Chatterbox with trichopolum for acne recipe

Acne is a terrible enemy for both young people and older adults. Various tests show that often inexpensive and simple home recipes help to deal with acne much faster.

What it is

What is a talker? The word itself suggests the idea that something needs to be shaken. Therefore, chatterboxes are mixtures that must be mixed until smooth and shaken before use.

Usually the composition includes potent substances such as antibiotics, antiseptics, alcohol, tinctures, sulfur, zinc, etc. It is thanks to these components that a good therapeutic effect occurs.


Ideally, you need to visit a dermatologist, he will check the condition of your skin, find out the cause of acne and write a prescription for mash, which will be prepared by specialists directly at the pharmacy.

How to cook at home, acne mash recipe

You can prepare the medicinal mixture yourself based on the prescription specified by the doctor (provided that the composition does not contain prescription-only ingredients).

To do this, you need to buy the necessary ingredients at the pharmacy, mix them in a glass container in the required proportions and shake well. The finished composition must be poured into a closed dark glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Below are the most common recipes.

With chloramphenicol

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) is an antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect. Thanks to this, pathogenic bacteria that provoke the formation of acne are killed.

It is often used as an antiseptic for purulent formations, burns and other skin lesions.

The most successful recipes:

  1. combine boric and salicylic acid, as well as ethyl in equal proportions (50 ml), add 1 tablet of chloramphenicol to the mixture;
  2. Dissolve 10 tablets of chloramphenicol and metronidazole in 50 ml of ethyl, add 10 ml of boric acid;
  3. Crush 2 tablets of chloramphenicol into powder, add 2.5 g of sulfur and 50 ml of boric acid and ethyl alcohol.

Video: Treatment of rashes, once and for all

With trichopolum

Trichopolum (metranidazole) is also an effective antibiotic. It prevents bacteria from multiplying, thereby gradually minimizing their number on the skin.

Popular recipes:

  1. Crush 4 metronidazole tablets and dissolve in 250 ml of medical alcohol;
  2. Dissolve 6 tablets of trichopolum, streptocide and mumiyo in 100 ml of alcohol. This formulation helps heal the skin and reduce scarring thanks to Shilajit.

With salicylic acid

It has a good drying effect, destroys bacteria on the skin and reduces the secretion of sebum.

The acid even copes with post-acne spots, penetrating deep into the skin and stimulating blood flow to the affected areas.

Thanks to its ability to dissolve fat, salicyl can reduce the number of blackheads or make them completely invisible. Although the face can be wiped with regular salicylic acid, when mixed with other active substances, the effect will be more noticeable.

Some recipes:

  1. Mix 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid with 6-7 g of sulfur, mix, apply before bed;
  2. Mix 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid with 6-7 g of zinc. Apply this solution in the morning;
  3. hydrogen peroxide, camphor and ammonia, take 4 tablespoons each, add 50 ml of water and 20 ml of salicylic acid.

With calendula

Calendula has an anti-inflammatory effect and has regenerative properties. Thanks to it, you can get rid of acne scars and spots. It is able to draw out pus from deep formations and reduces the production of subcutaneous fat.


  1. add ten crushed aspirin and erythromycin tablets to a jar of calendula tincture (100 ml);
  2. Grind chloramphenicol and paracetamol into powder (12 pieces each) and add tincture to the jar.

Possible complications

Among the complications, an allergic reaction most often occurs in the form of redness, itching, swelling and rashes. This is due to the individual characteristics of the skin.

How to use it correctly

The first thing you need to do is cleanse your face. To do this, you do not need to use rough washcloths, brushes or scrubs. It is enough to clean with regular washing soap or gel and let the skin dry.

After this, you need to apply a small amount of the composition on a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. It is better to use no more than once a day so as not to dry out the skin. If your skin is prone to dryness, you can dilute the composition with water and apply it directly to pimples.

After 15-20, when the product is absorbed, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with cream. This applies even to those with oily skin. If the skin is too dry, it can provoke the release of even more subcutaneous fat.

The same composition should not be used for more than 2 weeks, as bacterial resistance to antibiotics may develop. It is better to replace the composition or take a break for 2 weeks.

If acne appears due to hormonal changes in the body (for example, before menstruation), then you can use the mash 5 days before.

Ichthyol ointment for acne. More details here.

Pharmaceutical composition

In the pharmacy you can find ready-made chatterboxes that do not require a prescription or preparation.

Boltushka Propeller

It contains salicylic acid, lactulose and zinc. Thanks to the components, an antibacterial and drying effect is achieved. Lactulose stimulates skin regeneration and wound healing. And zinc relieves inflammation.

Judging by the reviews, those with moderate to mild acne can expect the effect. Available in a volume of 25 ml. And the price is quite symbolic - about 100 rubles.

Vidal's milk

A very simple remedy that fights one of the causes of rashes - demodex mites. You can get the mixture either according to a recipe or without it.

The composition includes ethyl and camphor alcohol, boric and salicylic acid, glycerin and sulfur. Sometimes some kind of antibiotic may be added to the composition.

The drug is quite strong and has a specific smell, which may cause allergies in some. Therefore, before purchasing, it is better to consult a dermatologist and he will write a prescription with proportions that are right for you.

The composition must be applied to clean, dry skin once a day. Avoid contact with wounds and warts. After application, moisturize the skin with cream after 30 minutes.


It is zinc oxide in liquid form. It has an anti-inflammatory, drying and antiseptic effect.

The drug is used for various skin diseases, including heat rash in children. Therefore, it can be used by both children and pregnant women without fear of side effects.

Treats wounds, burns, bedsores, herpes and eczema.

The bottle must be shaken thoroughly. The suspension is applied to clean, dry skin in a thin layer and left on the skin for several hours. After a while, rinse with warm water. For greater effect, you can apply the mixture overnight.


One of the most famous drugs for acne. It can also be called a chatterbox, since it comes in two bottles that need to be mixed and shaken.

It contains erythromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc. It is great for reducing oily skin, killing harmful bacteria and clearing the skin. The prepared mixture can only be used within 5 weeks after preparation.


Boltushki are quite aggressive drugs and can be used as an emergency means of combating rashes. Usually the result is noticeable after just a few uses.

But they will not help with severe forms of acne. Also, the effect will only be temporary if the rash is associated with an internal problem (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders).


Bolts cannot be used:

  1. children under 7 years old;
  2. pregnant, breastfeeding;
  3. if you have an intolerance or allergy to any component;
  4. owners of delicate and sensitive skin.

Side effect

Since some recipes use antibiotics, an allergic reaction may occur.

But one of the main drawbacks is dry skin. Each recipe uses large amounts of alcohol or acids, which can be very drying to your skin.

This can be avoided if you do not forget to sufficiently moisturize the skin with creams and do not apply mash too often (once a day).

Photo: Before and after

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How to treat internal acne on the face? The answer is here.

Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed, fester, hurt and itch, and they also cause psychological discomfort when they appear on visible parts of the body.

How is chatter beneficial for the skin?

There are many different recipes for making mash; using different components allows you to achieve the necessary results depending on the specifics of the problem that has arisen.

Among the positive properties that the product has are:

    1. Shredder with salicylic acid

      If it is impossible to use Levomycetin, it can be excluded from the composition, making salicylic acid the main component.

      There are various ways to prepare such a mash; one effective recipe is described in detail below: