White stripes on thighs

For a long time it was believed that stretch marks appear only in pregnant women and overweight people. However, stretch marks in teenagers are very common. According to statistics, 10 children out of 100 may encounter this problem during puberty.

Causes of stretch marks in teenagers

Why can girls and boys develop stretch marks? Adolescence is a time when rapid weight gain and body growth are also accompanied by a hormonal surge. Due to the fact that the skin quickly stretches, the epithelium ruptures. The result is the appearance of red and purple stripes on the teenager’s body, which are called stretch marks (striae). After some time, the color of the stretch marks changes to white, but against the background of tanned skin they are very noticeable.

Stretch marks are equally likely to appear in girls and boys. They most often occur on the abdomen, thighs, legs and butt due to increased muscle mass. In girls during this period, the mammary glands begin to grow, which contributes to the formation of stretch marks on the chest.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the body can be different. The main ones:

  1. A sudden weight gain or growth spurt leads to thinning of the skin and cracks. These cracks are then filled with connective tissue and red and purple stripes appear.
  2. Weight gain, caused by hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle, can also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks on the legs, thighs, butt or abdomen.
  3. A weakened immune system will sooner or later cause the skin to become less elastic and tears to occur.
  4. Heredity. The predisposition to developing stretch marks in a child can be passed on from parents. In this case, it is worth taking preventive measures as early as possible.
  5. Lack of muscle mass with rapid bone growth is the cause of the formation of stretch marks on the back. If a teenager feels pain, then it is worth seeing a doctor as soon as possible. Displacement of the vertebrae may occur.

If your child begins to grow rapidly, be sure to warn him about the possibility of stretch marks appearing on his legs, stomach or butt.

You can, for example, show a photo so that he knows what they look like and immediately turns to you the first time he appears. Explain that there is nothing wrong with this and stretch marks can be treated.

What solution do cosmetologists offer?

Having learned why stretch marks form in teenagers, you should immediately begin procedures that will help eliminate them: the sooner, the greater the chance of eliminating skin defects. You should not hope that the treatment will go quickly. As a rule, it takes more than a month. There are different methods: both traditional medicine and folk methods.

There are 3 effective methods that will help cure stretch marks:

  1. Mesotherapy is quite effective in combating skin defects, painless and safe. Using thin needles, the doctor injects drugs that speed up the skin restoration process. The procedure is usually carried out 2 times a month, and the course itself will take up to six months. It must be remembered that this type of therapy is contraindicated if the teenager has infectious and inflammatory processes.
  2. Laser resurfacing is an expensive procedure, but after the first session, some stretch marks disappear. It usually lasts for an hour, and after completion there is slight redness and burning on the thighs, legs, butt and other parts of the body. The effectiveness is very high: after a couple of weeks, all defects can be completely eliminated.
  3. Cosmetic preparations - ointments and creams that contain collagen and silicone, will also help in the fight against stretch marks, as they accelerate skin regeneration. Before use, it is necessary to check whether the child is allergic to the components of the drug.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods of combating stretch marks can be combined with folk recipes. Wraps with honey and aloe are very helpful for stretch marks on the hips, legs, butt and stomach.

You need to take 5 tablespoons of honey and aloe (porridge), mix with 100 ml of warm water and divide into 2 parts. Freeze one in an ice cube tray, and apply the other to the skin after taking a shower and wrap in film. After an hour, rinse everything off with water and wipe the skin with prepared cubes of the frozen mixture. After drying, additionally lubricate the skin with a cream containing collagen or silicone. Repeat the procedure every day for a month.

A paste of cucumbers and oatmeal, rubbed into the skin within half an hour after a shower, will also be effective.

Prevention measures

During adolescence, children react sharply to appearance problems. Therefore, it is best to try to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

  1. Try to ensure that your teenager’s diet is dominated by protein foods, which accelerate the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Moisturizing creams with collagen, massage with olive and essential oils, baths with sea salt are an excellent measure for the prevention of skin defects.
  3. It is also worth choosing a good vitamin complex.
  4. An active lifestyle is an effective preventative measure, but excessive physical activity must be avoided.

Monitor your child’s health, and then puberty will be the most comfortable for him!

Girls, please help. the other day in daylight I noticed such sparse white stripes on my buttocks... they look like stretch marks, or cellulite, I don’t know, yes, because I’m thin and I’m only 20 years old! I, a calm person, already started going hysterical as soon as I saw it. I eat right, take enough vitamins, walk often, where they could have come from. and initially there were no red stripes, but immediately just white... The worst thing I just read is that you can’t get rid of them! Is it true? even at the initial stage? I didn’t lose weight dramatically, I didn’t give birth, so why did they appear? I ask for your understanding, please help.

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

stretch marks it is. and if they are thin, they are initially white and not red

I have stretch marks all over my breasts, they look terrible, nothing can remove them, I haven’t given birth either, they appeared in my teens

And what's so terrible about that? After childbirth, almost everyone has some, just accept it. The reason is rapid weight gain or loss, the skin does not have time to adapt. It seems that rubbing creams with retinol helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, but it didn’t help me, there’s a little on my stomach and on my hips. They faded over time, almost imperceptibly

Try mumiyo. The recipe is on the Internet.

Now stretch marks are removed with laser! Do not worry. When I was a teenager, they also appeared on my chest and hips.

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She was born as a baby, and now the twenty-year-old moose has grown tall
This is not a tragedy, no one has perfect skin, in magazines and Instagram it’s all Photoshop.
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You grew up, you were born as a baby, and now a twenty-year-old moose has grown up. This is not a tragedy, no one has perfect skin, in magazines and Instagram it’s all photoshop. Wait until you’re 25 and wrinkles will creep in

And in your opinion, that means you should not take care of yourself and fade away? judging by the vocabulary, “the moose waved” - apparently yes. Well, be “natural”, unkempt and aging, the main thing is not to write in vain since you have nothing to say, the person asked normally.

Don’t worry, when I was 15 years old, they appeared simply because of hormones, along with my period, also on my buttocks. Just when you get pregnant, smear both your stomach and chest.

oh, since there is such a tragedy about white stretch marks, then after the first wrinkles there will be suicidal thoughts

They don't kill you, don't worry.

These are stretch marks. We haven't seen the stripes before, huh. they were slightly pinkish (not always wildly red), and quickly turned white, because... shallow. And perhaps at the time when you got stretch marks, you didn’t look at your butt so carefully in daylight
For example, such stretch marks appeared on my chest at the age of 23. I didn’t see when they appeared either. But when they were already white, my MCH told me about them, apparently his viewing angle was better))) I started looking at them myself - and I saw them too. I live, I don’t worry. It's just living skin, changes happen over time. This is fine.

Oh gods, almost everyone has them. In some people it is simply not visible due to their light skin, in others it is more noticeable. I’m generally dark-skinned and that’s okay. They are so thin that you can't see them right away. And then, are you going to put your butt on display for everyone to see? No one will see them except your boyfriend. And he probably loves you with all your little flaws, just as you love him. Such imperfections, on the contrary, cause tenderness in people who love each other

Hormones are to blame for the appearance of stretch marks. That's why many people develop them during adolescence. Author, try removing stretch marks with a laser - I haven’t tried stretch marks, but I’ve done something and I’m happy with the result. A friend had postpartum surgery done on her stomach - she got rid of it. Stretch marks are not immediately white, by the way - there, inside, in the thickness of the skin, it is as if the tissue is scarring, so there is no red on the surface.

And what's so terrible about that? After childbirth, almost everyone has some, just accept it. The reason is rapid weight gain or loss, the skin does not have time to adapt. It seems that rubbing creams with retinol helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, but it didn’t help me, there’s a little on my stomach and on my hips. They faded over time, almost imperceptibly

These are stretch marks. We haven't seen the stripes before, huh. they were slightly pinkish (not always wildly red), and quickly turned white, because... shallow. And perhaps at the time when you got stretch marks, you didn’t look at your butt so carefully in daylight :) For example, such stretch marks appeared on my chest at the age of 23. I didn’t see when they appeared either. But when they were already white, my MCH told me about them, apparently his viewing angle was better))) I started looking at them myself - and I saw them too. I live, I don’t worry. It's just living skin, changes happen over time. This is fine.

I have stretch marks all over my breasts, they look terrible, nothing can remove them, I haven’t given birth either, they appeared in my teens


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Sometimes light stripes of varying lengths appear on the skin, which can cause significant damage to the appearance. The peculiarity of white stretch marks is that they can appear on the skin at any age and on any part of the body, depending on the degree of elasticity of the skin.

What it is

White stretch marks, or striae, are modifications of the skin, which are atrophic scars made of connective tissue. Newly formed stretch marks are usually reddish or purple in color. Over time, gradually deforming the skin and reducing its elasticity, they acquire a white tint.

When they appear

The main reason for the formation of white stretch marks is excessive stretching of the skin. Due to this negative impact, collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its resistance to pressure, rupture.

Within the epidermis, collagen and elastin are replaced by connective tissue that typically fills scars.

The reason for this substitution may be:

  1. pregnancy. A sharp, uncontrolled increase in body volume and tension of the skin from the inside in certain places, occurring unevenly. Also, a major role in the formation of white stretch marks during pregnancy is changes in hormonal levels and cyclical processes in the female body. The skin does not tolerate stress well;
  2. hormonal changes associated with puberty or transition to menopause;
  3. weight gain, accompanied by an increase in volume in problem areas. Sometimes white stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks can occur due to increased muscle mass;
  4. pathologies of the endocrine system, disturbances of humoral regulation due to malfunctions of certain organs and systems, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  5. use of medications, leading to changes in the hormonal background of the body, weight loss or gain, correction of the nervous system;
  6. genetic predisposition to decreased collagen levels in the skin and the appearance of stretch marks.

The reason for the formation of white stretch marks can be understood by what part of the body they are located on and in what direction they last.

How to remove white stretch marks

White stretch marks on the butt, thighs and lower abdomen are especially unpleasant because they retain their visibility even after reducing body weight and volume. They are quite difficult to hide with tanning and decorative cosmetics.

Since they penetrate directly into the depths of the upper layer of the epidermis and are a kind of pothole in the skin, they will appear and attract even more attention to themselves.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of white stretch marks.:

  1. physiotherapeutic – using special devices that stimulate skin tension and reduce the intensity of scars;
  2. cosmetic – capable of moisturizing the skin with the help of creams, ointments and wraps, making it more elastic and increasing its resistance to internal and external negative factors;
  3. injection – when the effect occurs by introducing medicinal substances directly under the skin, dealing with stretch marks from the inside;
  4. surgery (abdomenoplasty) – it is resorted to in very advanced clinical cases, when any other methods of influencing white stretch marks will not have an effect.

Before choosing a method of influence. It is best to consult a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the most rational and effective way to get rid of stretch marks.

Find out what to apply on stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest? The answer is here.

On the butt

It is easiest to get rid of white stretch marks on the buttocks, since the skin there is the most elastic, capable of undergoing various methods of influence and maintaining the resulting effect for a long time.

To get rid of stretch marks on the butt, the following methods will help::

  1. seaweed wraps. This cosmetic manipulation is good when the stretch marks are shallow and they are not too long. In order for the skin to regain its former elasticity, it will be enough to carry out 6-12 procedures, depending on the individual characteristics of the epidermal cells of each patient. After wraps, skin tone is not only restored, but can also increase significantly. This will help prevent the formation of new stretch marks;
  2. photopigmentation. Impact of short bursts on problem areas of the body. Just 10 phototherapy sessions will activate the restoration processes in the skin and remove unpleasant white marks;
  3. microdermabrasion. Suitable for fairly patient patients, as significant discomfort may occur during the procedure. It involves polishing the skin using a directed stream of air mixed with sand. It has both a scrubbing and regeneration-stimulating effect. Stimulates collagen production under the skin;

A combination of several procedures, for example, photopigmentation and body wraps, will help you achieve a positive result much faster and maintain it for a long time.

In the case of the combined effect of several products, the skin not only regains its former elasticity, but also becomes more attractive and soft in appearance, thanks to the nourishing effect of cosmetic wraps.

On the hips

Getting rid of stretch marks on the thighs is much more difficult, since the skin there is usually rougher than on the buttocks and the connective scar tissue is located somewhat deeper.

In addition to the methods listed above, cosmetologists additionally offer the following ways to get rid of unattractive stretch marks:

  1. water procedures. Daily contrast showers with alternating exposure to jets of hot and cold water;
  2. intensive types of massage. Constant mechanical action is accompanied by blood flow and additional launch of metabolic processes. Under the skin, blood microcirculation increases, metabolism accelerates, and the saturation of epidermal cells with nutrients increases. This helps to improve skin tone and its complete restoration;
  3. enzyme injections under the skin. During such procedures, stretch marks are significantly smoothed out due to the fact that they are acted on from the inside. Tissues that have been subjected to mechanical stress, excessive tension and deformation are practically restored. However, the effect of such procedures is short-lived, and if the patient does not monitor her health and weight, the stretch marks will return;
  4. in cases where it is not possible to get rid of stretch marks through physiotherapeutic means, they resort to plastic surgery. Damaged areas of skin from problem areas are completely eliminated. The recovery period after such surgery is quite long; additional injections of enzymes and collagen will be required to restore skin elasticity.

Despite the fact that getting rid of stretch marks is quite difficult, with the right approach and strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations, you can achieve significant results and keep your skin elastic and healthy for a long time.

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