How to cleanse your face at home

Facial cleansing is a procedure that is difficult to do without if you want your skin to look healthy and beautiful. And simply washing your face in the morning or before bed is not enough. There are several effective cleansing methods, and almost all of them can be done at home. However, in this matter, much depends on the type and condition of the skin. The procedure must be carried out at least once a month, and even better twice.

Makeup remover

Every self-respecting girl who wants to look young into old age should know how to cleanse her facial skin at home. The procedure takes place in several stages, as in a professional salon. First you need to do makeup removal. Even if there is no decorative cosmetics on the face, the skin needs to be cleansed of impurities that have formed during the day in the form of dust, dirt and grease. Gels, foams for washing or special liquid and milk are well suited for these purposes.

The first two options are preferable for those whose skin is oily. And for dry and sensitive skin, the best choice is cosmetic milk; sometimes a cleansing tonic or lotion does the job well. When the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to cleanse the pores of your face at home.


All methods can be divided into several groups depending on the mechanism of action on the skin. The most common way to cleanse facial skin is exfoliation. Exists:

Description of the first method

The first type is affordable and very safe to carry out at home. Its action is due to the mechanical removal of keratinized particles of the upper layer of skin. How to effectively clean your face at home and what do you need for this? Many foods that we are used to eating are suitable. First, you should understand that those ingredients that perfectly cleanse oily skin can damage sensitive and dry skin. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define your type. For oily skin, fine sea salt is an excellent way to remove oil from pores. However, its use is not recommended if there are any injuries, abrasions or inflammatory processes.


The cleansing scrub is prepared from just two ingredients - a teaspoon of fine sea salt and a tablespoon of honey. They must be mixed and applied to the face, carefully treating the area of ​​the wings of the nose, forehead and chin. After gently massaging for two minutes, the mixture should be rinsed off with warm water. The skin surface will become smooth and clean. Sea salt contains a record amount of microelements that help increase turgor and elasticity, and honey is an excellent nutritional and emollient.

Scrub with coffee

The second method, which is suitable for both normal and dry skin, is scrubbing with ground coffee. This product is rich in essential oils and beneficial microelements. It is enough to mix one teaspoon with the washing gel and apply to the skin of the face with massaging movements. After thoroughly treating the problem areas, the mixture must be washed off in several stages. In this case, it is also necessary to massage. When all particles have been removed, rinse your face with cool water. This will soothe the skin and ensure blood flow. After this procedure, the pores will be clean, dead skin and dry particles will be removed, and the face will take on a healthy and radiant appearance.

Manual cleaning

The mechanical type also includes the well-known manual cleaning. You can cleanse your face of acne at home using this method. Before the procedure, you should purchase a solution called “Chatterbox” in advance at the pharmacy. It contains antiseptics that will help disinfect the skin to avoid inflammation. The face is pre-treated with lotion or milk, and hands with alcohol. Then it is advisable to steam the skin over a water bath. It is also recommended to add herbs that have cleansing and antiseptic properties. For example, calendula, chamomile, mint. They will not only help cleanse the skin, but will also soothe it perfectly.

How to cleanse your face at home using this method? In half a liter of boiling water you need to add a tablespoon of pharmaceutical herbs. When the broth has infused a little, you need to hold your face over the steam for several minutes. Be careful not to get burned. When your face is steamed, the pores will open and you can begin the procedure. A cotton swab or disk should be soaked in pharmaceutical mash and treated with problem areas. Blackheads will be cleared without difficulty, but ulcers will have to be dealt with mechanically. After removing them, the skin must be treated with a solution of salicylic acid. At the end of the procedure, it is useful to lubricate your face with a decoction of herbs, which will have cooled down by this time.

Acid cleansing

How to cleanse your face at home using acid treatment? Easily! Berries will come to the rescue. This method is suitable for oily and combination skin. A teaspoon of cranberry, red currant or strawberry puree should be mixed with the same amount of calendula decoction. Apply to skin, wait about 10 minutes, then remove the bulk. Take a small piece of gauze, fold it several times and use the resulting piece to walk over the skin, removing dead particles. Then wash your face well with cool water. Professional peelings based on fruit acids are intended only for use in a beauty salon.

Enzyme scrub

Almost every woman knows how to cleanse her face at home using an enzyme scrub. In fact, this name hides ordinary lactic acid bacteria contained in kefir or sour cream. And women very often use them in home cosmetics. This cleaning method is suitable for normal, dry and sensitive skin. For the procedure you will need any fermented milk product. Preferred oil content depends on skin type. For dry sour cream, and for normal - kefir or yogurt. It’s good if this product is slightly fermented, then the effect will be enhanced.

How to cleanse your facial skin at home? The fermented milk product should be applied to the face using a piece of gauze, making massaging movements. After treating all the skin, you need to wait about 5 minutes and then wash. Sometimes after this procedure an unpleasant odor remains on the skin. To avoid this, you need to add baking soda to kefir. It neutralizes odor and does the job perfectly.

How to clean your face at home with baking soda? You can add it to an enzyme peel or use it on its own. Apply a small amount of powder to damp skin and gently massage problem areas. After treatment, you need to wash with cool water.


Knowing how to cleanse your face at home, you can prolong the youth of your skin and give it a healthy and radiant look, as well as get rid of imperfections. After all, beauty begins with purity.

What girl doesn't want her skin to look perfect at all times? Unfortunately, in modern conditions, when there is a huge amount of harmful substances in the atmosphere, it is simply impossible to achieve this naturally. Therefore, the question of how to clean your face at home is becoming more and more relevant.

What is facial cleansing

You can get rid of blackheads and clean your face by visiting a cosmetologist. But such a service is not cheap and there is a risk of running into an unprofessional specialist. In this case, it is possible not only to leave the problem unresolved, but also make the situation even worse.

Nevertheless, regular facial cleansing is necessary for every girl. In this way, you should get rid of the remains of dead cells, blackheads and narrow the pores.

Rules of care

Without knowing the basic rules of care, you can achieve the same results as visiting a bad cosmetologist. It is important to know how to properly cleanse your facial skin at home.

Basic rules of care:

  1. Determination of skin type. Before you start cleaning or using any products, you should determine the type, since each of them requires special care. The most common type is normal. Almost all makeup removers, scrubs, and creams are suitable for it. In the absence of contraindications, you can resort to any method of facial cleansing.
  2. Maintaining the result. To keep your skin looking healthy, you should wash your face every morning with skin-friendly cosmetics and apply a special cream in the evening. It is also recommended to scrub your skin once a week.
  3. Caring for dry and sensitive skin should be as gentle and superficial as possible, since these types are most susceptible to external irritants, and excessive use of products can only worsen their condition.
  4. The best way to deal with acne and acne is a complete facial cleansing followed by aftercare. Heredity has a big influence on the appearance of acne. Do not squeeze pimples or touch them with dirty hands.
  5. It is prohibited to clean if there are open wounds, cuts, or purulent inflammations on the face. In this case, it is better to spend more money and make an appointment with a professional cosmetologist who will perform the procedure as painlessly and safely as possible.

Peeling at home

For those who want to cleanse their face of dead cells, blackheads, and dirt at home, there are special step-by-step instructions.

It is recommended not only to follow her instructions, but also to take into account the characteristics of the skin, possible redness and allergic reactions.

Main stages

For cleaning to be effective and, most importantly, safe, you must comply with the basic requirements and follow the instructions. Leather Cleaning Steps:

  1. Washing. Get rid of remnants of cosmetics. It is better not to do this with regular soap, but to use a cotton pad or sponge moistened with milk or micellar water. Then you should wipe your face with lotion or gel, lightly apply the product to the skin. This way you can get rid of dust and greasy secretions.
  2. Steaming. The procedure is carried out over a saucepan or any other container with hot water for fifteen minutes. You should hold your head clearly above the steam, but not too low so as not to get burned. To achieve the best result, you can add some medicinal herbs to the water that have a disinfectant or anti-inflammatory effect. For example, chamomile or mint.
  3. Cleaning with scrub. Apply the product to the skin using gentle circular movements, then leave for a few minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.
  4. Getting rid of blackheads. To begin with, the skin of the face should be disinfected by wiping it with hydrogen peroxide or medical alcohol. Wrap your fingers (preferably with short-cut nails) in a sterile bandage or gauze and gently press on the acne formations. Steamed skin will be easily exposed and dirt will come out quickly. If suddenly the contents do not come out, there is no need to press harder.
  5. Do not allow dirt to get into open pores. After cleansing, the facial skin is in a very sensitive state; any dust that gets in can clog the pores again and contribute to the appearance of new acne. It is better to re-treat your face with hydrogen peroxide, avoiding contact with the eyes and formed wounds. You should act carefully so as not to burn the skin or get a serious burn.
  6. Consolidation of the result. Now the pores need to be “closed” to prevent dirt and dust from getting into them. It is recommended to use special tightening masks, as well as cosmetic clay (white for normal, blue for combination, pink for dry, green for mature). Recipe: dilute two tablespoons of clay with boiled (not hot) water and stir until a substance similar to sour cream forms. The clay is carefully applied to the face in a thin layer and left for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with gentle massaging movements. Afterwards, wipe your face dry with a towel.
  7. Skin normalization and moisturizing lotions. When choosing, you should focus on your skin type. Apply the product to your face and rinse with warm water after a few minutes.

After the procedure, the skin will appear slight redness and red spots, which are strictly prohibited from being covered with foundation or powder. It is worth carrying out peeling on a free day, when going outside and applying cosmetics is not expected.

In addition to deep cleansing, there are other ways to bring the skin back to normal. For example, soft peeling. This is an absolutely safe and extremely simple procedure, since all the products for it can be purchased at any cosmetic store at a reasonable price. Some of them can be prepared at home and selected completely natural products.

Cleaning skin at home with folk remedies:

  1. An oatmeal mask for dry and combination skin contains many vitamins and nutritious minerals necessary for the restoration of skin cells. Suitable for quickly removing sebum, dirt and dust from the surface of the face. The recipe is very simple: pour boiled water over a tablespoon of oatmeal and stir until a thick paste forms. Apply to face with light massaging movements and rinse with water after fifteen minutes.
  2. Peeling with clay. Clay is one of the most popular products and is widely used for beauty purposes, from moisturizing the skin to drawing out dirt from pores and deep exfoliating. You should choose clay based on your skin type: pink for dry, black for normal, blue for oily. For more mature skin, green clay is an ideal option. It is recommended to buy dry clay, not liquid, and dilute it yourself with warm water. For better effect, you can add essential oil or mint decoction. Apply the clay with your fingertips and leave for twenty minutes until completely dry. Remove with water after 15 minutes with light massaging movements.
  3. Deep facial peeling with bodyaga. It is rightfully considered one of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of sebum and acne. It is not recommended for those with dry and overly sensitive skin, as it may cause unpleasant irritation. You should refrain from using badyagi if you have open wounds and ulcers on your face. Method of preparation: mix the powder with hydrogen peroxide and stir well. Apply to the face carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes, cover the skin with a thin film. Gently rinse off after ten minutes. There may be a burning sensation in the areas where the mask is applied; this is a natural reaction to the irritant. It is recommended to apply a mild moisturizer to the skin after using the badyagi.
  4. Peeling with gelatin and activated carbon. One of the most popular products for quickly cleansing the skin and removing blackheads. Preparation instructions: crush one charcoal tablet in a mortar and mix the resulting powder with half a teaspoon of dry gelatin. Pour water over everything and stir well. You should heat the future peeling in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool the resulting mixture and apply to the face with light whisking movements, paying special attention to problem areas with a large number of pimples and blackheads. After the applied mask has dried, carefully pull it off your face.
  5. Aspirin peeling. Grind two or three tablets into powder and add water, you can add a little honey. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for ten minutes, periodically massaging the skin. Rinse with warm water and complete the procedure by lubricating your face with a cream suitable for your skin type.

Masks with added soda

Baking soda is often used as an additive to a variety of peels and care products. Its beneficial properties make the skin softer and more nourished, and also effectively protect against irritation.

How to cleanse your face at home using baking soda:

  1. Baking soda helps cleanse the skin of harmful elements and dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as the residues of cosmetic products that have stagnated in the body.
  2. Helps cleanse pores and prevent new blackheads from forming. A good remedy for a quick fight against acne.
  3. Protects facial skin from inflammation and irritation, the appearance of red spots and peeling. It has a healing effect and has a beneficial effect on the healing of minor abrasions and cuts.
  4. A good disinfectant, it removes harmful bacteria from the surface and minimizes the possibility of contracting a skin infection.
  5. Well suited for masks and peelings at home, masks with soda are easy to prepare and are absolutely harmless.

Recipes with the addition of soda are considered one of the simplest and most straightforward.

And the main one is a regular scrub diluted with boiled water. Stir the mixture well and apply it to the skin in an even layer. Lightly massage your face after 10-15 minutes and rinse gently with warm water. The skin will become softer and more pleasant to the touch after just a couple of uses of this scrub.

For dry and overly sensitive skin, the recipe recommends add a couple drops of olive oilto make the mask softer and more gentle. For oily and combination skin, it is better to mix baking soda with wheat flour (in a ratio of one to five) and apply in the same way with light massaging movements.

The second option is to prepare a peeling by adding a couple of tablespoons of regular gel or lotion for washing. Mix the gel, a pinch of soda and boiled water (1-2 teaspoons each), and a little moisturizer. Apply the same way.

Cautions for using baking soda:

  1. Before checking how to quickly cleanse your face with baking soda, you need to do a test: apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist. Rinse off after a couple of minutes and observe throughout the day to see if irritation or red spots appear. In this case, you will have to give up soda masks and peels, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Before applying directly to the face, take the mask with the very ends so that a large amount of peeling does not get on the skin at once.
  3. To get rid of blackheads or pimples, you should apply a soda mask not to the entire surface, but only to selected problem areas.
  4. Dilute soda only with boiled, but not hot water. The same is recommended for washing off the peeling.
  5. The optimal period for using soda mixtures is no more than three times a month. Although baking soda is generally safe, it is harsh on the skin and can cause allergies.

The result will not be noticeable immediately in any case. Everything takes time and patience. To bring the skin into good condition and take care of its softness, masks and peelings should be done regularly, and not once a month before a date. Only then will the results be truly noticeable, and the girl will become happier and even more beautiful.

Often, facial skin imperfections are a reason for the fair sex to be in a bad mood and even a reason for restrictions in visiting public places or going on dates. Dear beauties, agree that instead of getting rid of the “unpleasant surprises” of our skin again and again, it would be more correct and much more effective to provide timely skin care and care for its condition. What is this care and concern? The answer is quite simple: keeping it clean! And we're not just talking about visiting salon treatments or regularly using special products, although these options are also undoubtedly good. But today we want to share with you information about the use of some available products for cleansing facial skin at home.

First of all, we should say a few words about nutrition, which, of course, affects all processes in our body, and the result of nutrition is always reflected in our appearance, including our face. Avoiding a large amount of excessively fatty foods in your diet, with a lot of preservatives, is the first and very important step to healthy, blemish-free facial skin. The second thing you need to know about when starting to take care of your skin is its type. It is worth noting here that skin type is usually identical to hair type. You can identify it without difficulty, because all the signs, as they say, are “on the face.” Taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin, you will be able to avoid possible mistakes in caring for it.

Where to begin

Start by following the most important rules that you should always remember when touching your facial skin:

  1. do not proceed with deep cleansing procedures if there are various types of inflammation or open wounds on the skin (you must wait until they are completely healed, otherwise there is a considerable risk of worsening the situation);
  2. maintain hygiene: any impact on the skin should be carried out only with sterile means and only with clean hands;
  3. apply cleansers to steamed skin so that the components penetrate deeper into open pores and the result is more effective;
  4. use only natural ingredients to prepare masks at home and carefully study the composition of the cosmetics you use (we’ll tell you what ingredients to pay attention to below).

Steaming facial skin

Steaming is one of the most effective facial cleansing procedures. It can be used as a separate way to combat imperfections, or as the first stage in comprehensive skin care. Humidity and high temperature help open and cleanse pores, improve blood supply and smooth out wrinkles.

Before taking a steam bath, you need to wash your face thoroughly. Dry and combination skin needs to be moisturized with cream, combination skin - partially or to a lesser extent. To steam your facial skin at home, an ordinary pan of hot water will do. Bend over the water so that it is no closer than 30 cm to your face (if your skin is sensitive, no closer than 40 cm). Cover your head with a towel, hide your hair and stay in this position for about 10 minutes. Here it is important to consider your skin type: for dry skin, a steam bath should be done for 5 minutes and no more than once every three months; for normal – once a month; for oily people – no more than twice a week for 15-20 minutes.

You can add various herbs to steam baths that suit the characteristics of your facial skin. For example, herbs of aloe, birch, nettle, and horsetail are suitable for oily skin; for dry – thyme, oregano, calendula; for acne-prone skin - aloe, St. John's wort, plantain... To steam your facial skin using a herbal steam bath, you need to add 2 tablespoons of dried herbs or 4 tablespoons of fresh herbs to 2 liters of water.

After the procedure, wash with warm water and pat your face with a soft towel, avoid any cooling. Dry skin should be moisturized with a cream, and oily and combination skin should be treated with a scrub, then apply a mask to tighten the pores.

Products our skin loves

Rest assured, there will definitely be a couple of products in your refrigerator that can be used as masks or lotions to cleanse your facial skin. These products are folk remedies in the fight against imperfections, so if preparing homemade masks from these ingredients becomes your habit, all these facial skin imperfections will remain only in memories!

Well, of course, once you see these components in a mask, cream or serum for the face, you will already understand exactly what to expect from this product.

Egg yolk Great for caring for any skin type, especially dry, cracked, flaky skin. It has a moisturizing effect and contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that nourish the skin and improve its condition. Egg yolk also effectively fights age-related changes. However, remember that this product is also a strong allergen!

The easiest way to make a mask: separate the yolk from the white and thoroughly lubricate your face with it. After 15-20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can add other ingredients depending on the characteristics and needs of your skin.

Milk It is also one of my favorite facial skin products. Moreover, we are talking about milk in any of its states: whey, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter. It is thanks to its variety that milk serves a variety of purposes: it fights dryness and flaking, softens, moisturizes, tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, lightens freckles and pigmentation.

You can cleanse your facial skin with milk by washing your face with milk: mix milk with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and wipe your face with the resulting lotion in the morning and evening.

Sunflower oil - a real treasure trove of vitamins and other beneficial substances that have a complex effect on the skin of the face: eliminate dryness, flaking, cracks and wrinkles, cleanse pores, soften the skin, make it more elastic, and increase its protective properties.

Sunflower oil can be used instead of moisturizer - apply to the skin of the face, wait a few minutes and remove the residue with a napkin.

To cleanse your facial skin at home, you can use homemade scrubs. What you definitely need to remember is that the skin of the face is delicate and sensitive, which means you need to act on it very carefully so as not to damage or cause irritation. We bring to your attention the most popular facial peelings at home:

  1. Oatmeal and bran peeling. Oatmeal and bran are another miracle product that the skin of the face loves very much, because with their help it becomes cleaner, younger and more attractive. You can also make masks from them. And in order to use oatmeal and bran as a peeling, you just need to grind them and mix with boiled water until a paste forms. Next, apply the mixture to your face and rub with light circular movements and rinse with water at body temperature.
  2. Peeling from coffee grounds. A well-known way to combat peeling skin at home. Apply the thickener to your face, let it dry a little, make several massaging circular movements and rinse your face first with warm, then cool water.
  3. Orange peeling. Vegetables, berries and fruits are excellent helpers in the fight for beautiful skin. In order to make an orange scrub, you will need its zest, which can be obtained by grating its peel. Add a tablespoon of starch or flour and dilute with the juice of the same orange, this will have a beneficial effect on oily and normal skin. If your skin is dry, add fresh milk instead of orange juice.

Cosmetic scrubs and peelings for the face are very diverse, from their composition to their purpose. Most of them are produced on the basis of those gifts of nature that we mentioned above, and others, rich in substances necessary for the health and beauty of facial skin.

This is only a small part of the home remedies and procedures that will help you get closer to perfectly clear facial skin. In fact, generous nature has given us many priceless gifts, endlessly caring for human health. And all we can do is be grateful and remember that everything we need is already at our fingertips.