
  3. Baziron promotes the resorption of comedones, but it is from comedones that vulgar inflamed acne forms over time, which is much more difficult to fight.
  4. The active substance cleanses pores and reduces sebum secretion. Thanks to this, after starting to use the drug, new acne does not form on the skin.
  5. The keratolytic property of the substance helps eliminate post-acne (spots after comedones and pimples).

Does it help? a drug

It is worth understanding that a one-time use of an anti-acne product will not provide an effective effect.

Treatment of acne requires regular use of Baziron, and the course of therapy itself is quite long, which can reach three months.

But this also has its advantages. For example, long-term use of the drug prevents the appearance of new inflamed formations on the skin.

With continued proper skin care and compliance with a number of personal hygiene rules, you can get rid of acne forever and prevent their reoccurrence.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend using the drug several times a day:

  1. In the morning, when the skin has rested after sleep and is ready to absorb beneficial minerals and substances.
  2. In the evening, when skin cleansing procedures with antibacterial agents are carried out. It is at this time that the skin requires additional nourishment.

If there are small pimples on the face and there are few of them, in this case it is better to use the ointment pointwise. However, if the rash has spread to large areas of the skin, then the gel should be applied to the entire face in a fairly thin layer.

The first positive changes are already noticeable after the first two weeks of using the drug. The gel should also be applied to the skin carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Price in Russia and Ukraine

The cost of the drug varies depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the concentration of the active substance. Baziron of the same concentration may differ in price due to different markups of pharmacy chains.

The more expensive drug does not differ in quality from the cheaper one, since the production of the gel is carried out by one single pharmaceutical company, and not several.

The average cost of Baziron 5% in Russian pharmacy chains ranges from 450 to 750 rubles per tube. In Ukraine the price is 240 – 420 grams.

A 10% concentration gel in Russia will cost from 670 to 850 rubles. In Ukraine – 350 – 450 hryvnia.

Today, 2.5% Baziron cream is not supplied to Russia, for this reason it is simply impossible to purchase it.

Existing analogues

Today, there are many analogues of Baziron ointment, which contain the same active substance benzoyl peroxide.

It is also worth noting that analogues are much cheaper, but the list of substances included in the ointment may differ.

In order to save money, you can give preference to the following drugs: