Joint pain and what is common with gout

In these diseases, the passive cause is the receptive organ, and the active cause is the state of nature and bad juices. The reason associated with the tool is the width of natural passages due to an accidental circumstance or composition, or the occurrence of unnatural passages formed as a result of movements, as well as the rarity and porosity of tissues due to an incidental circumstance or composition, such as in glandular meat. Next, we divide each of these varieties into species. The perceiving organ becomes the cause of these diseases either due to its weakness due to an established disorder of nature, especially cold, or weakness in constitution not related to nature, or due to a significant attraction of warmth to it, especially if this is facilitated by movements. The same is pain caused by external causes, although this variety is not far from the variety depending on nature, as well as pain due to the location of the painful organ under other organs, where juices naturally move towards it. This is why such pain often occurs in the legs and hips.

As for the active cause, it is a disorder of nature either in the whole body or in the dominant organs, inflaming, cooling and thickening, or drying and contracting, especially if foreign moisture is mixed in.

And juices are either simple blood, or mucous blood, or yellow gall blood, or black gall blood, or it is simple mucus, and the worst mucus is raw, or simple bile, or juice combined from mucus and bile, or something like pus or stuck winds. Such pain most often occurs from mucus with bile, less often from raw mucus, then from blood, then from yellow bile; occasionally they arise from black bile.

The causes of the types of pain resulting from this depend on previous circumstances. Catarrhs ​​and runny noses are among them, as well as treatment measures for kulanja in a way in which the intestines are strengthened, and the intestines expel the usual excesses and do not accept them, so that the excess rushes to the extremities. The cause of pain is also food, which gives rise to the kind of juices that cause such pain, or insufficient digestion of food, immobility, rest and cessation of physical exercise, repeated copulation, frequent intoxication, retention of normal bowel movements during menstruation or from the anus and the like, as well as cessation of habitual bloodletting or relaxation. There are also pains in the joints from physical exercise after overfilling, from a bath after eating, and from drinking copious amounts of wine on an empty stomach before eating, because it harms the nerves. When immature juices accumulate in the body and are not expelled from the body naturally in the stool and urine or artificially, they inevitably cause pain in the joints if they rush there, or fevers if they remain in the vessels and rot. If nature expels them in feces or urine, then because of them the urine always turns out to be thick, not liquid, and immature; therefore, it is better to protect the patient from such a disaster, because otherwise one of the diseases that we talked about will arise. If these juices are helped by tiring movements of the joints, a blow or a fall, or weakness of strength increases due to anger or insomnia, exhausting strength and attracting raw juices to the joint, then the juices will penetrate far into the depths and cause pain in the joints. These juices are mostly excesses from the second and third digestion of food, and are likely to increase in the elderly, in people suffering from chronic diseases and in convalescents, unless they observe the correct regime in this regard. The fact is that their strength is too weak for good digestion, especially if they were treated with soothing methods, and not with sufficient excretion and increased expulsion of juices.

Pain in the joints becomes more frequent for the reason that the joints are more empty than other organs, move more and are weaker and colder in nature, and their location in the limbs is distant from the first ruler. Often the juices harden between the joints and become like plaster, especially unripe juices; Meat often grows out of the joints of such people, especially between the fingers, and their fingers become twisted and twisted, and the pain in them sometimes increases and sometimes subsides. This happens especially often in people with a hot nature and most often they develop meat between the joints when the matter is bloody; Most people with joint pain first develop gout. Pain in the joints is one of the ailments transmitted by inheritance, for the seed has the nature of the parent. Often, treating pain in the joints, strengthening them and expelling juices from them turns out to be the cause of death, because these excesses, which are usually separated and sent to the joints, as a result of treatment are sent to the main organs; if they are not diverted to the joints again, they will endanger the patient. The most favorable time for the occurrence of joint pain and gout is spring, since blood and juices are in motion in spring. Autumn is worse, because the juices and digestion of food are bad then, and the pores expand in the summer, during the heat, which intensifies during the day. If you catch pain in the joints at the beginning, as soon as they appear, then they are easy to treat, but if the pain intensifies and becomes common, especially pain arising from various juices, they are incurable; If those suffering from joint pain and gout develop dilated veins, then this is their healing. Some of those suffering from pain in the joints bring them upon themselves due to poor regimen, while others are subject to it due to the poor constitution of the organs and the excessive width of the passages in the vessels; Such people develop bad juices due to a disorder in the nature of their main organs. Sometimes pain in the joints occurs during fevers when they rise, and sometimes they themselves cause fevers.

As for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is one of the pains in the joints, this is pain starting from the hip joint and going down the back of the thigh; sometimes it stretches to the knee and ankle. The longer its term lasts, the lower it descends, depending on what the matter is in terms of scarcity or abundance. And sometimes the pain stretches all the way to the fingers and makes the leg and thigh thinner. At the end of the disease, the patient enjoys when pressure is applied to the sore spot, it is pleasant to walk a little on the tips of his fingers, and it is difficult for him to bend over and straighten his waist. Sometimes he has diarrhea, and he benefits from it, and sometimes the pain causes the end of the hip, that is, its head, to dislocate from the “box.” And hip pain is a disease in which the pain is established in the hip and does not go down unless it turns into inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It is often caused by weakness in the thigh from sitting on something hard, or from a blow, or from constant riding. The cause of pain in the thigh is these circumstances, and most often it arises from raw mucus and often spreads to the thigh due to chronic pain in the uterus, lasting for a long time, about ten months. Sometimes it also arises from hot mixed juices, from overflowing of the thigh vessels with blood and from tumors hiding in the depths of these places, which, however, are not as obvious as tumors of other joints due to their deep position. They say: “If a Person suffering from pain in the thigh develops on his thigh a very red spot the size of three fingers, which does not hurt, and there is severe itching in this place, and the patient wants vegetables, then he will die on the twenty-fifth day.” Every member in which the joints hurt becomes lean and thin.

Pain in the joints, except for inflammation of the sciatic nerve and gout, if they are treated and the matter is completely expelled, does not return soon; As for inflammation of the sciatic nerve and gout, these are diseases that quickly return from the most insignificant cause, which is explained by the position of the diseased organ. These diseases are among those that are inherited, especially gout. In case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, matter most often resides in the joint and leaks from it into the broad nerve; when a nerve is in pain, it predisposes it to receive other juices flowing to it from above from the whole body, besides those which were locked up at first. And it also happens that the matter is initially located not in the joint, but in a wide nerve. Often the mucous fluid multiplies in the “box” and relaxes the ligament between the process and the “box”, and the hip dislocates. And first a condition occurs that is intermediate between articulation and dislocation, that is, when the head quickly comes out and quickly returns and is very unstable.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is one of the worst pains in the joints, and cauterization relieves it, and gout, also related to pain in the joints, sometimes begins from the toes, in particular from the big toe, sometimes begins from the heel, sometimes begins from the bottom of the foot , and sometimes it starts from the side of the foot and then covers the entire foot. It often rises to the thigh, which sometimes becomes swollen. It seems that this disease nests not in the tendons and nerves, but in the ligaments and bodies surrounding the joint outside, as Galen asserts, so it never happens that the swellings and pains of gout lead to spasms. Among the phenomena that occur in patients with gout is elongation of the scrotum and testicles; Biliary gout often causes sudden death, especially with severe cold.

Signs. One of the first causes of such diseases, which you need to recognize by signs, is the state of nature: is it simple or complex with matter. Simple nature is rare in such cases; the pain occurs without heaviness and swelling, without changes in the color of the organ and without signs of matter. As for nature with matter, the first thing that needs to be determined here is the type of matter. The path to knowing this is indicated either by the color of the sore spot, or the color of the tumor during an attack of pain, as happens with raw mucus, or by palpation - whether the place is cold or hot, burning or as usual, or the phenomena accompanying the pain - are they observed during there is strong burning and beating, or moderate burning and tension, or tension alone, or means that help and which relieve pain, unless the drug that causes numbness is misleading: then, if cold medicine helps, they think that matter , hot, but it only helped by causing numbness. Either they make the mistake of increasing pain during condensing cooling and they think that the matter is cold, or they are mistaken due to the fact that the pain subsides from dissolution and they consider the matter to be cold, and the matter to be hot, but it was dissolved and it dissolved and stopped causing pain. All this should be taken into account. Or the type of matter is recognized by the time of pain and its intensification: whether it appears when the stomach is empty or when the stomach is full, or by the speed or slowness of the formation of a tumor or its complete absence - then this indicates the presence of juices - liquid and hot or complex, intermediate or pure raw mucus. Matter is also recognized by the quality of its heaviness - from liquid juices, of which a lot can accumulate at once, the heaviness is greater, and sometimes, in many cases, it is recognized by urine in a bottle, depending on what predominates in it, or by feces, depending on whether something yellowish or mucous predominates in them and what color they are; with pain in the thigh and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, something mucous predominates in the bowel movements. Sometimes the kind of matter is recognized on the basis of the age of the patient, his habits and previous regime in relation to eating, drinking, physical movements, immobility or the opposite, as well as the complicity of the nature of the whole body. Blood matter is indicated by the redness of the sore spot, except in cases where the matter is very deep and has not yet manifested itself. It is also indicated by strong tissue tension, resistance to pressure, beating, heaviness, previous regime and known qualities of the blood nature of the body; sometimes such a body is large, fleshy, fatty. With blood inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the pain stretches along and is the same along its entire length; bloodletting calms her down right away

Yellow gall matter is indicated by strong warmth, unpleasant for the palpator, with a small amount of disease, slight heaviness and tension, little redness and pain deviating to the outer part of the skin, as well as great relief from cold, the previous regime and other signs that we have already mentioned , and the general condition of the body with yellow gall nature. Mucous matter is indicated by the fact that the color of the body does not change or becomes leaden, there is a slight burning, constant pain, no signs of predominance of bile and blood, and a strong spread of pain in width; The patient’s body, if it is thick, is not fleshy, but fatty. This is also indicated by the signs of such a nature, known from the previous one. The black bile matter is indicated by the fact that the pain is hidden in the depths, the insignificance of tension, little benefit from treatment and the skin on the sore spot, which is devoid of softness and shine and sometimes casts gray. This is also indicated by a person’s nature, the state of his spleen, excessive appetite, previous regime and other signs for recognizing a black-billed nature, which we have already pointed out.

As for purulent matter, it is indicated by strong warmth, accompanied by something like itching, great harm from everything that has a warming property, and great benefit from everything that cools and somewhat binds. Wind matter is inferred from strong tension without gravity; It is also indicated by the movement of pain and the mode that generates winds. With mixed juices, a sign is the small benefit of hot and cold remedies and the variability of the time when they help: at some time one medicine is beneficial, and at other times another, its opposite. When this happens, it most often happens in people with a body that is hot by nature, bilious by nature, to whom a moisturizing and cooling regime has been prescribed, giving birth to mucus and raw juices  from food and due to increased movement on a full stomach; then the two juices mix, and the thick juice, carried by the rarefied blood and bile juices, rushes into the joints. Such people often benefit, and their pain subsides from light pressure with large hands, as the raw juice ripens and dissolves. Rubbing in moderately warm ointments and rest are also useful for them, because movement prevents ripening.

Treatment of joint pain, gout and pain due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When it is known that the cause is simple nature, then it is easy to treat, because it is often a simple inflammation, without a tumor, and it is enough to change the nature; Most of all, it is necessary to remove yellow bile and blood. This also happens from freezing and cold, which cause pain; then it is enough to change the nature, and most of all it is necessary to remove the mucus so that the blood warms up. This often happens from dryness, which causes cramps, and then, as you know, hydration is required. When matter is the cause, then it is necessary to restrain what is pouring out by pulling the matter in the other direction and reducing its quantity, and also to strengthen the organ so that it does not accept m.psriya and dissolve the one that is in it, so that it disappears. With all this, they turn to the general laws of treatment.

If the matter is bloody or with a predominance of blood, you should start bleeding from the opposite side, and if the pain has affected all the joints of the body on both sides at the same time. Then they try to induce vomiting, especially when pain is felt in the lower extremities - vomiting is more useful than relaxation, and then they turn to relaxation and start with something strong, if the lack of maturity and the thickness of the matter do not interfere, although caution is safer here and gradualism is appropriate more. After this, laxatives are used, cleansing little by little. Some people prescribe starting with one careful relaxation after another and ending with something strong after the matter has ripened, but it would be right if the matter is liquid, yellow-billed, to remove it quickly as soon as you discover ripening. If it is thick, then it’s a good idea to start with a medicine that will make it liquid and mature and prepare it to rush in the direction where the emptying will occur, and meanwhile, make things easier with a slight relaxation.

If the matter is complex, then make laxatives and dressings also complex, although the most reasonable thing is to first treat with medicines and not open the blood, so that bloodletting does not raise the juices, do not let them run through the body and do not remove what is needed; You should also not have bowel movements. The patient is constantly given barley water until ripening appears, and if the overflow forces the juices to be removed with laxatives, then let it be a drinking remedy that lifts the patient for one or two sittings, such as chicory or black nightshade juice with the laxative cassia, or an enema is better. And when the pain begins to subside, do not rashly use bowel movements - this often moves the juices from their place to the site of the disease. Watch the crises and what happens on the fourth, eighth and eleventh days; a good time of crisis for such patients is the fourteenth day.

If it is possible to delay emptying for ripening, limiting it to watering with cold, hot or warm water, according to the rules mentioned regarding watering, then do so, and start with cold water. As for ointments that are hot and cause numbness, they all cause harm: hot ones - because they attract juices, and those that cause numbness - because they lock them up and prevent ripening; cooling ointments prevent thick juices from ripening, dissolve liquid juices and prolong the disease. Hot ointments harm such patients by moisturizing the joints, and sikanjubin, due to its acidity, is not very suitable for them. Strong seeds, such as fennel seeds, sometimes burn the excess and turn it to stone. And when the ripening is complete, empty, for example, colchicum or buzaidan, as well as their seeds, and carefully let the blood flow. Make waterings at this time, for example, with duckweed, and beware of giving weak medicine at the beginning of the disease: it only sets the matter in motion and does not bring anything significant down below, and sometimes even dilutes other frozen juices and causes them to flow to the diseased organ.

Whoever wants to take medicine should do it in the morning and delay eating, and then, three hours later, take ten bowls of bread with wine and a little water. Then, after six hours, let him go to the bathhouse, wash himself and eat something suitable, and after that expel urine: urination removes the matter that causes pain in the joints, for, as you know, especially in hot gout, it is an excess after digestion of food occurring in the liver and joints. Many of those suffering from cold pain in the joints and dampness of nature do not benefit from frequent relaxation with drinks or enemas, and when they are treated with diuretics, they recover. Among thin people there are those whose body cannot withstand the frequent use of laxatives and diuretics, and because of this their blood burns; all this must be kept in mind. Teryak also helps with cold pain, especially after bowel movements: it gently cleanses of residual matter, dissolves it and strengthens all organs.

As for the diversion of matter from the organs, this should not be done when the matter is strongly poured out and abundant in quantity, for this will cause two harmful consequences. Firstly, distraction will compress the matter and prevent its movement, which will cause terrible pain - if something like this happens, then stop the distraction and use emollients, and, secondly, distraction sometimes directs matter to the main organs and exposes the patient to danger. When does matter is not plentiful and flows sparingly, then it is a good idea to distract it at the beginning of the disease, but not with inflammation of the sciatic nerve: distraction of matter in this disease locks the matter in the depths and should be small and weak, or it should be completely abandoned and emptying should be done. And at the end of the disease, one must turn to means of dissolving, thinning and bringing matter out from the depths, at least with the help of cups with an incision and suction, as well as cauterization and medications that cause redness and abscesses. These methods cause the juices to flow and the wounds do not heal for some time. Garlic and onion are astringent medicines, but there is nothing better than cashew honey; followed by the milky juices of yattu and the milk of figs. Emollients must be mixed with solvents and vesicants, otherwise this will lead to petrification of the joints, for vesicants are like solvents in terms of drying out thick juices; It is useful to mix fats with vesicants and dissolving agents and refrain from cooling ones. You should not add solvents to them at the beginning of the disease, before emptying: they will attract a lot of juices and dissolve their rarefied part, and the rest will be compacted and locked. This should be kept in mind in most cases, especially if the material is viscous or black-billed.

When the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable, painkillers in the form of drinks or ointments cannot be avoided. Ointments soothe pain by either gently dissolving the matter or causing numbness. Numbing agents are used only when necessary and to such an extent as to calm the fury of pain; for hot pain, use them boldly and decisively and in large quantities. Often numbness occurs due to the condensation of matter moving downward, and it becomes blocked. Let it be known to you that the correct way is to move from one medicine to another. Sometimes a medicine helps one organ, but not another, and often it helps, and then causes harm and causes pain. Patients should completely abstain from wine until they are completely well and the four seasons have passed. Anyone accustomed to wine should give it up gradually and, when quitting it, use diuretics; Honey wine with diuretics brings benefits to such patients. In black bile people suffering from joint pain, the spleen should be put in order, black bile should be removed and the body should be moisturized, softening the juices with foods and rubs and similar means; one should not persist in pure dissolution without strong softening, as you already learned from the General Principles of Treatment. Patients should avoid meat, even with the cold variety of this disease, and if this is already unavoidable, eat the meat of mountain birds, hares and gazelles, and in general meat that provides little excess. If the pain first appeared in the back and then moved to the arms, you bleed from the arm to remove the juice from the side where it flows.

Weakness of the stomach in such patients. It is necessary to remove from them not only mucus, but also yellow bile, because when one mucus is removed, it immediately helps, but then the yellow bile again, another time, causes the mucus to flow to the organ. Laxatives for them should not be very hot and strong, so as not to attract many times more juices back into the organ than were taken from there; Colchicum is relied upon in this regard, and it is very useful, as it immediately removes cold juice from below. Colchicum also has another property: after weakening, it binds and strengthens, so that the excesses carried away by the medicine, which did not happen to be removed, cannot return; in addition, it does not allow juices, which have been greatly liquefied under the influence of a laxative, to flow into the passages. This is the effect of colchicum in contrast to other hot dissolving and emptying substances, most of which widen the passages and leave them dilated. However, colchicum is harmful to the stomach and should be mixed, for example, with pepper, ginger and cumin; sometimes sabur and scammonium resin are mixed with it to enhance its laxative effect. Some say that crow's foot has the effect of colchicum and does not harm the stomach. “Armenian stone” is useful for joint pain, and well-known medicines include “success pills” and stinking pills. Iyaraj Rufa is extremely useful for inflammation of the sciatic nerve and gout; indigo pills also help in the same way as the “royal pills”, buzaidan fish berries, verbena officinalis, yarrow santolinum coloquinte, sabur, steppe; along with them, ushshaka, anzarut, bdelium, turbitum and salivagon are put into the medicine.

Prescription for a gentle laxative. They take ginger - half a dirham, pepper - half a dirham, agaric - half a dirham, safflower pulp - two dirhams, crow's foot root - three dirhams; They drink from thirteen qirats to twenty-four qirats at a time. This medicine produces six or seven beneficial sittings. They also take Kerman cumin, ginger, colchicum - a dirham each, sabur - two dirhams. Two and a half dirhams of this medicine are taken in powder form with dill infusion, and it immediately helps. They also take nut oil with anzarut or castor oil with anzarut - one day with iyaraj fikra, the other day on its own - for seven days; sometimes this medicine is drunk with the juice of thistle and dill, boiling both. They also take colchicum, buzaidan, fish berries, pepper, ginger, anise and wild carrots, mix with honey and drink every day.

Another medicine. They take the colchicum - thirty dirhams, the pulp of the coloquinta - ten dirhams and boil both in fifteen ritls of water until there are three ritls of water left. They drink this every day  half a ritla with three ukiyas of sugar. A very wonderful medicine.

A light and useful laxative. They take red anzarut - three dirhams and colchicum - three dirhams, grind both of them and mix hundreds of nuts with oil and give them to drink with dill juice. It loosens without difficulty and dries.

A strong emetic - it helps patients with excess moisture and black bile, suffering from pain in the joints and inflammation of the sciatic nerve: take sabur - ukiyya, black hellebore seeds - ukiyya, gold shmika santolin - polukiya, scammonium salt - ukiyya, furbiyuna - polukiya and knead in squeezed cabbage juice; if you induce vomiting with this medicine; it will uproot the disease.

Drinking medications for relaxation. One of the useful medicines for such patients is bussad medicine of this kind. Recipe: they take bussada - some say it is red wallflower - one and a half misqal, cloves - five dirhams, myrrh, peony, dill seeds - ukiyya each, Dubrovnik polyum - twelve nava, both aristolochia - two ukiyah each. This is given to drink one nava with water sweetened with honey and the patient is not fed for nine hours, and this is done for ten days in a row. Another medicine - it is used constantly and it cleanses, expelling urine: take Dubrovnik kamafitus, Dubrovnik kamadarius and gentian - nine ukiy each and dry rue seeds - nine ukiy, pound, sift and drink every day a spoonful in three ukiy of cold water on an empty stomach , after the food taken earlier has been digested.

There is also a medicine from bussad, compounded according to the words of those who claim that bussad is a wallflower with red flowers; Its prescription is close to that of the first medicine. They take Chinese cinnamon, peony, myrrh, sumbul - two uqiyas each, Indian sadaj - one uqiya, cloves - fifteen habbs, bussada, that is, the mentioned wallflower - halfkiya, both aristolochia - four uqiyas each. They drink this medicine for fifty days, every day for four qirats, starting from the spring equinox, then stop for fifteen days, and then start again, and act in this order throughout the year, except for a period of one and a half months after the rising of Sirius, and also depending on the area .

If the patient is not able to drink this medicine all year, then let him drink it during the cold half of the year, and if he drinks it for a whole year, then there will be no harm if, having passed two hundred days, he begins to take the medicine one day and not drink the other. , or drink for a day and not drink for two. In this case, you should postpone eating for as long as possible, at least until the early evening, correct the entire regime and avoid what is harmful for those suffering from joint pain. Some people claim that one of the proven remedies, which does not deceive at all, is to give the patient water burnt human bones. This remedy was used by some followers of the Jewish religion and were completely cured of gout and joint pain. The Iyaraj of Hermes also brings great benefits; Whoever drinks it for a few days in the spring will get stronger joints. This medicine removes excess most of all by causing perspiration and driving urine, and the patient is cured of inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

And if tumors and pain in the joints become chronic, then those suffering benefit from this method of treatment, attributed to Hunain: take dry juniper berries - a quarter of a measure and pour water over the berries; cook over low heat until the water turns black. Then take a rittl of strained water and pour three uqiyas of sesame oil into it; the patient drinks this water and eats it with a soup made from the juice of unripe grapes. For pain in the thigh, there is an easy way to treat it: if it is not calmed by a bath and hot water or taking seeds in the evening, especially after a bad meal, then vomiting from a decoction of nougat and relaxation with vegetable juices and the laxative cassia will calm them down.

Useful dressings for pain in the joints due to thick juices and in joints that are on the way to hardening. A good dressing: take three uqiyah of peeled pumpkin and castor bean seeds and finely grind them with one uqiyah of ghee. Ukiya honey is thrown into the medicine to make it viscous, and a bandage is applied from it, especially on dry joints; Sometimes they also add ukiyu and strong vinegar. Applying cow dung bandages is very effective for pain in the joints, back and knees, and they seem to be better than many other bandages.

Strong bandage. They take old olive oil - one and a half rittl, Alexandrian soda - ritl, turpentine tree resin - ritl, furbiyun - uqiya, "orris root" - two uqiya and fenugreek flour - one and a half ritl and prepare a bandage from this. They also take bdelium, opopanax and melted fat; This bandage is very helpful for pain from raw mucus in the knee and joints.

Suction and dissolving dressing. They take soda - danak, ushshaka and lime - the same amount, and prepare a bandage from this. Or they take furbiyun, grind it with iris oil and spread it.

Strong bandage. They take bavrak, sukkah, salivagon, larkspur and nura, mix all the substances and lubricate the joints with this, adding honey and a little vinegar.

Good dissolving dressing. They take equal parts of ushshak and khudad, grind them with old wine, unripe olive oil and bean flour and apply a hot bandage from this; a dressing of artanis ash with honey and vinegar is also quite wonderful.

There is a kind of bandage necessary to strengthen the diseased organ and dissolve the remaining juices; they are needed only after complete emptying and the following dressing belongs to them: take equal parts of juniper berries, cypress cones and burnt bones, as well as alum - one sixth part, vitriol - one sixth part and fish glue - in sufficient quantity to bind the composition.

Another bandage. It works for many diseases, as it opens blood vessels, pulls out thorns and rotten bones from the depths and brings clear benefits in relaxing joints. They take peeled nettle seeds, bavrak foam, ammonia, round aristolochia, coloquintus root and nabatsi resin - twenty mithqals each, fenugreek, pepper and long pepper - ten mithqals each, usshak - twelve mithqals, bdellia, wild cumin, branches of the balsam tree, of frankincense, myrrh, goat fat, ratiyanaja - ten mithqals each, wax - three rittles, mistletoe - eight rittles, milk of wild figs - eight mithqals, iris oil - enough to dissolve liquid medicines, and excellent wine - in an amount that Enough to mix dry medicine. Everything is mixed, ground and consumed.

Another medicine - it immediately helps with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, pain in the arms and legs and pain in the joints. They take fenugreek, throw it into a vessel made of baked clay, pour in a sufficient amount of diluted vinegar and cook it all over coals until the composition is boiled. Then a sufficient amount of honey is put there and boiled a second time over coals, after which the brew is allowed to calm down, sweetened with honey, boiled a third time and stored.

Another medicine similar to this one. They take mineral zift - three rittles, dried and burnt vinegar grounds - two rittles, bavrak - one and a half rittles, pine gum, wax, unburnt sulfur, larkspur - each a rittle, salivary - half a ritle and wild cumin - one cyst.

Rubbing for the purpose mentioned. It is beneficial to rub coloquinta oil, beaver stream oil, mustard oil, sedge oil, especially if it has been melted and it flows. The oil of the bush is also extremely useful, especially with maya, as is the oil of coloquinta, extracted from its squeezed juice, which is boiled with rose oil, until the water and oil of the bush with asafoetida remain. Among the useful rubs is the olive oil in which the viper was boiled - this is one of the means that provides a complete cure. Oil with bats is also useful; Here is his description: they take twelve killed bats and take a rittl of squeezed juice of horehound leaves and old olive oil, aristolochia - four dirhams, beaver stream - three dirhams and bush - three dirhams. All this is boiled together until the water is gone and only oil remains.

And among the waterings for this purpose is a soothing and useful watering of this kind: take barley and lettuce, boil with vinegar until the broth is ripe and the substances are boiled, and water. It is also suitable for hot pain. They also take marjoram, dill, laurel leaves, rue, cumin, boil it and pour it over it. It also helps, by the way, to fumigate the joints and knees with vinegar vapor, for each part of which one-sixth of crushed harmala is placed. Hot stones are thrown into vinegar and the patient, covered with clothing or something similar, is fumigated. Sometimes the patient is put in a decoction of wild donkey meat, in which all his organs have been collected and boiled with dill, salt, medicinal seeds, leeks and similar substances. The patient is also placed in a decoction of hyena and fox. Here is his description. The water is boiled until its quantity is reduced by two-thirds, a hyena and a fox are thrown in there, alive or slaughtered along with the blood, and boiled until the meat disintegrates, the water is filtered and the patient is placed in it. Or they pour olive oil into water and cook until the liquids are mixed or until the water is gone and only oil remains, and the sick person is put in it, and sometimes a fox and a hyena are boiled in the same oil.

Bathing for such patients. As for bathing in hot, wet baths, it is harmful to them, as it melts the juices and widens the passages, unless, of course, the water is from hot springs; As for a dry bath with rubbing with soda and salt, burying in hot sand and sweating in it, this is useful for them.

Hot and emollient painkillers. Take fenugreek and grind with diluted vinegar until completely crushed, then pour honey into it, cook until the composition thickens, and spread; First, this ointment is ground on a tablet, like galliya. A linen rag is applied to the sore spot and left for two to three days, protecting it from drying out with rose oil. This remedy is suitable at the beginning of the disease and when it rises. Even at the beginning of the disease and with residual pain, the mucus of fenugreek and flaxseed is mixed with sesame oil, thickened like honey, and consumed. If the pain is not very sharp, then a bandage of fresh cabbage and celery is also applied, and for more severe pain, a bandage is made with orris root oil, fenugreek flour, chickpea flour and honey drink, adding a small amount of wine and a little henna oil; They also add cabbage ash and fat. Wax ointment prepared with medicinal chamomile oil is very good.

Medicines that relieve pain by causing numbness. They take opium - four mithqal and saffron - mithqal, grind it with cow's milk, add white bread crumb, soften the composition and make a bandage out of it, covering it with beet or lettuce leaves. Or they put wax ointment instead of white bread crumb. They also take hemlock seeds - six dirhams, one opium, one saffron and enough sweet wine to knead, and mix them with wax ointment. They also take the seeds of henbane, opium, flea plantain, akakiya, mugas, turn them into flat cakes and smear them, diluting them with cow’s milk and covering them with the leaves of the mentioned plants. They also take ten dirhams of sabur, six dirhams of henbane juice, four dirhams of hemlock, six dirhams of hiyufastidas, twenty mithqals of mandrake, and four mithqals of saffron. Mandrake is boiled with vinegar until it is softened, poured over the remaining medicines and lubricated on the joints. Also: grated mandrake is placed in cow butter and rubbed into a sore spot, or an ointment is prepared from maya and opium. Causes numbness, by the way, and abundant watering, if there are no ulcers. They also take flea plantain, soaked in hot vinegar; when it swells, mix it with rose oil, cool it and lubricate the joints with it. And they drink, for example, mandrakes - two dirhams, with boiled grape must and honey.

Treatment of wind pain. It follows the same path as the treatment of wind hump. One of the remedies, the usefulness of which is to soothe pain due to numbness: take equal parts of gentian, madder, jgon, aristolochia, mint, cucumber seeds, colchicum, buzaidan, fish berries, mugas, and also half of opium; They drink up to two dirhams at a time. A method of cauterization for such patients or a means that replaces cauterization. Place the patient in an appropriate position and do not allow him to move. Cover the area around the painful joint with dough, fill it in the middle with salt, put a little olive oil on top and cover the joint with rags. Then prepare various cauterizers, heat them and use them so that the patient at first does not feel the heat, then feels it, and then the heat intensifies until it becomes unbearable. When he has passed the tolerable limit, you peel off the dough and order the patient to bend over slightly so that the salt and oil come off; then cover the sore spot with wool and tie it. The patient should have a vessel full of clean water or rose water in his head, with which he would wipe his face when he sweats. And be careful not to burn the meat or cause ulcers on it.

Treatment of hot pain. They should be treated with cooling and moisturizing vegetables, meat and other foods, fruits, mud cakes, pour-overs and wax ointments, moderate exercise and bathe them in fresh water, after pouring cold water over their limbs in the first room of the bath. They should take a warm bath and then immediately immerse them in cold water and pour cold water over their feet. It is proper to induce relaxation in them and drive away urine with medicines that do not involve strong warming, for example, a laxative drink made from roses or quince.

A good medicine that promotes urination, eases and calms pain - take melon x seeds, cucumber seeds, as well as white colchicum and mugas - one part of each, opium - one third of the part, mix it all and drink at a time - four dirhams with four dirhams of sugar. This helps immediately.

Ointments. Know that ointments, if they are cold and constricting, such as sandalwood, sometimes cause pain; on the contrary, they need to be heated and softened. If the patient is uncomfortable with cooling ointments due to the constriction they cause, then use substances that relax the tissues, for example, maybukhtaj, rose oil and wax ointment. Sometimes rags soaked in water and vinegar are placed on top of them. One of the tried and tested remedies is the juice squeezed from the ends of fresh cane: when applied to it, it immediately soothes the pain. Also: finely crush the acorns, boil them strongly and smear them for a long time. And if the patient tolerates cooling ointments and they do not cause pain, thickening and tightening the tissues, then there is nothing better than chicory juice, nightshade juice, tenacious juice, mari juice, as well as kissa, pumpkin and the like, or bandages made from the pulp of the same plants and melon - it both cools and softens. The mucilage of the flea plantain has a strong cooling effect, just like sandalwood, horned poppy, and the like. And when the pain calms down, the bandages should be removed and removed. One of the useful remedies in the end, for residual hot pain in the joints and gout, is to take equal parts of sabur, saffron and myrrh and lubricate the joints with cabbage juice or chicory juice, depending on the degree of hotness, or use wax ointment with chamomile oil or diahilune dissolved in chamomile oil.

Bathing in the bathhouse. Hot baths are harmful for such patients, but cold baths sometimes help by diverting juices, strengthening joints and soothing pain.

Laxatives. They take yellow myrobalans - ten dirhams, colchicum and buzaidan - three dirhams each, celery seeds, anise - two dirhams each, mix them with dissolved sugar and drink two dirhams each day. They also take squeezed quince juice - rittl, wine vinegar - three uqiyas, sugar - ritl, scammonium resin - for each ritl of poured substances - three dirhams; They drink from half a ukiyya to one and a half ukiyya at a time. They also take colchicum - ten dirhams, scammonium resin - a dirham and two danaks, cubebs - three dirhams, candy sugar - thirty dirhams; They drink three dirhams at a time. They also take scammonium resin baked in quince, or boiled in sour quince juice or apple juice, and during cooking they observe whether the decoction is thick; when it begins to thicken, the vessel in which it is located is plugged and left to stand until its contents dry. Then they take scammonium resin - ten dirhams, candy sugar - twenty dirhams and cubeba, ground into a fine powder - two dirhams. All this is bound with julab, made into pills and dried in the shade; drink them two or three hubbs, from time to time.

When there is any combination of bad juices, then use Iyaraj Fikra. A drink made from roses of this kind helps such patients: take squeezed rose juice - two ritls, honey - four ritls, calcined scammonium resin - uqiya, boil the composition until it thickens, and drink from two to five cups; They also use an infusion of tamarind with the laxative cassia in chicory and fennel juice. If there is no fever, then prepare a decoction of myrobalans, fumes, plums and tamarind or bitter wormwood - as you find necessary. They also take equal parts of buzaidan, colchicum and red rose and drink one and a half mithqal of this medicine; it greatly relieves pain. Such patients benefit greatly from cold, thick dishes such as lentil stew with vinegar and other dishes that cool the juices and thicken the blood, such as sorrel stew, acidified bird stomachs and sikbaj with cow meat; Drying foods like cabbage stew also help them. They should not fast for long. Sometimes they are allowed from fruits mainly pears, as well as plums, apples, pomegranates and peaches, but I do not approve of such fruits as peaches and apricots, and everything that fills the blood with abundant watery moisture.

Treatment of hardened and dried out joints. Such patients have a hot nature and their juices are thick; they should not be dissolved without softening, but, on the contrary, they should be dissolved and softened at the same time. One of the means to protect the joints from petrification are bandages prepared from the flour of vetch and lupine with sikanjubin, as well as from stinking ferula and footfoot with one quarter of khudad and ushshak, with old wine and oil of unripe olives; sometimes they contain fava bean flour. Among the measures that help those whose joints have become stiff or are on the way to stiffening are the bandages that we mentioned when speaking of cold pain in the joints with thick juices, and the rubbing and pouring mentioned along with them. Lupine flour with sikanjubin and diluted vinegar and stinking ferula root are useful for them. They also apply bandages made from viper onion, dissolved in water - it prevents the beginning of petrification. They also use water in which mint and thyme were boiled, or vinegar in which these medicines were boiled, as well as a decoction of cheese - old cheese is preferable, especially in pork broth, and also soda, furbiyun, ash water and burnt cabbage .

Treatment of Sydney and chronically relaxed. Know that clover oil in the form of drinking or rubbing is the most useful thing for them, and this oil is prepared like this: take clover with seeds and cook in an equal amount of wine and olive oil to clover until all the liquid is gone; drink up to three dirhams or less at a time. As for the wind type of this disease, its treatment is the same as the treatment of wind in the vertebrae. One of the tried and tested remedies for treating  Sidney is to take the skin of a sheep as soon as it has been skinned, cover it with the Sidney, and leave it there. Sidney is lubricated with cow's milk on his joints and benefits from it. It is also useful to use dry baths and make the patient sweat in a bread oven or in a heated pit.

Protection against joint pain. Anyone who usually has such pain should be bled and given laxatives in the spring and shortly before attacks, and should also be prescribed a diet that is balanced in relation to sparsity. In general, if the reason for what happens to the patient is an abundance of juices, then it is necessary to prevent them from multiplying, resorting to bowel movements and a decrease in nutrition and using good physical exercise. And when the cause is the spoilage of juices, then contrast this with the emptying of accumulated matter and a regime opposite to that from which it originates. Thus, mucus is generated thanks to the help of cooling substances, which you know and know how to counteract them, and yellow bile is generated thanks to the help of warming substances, which you also know and know how to counteract them; Likewise, black bile arises from substances known to you and is counteracted by means also known to you. When the emptying has taken place, it would be correct to strengthen the diseased organ with astringents so that it does not accept excess, especially if you are not afraid that the excess will be sent to the main organs due to the previous cleansing. These astringents are, for example, akakiya, pomegranate flowers, squeezed juice of the “shepherd’s staff,” khudad and horned poppy. In addition, sore spots are rubbed with salt, ground with olive oil, unless there is severe dryness in nature.

If the tumor is mucous, then let the patient drink two dirhams of round aristolochia several times, in spring and winter: sometimes this prevents an attack. They also use moderate physical exercise and horse riding, without overdoing it, so that gout and pain do not develop. Anyone who is not used to it should not do this right away, but gradually, but if this happens, then use strengthening oils in the form of rubbing. The patient should avoid coarse meat, dried meat and everything salty, and abstain from vegetables, such as beets, carrots and cucumbers. As for the melon, it is harmful by producing watery juice, but it is beneficial by driving urine, and its effect on the body of people is not the same.

One should also abstain from drinking copious amounts and thick wine, and even all wine, and should eat what is easily and quickly digested. It is necessary to avoid overcrowding and not to neglect physical movements, while trying not to exceed the limit in relation to fatigue from physical exercise, especially on a full stomach. Let them avoid intercourse and use the bathhouse less often, since the bath melts the juices and causes them to flow into the joints; As for waters from hot springs, they help during illness. One of the useful measures at the beginning of bathing in a bathhouse, at the end of it, and also in the middle is to pour cold water on the joints, if weakness of the nerves does not prevent this, this sometimes eliminates the harmfulness of the bathhouse. You should never sleep after eating - this is the most harmful thing for them..

Specific treatment for inflammation of the sciatic nerve and deep-rooted pain in the hip and knee. When treating them, one should refer to the rules taught in the paragraphs on joint pain; As you know, the mentioned pains differ from other pains in the joints in that the diversion of juices at the beginning of the disease sometimes causes great harm. The fact is that matter lies in the depths and distraction locks it there and makes it difficult to dissolve; this predisposes the vessels to dislocation, for they are predisposed to this even without distraction. On the contrary, if you want to soothe the pain at first, then you should soothe it with relaxing and emollient drugs, unless, of course, the matter turns out to be very liquid. Sometimes such pains can be difficult to treat in cold countries and during cold times; in the obese and on the left side of the body the juices are more hidden. As for blood inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the most useful thing for it is bloodletting - it helps immediately. Blood is drawn first from the arm, then from the leg; the leg is bled only after the arm is bled. Vomiting is also helpful. As for relaxation, it is sometimes postponed until the end of the disease and is limited to severe vomiting, so that the relaxation does not pull the matter down, unless you know that there is not much matter. One excellent intervention is to have the patient fast for two days and then bleed.

Know that bloodletting from the sciatic vein in case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is much more useful than bloodletting from the sciatic vein, except in those cases when the pain does not extend along the outer side of the thigh and is a different type, spreading along the inner side. Then opening the sciatic vein is more praiseworthy than the sciatic vein, although both of them are a branch of the same vessel and are not the same as the basil and mullet on the hands. Galen, however, mentions only the jugular vein and the vein at the knee; opening the vein in the bend of the knee is more useful than the sciatic and venous veins together. By the way, the vein located between the fifth and fourth toes is also opened, and after it the sciatic vein is opened. They say that this vein is more useful than the sciatic vein, just as the “saving” vein is more useful than basil for diseases of the liver and spleen.

And mucous pain, in relation to the required treatment, follows the same path as thick tumors. Therefore, you should not use highly solvent medications before you have a bowel movement because of what you already know. We said above that vomiting is more beneficial than relaxation, since relaxation moves bad matter towards the sore spot, and vomiting moves it away from it; It’s good if vomiting is caused by bavrak and vinegar. And when the sick vomit with the help of strong emetics, necessary for their thick, cold juices, they should be followed by thinning and warming ones. For mucous pain, from time to time, and even many times, bloodletting is necessary; it is used after a bowel movement with the remedies we have mentioned from among the diuretics and drinking medicines useful for pain in the joints, and especially the medicine of Hermes - this medicine is very remarkable. They take dubrovnik and gentian - nine ukiyas each, round aristolochia - two ukiyas and dry rue seeds - rittle. All this is crushed and sifted through a rare sieve; drink one spoon at a time. They also use dissolving medicinal dressings, watering and water from hot springs, and if this does not help, then enemas; then cupping is used on the thigh, with or without an incision, and substances that cause redness and blister are applied, and the wounds do not heal until the patient recovers.

When used in such cases, the dressings are sharply desirable for two purposes: firstly, to dissolve, and secondly, to draw juices out, and the undesirable severity is due to one reason: sometimes such dressings dry out the matter and turn it into stone and leave it immune to medicine; therefore the matter of dissolution should not be neglected. And sometimes you will need jars that are used to draw out matter.

Irrigation and baths. They take the oils of henna - ritl, vinegar - half a ritl, cardamom - one and a half ukiyya and hyssop - one uqiya, dip wool in the composition and steam the sore spot. Baths are also made with simple dissolving medicines mentioned in connection with this disease.

Rubbing. Rub, for example, bush oil, furbiyun oil, saliva oil, henna oil, beaver stream oil; they are consumed after cleansing. Wax ointments are prepared with opopanax, furbilun and the mentioned oils.

Ointments and medicinal dressings. The bandage is dissolving and strongly draws matter from the depths outward. Take seeds of wild rue, laurel drupes, stinking ferula, soda, Armenian wormwood, wild cumin, coloquinte pulp, azhgon - four mithqals each, fresh rue - eight semolina, zifta - one eighth semolina, ushshak - eight semolina, milk thistle - six mithqals, opopanax - four mithqals, sulfur that was not touched by fire - four mithqals; all this is turned into ointment. If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, if you anoint it with goat feces and strong vinegar, it will act like mustard medicine and even better.

Plasters. Redness and blister patches are very good. The blisters should be pierced, astringent medicine applied to them, and the blisters re-blistered until recovery occurs. Recipe: take rittle bavrak and rittle olive oil and prepare an ointment.

Another useful dressing: take larkspur - one and a half rittles, burnt wine grounds - two rittles, saliva - half a rittle, watercress - one and a half rittles, milk thistle - half a rittle, sulfur - a rittle, bavrac - half a rittle, olive oil - three cutuli and pine gum, which calcined together with milk thistle; All this is turned into an ointment and consumed. They also take one part of zifta and one part of sulfur, grind it into a fine powder and spread it on the thigh. Place papyrus paper on top and leave until it falls off. Here is one of the tested remedies: they collect broadleaf bugs - in the summer, when it is fresh, it can be finely ground, but in general it is difficult to grind - they are tied with fat and applied to the thigh or to a sore spot. This area is bandaged and the bandage is left on for four or six hours. After this, the patient is taken to the bathhouse and, when he is a little moisturized, they put him in the bath, and the bandage is removed and wool is placed on the sore spot. The patient is allowed to rest for a week or ten days, then the bandage is renewed - it eliminates the need for mustard and tapsia. They also take larkspur and Spanish flies, or tapsia, wax and oil of rue or saliva, mistletoe, the “color” of the saltpeter stone, bavrac, larkspur. A plaster is prepared from all this, and sometimes watercress is added to it. Among the remedies that help against inflammation of the sciatic nerve and pain in the knee is furbiyun wax ointment. Also take henna oil - eight ukiyya, vinegar - four ukiyya, soda - two ukiyya, salivagon - ukiyya, infuse salivagon in henna oil, after crushing it, and keep it in this oil for three days, then boil it slightly and add vinegar to it and soda Then saturate the dirty wool with this and place it on your thigh, where it hurts.

Another such ointment. They take purified wax - one hundred mithqals, Nabatean resin - twenty-five mithqals, basil seed - six mithqals, iris, milk thistle, myrrh - six mithqals each and kitran - five mithqals. These substances bind, so that they become, as it were, one medicine, and lubricate the sore spot on the thigh, especially if the matter causing pain is blood stagnant in the vessel itself, or thick glassy mucus that has been absorbed by the “box” of the joint.

An ointment that soothes inflammation of the sciatic nerve. They take eighteen ukiya of old olive oil, lead sawdust, dough salt, Nabataean resin - one hundred mithqals each, red copper sawdust - three ukiya, scraped Yarmedite, kachim, black wolf bast root, aristolochia, mustard - each ukiya. Sometimes they also add salivagon - one ukiyya.

Another ointment. They take stinking ferules, wild rue seeds, laurel drupes, bavrak, coloquint, tsitvar wormwood, azhgon, wild cumin - four mithqals each, fresh garden rue, dry zift, Nabatean resin, ratiyanaj, ushshak, veal fat - sixteen mithqals each, opopanax - six mithqals, unburnt sulfur - four mithqals, henna oil - eighteen ukiy.

Another ointment. Take fresh zift - eight ukiyas, aristolochia - one and a half ukiyas, wax - rittle, pine gum - forty misqals, unburnt sulfur - rittle, bavrak - one and a half rittles, larkspur - one cyst - that will be two cutuli, salivogon - half a ritl, wild cumin - one cysts and milk thistle - half a ritl. Dissolve the blossoming substances, dry the powder, dilute the medicine in water and rub it in in the same way as was mentioned in the previous one and as will be said later.

Laxatives. As for good, effective laxatives, these are smoke pills, “smelly” pills, bedbug pills, storax pills, but not like the “success pills” and not like the Iyaraj of Hermes, which is drunk in the spring. The one who drinks it, the sore joints begin to become moist and sweat, and it does not have much laxative power, for it only cleanses, thinning the matter. Elements of laxative drugs are coloquinta pulp, yarrow santolina, gums, fish berries, bugs, squeezed juice of crazy cucumber.

Copybook. Take two coloquints, cut off their tops, take out the meat and pulp inside and fill them with sesame oil. Then the holes in the fruits are closed and left there for one night, and in the morning, after the night, the coloquinta fruits with the oil in them are thrown into the cauldron and filled with one and a half times the amount of water compared to the oil. They boil until the coloquintes are ripe, and when they are ripe, they are taken out and thrown away, and the water and oil are boiled for a sufficient time. After this, bread is thrown into the water - clean, crushed and sifted through a sieve - so much so that the liquid thickens and becomes like khabis. From this mass they make nuts the size of a bunduku, take eighteen of these nuts and the patient takes them after bathing in the bathhouse. Another method of application is to give a decoction of the oil with squeezed coloquinta juice.

If cleansing by laxation and vomiting has occurred, but the illness has dragged on, you should use suppositories with medicines that cause abrasions and remove blood from the bottom, such as, for example, a decoction of mad cucumber, coloquint, cow bile, saliva, yarrow, watercress, bedbug, and also fish broth - all this helps the sick at such times and sometimes heals them. Furbiyun is sometimes added to enemas, but they say that in the beginning it is very harmful and interferes with other treatment measures, but in the end it is useful, especially if used after blister medications. Often, abrasions occur on their own and healing occurs.

Enema that causes abrasions. They boil coloquinth, watercress, caper root, yarrow, mad cucumber, bedbug and madder and give an enema with water from this decoction, and make a bandage on the thigh from the sediment. This is one of the useful light enemas in this case. A bandage is also made from heated vinegar and bran. If there is dried blood in the abrasions, then strongly burn the place where it is dried with red gold so that blood flows from there.