Techniques and Techniques of Chinese Massage

tion gradually increases. Pushing is performed to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as to reduce muscle tension.5. Thrusting. This technique is performed with the fingertips and is used for pinpoint stimulation. Sticking can improve blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as relieve tension in the muscles. When performing the thrusting technique, the finger should be directed perpendicular to the point being massaged. You should start with slow and gentle movements, and then the intensity of stimulation increases.6. Vibration. This technique is performed with your fingertips and is aimed at improving blood circulation and lymph flow. Vibration also helps relieve muscle tension and reduce pain. When performing the vibration technique, the finger should move up and down quickly and rhythmically.7. Cutting. This technique is performed with the edge of the palm and is aimed at improving blood circulation and lymph flow. Cutting also helps relieve muscle tension and reduce pain. When performing a cutting technique, the palm should be directed perpendicular to the point being massaged, and the movements should be fast and rhythmic.

Chinese massage, also known as tuina, is one of the oldest healing methods in China. It is based on the theory that the health of the body depends on the free flow of energy, called chi, throughout the body. Through acupressure you can influence this flow of energy and achieve harmony in the body.

Chinese massage includes various techniques, each of which has its own specifics and is aimed at improving certain body functions. They can be used either separately or in combination with each other, depending on the purpose of the massage and the patient’s condition.

Kneading is the first technique of Chinese massage and helps prepare the tissues for more intense effects. Pressure is the main technique of acupressure and is aimed at achieving the effect of stimulating the point. Rubbing, pushing, thrusting, vibration and cutting are used to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, reduce muscle tension and pain.

When performing acupressure, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his condition and sensitivity to the effects. Some techniques may be more effective in certain cases and less effective in others.

Chinese massage can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and symptoms, such as back, neck and joint pain, headaches, sleep disorders, depression, arthritis, bronchial asthma and many others. It can also be used to prevent disease and maintain overall health.

Chinese massage can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other treatment methods, such as herbal teas, acupuncture, hygiene procedures, etc. When performed correctly, Chinese massage is a safe and effective treatment, but you should consult a qualified professional before using it.