Boric acid with water

Every family first aid kit contains an antiseptic. This can be hydrogen peroxide or boric acid, and the latter medical drug is more in demand and is used in many medical fields. When treating, it is important to understand the difference between boric alcohol and boric acid, so as not to harm your health.

What is boric acid

It is recommended to use local antiseptics against pathogenic flora, for example, for wounds and scratches. Boric acid is just such a medical preparation that has pronounced bactericidal, disinfectant, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties directly on the site of pathology. Its chemical formula is H₃BO₃. The action is aimed at exterminating protozoa, skin parasites, and bacteria. A distinctive feature is the ability to accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis and prevent the development of pathogenic flora.

Boric acid - application

This antiseptic drug has several forms of release, including powder, medicinal solution, ointment. If the powder form is indicated to be prepared immediately before use, then the bactericidal medicinal ointment is best stored in the refrigerator, according to the expiration date. The use of boric acid is appropriate for the following clinical pictures:

  1. extensive skin lesions of an infectious nature;
  2. in complex treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  3. intensive therapy for pediculosis;
  4. inflammatory processes ENT practices;
  5. infectious lesions of the mucous membranes.

In ear

If the ear canal begins to hurt, you should not endure such lumbago, it’s time to put this time-tested antiseptic into practice. Boric acid is instilled into the ears only on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist, otherwise such a procedure can harm health and cause complications. If there are no medical contraindications, the doctor gives valuable recommendations. Treatment of the ear with boric acid involves two directions for using an alcohol solution:

  1. Use as drops, performing 2 emissions from a pipette into each ear canal. Perform this home procedure up to 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of pain completely disappear.
  2. Pre-moisten a cotton swab and then temporarily place it in the ear canal where it hurts. The composition will begin to act immediately, and the unpleasant sensations will subside within half an hour. For both cases, it is important to discuss the question of whether boric acid can be dripped into the ear individually with an otolaryngologist.

For acne

For severe acne, this remedy, proven by generations, is also indicated, which costs a penny in the pharmacy. Boric acid for acne on the face is a publicly available method, but it is first important to make sure that the body is not hypersensitive to the active substances. Dermatologists advise using an alcohol tincture, which can effectively treat visible foci of pathology. It will be possible to completely get rid of acne in the shortest possible time, since the medicinal composition has a drying, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect.

For eyes

Since the mucous membranes are highly sensitive, doctors advise using only an aqueous solution, which is also effective against increased activity of pathogenic flora. Boric acid in the eyes is appropriate for conjunctivitis; it can be used at home only after an individual consultation with an ophthalmologist. If you drop 2 drops on each eye, the inflammatory process weakens within 2-3 days. Use the medicine until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

The real help of this medication is appropriate against the background of local use of antibiotics. This auxiliary agent accelerates the therapeutic effect and ensures rapid recovery for an adult patient or child. The instructions indicate contraindications and side effects, which you should read carefully before starting the course. This is especially true for interested patients during pregnancy.

From cockroaches

If there are harmful insects at home, you should not spend money on expensive products. In practice, a proven folk recipe for preparing poison really helps. Boric acid is especially effective against cockroaches; the main thing is not to violate the proportions or change the ingredients. The folk recipe for creating bait to destroy such annoying pests is as follows:

  1. Break the egg, remove only the raw yolk, which causes increased appetite among pests. To kill cockroaches, grind it in a bowl and add 50 grams of powder. Bring the mixture to the consistency of dough, then prepare portioned balls from it, which are then placed in the corners of the apartment. The poison acts instantly.
  2. To remove pests, you can boil an egg, one raw potato, add boron hydroxide, thereby preparing a poisonous puree to remove household pests. Form the composition into balls, which can be used at home to effectively poison cockroaches.

From ants

If even smaller insects appear in a living room, it is important for a person to exterminate them in a timely manner. Boric acid against ants in the apartment is an effective poison, the recipe for which can be prepared at home. The basis is minced meat or fish, bread, boiled potatoes or eggs, to which a poisonous ingredient is added. If you don’t have time to prepare the balls, spraying the room will help, but first, according to the instructions, it needs to be diluted with water. The poisoning of parasites is immediate, the main thing is to first remove the child and animals from the premises.

From carbon deposits

Cleaning the outer walls of frying pans and pots gives the housewife a lot of trouble, since carbon deposits are very difficult to remove, especially if it gets under the handles. In order not to waste money on expensive household chemicals, powder or alcohol tincture can be used to wash such kitchen utensils. You don’t have to dilute the percentage composition, but it’s better to use rubber seals for washing dishes.

The boric acid solution acts instantly, so there is no need for additional salt or alkali. If necessary, the three components can be combined in one cleaning composition, mixed thoroughly, and used to clean different surfaces. Boric acid for removing carbon deposits is an affordable and high-quality dishwashing product.

Boric acid for plants

People who garden are well aware of how to dilute boric acid into powder, as it is an effective liquid fertilizer. For example, if you spray tomatoes according to the instructions, the harvest will pleasantly please you with juicy and rich fruits. Boric acid for plants is considered a reliable protector against all pests that strive to destroy the root system.

Boric acid price

Boric powder is sold in pharmacies, like other forms of this medicine. Adults and children can take it, but only according to the instructions and recommendation of the attending physician. Prices are minimal, no prescription required. Therefore, this medicine replenishes almost every family medicine cabinet. The prices for this medical drug are as follows and depend on the form of release of pharmacological products:

  1. - boric acid powder;
  2. - water.
  1. boric acid powder

  1. Boric acid powder, warm boiled water.

The content of the article

Indications for use of boric acid

Boric acid has many indications for its use. An aqueous solution of such a drug is recommended to be used to apply lotions directly to weeping lesions of dermatitis. In addition, it can be actively used for washing the skin in case of red acne. A two percent aqueous solution can be used as a rinse for the mouth, pharynx and pharynx, as well as for rinsing the urinary tract.

A saturated solution of boric acid helps cure pityriasis versicolor. To do this, you need to rub this medicine into the lesions once a day for a week. It is worth considering that after the rash disappears, you should continue to rub the area of ​​former lesions with the medication several times a week for about a month. The alcoholic content of boric acid has an antiseptic and antipruritic effect and is used to wipe the skin around areas of pyoderma.

The powder form of this medication is usually used for blowing into the ear for ear diseases. In addition, the powder in combination with an alcohol solution is used as ear drops, as well as for wetting turundas in the presence of chronic otitis media. Ointments containing boric acid are used for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and dermatomycosis.

Also, five percent boric ointment is used in case of dry and cracked skin. Boric acid foot baths help cure diseases such as hyperhidrosis. In addition, for fungal infections of the feet and diaper rash, this remedy is widely used in the form of a powder for sprinkling.

Cockroaches are the most common household pests. To combat them, we must use all available means. After all, these insects carry many serious diseases. Cockroaches quickly get used to the use of drugs against them, but liquid boric acid is rarely used, the insect body has not had time to adapt to it.

Basic data

Many chemicals are used in the fight against cockroaches, but only boric acid has not lost its relevance over many years of use. It has a special effect on insects that are unable to resist it.

Boric acid is defined in chemistry as a weak acid, the chemical formula is H3BO3. It has the appearance of white crystals in the form of scales, tasteless and odorless. It is poorly soluble in water. The melting point is 170 0 C, at which the structure of the substance and its chemical composition change.

Boric acid is extracted from hot springs, a special mineral - sassolin, which contains boron. There are not many reserves of pure substances in nature. Widely used:

  1. in industry;
  2. nuclear energy;
  3. jewelry making;
  4. medicine;
  5. photos;
  6. ceramics production;
  7. as a fertilizer.

In the household it successfully fights cockroaches; in gardens it is effectively used against red ants. The widespread use of boric acid is due to its properties. Natural origin makes it more popular, since the product is well tolerated and does not cause allergies.

Purchasing the drug

Our readers recommend!

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Boric acid is sold in the form of powder, ointment, alcohol solution, liniment (this is a thick mass, reminiscent of jelly, it melts at body temperature). Depending on the use of boric acid, it can be purchased in hardware stores, pharmacies, online stores, and cosmetics departments.

The price depends on the release form. A package of powder (10 g) costs approximately 35–50 rubles. An alcohol solution (3%) with a volume of 25 ml will cost about 20 rubles.

Tabakov family, Kursk:

We use boric acid against cockroaches. A reliable product that works well against ants. All insects don't like her. Now we’ve read about the solution, let’s try to use it.

Effect on cockroaches

The use of boric acid is harmful to pests. What is dangerous for them is the structure of the substance itself. Acid crystals with their sharp edges cause numerous wounds to insects, which take a long time and heal poorly. The flakes of the substance stick to the body of the parasites and prick them. The effect intensifies when insects try to clean crystals of the substance from their shells. In this case, the organs of vision and other functions are damaged, paralysis and death of the pest occurs.

When a toxic substance gets into the cockroach's food, internal organs suffer. Small particles lead to abrasion of the insides and death of the parasite. Boric acid has a sterilizing effect. The next generations of pests cannot reproduce with the same fertility. With regular use of boron-containing toxic substances, domestic insects can be successfully removed.

Effective use of the solution

Success in using a toxic substance depends on correct application. A popular technique is to make bait from boric acid products and powder, as well as distribute the powder in places where pests accumulate. But domestic parasites can live without food for quite a long time, and it is difficult for them to live without water. A poisoned cockroach only needs a drop of water to restore its health.

Based on this feature, methods have been developed to get rid of uninvited guests using a solution of boric acid. The powder is good to use if the owners leave home for a long time, for example, on vacation, and do not have the opportunity to often change the poisonous agent. In such cases, the poisonous drug is scattered in corners, under the sink, in the bathroom, behind the toilet. Cockroaches, even running over particles of powder, will grab it on their paws.

It will be more effective to use an aqueous solution, since water is more important for these insects. They cannot live without it for more than two days. It is preferable to use an aqueous solution if necessary to get rid of domestic parasites faster. It should be possible to change the water with the poisonous agent more often, and all individuals should drink the poisonous water.

Making the solution

Preparing a boric acid solution to remove cockroaches is not an easy task. Firstly, this substance is poorly soluble. Secondly, it is advisable to make the solution saturated so that as much of the toxic composition as possible gets into the insects.

Typically, for therapeutic procedures, dilute one small spoon per 200 ml of water. To remove domestic parasites, you need to dissolve 2 large heaped spoons in 200 ml of water. It is better to take warm water to speed up the dissolution of acid crystals. Since boric acid is odorless, to attract pests you need to mix honey or broth in water.

I tried the boric acid solution on the advice of my neighbors. Surprisingly very successful. I fill it with hot water. It dissolves faster this way, almost with boiling water.

Room treatment

Before exterminating household pests, the premises are prepared. Necessary:

  1. close the water taps;
  2. remove access to all products;
  3. check the joints of water pipes for leaks;
  4. wipe the sinks in the kitchen and bathroom dry to prevent cockroaches from accessing the water;
  5. remove wet wipes and sponges;
  6. Move vases and pots with indoor plants to other rooms or cover them with plastic bags, since domestic parasites are able to take water from the soil.

When using an aqueous solution of boric acid, it is important to block access to water other than poisoned water. Cockroaches should have no choice.

An aqueous solution of boric acid must be poured into small containers, such as jar lids. Place in places that are often visited by insects - parasites. This is not difficult to determine by the presence of feces that they leave behind.

Be sure to leave poisoned water next to the trash can, under the kitchen sink, behind food cabinets, and behind the refrigerator. In the room, water poison is placed in the corners, behind the cabinets. The aqueous solution must be changed after 2–3 days. The powder may settle because it is poorly soluble. During this time, cockroaches can drink all the water. The fragrant bait will lose its attractiveness, insects will not approach the water.

Precautionary measures

Boric acid is dangerous if ingested in large quantities. For children, 4 g is enough, for an adult – from 15 to 20 g. The substance has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin and mucous membranes, so boric acid should only be used with gloves.

Do not spill acid solution on yourself. If this happens, rinse skin with plenty of water. Getting boric acid into your eyes is also dangerous. They are also washed with running water; it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist to prevent damage to the eyeball.

In the human body, acid accumulates in the internal organs, which is why treatment with this remedy is never long-term. When using the drug, you need to make sure that it is not eaten by pets or small children.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The effectiveness of the effect on domestic parasites will depend on the positive and negative qualities of the chemical. Based on these properties, the best drugs for killing cockroaches are selected. The “pros” and “cons” of a boric acid solution are clearly presented in the table.

Advantages Flaws
Effective for adults. The toxic substance does not have a harmful effect on cockroach eggs.
Safe for people, pets With prolonged use, it can be addictive to insects.
It has no odor, so you don’t have to leave the room while the room is being treated. It does not have an attractive smell for insects; you have to add a tasty, aromatic bait. It needs to be changed over time, as it loses its attractiveness to parasites.
Has a low cost.
Easy to prepare and use at home.

Boric acid solution has been used for many years, which proves its effectiveness.

Svetlana I., Yakutsk:

I don't feel comfortable fiddling with solutions. I use powder out of habit. I clean out the trash can and tidy up the kitchen.

The effect of boric acid on humans and animals

When using many poisonous substances for cockroaches, people and pets must leave their homes for a while, ventilate the premises, and then carry out general cleaning. After all, chemicals are often dangerous for all living beings, not only for insects - parasites.

It's a completely different matter when using boric acid. This product is used in rooms where there are small children and pets. It is harmless to humans and even helps fight some problems. Boric acid is used for facial peeling, as part of a whitening mask, and successfully fights acne. Acid solution is used to treat diaper rash, eczema, and colpitis.

But you need to make sure that the animals do not drink the sweet solution of boric acid or eat poisoned bait. Boric acid accumulates in tissues and in large quantities negatively affects the functioning of the body.


Exterminating domestic parasites is not an easy task, especially if it happens in apartment buildings or the neighbors do not share the desire to get rid of cockroaches. House parasites have not been able to adapt to boric acid for many years; humans have successfully used this to exterminate them.

A solution of boric acid is not as convenient to use compared to powder. After all, in a dry form, the drug does not need to be changed so often, and you do not need to monitor the contents of the drinkers. But cockroaches will become infected faster and more readily through water. They cannot do without water, so they will be forced to drink it even if it is poisoned. But instead of bait with a poisonous agent, insects are able to feed on other even inedible objects - paper, dirt, hair. The only things they don't eat are glass and some types of plastic. To effectively combat cockroaches, all methods must be used simultaneously.