Bee celandine for acne reviews

NEVER. don’t go to Irina Grigorievna KIROVA. this is not a doctor, but a charlatan! I was treated by her for almost a year when I had pimples, she only scammed me out of money, but there were no results! I had terrible allergies from all her procedures. I don’t think she knows anything about treating acne. I was treated by another experienced specialist and after a month my pimples went away, the only thing while I wasted time with this kirova was that I got scars and I’m still getting rid of them! I even have it I didn’t take a single test to find out the cause of acne, but in another clinic they started treatment with this and everything went quickly. So, dear girls, NEVER GO TO KIROVA. SHE SUCKS.

Hello everyone) I drank lactrofiltrum - it cleanses the body and helps get rid of acne, but I don’t think it will help with severe acne, and against acne spots, I made a mask from blue clay. Guys, clay really helps, it’s not expensive, yes and lactrofiltrum too)) well, good luck to everyone))

good advice: To begin with, it is better to go to a cosmetologist, do a cleansing, then apply nitrogen (it helps a lot.) for two weeks and periodically apply bee celandine several times every day.

Bee celandine helped me a lot, I apply it at night and in the morning by 13:00 there will be no pimples! It helps especially well when a pimple just begins to appear)) costs 110 rubles. the nose doesn’t cope very well with large pimples ((I squeeze them out in the morning and smear them with PCH, and to remove the redness later, Clearwin will help very well)) almost immediately by the evening there will be no pimples))

It helps me. For 2 years I could not get rid of acne or traces of it. With the help of IF, the skin is much better even after 2 days of use, moisturized and does not peel off at all. Zenerite, Bazeron and the like did not give any effect at all.

Tell me who will help Zener.

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It amazes me that people have a herd mentality. Everyone ran to pharmacies to buy garbage. Make a celandine tincture with vodka and drink according to the diagram. This will happen to you and where will your acne go! Be patient.

1000% disappear forever after 2 weeks of swimming on Lake Yarovoye, Altai Territory, bring a couple of bottles of this water with you (only in glass) and wipe it off for half a year for prevention and that’s ALL!

Nothing helped ((but it helped me


Bee Celandine is nonsense. A complete advertisement for an ointment that doesn’t help anyone. PR, all PR

The best remedy is Zenerit. which really works! I have very problematic skin, and sometimes I get a lot of pimples. So you just start washing your face with Garnier with a brush and then Zinerite, and after it the result is really visible! The main thing after the course is to start and wash your face more often and wipe with tonic))) but I forget (and again everything pops up.
I also heard that Baziron helps, but it didn’t help me)
Only Zenerit! I even know that bodybuilders, who have acne on their backs from using pharmaceuticals, also use it


Bee celandine is very difficult to find. And besides, it burns the skin. The best remedy for acne is BAZIRON! It helps a lot. And also, to get rid of acne, you first need to cleanse your body! You can wash your face with green tea, it soothes the skin very well and gives it a healthy color!))))))))

Hello. I live in the city of Aktobe, I would like to know if “Bee Celandine” is sold in our city?

Hello. I live in the city of Aktobe, I would like to know if “Bee Celandine” is sold in our city?

Hi all! I’ve been suffering from acne for 20 years since I was 14, so I have a lot of experience in this matter! I’ve probably already tried everything, I’ll describe my experience here, maybe it will be useful to someone.
1. Zenerit is a very good remedy, but after some time it becomes completely addictive and does not work even after several years!
2. Curiosin, Skinoren, Differin are not bad, but they do not solve the problem. the skin quickly gets used to it. Baziron - it really burns the skin (by the way, the “lifesaver” helps tremendously with redness - I did that for a while - I completely burned the skin with baziron and then treated it with the lifesaver))))
3. cleansing - COMPLETE garbage! There is no long-term effect! And besides, they can do much worse.
4, Peeling - my skin completely burned (after cleansing by a cosmetologist) so I couldn’t go outside at all - everything was covered with a crust. Helped for 4-5 months
5. blood transfusion - bullshit!
6. Diet is absolutely non-helpful garbage!
7. Darsonval - bought the most expensive one for the Zhezaton company. It removes blackheads well, heals a little, but overall the same garbage!
8. Cryotherapy - gave very good results! but the procedures had to be done by a dermatologist, and there were constant queues.
9. talkers - bullshit! The effect is not great and not durable! But, trichopolum added to talkers significantly increases the effectiveness. An overnight mask helped me a lot - mash the tripol into flour and mix it with retinoic ointment - amazing!
10.Advantich - oddly enough, it really helped and quickly, but getting used to it is also fast. CORA cosmetics are very good.
11, solarium - garbage! On the contrary, it spoils everything and dries out the skin greatly.
12, the pool is a useful thing, and the chlorine in it helps dry out acne!

I read a lot of different reviews about IF cream.
a year ago, because of several pimples, my daughter and I went to the salon and a nightmare began.
they appeared in such numbers that she did not want to live. The skin is very light, the acne marks do not go away for about 4 months, but new ones keep coming.
Don't go to these cosmetologists. Pimples will spread all over your face.
We tried a bunch of different creams and masks over the year!!
By chance I came across Bee Celandine Cream (╧1) on the website.
I bought the entire Sledotsid series (╧2), a mask (╧3) of the same series and lotion. The daughter is simply happy. very visible effect already on day 2. Only the tube is small, only 10 ml. We need to order more urgently. Great product, don't trust anyone! Try it yourself.

But nothing helps me!!=((((((I tried everything! From different ointments to burning my skin! I REALLY TRIED EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. And I ate right! NOTHING.

Buy it if you find Valensey acne cream super, I never thought that some inexpensive cream could help me with my problem, which has been going on for many years! Since my teenage years I have suffered from acne and pimples, and now they passed in literally a week. Try it and it will help you.


Greetings to all who visited!

I think it would be nauseatingly unoriginal to describe my story of a “martyr’s youth” who suffered from acne. My face, from the age of 12 (and the further, the more) was abundantly covered with colonies of red rashes. I won’t talk for a long time about my struggle and frantically sweeping away from the windows of pharmacies and stores all the products that more or less promised at least some kind of result. Since I’ve taken up “Bee Celandine for Skin Problems,” I’ll be closer to the topic.

I came across this cream-gel by accident while surfing the spiritual outpourings of fellow reviewers. I was able to buy it only through an online order, since none of the nearby pharmacies had even heard of this miracle.

I'll be honest about the result. In my picky opinion of a semi-mature auntie (26 years old is not a lot of money for you) with a wide baggage of merciless experiments on her skin, this is the best remedy for acne. Why?

1. Does not dry the skin at all, there is no peeling, irritation, burning, etc.
2. After application, a slight feeling of tightness remains, something like “protection” and “purity” on the skin (maybe I’m embellishing)
3. The texture of the cream is non-greasy and does not clog pores.
4. Really reduces the redness, size and pain of pimples
5. I won’t say that pimples “melt before our eyes,” but a clear process of “treatment” is felt

The instructions contain a lot of promises that you can completely forget about acne with regular use. I believe that no cream, gel or ointment can prevent new rashes. Cure the existing ones - please, with which the Bee Celandine cream-gel copes quite well.

I've been using it for about a year. To be fair, it should be noted that I dealt with attacking acne a long time ago, and at the moment my problems are post-acne and the occasional red “guerrillas,” which react sharply to the female cycle and dietary mistakes. I can’t say whether I would have been satisfied with the gel in the “dashing” years.

What I didn’t like about the Bee Celandine cream gel:

1. Very small tube, only 10ml. It runs out incredibly quickly, and the price for such a volume, I must say, is not the most affordable.
2. It is impossible to buy anywhere except in joint ventures, official websites or online pharmacies (although, considering that I do not live in a cool metropolis, I could be wrong about this).
3. Still, the cream will not allow you to “forget about acne,” as was promised and guaranteed by the manufacturers.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Do you have skin problems? Do you often experience pimples, blackheads or inflammation?

You just haven’t tried the remedy that the medical college of ( will tell you about in this article. This is a cream-gel Bee celandine.

Bee celandine cream-gel was created by Russian doctors and scientists. Manufacturers have been testing their creation for more than one year. Today, Bee Celandine cream-gel is considered one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of acne and pimples. This product is also used by professional cosmetologists in their work.

Composition and properties of components

Celandine oil is in no way inferior in effectiveness to all of the above components. Celandine oil perfectly relieves inflammation, makes the skin clean and beautiful.

Features of application

You should not use Bee Celandine cream-gel if you are intolerant to at least one of the components. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should do a skin sensitivity test. One day before, apply Bee Celandine cream to the inner bend of your elbow. Go to bed and look at this place in the morning. If there is redness or anything worse, then this cream is not for you.

Do not forget that Bee Celandine cream-gel is not a medicine. Therefore, if you have a lot of acne, if they really bother you, go to the doctor first. Perhaps the cause of acne is inside your body. Then using Bee Celandine cream will only give temporary results.

Do not keep Bee Celandine cream-gel in the freezer, as well as in warm places. The best place for it is the top shelf of the refrigerator.

The weight of the cream in the tube is only ten grams, but it will be enough for you to get rid of acne for a long time. Bee celandine cream-gel is sold only in pharmacies, but a prescription is not required to purchase it.

Sometimes, to treat acne and pimples, it is enough to cleanse your body of excess fat and toxins. If Bee Celandine cream-gel does not help you, then you may need to take a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) containing plant fiber.

Author: Pashkov M.K. Content Project Coordinator.