
Corectopia is a displacement of the pupil to the side compared to its normal position in the center of the iris. With congenital corectopia, the pupil is usually displaced towards the nose. Scar changes that occur after inflammation can also lead to pupil displacement.

STRABISMUS, squint, HETEROTROPIA (heterotropia) - strabismus: any abnormal violation of the parallelism of the visual axes of both eyes. Most often, strabismus is horizontal - the so-called convergent strabismus (or esotropia) or divergent strabismus (or exotropia); however, vertical strabismus can sometimes be observed - hypertropia, when the gaze is directed upward, or hypotropia, when the gaze is directed downward. In rare cases, both eyes are looking at the same point, but one eye is turned clockwise or counterclockwise relative to the other (cyclotropia).

With strabismus, double vision of the resulting image may occur, but most often the image that is formed in the deviated eye is simply ignored. With cyclotropia, the image obtained in the deviated eye does not differ from the normal one, but is rotated in relation to the normal one.

Usually strabismus is concomitant, i.e. the strabismus remains equally pronounced when looking in any direction. This type of strabismus usually begins to develop in childhood.

Strabismus that develops as a result of injury or some disease is usually paralytic (incomitant), i.e. strabismus is expressed differently when looking in different directions.

See also Closing-Opening Test, Heterophoria.

Strabismus correction is one of the key aspects of treatment aimed at restoring normal vision. Correction usually involves a number of measures, including special glasses, loupes, contact lenses and surgical correction. Strabismus is a condition that is caused by uneven

Corectopia is the scientific name for a deformation of the pupils in which they are displaced to the side. This deformity can occur both hereditarily and as a result of the consequences of brain injuries, as well as various infectious diseases. Symptoms of corextopia may include headaches, decreased visual acuity, and difficulty concentrating on small objects. Treatment of this pathology may include surgical interventions, drug therapy, and physical exercises for the muscles of the eyeball. If you notice this deformation of the eye pupils or your loved ones suffer from this pathology, then be sure to seek medical help from an ophthalmologist.