Dinner party

Ash-shara are small, superficial pimples like blisters that are slightly reddish, itchy and painful. Most often, they break out immediately, and fluid, sometimes blood, often flows from them. In most cases, the rash worsens at night and is more unpleasant and painful at night.

The cause of ash-shara is hot vapors that rise simultaneously in the body either from bile blood or from mucus with the properties of bavrak. The blood rash is redder and hotter and appears more quickly, and the mucous membrane is less strong in all these respects. Increased mucous rash along the legs is observed more often than increased blood rash. When ash-shara covers a wide area, if the blood is not released, one can be afraid of a three-day fever. Blood should be drawn between the onset of the rash and its spread.

If blood is predominant, then one should hasten with bloodletting, followed by the removal of yellow bile from the bottom, if the patient’s strength allows it; take, for example, myrobalans - two parts and iyaraja - one part and give three dirhams in sikanjubin for the reception. And they stop the rash, for example, with tamarind with the juice of both pomegranates and their peels, or the juice of sweet and sour pomegranate with its peels, or soaked apricots, or whey from raib, or cakes from bamboo nodules and camphor with pomegranate juice. Drinking hot water several times a day is one of the useful means of softening the patient’s nature. Among the potions that calm ash-shara is a strained infusion of sumac, which is taken by three uqiyas, and among the foods that help are lentil porridge with vinegar, olive oil with almond oil and vinegar, olive oil with the juice of unripe grapes and raib.

If the juice has the properties of bavrak, then the body is emptied of myrobalans with half the amount of turbit - three dirhams are drunk at one time - and the sick ukiy is given fresh cypress cones with one dirham of sabur. Either they take safflower, grind it, mix it with sour vinegar and drink it, or give them diluted ocher or water from a new clay jug to drink; for a mucous rash, take one dirham of cubebs with three dirhams of sugar and three dirhams of twig seeds in fresh milk. The following medicine has been tested and found to be useful for all varieties of aui-uiapa: pulegian mint - two dirhams, bamboo nodules - two dirhams, red roses - half a dirham, camphor - qirat; This is given to drink in sour pomegranate juice. Or give juniper berries to drink on an empty stomach.