How to apply makeup after 40

A woman over 40 usually looks quite attractive. However, certain age-related changes still make themselves felt.

Proper makeup that takes into account age-related features will help highlight beauty and hide some defects.

How to prepare aging skin?

First of all, before applying makeup, the skin, and especially if it already has signs of aging begin to appear, must be well moistened.

Start the procedure with light day cream, corresponding to your skin type.

Also, the product must have a sun protection factor of at least 30. This will help prevent early aging.

If a dense texture cream is suitable in the evening, then during the day it will be a light emulsion is enough, especially in the warm season.

In winter, you need to use nourishing fatty creams that will help hide small wrinkles when using foundation. After forty years it is recommended to use lifting creams.

If your skin is oily, you can apply mattifying creams locally. They will help get rid of oily shine. It is also recommended to always have matting wipes on hand.

Step-by-step instruction

After you've moisturized your skin, be sure to apply primer. Use a palette of color correctors to hide skin imperfections (greenish hides redness, orange hides dark circles under the eyes).

Then apply foundation.

And around the eyes you can apply lighter base to disguise dark circles. However, if your circles are light, skip this step. After the face is ready, proceed to eye and lip makeup, which will involve the following sequence:

  1. Take white or light blue shimmer shadows and blend them around the eyes near the base of the upper and lower eyelashes.
  2. Apply matte eye shadow to the area under the eyebrow Ivory.
  3. Now we need to take more dark shadows brownish-gray tone and apply them to the crease of the eyelid, blending thoroughly.
  4. Apply gently to the base of the upper eyelashes. black pressed eyeliner. Towards the outer edge of the eye its line should become thicker.
  5. Apply to the inner edge of the lower eyelid white pencil.
  6. Emphasize your cheekbones with powder blush coral or pinkish tint.
  7. For lips, you can use a pink color that matches their natural tone. If desired, you can add a little pearlescent glitter in the middle.

This is just one option, but the anti-aging techniques recommended by makeup artists include: worth adopting all women are over 40.

You can learn how to properly do makeup for women over 50 from our article.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Daytime makeup rules

Daytime makeup for women over 40 should look as natural as possible and does not take much time, but its task is to hide flaws and highlight advantages. The rules for its creation will be as follows:

  1. First, cleanse and moisturize your skin.
  2. Apply to the nasolabial folds and under the eyes corrector.
  3. Powder of a darker tone can be used for light face sculpting. Use it to darken the hairline, the area under the cheekbones and the distance from the chin to the neck.
  4. Highlighter can be used to highlight certain areas. Apply it to the middle of the chin, the bridge of the nose, the area above the upper lip and above the cheekbones, as well as under the eyebrows.
  5. Eyebrow line It is better to draw with a soft pencil, after combing them.

This makeup does not involve an emphasis on either the lips or the eyes. His highlight – in perfectly clean and smooth skin.

What should an evening look be like?

evening make-up should be more expressive than daytime, but an abundance of cosmetics and bright colors is still not allowed. You can use warm pastel shades to create beautiful transitions.

  1. To camouflage vascular mesh on the face, you can use
greenish tint corrector.

Errors in creation

In the process of creating makeup, you can make mistakes that will not rejuvenate you, but, on the contrary, will add several years. The most common among them are the following:

  1. too thick layer of foundation. It looks heavy and focuses attention on the shortcomings. In age makeup, one layer is enough. Excess can be blotted with a paper napkin;
  2. too bright colors. They will look ridiculous and can emphasize age;
  3. pearlescent shadows. After 40 it is recommended to use matte dry shadows;
  4. clear lip gloss. It is better to choose matte glosses or lipsticks;
  5. black eyeliner. It must be used very carefully, and it is better to replace it with gray or brown;
  6. plenty of powder. It should be used only when necessary to hide oily shine;
  7. abundance of carcass. It is not at all necessary to dye the lower eyelashes;

Recommendations from makeup artists

In addition to everything that has already been said, women over 40 who want look young and attractive, makeup artists recommend the following recommendations:

  1. Must have in your cosmetic bag
BB cream.

Also, thanks to them, you can hide certain skin imperfections, for example, fine wrinkles and nearby blood vessels.

Another necessary tool - corrector with lifting effect. It will help both tighten the skin and disguise imperfections. Whiten Eye Cream That Helps fight wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. Hydration is essential at your age. Don't forget about makeup base. It will help fill in wrinkles, ensure smoothness of the skin, and cosmetics will fit better on it.

Competently created anti-aging makeup will make you look younger, fresher and more attractive. It's not that difficult to make. The main thing is to remember moderation and know what exactly suits you personally.

You can learn how to properly apply makeup after 40 years of age from the video:

How beautiful and well-groomed a woman is depends not on her age, but on her ability and desire to take care of herself. Not everyone is gifted with an advantageous appearance by nature, but in youth, purely natural data helps out - delicate elastic skin, hair and nails that have not yet suffered from risky experiments

The age after 40 is a time when beauty does not depend on what nature gave you, but on what you can do for yourself to look better. The period of bold experiments is over, the focus is on making a natural, healthy look part of the everyday look. What is held in high esteem is not flashiness, but elegant restraint, not reckless adherence to fashion, but the choice of high-quality decorative and medicinal cosmetics.

It will take patience, experience and self-respect to master the art of makeup that is appropriate for adulthood. Now there are many means to avoid the early appearance of signs of skin aging, on the one hand, and to hide those imperfections that inevitably appear with age, on the other. Anti-aging makeup plays a significant role in this.

Benefits and Features

To choose the right cosmetics, you need to know the features of makeup after the age of 40. First of all, all products must be of high quality and hypoallergenic, since the skin no longer recovers as quickly as it did at 20 years old. Makeup after 40, which makes you look younger, is based on the following rules:

  1. A lighter foundation will help restore the fresh and radiant appearance lost with age to your skin. The cream should be lighter than the usual product, as a rule, by 1 tone. The light texture will help distribute it more evenly. The cream must have a water base and a high SPF factor. Another trick is to use a reflective foundation to compensate for the lost natural radiance of the skin. It is advisable to use a greenish-colored corrective product underneath, which will help hide dilated blood vessels.
  2. Blush should be chosen in a delicate natural shade: beige, light pink, but not bronze. It is better to choose creamy blush, thanks to which the skin will receive additional moisture.
  3. It is better to use loose powder. It masks wrinkles well and dulls oily shine.

Makeup after 45 that makes you look younger: step-by-step instructions

Women at any age want to be beautiful and attract admiring male glances.

It happens that in her youth, having chosen one or two makeup styles, a woman continues to use them for many years. But over time, everything changes: fashion changes, our skin changes, facial features change - and what looked cute and harmonious on a young face will not necessarily look the same on the face of an adult woman.

In this article we will reveal the secrets of makeup for women of mature age, that is, after 45-50 years.

When applying daytime youthful makeup for women 40+, it is recommended to treat facial skin in the following order:

  1. We mask rosacea and pigmentation with concealer;
  2. under the eyes - corrector;
  3. for the T-zone - CC cream;
  4. on the cheekbones - peach blush;
  5. fix the result with powder.


  1. Apply a thin layer of foundation to your face and carefully blend it over your face and chin.
  2. Choose creams that are lighter rather than darker tones. A dark foundation can highlight even the smallest wrinkles. A light tone, on the contrary, will make your face look fresher and, if it doesn’t hide it, will definitely reduce wrinkles around the eyes.
  3. The foundation must contain moisturizers, vitamins A, E and C, and peptides.
  4. Apply foundation not along folds and wrinkles, but across them. This way you will avoid creating a mask effect on your face.
  5. If you want to hide dark circles under your eyes with foundation, apply it to this area not very thickly and not very heavily - this will only highlight fine wrinkles.

  1. Choose loose powder - it should be combined with foundation and at the same time smooth out all the unevenness of the skin.
  2. Use powder of the same tone as the cream, maybe a little lighter, but not darker.
  3. Don't be afraid to apply powder liberally to your face—loose powder won't clog pores or highlight wrinkles.

Eye makeup

The eyes and eyebrow line should be given special attention.

It is recommended to visually raise the corners of the eyes. In everyday situations, arrows clearly drawn with a gray or brown pencil are sufficient.

  1. The color of the shadows is of primary importance in eye makeup after 40 years. If possible, you should abandon eyeliner or replace it with shadows or a colored pencil of a soft, delicate shade.
  1. Will give a healthy, rested look to the face after 40 years of shadows colors of ice cream, peach, champagne, as well as gray, soft brown, olive shades. Brick, golden, and beige shadows can make your eye makeup more noble.
  1. The texture of the shadows should be matte, the color is preferable to pastel shades. This will make the makeup noble, stylish, and discreet. For those with Asian eyes, green, golden, and caramel shades are perfect. Pink pigment should be avoided. The technique of applying and shading eye shadow for Asian eyes can be learned from the photo.

  1. Eyebrows need to be combed thoroughly, all excess hairs removed, and shadows of a suitable shade applied: dark gray, light brown. If you wish, you can have your hair dyed in a salon: an experienced technician will select the ideal shade, form an eyebrow line of the correct shape and thickness.
  1. After 40 years, you should stop dyeing your lower eyelashes. This technique will visually open your eyes.

Lipstick and blush in age makeup

The use of blush is mandatory. The right shade (peach, very light) will refresh an aging face.

  1. Lips should absolutely not be drawn with a bright pencil.
  2. Visually, you should strive for greater plumpness, because after 40 years, the density of the skin and the plumpness of the lips are irrevocably lost.
  3. You need to outline the outline with a colorless or contour pencil that matches the tone of the lipstick, and apply lipstick of a neutral shade.
  4. Scarlet, burgundy, dark purple, raspberry lipstick visually ages.
  5. But the use of lip products with a volume effect or a wet shine is acceptable.

Confidence in your own beauty, a radiant look and a happy smile perfectly complement anti-age makeup.

And remember, after 40 life is just beginning!

Makeup after 40 that makes you look younger: step-by-step instructions and tips for choosing cosmetics

Creating makeup is a whole science, a special art that takes quite a lot of time. In addition, with properly done makeup, natural beauty can only be improved. How to properly apply makeup after 40 that makes you look younger?

All cosmetics must be selected taking into account your age, type of appearance, eye and hair color. With age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, it becomes dull, and noticeable wrinkles appear. This also needs to be taken into account when doing makeup. After all, you won’t be able to keep your skin young all the time, no matter how expensive or good cosmetics you use; this process can only be delayed a little and made less noticeable.

At any age, a woman wants to remain attractive and well-groomed, so you should know some of the nuances of applying makeup, and women over 40 are no exception. As you age, it is also worth spending more time on self-care.

Makeup artists recommend that all women, without exception, over 40 years old have the following cosmetics:

  1. BB cream is a universal product; it can be used as a foundation, as a primer or as a day cream. The texture is very light, applies softly, but at the same time hides fine wrinkles and spider veins.
  2. Corrector with lifting effect. It helps not only hide imperfections, but also tightens the skin.
  3. Eye cream. After the age of 40, the skin needs constant hydration, and in this way you can hide small wrinkles.
  4. Makeup base. With its help, the skin will become smooth, and subsequent cosmetic products will adhere better.

And it is equally important to do makeup correctly, because with its help you can look stylish, beautiful and a little younger than you really are. In any case, it is worth observing moderation and selecting exactly those products that are suitable in composition and color scheme.

The step-by-step technique for doing makeup after 40 years is as follows:

  1. Next, you should use a primer to hide skin imperfections. In this case, it is worth using the color palette of correctors. Green color hides redness of the skin, but orange disguises dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Also, what type of cream to use depends on the time of year. In the summer, you can use a cream with a fairly light texture, but in the winter, you need to use nourishing creams. It is best if the creams have a lifting effect. Before continuing the makeup procedure, you must wait until the cream is absorbed. Excess can be removed with a dry cloth.
  3. Thorough moisturizing of the facial skin, as at the age of 40+ small signs of skin aging begin to appear. A day cream that matches your skin type and UV should be 30+ is perfect for this. Before applying evening makeup, it is better to use a cream with a thicker texture.
  4. Apply a thin layer of foundation to your face.

  1. The next step involves drawing in the eyebrows. To do this, we comb the eyebrows with a special brush, then take a soft pencil and draw the outline of the eyebrows; it should not be too long and wide. Then, using shadows, lightly fill in the eyebrows inside the contour. For blondes, it is better to use a taupe pencil shade, while for brunettes, brown-black is perfect. Accordingly, select the same shadows to fill the contour. In addition, it is worth making a slight bend in the eyebrows, which will help visually lift the upper eyelid.
  2. Now the eye makeup itself. The color palette can be different, it depends on the external data and the purpose of the makeup - everyday or festive. Let's look at the example of brown eyes.

For brown eyes, all shades of brown are suitable. Which shade is preferable depends on the iris of the eye. Apply a darker color of the selected shadows to the moving eyelid, and a slightly lighter color to the lower one. The boundaries between different shades of shadows are carefully shaded. If the eye is dark in color, then you should use bronze, brown or green shadows with the same eyeliner. Lightly draw on the eyelashes with mascara; just blink a few times. You should not apply mascara to your lower eyelashes. This completes the eye makeup. In the photo you can see the result of applying makeup for brown eyes.

  1. Now it’s time to do your lip makeup. First, select the shade of lipstick. Depending on the type of makeup - everyday or festive - we use lip gloss or long-lasting lipstick.
  2. The final steps will be applying a thin layer of powder and blush. It is better to use loose powder, also matching the composition to your skin type. Blush is applied to the protruding parts of the cheeks; for this you need to smile slightly. It is better to use beige or peach color.

You can clearly see step-by-step instructions for creating youthful makeup for women over 40 in the video below.

Video on the topic of the article

How to do makeup that makes your face look younger: revealing the secrets of women after 40

Every year, women discover more and more signs of aging on their faces - wrinkles, sagging skin, ptosis, jowls, double chin, etc. Undoubtedly, skincare products play the first fiddle in the anti-age program. But anti-aging makeup can also work real miracles, allowing you to lose your true age by 5 years, or even more. Don't believe me? It's time to experience it for yourself!

Distinctive features

What kind of make-up should be that will rejuvenate the face and hide the true age? If you are over 35, try to ensure that it meets the following rules:

  1. The shades are extremely light, from a pastel range (beige, gray, olive, ivory).
  2. There should not be any bright colors.
  3. The lines are soft, the transitions of tones are imperceptible, a light combination of muted shades, the absence of clear contrasts that will only emphasize wrinkles.
  4. The cosmetics are light and airy (not dense in structure).
  5. No glitter, shimmer, or pearl.
  6. Be sure to use BB or CC cream.
  7. Particular attention is paid to eyebrows, which must be tinted after 35-40.
  8. Contouring for clearer lines of the oval face must be flawless.
  9. Multilayer application techniques are excluded.

But these are just the basics. If you want to look flawless even at Balzac age, you will have to delve a little deeper into the technique of applying it.

Step-by-step recommendations

Study the rules outlined for individual parts of the face. This will allow you to choose those postulates that need to be accepted first. For example, age-related pigmentation should be masked with foundation, bags under the eyes with concealer, and smudged lips with appropriate contouring.

  1. Work with concealer first to remove bags under your eyes.
  2. If necessary, pigmentation, spider veins and skin unevenness can be hidden with a corrector.
  3. Instead of foundation, after 35 it is better to start using BB cream.
  4. The powder should be translucent and match the natural color of the skin. Do not apply it to the area around the eyes, otherwise the crow's feet will become clogged with its microparticles and appear even more pronounced.
  5. Choose pastel shades of blush and carefully blend them on your cheekbones.
  1. Anti-aging eye makeup after 40 excludes any pearl.
  2. The ideal shade of eyeshadow is linen. They can be applied to the eyebrows and the movable part of the eyelids.
  3. Draw arrows with a liquid liner. Leave the pencil in the past. It is also better not to use black color for eyeliner.
  4. The lower eyelid can be painted on with shadows or liner only in evening style.
  5. When highlighting the outer corners, try not to touch the crow's feet. which are instantly visible under decorative cosmetics.
  6. The length of the eyebrows should be that golden mean: long ones will add a couple of years to you, short ones will create a comical effect.
  7. Be sure to color your eyebrows to match your hair with tinted powder, eye shadow or pencil.
  8. Mascara can be of any color and with any additional effect (volume, lengthening). The main thing is to apply it in 1 layer and not on the lower eyelashes (this will emphasize dark circles and bags under the eyes).
  1. Contouring is required, but it should be invisible. To do this, take a pencil whose color will match the natural shade of your lips.
  2. At this age, cosmetologists insist on using moisturizing tinted balms.
  3. If it is lipstick, then it should be matte.
  4. If you want gloss, drip it exclusively into the center of your lips and then blend it out.

Makeup artists say that ladies over 40 need to re-learn how to apply make-up. After all, it is from this moment that there is a need to hide age-related changes.

Common mistakes

In addition to all the previous nuances, we reveal the secrets of anti-aging makeup: try not to repeat annoying and typical mistakes.

After 40 you cannot use:

  1. carrot lipstick;
  2. dark lip liner;
  3. bright shades of lipstick and eye shadow;
  4. glitter;
  5. mascara on lower eyelashes;
  6. long, cat-like arrows;
  7. lower eyeliner;
  8. dense mattifying concealers;
  9. too light foundation;
  10. several layers of cosmetics;
  11. foundation for masking wrinkles.

If you continue to use such products and techniques in makeup, it can hardly be called anti-aging. But as soon as you gradually begin to get rid of these habits, you will notice that people will begin to give you much less years than you really are.

Style options

Before and after photos of anti-aging makeup

Now directly about how to make it. Step-by-step recommendations for two style options will allow you to shine at both a business meeting and a special event.

  1. Apply a beige BB cream to your face and eyelids.
  2. Conceal rashes, spider veins, and pigmentation with a concealer (the tone should be lighter than the cream). Conceal bags under the eyes with yellow concealer.
  3. Swipe over face with a wide brush to remove any remaining makeup.
  4. The forehead, cheeks, nose and chin are powdered with transparent powder. The remains are brushed off again.
  5. Ivory blush is blended onto the cheekbones.
  6. Treat the upper eyelids and eyebrows with linen shades.
  7. An ultra-thin arrow is drawn along the upper eyelid with a liquid brown liner.
  8. We highlight the eyebrows with sand shadows.
  9. Brown mascara is applied to the upper eyelashes in 1 layer.
  10. The contour of the lips is outlined with a pencil to match their natural color.
  11. Peach matte lipstick will complete the natural makeup look.
  1. Rejuvenating BB cream is applied to the face, eyelids, lips, neck and décolleté.
  2. Imperfections are masked with concealer and corrector in the same way as described in the daytime make-up technique.
  3. It is better to fill wrinkles separately with highlighter.
  4. The blush will be cream, the shade will be pale pink.
  5. The first layer of shadows is purple. The second one is blue. The third one is blue. You will get an original anti-aging smokey eye. Don't forget to blend everything thoroughly. It is better not to experiment with mother-of-pearl.
  6. Use a black liner to draw short, upward-curved arrows.
  7. Highlight the lower eyelid with a white liner.
  8. Draw eyebrows with a brown pencil.
  9. For evening makeup, take black voluminous mascara. Paint the upper eyelashes in 2 layers, the lower ones only in 1.
  10. Outline your lips with a pencil in the color of your lipstick - rosewood. Translucent gloss is allowed.

You need to understand that youthful makeup for women over 40 is, if not paramount, then still very important. Having mastered its basic techniques and secrets, you won’t have any complexes about age and wrinkles. With it you will always look fresh and young. At the same time, you need to be able to maintain boundaries so as not to look vulgar and funny.