Large red pimples on the body itching

Red pimples on the body cause a lot of inconvenience to their “owner”. Rashes can appear at any time, especially annoying when it happens before an important meeting or event. Many pimples are accompanied by an acute inflammatory process and pain, others disappear on their own, without causing any inconvenience to the person, except for aesthetic unattractiveness. What could it be and what to do if red rashes appear?

Unfavorable factors affecting the formation of acne

Red pimples on the body occur due to certain reasons.

The most common provoking factors are:

  1. Deficiency of useful components . Small pimples on the body of an adult are often caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. This process leads to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, which is accompanied by damage to the upper layer of the skin.
  2. Digestive system disorders . Often small pimples on the body, in particular on the face, indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Rashes can be triggered by poor diet, consumption of junk food and constant overeating.
  3. Allergic reaction to cosmetics . Itchy pimples after applying your favorite cream indicate its intolerance by the body, that is, the development of an allergy. In this case, the components of the product clog the pores, causing profuse rashes in the form of red dots on the body and inflammation.
  4. Hormonal imbalances provoke the formationacne on the back and other parts of the body. Peak hormone activity occurs during adolescence. Small pimples on the body of women are associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle; pimples often appear before menstruation.
  5. Systematic nervous tension . Stress and nervousness negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Disturbances in coordinated functioning contribute to the appearance of acne throughout the body.
  6. Periodically occurring rashes are a consequence exposure to external stimuli on the body . These include temperature changes, fabrics and allergens.
  7. Insufficient hygiene . Lack of proper skin care increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes. Small pimples on the body act as a natural reaction of the body to non-compliance with hygiene procedures.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can determine the true reason why pimples appear. All of the above factors are harmless. Serious diseases of both the skin and internal organs can lead to the formation of pimples on the body of an adult.

Allergic dermatitis

Red pimples on the body are often the result of an allergic reaction. Excessive rashes can appear if you choose the wrong cosmetic and care product. Often their development is due to the negative impact of biological and physical factors.

Allergic type dermatitis provokes small red pimples on the skin. Medicinal and chemical substances act as potentially dangerous allergens. People often experience an allergic reaction in the form of red dots on their legs and arms to the components contained in washing powder. Pimples on the scalp in the hair of men and women can be a consequence of individual intolerance to the components of the shampoo.

Allergic type dermatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. small red rashes ;
  2. itching ;
  3. the appearance of crusts on the skin .

Acne on the skin is eliminated by eliminating the allergen. A person needs to reduce or completely eliminate contact with a potentially dangerous substance. For a speedy recovery, it is advisable to use topical ointments, in particular Fenistil and Akriderm. In acute cases of the disease, it is necessary to use systemic anti-allergy medications - Claritin and Cetrin.

Prurigo: purulent papules

Pimples on the body itch due to the development of prurigo; this disease is characterized by the formation of papules. As the pathology progresses, pus forms in their cavity. Prurigo, or prurigo (the medical name of the disease) is recorded in both children and adults. In babies it is a reaction to complementary foods.

Rashes appear on the body due to the negative effects of infectious agents, chronic diseases and helminthic infestations. Pink pimples indicate the development of pathology; it is possible that pimples may form, which eventually become covered with a thin crust. They can be very itchy, which forces a person to scratch the skin until red spots appear.

Systematic mechanical damage leads to the appearance of dense nodules, the diameter of which reaches 5 mm. Pimples itch, causing general discomfort. The child may experience loss of appetite, increased irritability and sleep disturbances. Adults tolerate prurigo more easily; they experience only intense itching. It is not recommended to scratch the rash; there remains a high risk of infection, which is accompanied by suppuration.

Skin treatment involves following a diet. Potentially dangerous allergens must be removed from the diet. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid spicy, smoked and fatty foods. A person needs to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and prevent constipation. To speed up the recovery of the body, antihistamines are used: Loratadine, Diazolin and Clemastine. The rash becomes smaller on the second day after the start of treatment.

Scabies and demodicosis

Pimples on the body itch due to damage to the skin by potentially dangerous microorganisms. Parasitic diseases caused by their exposure are accompanied by red pimples and pimples on the body and unbearable itching. The most common pathologies are scabies and demodicosis.

The rashes that appear are caused by the penetration of the female scabies mite under the skin. They lay larvae in the upper layers of the epidermis, causing the formation of small papules and blisters. Treatment consists of constantly changing bed linen, following a diet and using medications. The most popular medical products are Lindane, Ivermectin, Spregal and sulfur ointment. The preparations are applied to the skin in a thin layer, several times a day.

Treatment of scabies and demodicosis is carried out in the evening, this is due to the nocturnal activity of pathogens. The optimal treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor based on laboratory tests.


Do small pimples itch on your body, but general discomfort affects your quality of life? The development of folliculitis cannot be ruled out. This disease is accompanied by the formation of papules, pimples and blackheads on the scalp. Small rashes appear throughout the body. Red pustules often appear on the trunk and limbs. Their development is caused by damage to the skin by staphylococci and streptococci.

Itchy rashes are a consequence of weakened protective functions of the body, unbalanced nutrition, excessive sweating and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. This disease can be eliminated through diet and topical medications. Small rashes disappear 3-5 days after the start of intensive therapy.

To treat fungal folliculitis, antifungal drugs are used, in particular Nizoral and Exoderil. If the pathology is caused by a viral infection of the body, Acyclovir is used.

Viral diseases

The body itches in different places due to a viral infection of the skin. Pathogenic agents cause the development of herpes zoster and lichen. Large pimples and blisters appear on the body; they itch intensely, causing a person a lot of inconvenience. They appear on any part of the skin and are accompanied by the formation of crusts. When blisters develop, a person becomes dangerous to the people around him.

The development of viral-type pathologies is provoked by a decrease in the body’s protective functions, stressful situations, long-term use of antibiotics and the development of oncology. A distinctive feature of shingles is the rapid progression and appearance of acne in pairs.

Treatment of herpes and other viral pathologies involves the use of antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Pentalgin and Diclofenac. The use of these remedies eliminates rashes, pain and inflammation. The skin is constantly cleansed with ordinary water, care products are prohibited. Bed linen is changed daily, a person uses an individual towel and household items.

Hormonal disorders

In adolescence, a rash appears under the influence of hormonal imbalances. There are not so few rashes; they are localized mainly on the face, neck and chest area. Dense acne on the body does not cause discomfort. The bluish-red hue of the rash attracts attention. However, apart from being aesthetically unattractive, the rashes do not pose any danger. Read more about acne treatment →

A rash can also appear in women, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the general condition of the body. If there are rashes caused by hormonal imbalances, no special treatment is required. It is enough to normalize your diet and monitor the skincare products you use. If painful and profuse rashes appear, and this process is systematic, it is advisable to check the level of hormones.

There are many provoking factors that cause the development of formations. If one pimple pops up, and a similar phenomenon occurs periodically, there should be no reason to worry. If itchy blisters form, accompanied by pain and burning, it is advisable to visit a doctor.

Acne all over the body can appear at any time in life, both in adults and in small children. But the worst thing is that the rash can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and an inflammatory process. And it, in turn, is a very favorable soil for the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection.

Pimples on the body that itch need to be treated, but first you need to find out what exactly triggered their appearance. The causes of such an anomaly can be pathological and non-pathological.

Types of acne on the skin

Red bumps on the body have their own varieties. If you pay more attention to studying them, you can even independently understand what you are dealing with. Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but you will at least approximately know about your problem.

So, what are the types of acne on the body?

  1. Vesicles. This rash resembles blisters and contains fluid inside. But, unlike them, the vesicle has clearly defined boundaries (blisters are “blurry” and can have different shapes). Vesicular rashes tend to spread over the surface of the skin and merge with each other. In most cases, they are the result of infectious (in particular, viral) lesions of the body.
  2. Acne. This is a problem that many people face, and their main mistake is that they try to get rid of the problem on their own. A closed comedone contains not only dust and subcutaneous sebum - underneath their layer there are bacteria, and if they are “disturbed”, intense inflammation can begin. The consequence of the development of this process will be the appearance of itchy pimples on the body.
  3. Papules. Such rashes are formed in various pathologies and consist of accumulated subcutaneous sebum, dead epidermal cells and pathogens. Such rashes look like small red bumps on the skin that itch or hurt. It is better not to squeeze them out yourself. The only thing that can be done is to apply compresses based on medicinal plants to such rashes. Ointments are used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Closed comedones. Such pimples are also called millet pimples. They can be localized on any part of the body, but most often affect the face. They are almost invisible, but if you run your fingers over the problem area, you can feel that it is “strewn” with small tubercles. This is the millet. If they are injured, this can be the beginning of the development of serious inflammation and the appearance of large red pimples on the body.
  5. Pustules. This name refers to small pustules that appear all over the body. Trying to squeeze out such a pimple, a person only makes it worse, since it removes only the visible part of it. The rest of the contents go deeper into the underlying layers of the dermis, provoking the development of inflammation. As a result, red pimples appear on the body, which hurt and can fester even more.
  6. Nodules. Pimples on the body of an adult, in the form of nodules, are filled with purulent contents inside. They are pink or purple-red in color. In addition, infection easily penetrates into such nodules, which only aggravates the situation.

Important! In addition to the types of rashes described above, there are several other types of formations - boils, cysts and atheromas. These are one of the most dangerous neoplasms that require only a professional medical approach to the issue of therapy. These skin conditions may be accompanied by redness and pain, indicating the development of severe inflammation.

Factors that do not pose a threat to health

There are not many non-pathological causes of acne on the body of an adult. They include:

  1. Increased skin sensitivity. A sharp reaction of the body can be provoked by some elements of decorative cosmetics - powder or foundation - which are applied to the décolleté, arms, and neck. Poor-quality products lead to irritation of the epidermis, blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which causes the formation of small red or white pimples on the body. Usually such rashes do not itch, but can hurt and cause severe aesthetic discomfort.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body. White pimples on the body are a problem primarily affecting women and teenagers. Representatives of the fairer sex have unstable hormonal levels, since this is influenced by several factors: the body’s preparation for menstruation, menstruation itself, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. Blackheads and pustules do not itch, but they can be painful. And there is nothing to say about aesthetic discomfort. Such rashes are a common occurrence among teenagers, because puberty is always accompanied by a serious hormonal surge.
  3. Nervous tension, constant stress, psycho-emotional shocks. If a person has small pimples on the body that itch, this may be a consequence of exhaustion of the nervous system. Moreover, stress and psycho-emotional stress are not always the cause of such a symptom. Lack of sleep, heavy mental work, depression - all these factors can also cause itching and small rashes on the skin.
  4. External stimuli. Sometimes the whole body itches, and small pimples appear on the body due to sudden changes in temperature, hard tap water, swimming in open water, etc. This is an acute skin reaction, which can only be eliminated if its provocateur is eliminated.
  5. Non-compliance or incomplete compliance with hygiene rules. A person often itches his entire body, and pimples appear when hygiene procedures are carried out too infrequently. This applies not only to the face, but also to the torso, so it is necessary to take a shower regularly, visit the sauna or bathhouse (if there are no contraindications), and use scrubs to clean the pores.

These are the causes of acne on the body that do not pose a health hazard. But this does not mean that you can close your eyes to the situation, because if the problem is not solved, then it may well develop into a skin disease.

Dangerous pathologies that cause acne

Pathological causes of acne throughout the body can be associated with various diseases. Moreover, not only skin ones. That is why it is important to know about them in order to promptly seek qualified help.


Vitamin deficiency is a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. Small pimples on the body can be one of the symptoms of this pathological abnormality. At the same time, a person develops pale skin, weakness, tremors in the limbs, peeling nails, brittle hair, etc.

Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract

Very often, small pimples on the body, and especially on the face, indicate problems with the digestive tract. They can itch, ulcerate, become inflamed, and become scaly. As a rule, in parallel, a person notices problems with digestion. They are manifested by frequent hiccups, belching, heartburn, epigastric pain, constipation or diarrhea, etc.


Perhaps one of the most common reasons for the appearance of small red pimples on the body of an adult. Reactions to medications and insect bites are especially dangerous, as they can lead to angioedema or anaphylaxis. And these conditions are quite capable of ending in death.

If the whole body itches and red pimples appear after contact with the skin of chemical compounds, pollen, or low-quality cosmetics, then we are talking about contact dermatitis. This condition is very unpleasant, but at least not life-threatening.


If your feet itch and pimples appear, you may be talking about such an unpleasant disease as prurigo. It is accompanied by the formation of papules. The second name is prurigo. In the advanced phase of the pathology, pus accumulates inside the papules, which only aggravates the patient’s condition and aggravates the course of the disease.

Important! Do not scratch the papules, otherwise there is a high probability of secondary infection!

Parasitic lesions

If a person has red pimples on his stomach and they itch very much, this may indicate a disease such as scabies. Typically, the scabies mite first affects the abdomen, after which it “switches” to the arms, legs, and back. If you look closely at the affected areas, you will notice small “movements” in the skin. It is in them that the tick lives.

Demodicosis is another parasitic skin disease in which pimples on the body of an adult itch. It is caused by the demodex mite and has a clinical picture similar to scabies.


Herpes is a viral disease, which is characterized by the patient complaining that the skin itches and pimples appear. The pathology is caused by the human herpes virus:

  1. The first type. Causes the appearance of a vesicular rash on the face and mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity.
  2. The second type. It provokes the appearance of pimples on the skin of the genitals, which itch and hurt.
  3. Third type. This virus is called Varicella-Zoster. It causes the development of herpes zoster and chickenpox. In this case, small pimples on an adult’s body itch, hurt, and burst. They can appear on any part of the body - legs, arms, torso.

On a note. Bumps on the body with herpes zoster are the most painful and unpleasant. The fact is that Varicella-Zoster is a virus that affects not the skin, but the nerve endings. That is why pain is felt along the nerve fiber affected by type 3 herpesvirus.

Can red rashes be cured?

If red pimples itch, hurt, cause discomfort - can they be cured? It is possible if you find out exactly the reason for their appearance.

So, for allergies, antihistamines for systemic (internal) or external use will help. Adults are prescribed tablets, children - syrups.

Sulfur ointment helps a lot with scabies. But it has a very specific smell, which, moreover, “eats” into the skin and clothes. It is important to wash and steam your laundry daily, after which it needs to be ironed with a hot iron.

Boils, cysts and atheromas are treated exclusively by surgery. They should not be heated or pressed - this can lead to a breakthrough of the abscess into the underlying layers of the dermis. The spread of a purulent process to soft tissue can provoke phlegmon or an abscess.

Herpes, no matter what type of virus it is caused by, requires the use of antiviral agents: Acyclovir, Famvir, Gerpevir. In this case, systemic medications must be supplemented with ointments. For herpes zoster, additional auxiliary medications may be prescribed - painkillers and antipyretics.

Fungal infections are treated with antimycotics. They can also be systemic and local (tablets or capsules plus ointments, creams, gels).

There are many treatment methods, so a person without the necessary knowledge base in the field of medicine may well get confused in them. And there is nothing worse than incorrectly prescribed therapy. Therefore, the only correct way out when acne appears all over the body is to contact a dermatologist and undergo the examinations prescribed by him.

Rashes do not always affect the face area; a significant number of them can form on any part of the body. Pimples on the body not only give the skin an unaesthetic appearance, but can also cause pain, itching, and act as a manifestation of various pathologies. Let's talk about what types of acne are, why they appear, and how to get rid of them.

Types of acne on the body

Despite the fact that the skin on the body is denser and has more powerful protective functions compared to the epidermis of the face, inflammatory elements often form on it. These can be either primary formations in areas of healthy epidermis, or secondary ones - appearing in place of the primary ones in the absence of treatment or under the influence of other negative factors. At the same time, pimples on the skin differ in external characteristics: shape, size, color, presence of contents, quantity. Let's look at some types of acne.

Watery acne on the body

These formations look like hemispherical vesicles rising above the skin, located in the tissues of the epidermis and containing a clear or slightly cloudy liquid inside. Their color can be either flesh-colored or red or pinkish. Water pimples on the body may indicate the following pathologies:

  1. Scabies - a skin disease provoked by the scabies mite, which initially manifests itself as itchy rashes in the form of nodules, at the next stage turning into blisters, often complicated by a bacterial infection.
  2. Shingles - a pathology caused by activation of the varicella-zoster virus in the body and manifested by multiple pimples on the body on one side along the nerve trunk, preceded by pink edematous spots.
  3. Pemphigus – a rare, severe autoimmune disease, the symptom of which is a painful, watery rash of varying sizes throughout the body, which quickly opens and leaves behind erosions.
  4. Dyshidrosis (dropsy) – multiple pimples on the body with transparent light contents, which itch, open with the formation of painful cracks, the appearance of which is associated with disorders in the endocrine, nervous, and digestive systems.
  5. Photodermatitis - a reaction of skin tissue to solar radiation, manifested by watery pimples of various sizes against a background of redness, often accompanied by severe burning and itching.

Red pimples on the body

Pimples on the body, characterized by a red color, may appear as nodules or spots of varying sizes. In order to determine the origin of such a rash, it is important to take into account what factors the body has been under recently, what foods and medications have been taken, and what other associated symptoms are present. In most cases, this type of rash is associated with the following diseases:

  1. Scabies – if red pimples on the body itch, and the intensity of the itching intensifies in the evening and at night, this may indicate damage to the epidermis by scabies mites, infection of which often occurs through close direct contact with a sick person.
  2. Allergy – reaction to external and internal irritants (food products, medicines, dust, synthetic fabrics, cosmetology and household chemicals, jewelry, etc.).
  3. Syphilis – one of the manifestations of this sexually transmitted disease is a chaotically located painless rash on the body, which at different stages can look like reddish spots, small pinkish-red or bluish bumps, dense purple bumps.
  4. Bacterial meningitis – with inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord caused by meningococci, a bright red nodular rash may appear at an early stage, protruding above the skin and not disappearing with pressure.
  5. Infective endocarditis – this disease affects the tissue of the heart valve and, as one of the manifestations, may have red pimples that do not fade when pressed, subsequently acquiring a brownish tint.
  6. Hemorrhagic vasculitis – aseptic inflammation of the walls of skin vessels with multiple microthrombosis, which may be a complication of some microbial pathologies.
  7. "Children's" infectious diseases – measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox.

White pimples on the body

Often, rashes that have a white or whitish-yellow “head” and are characterized by pain are purulent acne on the body. Such elements appear during infectious and inflammatory processes in tissues; they are filled with cloudy exudate that comes out when pressed. The occurrence of pustular pimples can be caused by the following main factors:

  1. Attachment of a secondary bacterial infection in case of injury or improper care of existing primary rashes (pus is formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms).
  2. Folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of a red spot or nodule around the hair on the skin, from which a purulent pimple soon forms.
  3. Furuncle – a purulent-inflammatory formation that covers the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and a section of connective tissue, often caused by the activity of Staphylococcus aureus.
  4. Acne (pimples) – acne on the body, the appearance of which is largely associated with excess fat formation of the sebaceous glands of the skin and a violation of the process of keratinization of the epithelium.

Large pimples on the body

Large rashes are often deep, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the lower layers of the skin. Such acne on the body is painful, the tissue around it is characterized by swelling and redness. Special care must be taken with them, because given the infectious nature of such acne, there is a high probability of pathogenic microbes spreading throughout the body. After the disappearance of such elements, scars and areas of hyperpigmentation may remain.

Small pimples on the body

Small bumps or spots that appear can cause no less discomfort than large subcutaneous formations, because Often small pimples on the body itch, cause dryness or weeping of tissues, and are dangerous for infection with the development of purulent processes. In addition, a small rash is often a manifestation of dangerous and contagious diseases that require urgent treatment.

Acne on the body - the causes of what disease?

It is not always possible to determine why acne appears on the body through visual inspection alone. In many cases, this requires additional research, which includes:

  1. general blood and urine analysis;
  2. blood chemistry;
  3. blood test for sex hormones, thyroid hormones;
  4. ultrasound examination of the digestive organs;
  5. throat swab analysis;
  6. allergy tests, etc.

Common culprits of body acne include:

  1. changes in hormonal levels;
  2. disorders of digestive and metabolic processes;
  3. psychological and neurological problems;
  4. allergens;
  5. lack of proper hygiene;
  6. wearing low-quality synthetic clothing;
  7. infections.

Acne all over the body - causes

A rash in adults, distributed over the entire surface of the body, can indicate both infectious and non-infectious pathologies: allergies, blood and vascular diseases, acute and chronic infectious diseases transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, and sexual contact. Pathologies provoked by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) are in many cases indicated by general intoxication symptoms: increased body temperature, weakness, headache, nausea.

Some people experience so-called cold pimples on the body - inflammatory bright red painful rashes affecting different areas of the body, associated with hypothermia of the body, decreased immune defense in the autumn-winter period. Athletes who take cold showers after intense training are prone to the appearance of such pimples.

Acne on legs

If the rash is localized on the lower extremities, the probable cause may be associated with allergic manifestations. Using low-quality washing powder, wearing nylon tights, or depilatory products can provoke an inadequate reaction. Often, acne on women's legs occurs when the skin is injured during shaving or due to ingrown hairs. If rashes are present on the feet, in the interdigital areas, this may indicate dyshidrosis or a fungal infection.

Pimples on hands

In people with sensitive skin, allergies in the form of acne on the body, especially on the upper extremities, are a common occurrence. In most cases, this is caused by contact with household chemicals, certain metals, and is provoked by exposure to low temperatures and dry air. The localization of the rash on the palms is characteristic of syphilis, on the hands and between the fingers - for eczema (multiple rashes tend to merge).

Acne on the stomach

If acne on the body itches, focusing in the abdominal area, this may be a manifestation of scabies, dermatosis, psoriasis, or herpes virus infection. Also, such pimples often indicate allergic dermatitis caused by the influence of foods, medications, and external irritants. In people who are prone to obesity, pimples on the stomach often appear in the hot season due to excessive sweating under tight clothing.

Acne on chest and back

In the upper part of the body, so-called hormonal acne can be localized - acne associated with an imbalance of sex hormones in the body. Some women are prone to such rashes throughout their entire lives, with exacerbations associated with the menstrual cycle. Similar formations in the back and chest area are possible with hypothermia, herpes zoster, and psoriasis.

How to get rid of acne on the body?

Since acne on the body appears as a result of a huge number of different factors, many of which can only be identified with a thorough specific examination, it is advisable to consult a doctor if any rash is detected. In addition, if the rash is of infectious origin, the risk of infecting loved ones and others increases with improper treatment.

In some cases, acne treatment may not be required at all - the rash will disappear spontaneously after the underlying disease is cured (for example, in the case of measles, chicken pox, rubella). If pimples occur as a result of allergic reactions, it is important to identify the irritant through skin testing and limit contact with it, as a result of which the rash will stop appearing. A huge role in this is played by following a healthy hypoallergenic diet and normalizing the psycho-emotional state.

For dermatological diseases, acne on the body is treated comprehensively - using local and systemic medications, physiotherapeutic methods, lifestyle adjustments and hygiene rules. Infectious lesions necessarily require the prescription of antibacterial drugs, antifungal or antiviral agents, and external antiseptics.

Body acne remedy

Depending on the type and etiology of skin rashes, medications with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, drying, and disinfecting effects may be prescribed. The use of antihistamines and topical corticosteroids is often required. A specialist can tell you which ointment for acne on the body will have the best effect, and we will look at the list of external remedies that are often prescribed for such problems: