Sick red pimples on face

Problematic skin needs special care. When hygiene is not maintained, the risk of a painful rash on the face increases. In addition to their unpleasant appearance, the growths cause severe physical discomfort.

With the accumulation of purulent contents in the lower layers, painful acne forms on the face. Eliminating them is quite difficult, since you need to identify the root cause of their appearance. A specialist can determine why the tumors have formed and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Initially, it is necessary to detect the provoking factor in the formation of an unpleasant rash on the face, due to which the therapy itself will become simpler and more effective.

It is advisable to consult with a highly qualified specialist rather than counteract the pathology yourself.

The following reasons can cause the appearance of painful acne:

  1. mechanical trauma to the skin (especially in the area of ​​the nose or chin, where the inflammatory process occurs extremely often);
  2. overheating or hypothermia;
  3. improper compliance with hygiene rules;
  4. addictions (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse);
  5. unbalanced diet;
  6. disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and central nervous system;
  7. hormonal imbalance, which is associated with age-related changes;
  8. allergy;
  9. genetic factor.

The above factors serve as concomitant circumstances for the formation of inflammation in the sebaceous glands. However, acne in all cases matures due to pathogenic microorganisms.

They live on everyone’s skin, but in the presence of a “favorable” environment they penetrate inside and provoke an inflammatory process, the treatment of which takes a long time.

There are a large number of types of rash, as well as causes. This must be taken into account when choosing treatment methods. On the other hand, identifying the provoking factor makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of a painful rash in the future.


A subcutaneous rash on the face occurs in stages: first, a slight thickening appears under the skin. It is characterized by pain and rapid growth.

Next, the inflammatory process and swelling are added. Such pimples take an extremely long time to mature, causing pain and discomfort. Sometimes the ripening process lasts 1-2 months. The rash is difficult to treat, and often leaves scars.


Papules - a red rash on the surface of the face is one of the most popular forms of acne. Minor, in some cases painful, affect approximately half of the facial skin and cause significant discomfort.


In some cases, there are situations when foreign bacteria penetrate into the sebaceous glands. They mix with fatty acids, which produce sebaceous glands and clog the ducts.

Through them, sebum is secreted. As a result, an internal rash appears on the face.

The formation of a rash occurs in 2 stages: initially, compaction appears under the skin, redness and swelling. It rises above the skin up to 0.2 cm.

Then the affected area will be filled with purulent contents and the inflammation will turn white, which will indicate that the pimple has entered its final stage.

Structure of the boil

Painful acne on the face in all cases is associated with inflammation and suppuration. Such a rash is called a boil.

Its structure is as follows:

  1. after penetration of dirt into the ducts and disruption of sebum secretion, the inflammatory process begins;
  2. an abscess forms under the skin, which is surrounded by a membrane;
  3. it grows, in particular when bacteria appear in this place (this is how the body removes infected cells and prevents bacteria from entering the bloodstream);
  4. after 2 weeks, this growth opens through the skin and the purulent contents come out.

How to get rid

To eliminate this difficulty, complex therapy should be carried out. First of all, it is necessary to stop the inflammation.

At stage 2, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands themselves. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of possible adverse consequences.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy with general systemic drugs is carried out in a situation where the provoking factor for the appearance of a painful rash on the face is a viral infection or a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

Taking this into account, the specialist will select effective medications. When the rash is caused by harmful bacteria, antibiotics must be taken.

The most effective are considered:

Video: Doctor's review of the drug Doxycycline

Acne on the cheeks, causes and treatment. More details here.

Cosmetic procedures

In certain situations, the patient needs the help of a specialized specialist. This is assumed when the lesion is large enough and the rash is spread over the entire face.

The cosmetologist chooses the procedure taking into account the type of skin. During this procedure, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

For minor inflammation, mesotherapy is performed. It involves the injection of anti-inflammatory drugs under the skin. In addition, injections of oxygen and ozone are effective.

Ripe pimples need to be removed. The doctor helps you do this without harming the skin.

It is possible to eliminate neoplasms in the process of implementing:

  1. disincrustation;
  2. mechanical cleaning;
  3. manual cleaning.

It is possible to prevent the possibility of inflammation through laser resurfacing or hard peeling.

Medical cosmetics

It is quite possible to accelerate the maturation, and therefore the treatment, of this rash.

The easiest way to do this is to apply the following medications to painful acne:

  1. clindovit, dalacin (antibiotics with bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects);
  2. levomekol (antimicrobial drug, healing and anti-inflammatory action);
  3. zinc, ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment (disinfectants, anti-inflammatory agents that relieve discomfort and draw out pus).

These medications are quite effective and provide appropriate care to problematic skin.

Traditional methods

Traditional therapy offers various recipes for eliminating painful rashes on the face:

  1. Aloe juice draws pus out of pimples in the shortest possible time. Used as a compress to the damaged area.
  2. Regular steam baths with medicinal plants (for example, chamomile). The rash will mature and heal much faster.
  3. Washing with water and lemon juice in equal quantities.

Home Recipes

It is possible to carry out a large number of useful procedures at home:

  1. Infusion of salt. Take 2 tbsp. l. table salt. This salt dissolves in a glass of hot water. The mass is boiled, and then lotions are applied to the affected areas. They last for about 5 minutes.
  2. Sea salt. Daily baths with sea salt have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Iodine. Painful pimples can be cauterized with iodine (prohibited for rashes on mucous membranes).

Therapy for facial rashes can be accelerated with anti-inflammatory masks and lotions that you prepare yourself:

  1. Aspirin and water. The medication tablet is crushed and dissolved in a small amount of water to a mushy mass. The mixture is applied directly to the pimple. Leaves on for 10 minutes, then rinses off.
  2. Syntomycin ointment. Mix with warm water and wipe the face, including inflamed areas, every day. The product helps to quickly restore damaged skin.
  3. Garlic. After treating your face with olive or vegetable oil, crushed garlic is applied to the damaged areas. Cover with gauze. The compress is kept for 20 minutes, after which the gauze is removed and the face is washed with chamomile infusion.
  4. Aloe. Pour 4-5 leaves of the plant into a glass of cold or mineral water. It is kept in water for about 60 minutes, then boiled. The infusion is cooled, the leaves are taken out and ground into a mushy state. The mass is applied to the face. Lasts approximately 15 minutes.

These recipes contribute to the speedy restoration of damaged areas of facial skin.

Prevention measures

A consultation with a doctor will make it possible to determine what was the initial cause of the painful rash on the face. Measures to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon are important.

To prevent pathology it is necessary:

  1. reconsider your lifestyle;
  2. adjust your diet, get rid of bad habits;
  3. follow hygiene rules;
  4. if necessary, treat with ozone therapy;
  5. use cosmetics of appropriate quality.

By following the above instructions, it is possible to prevent the appearance of painful acne on the surface of the face.

Subcutaneous pimples are special formations that are located in the form of dense nodules under the epidermis layer, filled with purulent contents. These pimples are also called internal pimples and cannot be squeezed out in the usual way. The locations of painful pimples are the forehead, temples, nose and chin. But it is also possible that they will appear on the cheeks.

Main reasons

Problematic skin is a very common phenomenon among people of various age categories. Pimples and blackheads can occur in both men and women. Pimples that appear on the face vary in appearance, origin and other factors.

The formation of a pathological compaction occurs gradually, and the duration of pimple maturation can last for several weeks. And during its formation, an infection usually occurs, promoting inflammation. This whole process causes great discomfort, since subcutaneous acne is very painful.

In order to eliminate the disease in question, it is necessary to establish the most precise causes that contribute to the appearance of these inflammatory elements.

The main problem here is the overactive activity of the sebaceous glands, which results in clogging of the pores and sebaceous ducts. Such conditions are very favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which provoke the occurrence of the inflammatory process.

Internal acne can appear not only due to some external factors (improper or insufficient facial care), but also due to various diseases of the organs and systems of the human body.

Therefore, consideration of this pathology must be approached comprehensively. Here there is a need to find out why the sebaceous glands do not work correctly, contributing to the development of the inflammatory process. And for what reason the epidermis cannot cope with pathogenic microbes and the skin’s immunity is weakened.

The main reasons for the formation of subcutaneous acne:

  1. increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  2. insufficient or improper facial care, which results in expansion and clogging of pores and ducts in the epidermis;
  3. use of cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
  4. serious changes in the body's hormonal system, which are usually observed in adolescents, pregnant women, before the onset of menstruation, during menopause;
  5. demodicosis or subcutaneous mite is a serious dermatological disease characterized by multiple formation of ulcers and internal inflammatory elements;
  6. the use of low-quality cosmetics that contain components that have an adverse effect on the epidermis, contributing to the development of inflammation on the face of various types;
  7. poor hygiene, careless attitude to facial cleansing;
  8. excessive cleansing of the face, the use of soap or other products that dry the skin, as a result of which the protective layer on the surface of the epidermis is destroyed, which protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  9. habit of touching your face with your hands;
  10. Self-squeezing pimples and blackheads often provokes a worsening of the situation.

All these factors are external, but the reasons for the formation of subcutaneous ulcers should also be sought inside the body, since an integrated approach to solving this problem will significantly speed up recovery. Painful pimples may indicate the presence of serious pathologies of a person’s internal organs.

  1. imbalance of hormones in the body;
  2. any diseases associated with the digestive organs in most cases provoke the development of acne and the appearance of large pimples on the face;
  3. the presence of a large amount of waste and toxic substances in the body affects the condition of the epidermis;
  4. unhealthy diet, excessive consumption of sweets and baked goods, fatty and salty foods, various smoked and pickled foods, spicy and fried foods with spices and seasonings;
  5. a significant weakening of the body’s immune system, which occurs for a number of reasons;
  6. hereditary predisposition;
  7. inflammatory processes in the body caused by exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  8. avitaminosis;
  9. alcohol abuse, smoking;
  10. a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which many processes in the body slow down, the intestines work poorly, harmful substances and toxins are not eliminated properly and in the required quantities, and the skin suffers from this along with other important organs;
  11. colds, hypothermia;
  12. allergic reactions of the body;
  13. frequent stressful situations;
  14. uncontrolled use of certain medications, antimicrobial, hormonal.

In the photo above you can see what a face looks like if it has been subjected to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which has led to the formation of many elements of inflammation.

With the development of any pathologies of internal organs, the sebaceous glands very often become inflamed and large subcutaneous pimples form. Therefore, the occurrence of such ulcers in large numbers throughout the face requires a mandatory full medical examination.

Subcutaneous acne on the face can be not only large, but also small. The reasons for the formation of both are the same, but the difference is that large elements of inflammation are much more difficult to get rid of. After all, the purulent sac is located deep under the skin, and access to it is closed. And small “subcutaneous lesions” are easier to treat and leave almost no traces behind.

Red pimples and blackheads

In addition to subcutaneous ones, other pimples, for example red ones, may appear on the face. They cause no less discomfort, since they greatly spoil a person’s appearance, and sometimes cause disgust.

Red acne tends to spread all over the face, covering the cheeks and chin, nose and forehead. At the same time, it is almost impossible to hide such inflammatory elements with foundation. On the contrary, in this way the condition of the dermis will only worsen. It is important to find the cause that can lead to such a problem, and by eliminating it, you can enjoy clean and healthy facial skin.

The causes of redheads and pimples are hormonal imbalances, poor nutrition, parasitism, dysbacteriosis, improper facial skin care, subcutaneous mites, etc.

Teenagers often suffer from this pathology due to hormonal changes in the body. But if you do not carry out appropriate treatment and do not take proper care of your face, the skin thickens, cysts and congestion form on it. As a result, the complexion becomes bluish and unhealthy. It is required to undergo a series of examinations by a dermatologist to exclude the presence of chronic diseases and undergo a course of treatment.

Lumps on the face that are not related to acne

Acne is a fairly common and studied phenomenon that affects a large number of people of different ages. But in some cases, certain formations appear on the face that are not at all similar to ordinary pimples or acne. These lumps or cysts are called wen, and they are usually not painful or cause discomfort.

It is not recommended to remove wen from the skin on your own, as this can lead to deterioration of the epidermis and the formation of other, more serious skin growths.

The main reason for the appearance of such tubercles is the enlargement of the sebaceous glands themselves. Wen differ from pimples in color (they blend in with the skin color or are white), as well as in the absence of inflammation and redness.

You can get rid of wen with the help of some professional cosmetic procedures:

  1. mechanical cleaning;
  2. deep peeling;
  3. laser removal;
  4. electric shock.

Treatment methods

Often, the fight against large internal acne can be lengthy and ineffective. Therefore, it is very important to find a highly qualified dermatologist who will find an individual solution for each specific patient. A properly selected treatment regimen will help get rid of this serious problem in the shortest possible time.

The first thing you need to know is that trying to squeeze out pus will not lead to positive results, since this will only make the pimple denser and will be very difficult to eliminate. On the contrary, the condition of the epidermis will worsen, and the amount of inflammation will increase.

If acne is a consequence of infectious or chronic diseases, then, first of all, you need to be completely cured, then the ulcers can go away on their own.

In parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease, it is recommended to use external agents that help relieve inflammation.

Treatment of subcutaneous acne involves the use of several methods, both individually and in combination:

  1. Drug therapy, including the use of medicinal ointments and creams, pharmaceutical mash and mixtures, and in more severe cases, the use of antimicrobial drugs.
  2. Methods from traditional medicine.
  3. Cosmetology procedures.
  4. Physiotherapy.

Eliminating inflammation with medications

The use of certain medications not only allows you to effectively and quickly eliminate acne, but also treat the sebaceous glands and normalize their activity.

It is recommended to use special medicinal creams, gels and lotions designed to combat acne. The most effective ones include components such as salicylic acid, medicinal plant extracts, benzoyl peroxide, etc.

Common pharmaceutical products for treating acne:

To eliminate large inflammations, you must first remove the purulent contents. Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is well suited for such purposes. It is enough to apply it on the pimple in a thick layer, preferably at night. The next morning, the pimple will open on its own, or it will be ripe enough to gently squeeze out the pus.

It is very important to disinfect your hands and facial skin to prevent re-infection of the wound. With proper manipulations, after a subcutaneous pimple there is no visible scarring or pigmentation of the epidermis. If there is a large number of internal inflammatory elements on a person’s face, then dermatologists prescribe antibiotics, for example, Doxycycline, Unidox Solutab, etc.

Since acne ripening occurs slowly, at the first signs of inflammation it is necessary to take measures to stop this process. You can treat the affected areas with the following means:

  1. regular iodine;
  2. salicylic alcohol;
  3. tincture of calendula;
  4. mash with sulfur;
  5. tea tree essential oil.

In order to quickly get rid of a pimple, you can use aspirin tablets. You need to grind them to a powder, add a little warm water and apply the composition to the inflamed area. Wash off after half an hour.

Tea tree ether also gives a quick effect.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods are good for solving many health problems. The problem under consideration is no exception, and can be dealt with using the following recipes:

  1. Lotions of sea salt diluted in a glass of boiled water are good at drawing out pus from acne.
  2. To relieve swelling and inflammation, ordinary toothpaste is suitable.
  3. Mix honey, clay, yeast and a small amount of milk or boiled water. Apply to areas with inflammation for thirty minutes.
  4. Lubricate the subcutaneous pimple with crushed garlic gruel.
  5. Apply aloe leaf overnight.
  6. Lemon juice is effective against internal pimples and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  7. You can make lotions from infusions of medicinal plants - chamomile, string, mint, calendula, sage, celandine, etc.
  8. Grind several streptocide tablets, add aloe juice and a little iodine. Mix and use as a face mask before bed.
  9. Grind oatmeal, mix with the white of one egg and apply to face.
  10. Dilute sea salt with boiled water, then mix the composition with blue clay, use as a mask to care for problem skin.
  11. Apply ice cubes made from parsley decoction, a mixture of water and lemon juice, chamomile infusion, etc. to the purulent elements.

During the treatment process, you need to follow a special diet, create a menu for yourself, which should not contain all harmful foods and dishes, sweets, smoked foods, citrus fruits, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.

As for cosmetic procedures, if there is a large number of inflammations, their implementation should be agreed with a dermatologist. Mechanical or hardware cleaning, chemical peelings, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, etc. are usually used. People with problem skin are recommended darsonvalization procedures, which help cleanse and disinfect the epidermis, especially if there are large areas of inflammation located under the dermis.

To stimulate the immune system and remove waste and toxic substances from the body, a blood transfusion procedure or autohemotherapy is recommended, which is used to treat many dermatological diseases. Prevention is very important, which involves proper facial care and hygiene. You should not neglect even minor redness on the face, promptly treat with antiseptics, and also eat rationally and correctly.

Painful acne on the face: cause and treatment. Emerging, painful pimples on the face are nothing more than boils. Their formation is facilitated by multiple factors, including external provocateurs and internal health problems. Before dealing with a pathological phenomenon, you need to find out why very sick acne appears.

What causes the problem to appear?

In most cases, an inflammatory process in the dermis of a pathogenic nature occurs as a result of a disruption in the functioning of internal systems, during which the glands responsible for the production of sebum begin to function incorrectly. As a result, they produce waste products in excess.

This process, in turn, provokes clogging of the pores, which causes insufficient oxygen supply to the dermis. In addition, lard with dirt particles trapped in the pores is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, which begin to rapidly increase their population. As a result of this, painful pimples appear on the face.

The following internal and external factors can provoke overactive sebaceous glands:

  1. hormonal surges;
  2. endocrine disorders;
  3. poor eating habits;
  4. weakened immune system;
  5. gastrointestinal diseases;
  6. overweight.

Basically, the causes of dermatological pathology lie in the improper functioning of the hormonal system. Disturbances are observed in it during adolescence, during pregnancy and menopause.

Often the reasons are associated with pathologies of the endocrine system, which in turn is responsible for the normal production of hormones. When the hormonal balance is disturbed, a person’s sebaceous glands are activated, which begin to produce subcutaneous fat in excess.

The reasons may also lie in incorrect eating habits, when a person regularly eats poorly, consuming unhealthy foods, which include fried, spicy, fatty foods, as well as all fast food and processed foods. Alcohol also belongs to the harmful category of products that adversely affect the condition of the dermis.

People suffering from chronic diseases, as well as overweight, are often susceptible to a decrease in the body's protective functions. This applies to all organs and tissues. As a result, the dermis becomes unable to withstand external aggressive factors, resulting in an inflammatory process.

People who ignore personal hygiene rules are also at risk. The skin constantly needs cleansing, so if it is not cleansed daily, a large number of microbes accumulate in the pores, which subsequently provoke a dermatological problem.

Characteristic symptoms

At the beginning of the inflammatory process, red bumps appear, which are very painful when you try to put pressure on them. As they mature, they begin to increase in size. After a certain period, the so-called head of the boil appears, which is white. This is nothing more than accumulated pus, which, after maturation, must come out. But sometimes the abscess is not hidden and the suppurative process is transmitted to the tissues under the skin, leading to their infection. The most dangerous thing is when pimples appear on the head that begin to hurt unbearably. In this case, immediate drug therapy and sometimes surgical intervention are required.

Treatment methods

Before treating a painful pimple on the face whose cause has not been established, you should visit a dermatologist who will prescribe adequate therapy.

Typically, furunculosis that causes boils is treated using several methods at once, including:

  1. drug therapy;
  2. local antiseptics;
  3. nutrition correction.

Therapy is most effective when all these methods are used simultaneously, regardless of the location of the dermatological problem.

Drug treatment

Treating acne on the head, face or body in advanced cases requires antibiotics. The most effective of them are Erythromycin, Unidox Solutab, Amoxiclav. A fairly long course of therapy is required to obtain good results. Antibiotics are known for their ability to kill germs and bacteria, which determines their anti-inflammatory property. But at the same time, they often lead to the death of beneficial microorganisms, which inevitably affects human health. Sometimes the harm from the side effects of antibiotics outweighs the benefits. For this reason, this method is resorted to when local treatment does not produce positive results.

Potent medications such as retinoids are also designed to eliminate acne on the head. They are switched to if antibacterial therapy has not given the desired therapeutic effect. This group includes medications such as Acnecutane and Roaccutane. They act directly on the problem, effectively eliminating suppurative processes. But it takes more than a month to see results. These drugs also belong to the group of potent drugs that can lead to negative consequences, manifested in the deterioration of the patient’s health. For these reasons, dermatologists recommend resorting to such medications only in extreme cases. But it would be more advisable to treat a single painful boil using local remedies that do not cause such harm.

Topical use of antiseptics and antibiotics

It is recommended to treat acne on the head, body, and face with the following topical medications:

All these drugs have in common that they have powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ichthyil ointment is recommended for use when a painful boil has broken through and is at the stage of skin regeneration. The affected area is treated with the product until complete healing.

The use of topical antibiotics in the form of Tetracycline and Erythromycin ointments is recommended at the initial stage. The drugs can stop the inflammatory process and suppuration.

When a pimple hurts, Vishnevsky ointment is also often used. It is recommended to use it at the initial stage so that the boil matures and breaks through faster. The drug can only be applied to a previously washed and dried affected area of ​​the dermis. The ointment is applied as a compress once a day, with which it is recommended to walk for no more than twelve hours. After this, the sore spot is opened, washing off the remaining ointment. After a twelve-hour interval, the drug can be applied again. Use it until the head of the boil appears.

After a large pimple has opened, it is treated with local antiseptics, which include salicylic and boric alcohol. This helps to disinfect the resulting wound. Then it is recommended to treat the affected area with Levomekol. Therapeutic ointment allows you to remove any remaining inflammation and speed up the regeneration process.

Typically, topical medications are well tolerated without causing any reactions. However, in some cases, allergies may occur. Antibacterial products are not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, since the active substances can spread through the bloodstream to all organs, including the mammary glands.

Maintaining a proper diet

In most cases, in addition to medications, the patient is prescribed diet therapy. It helps not only to cleanse the body of harmful substances, but also significantly improves the condition of the immune system. Thanks to this effect, inflammatory processes are reduced and the skin recovers faster.

During the treatment period, food that is prepared exclusively by steaming, stewing or boiling is indicated. You should not eat fried, spicy, sweet or fatty foods. Such dishes only contribute to slagging, but do not bring any benefit. Therefore, fast food, canned food, semi-finished products, and fatty meats must be eliminated from the menu.

The patient should eat more fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, nuts, herbs, and also eat lean meat and fish.

Preventive measures

To prevent the further development of dermatological problems of an inflammatory nature, maintaining proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system, as well as timely detection of pathologies that cause weakening of the immune system will help. A proper lifestyle and careful skin care will help maintain the health of the dermis.