Polymorphic Light Eruption

Polymorphic Light Eruption is a type of Photodermatoses that occurs as a result of excessive sensitivity to sunlight. This condition manifests itself as red, itchy skin rashes that can appear on any part of the body, most commonly on the radial zone of the arms and neck.

Polymorphic Light Rash usually appears on the skin several hours or days after exposure to ultraviolet rays. Some people may experience this reaction with even little sun exposure, while others may only experience a rash with intense exposure to the skin.

Polymorphic light rash can appear in various forms such as blisters, papules, macules and urticaria. It usually goes away on its own after a few days, but in some cases it can last longer.

To prevent Polymorphic Luminous Rash, you should avoid direct exposure to sunlight on your skin, especially between 11am and 4pm when the sun's rays are most intense. If you must go outside, you should wear protective clothing, hats, and sunscreen with a high level of UV protection.

Treatment for Polymorphous Light rash may include the use of medicated creams, antihistamines, and other medications to reduce symptoms. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a dermatologist to prescribe more effective treatment.

In general, Polymorphic Light rash is a reversible condition and is not dangerous to health. However, for those who suffer from this condition, it is necessary to take steps to prevent its occurrence and treat symptoms if it occurs.

Polymorphic light rash (POLYMORPHIC-LIGHT ERIPSHN, POLYMORPHIC LIGHT (HOLLOW) RASHE) is an acute self-limiting allergic skin disease, clinically manifested by the appearance of photosensitized nodules the color of an immature rash, follicular papules, which transform into large vascular blisters (sensitization). In the clinical picture there are polymorphic rashes of 4 types, which include: * POLYMORPHOUS ROSES, * MORTUALS, * MACULAR HEMORRHAGIES and CUMROSIS

This type of rash is common worldwide and can be caused by various factors such as ultraviolet radiation, medications, or exposure to allergens. Rash POLYFORMIKA-LIGHT ERUPTION