Papilloma hurts, what should I do?

A girl's papilloma hurts

The content of the article:
  1. Why does papilloma hurt?
  2. What to do
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papilloma

Pain in the area of ​​papilloma is an abnormal phenomenon; in a normal state, it should not remind itself in this way. This indicates some pathology in its development and should force you to contact a specialist. This article will discuss the reasons for the appearance of such sensations and ways to solve the problem using therapeutic and conservative methods.

Why does papilloma hurt?

Damaged papilloma

In the photo there is a violation of the integrity of the papilloma

Papilloma can’t just hurt like that, it mainly provokes such sensations violation of its integrity due to contact with clothing. This can also be caused by the negative effects of sunlight, synthetic fabrics, low-quality care products with the addition of harmful chemicals.

The second reason could be combing formations, which, like the constant friction of papilloma on clothing, is quite capable of leading to damage. As a result, slight bleeding will be noticeable and there is a high probability of a burning sensation of the skin.

One of the factors predisposing to the appearance of pain is penetration into the formation of infection, which enters the blood through open wounds as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin. In this case, this problem will most likely be accompanied by redness, inflammation, and itching of the tissues.

A person may experience pain the result of touching dirty hands to papillomas, which increases the chances of blood poisoning.

Papilloma blackened

Photo of black papilloma

Pain in the area of ​​papilloma can be combined with its blackening, when the neoplasm acquires an unnatural color, changes its structure, roughness and unclear outlines begin to appear. The growth may also change in size, spreading to other areas.

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What to do if papilloma hurts?

If the integrity of the formation is not severely compromised, and there is no bleeding or blackening of the growth, then you can try to get rid of the discomfort with the help of painkillers, immune system stimulants and antiviral therapy to successfully fight the virus, which is the provocateur of the problem.

Medicines to relieve pain in the papilloma area

Drugs to relieve pain in the papilloma area

The photo shows drugs to eliminate pain in the area of ​​papilloma

If the papilloma hurts when pressed or without any impact, but not very much, then creams, ointments, gels, and sprays with an analgesic effect for external use will be quite sufficient. Among them, the means performed well "Anestol", "Doctor Numb", "Emla", the latter costs about 1200 rubles. (500 UAH). They should be applied in a thin layer and left until absorbed 2-3 times a day, the residue should be removed with a cloth. The analgesic effect lasts for an average of 3-4 hours.

If external remedies are not enough to eliminate discomfort, then you will need to take pain pills. Of these, Analgin, which costs 20 rubles, helps a lot. (8 UAH), Ibuprofen or its analogue Paracetamol. You can take 1-2 tablets at a time, but you should not take them every day to avoid harm to the heart, liver and kidneys.

Taking the following immunomodulators will help eliminate the causes of papilloma pain:

  1. Immunal. It can be taken in either tablet or drop form. In the first case, the daily norm is 1-2 tablets, and in the second - 60 drops, which should be divided into 3 doses. The drug is washed down with water and drunk before meals. The cost of Immunal is 200 rubles. (80 UAH). It has good substitutes - Amiksin and Imunorix. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, after which a break is needed.
  2. Lymphomyosot. It is attractive because it is made from ingredients of natural origin that do not harm the liver and kidneys. The drug is taken in an amount of 20-40 drops once a day. Since its taste is not very pleasant, it must either be dissolved in water or washed down with it. The cost of Lymphomyosot is 500 rubles. (230 UAH), it is sold in bottles of 30 ml. If you need something cheaper when papilloma hurts, then you can choose a tincture of Echinacea purpurea or Eleutherococcus.
  3. Imudon. In acute conditions, it is prescribed to take 8 tablets per day, and in case of minor painful sensations, 3 tablets are enough. Treatment should be continued for 10 days even after they are eliminated. The tablets are dissolved, do not swallow or wash down with water. There are 40 pieces sold in a package. The cost of Imudon is 1200 rubles. (520 UAH). This medicine can be replaced with Imuran, sold in 100 tablets.

Treatment will be incomplete without including in the regimen to combat the human papillomavirus drugs that are designed to suppress it and thereby help eliminate discomfort. Regardless of why papilloma hurts, they are well suited for this Likopid tablets, which you need to drink 2-3 pieces. per day before meals, their cost is 550 rubles. (220 UAH). They have equally effective substitutes - Kagocel, Galavit, Groprinosin, Isoprinosin and Cycloferon. On average, the course of treatment lasts about 2 weeks.

If the pain is associated with a violation of the integrity of the papilloma, then it will be just right to take a course vitamins. This could be the Perfectil complex, costing about 500 rubles. (220 UAH), “Vitrum”, “Complivit”, “Duovit”. You should take 1-3 tablets, depending on the instructions, for 2-4 weeks. This treatment is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration, which occurs much more slowly with vitamin deficiency than in a healthy person.

Important! To successfully eliminate pain in the papilloma area, it is recommended to combine the use of antiviral drugs and immunostimulants with the use of analgesics.

Removing papilloma if it hurts

Electrocoagulation of papilloma

If the pain does not go away, you should think about removing the formation accordingly. First, you can try to do this using folk remedies - apple cider vinegar, sea buckthorn, castor or lavender oil, simply treating the papilloma up to 5 times a day. If the desired reaction does not follow, there is another option of lubricating the growth with Cryopharma or Lapis pencil. Further, if there is no success, you will need to contact physiotherapists.

Here's what you can do if papilloma hurts:

  1. Cryodestruction. This is a physiotherapeutic method of removing a formation, which involves exposing it to liquid nitrogen. Thanks to low temperatures, the growth is destroyed and a crust appears in its place, which after some time is eliminated on its own. As a result, the skin remains clean and the likelihood of papilloma recurrence is reduced. The procedure is performed in 20-40 minutes, depending on the size of the formation. Sometimes, especially if it hurts, local anesthesia is required. One visit is usually enough to solve the problem. You cannot use this method if papilloma hurts, in the following cases: advanced dermatological diseases, elevated body temperature, hypersensitivity of the skin to low temperatures. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (from 150 hryvnia).
  2. Electrocoagulation. This is the process of cauterization of papilloma through exposure to low frequency electric current. It causes partial thermal damage to painful tissues without damaging healthy skin. After this, a crust forms at this place, which disappears after a few days or weeks. Until this point, it is recommended to lubricate it 1-2 times a day with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. In order for the papilloma to stop hurting, the procedure must last at least 20 minutes, and most often it is performed under local anesthesia. One session is generally sufficient to eliminate papilloma. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Laser therapy. This is an alternative to full-fledged surgery, which does not require general anesthesia, hospitalization and long recovery. To remove papilloma, an operation is performed during which the neoplasm is exposed to a beam of different lengths and with different intensities. This allows the papilloma to be destroyed, which starts the process of its self-removal within a few days or weeks after the procedure. It lasts about 30-40 minutes, but sometimes longer. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles. (from 1300 UAH).
  4. Radiosurgical removal. The operation is performed using a special device that produces the necessary radio wave radiation and eliminates pain in the area of ​​the papilloma. It is carried out by a dermatologist who has permission to work with him. During the procedure, the specialist carefully cuts out the growth without touching healthy tissue. All this is carried out under the influence of painkillers, most often under local anesthesia. After removal of the papilloma, the pain goes away immediately due to coagulation of the nerve endings. This method is contraindicated for inflammatory diseases, especially if they affect the skin. The operation is performed within 30-40 minutes. The price of radiosurgical removal is 3000 rubles. (1200 UAH).

Read also how to treat a wound after removing a wart.

What to do if papilloma hurts - watch the video:

If suddenly the papilloma begins to hurt when you touch it, then you should pay close attention to it. It is necessary to observe her condition and her feelings, and if the problem does not resolve within a short time on its own, you will need to contact specialists for comprehensive consultation, proper treatment or removal of the formation.

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