How to get rid of fat under the shoulder blades

Fat folds on the shoulder blades do not look aesthetically pleasing, and they also signal that you have weak back muscles - and this can lead to problems with the spine. Strong back muscles mean beautiful posture and a healthy spine. If your posture is incorrect and your back is slouched, then even thin girls may develop folds in the area of ​​their shoulder blades.

How to remove fat from shoulder blades and back? Correcting your posture with the help of specially selected exercises helps remove wrinkles and make your figure slim.

Doing only training on the back muscles, it is difficult to say goodbye to the fat folds on it. You can't lose weight in just one area. It is quite possible to get rid of wrinkles only using a set of measures.

Methods to combat fat in the shoulder blade area

Folds appear, first of all, from the fact that we spend much less calories than we consume. This imbalance causes fat to gradually accumulate in our body. At first it is not very noticeable, but after some time the belly and folds appear on the sides and near the shoulder blades.

An excellent result in the fight against this is the use of physical exercise in combination with reducing the calorie content of your daily diet. It is good to use a contrast shower, apply bath procedures with a broom.

But you need to start with physical training, which will help strengthen your back muscles and help you lose weight.

Back fat under the shoulder blades can be successfully removed using an “offensive” in all directions:

  1. Need to move more, take walks. This will help speed up your metabolism and burn extra calories.
  2. Start doing a special set of workouts. This will work the muscle groups of the whole body, remove folds on the back and belly fat, and help correct posture. Your figure will become slim and fit.
  3. Use the principles of rational nutrition. They will help not accumulate excess weight, as well as provide the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

You need to remember a simple principle of rational nutrition:

  1. Can be consumed daily - lean chicken, fish, vegetables, fermented milk products with a fat content of 2.5%, greens, wholemeal bread.
  2. You should try to avoid the consumption of confectionery and flour products, sweet juices and sodas, mayonnaise, fatty meat products, as well as all fried foods.
  3. You can eat nuts, honey, butter, sour cream - but in small quantities.

Note! Using these simple rules will help you successfully lose extra pounds and avoid gaining them in the future.

A set of 7 exercises and recommendations for its implementation

The muscle atlas of the back is represented by many muscle groups. It is necessary to select methods of influencing them that will help to work them out thoroughly and help burn fat deposits. There are many effective exercises for the back and shoulder blades that can help combat this unpleasant phenomenon at home.

If you use the entire complex listed below, then each exercise included in it can be performed from three to seven times. Several times a week is the best option.

If you select only two or three exercises that you particularly like from the entire complex, then the number of times you perform each one needs to be increased several times. For example, instead of seven repetitions, perform twenty.

Important! Experienced instructors advise approaching this issue individually, so as not to overdo it and harm your health.

How to remove fat from the upper back? Physical exercise is the first way to combat the problem area of ​​many women and girls. Such troubles as fatty deposits on the shoulder blades, sides and back can affect both women and men who are overweight and obese. Everyone is recommended to start building a slim figure with physical activity, at least at home!

1. Reduction and separation of the shoulder blades

A very simple and effective exercise. The following muscles work: rhomboid major and minor, trapezius, latissimus.

Technique and stages of implementation:

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair and clasp your hands behind your head.
  2. As you exhale, move your elbows back, while bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. As you inhale, return to the starting position

This exercise must be used both as part of a complex and independently - from three to five times a day. The number of repetitions is on average ten times.

You will love this exercise and will use it constantly, as it gives a feeling of lightness in your back, corrects your posture, and contributes to the formation of a straight and beautiful back. Use this movement whenever you work at the computer - this will help avoid pain in the spine, which often occurs due to sedentary work. But keep in mind that there are other specialized methods for pain in the spine, for example, the Crocodile gymnastic complex by Dr. Antipko or 6 rules for the health of the spine and the whole body from Katsuzo Nishi. Reduction of the shoulder blades cannot be compared with them in terms of effectiveness.

2. Bent-over dumbbell row

The latissimus muscle, back extensors, trapezius and rhomboid muscles are involved.

  1. We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders.
  2. We initially place the dumbbells opposite the feet.
  3. We take dumbbells by squatting, not bending, so as not to create tension in the muscles of the lower back.
  4. We bend our legs at the knee joints. We hold dumbbells below on straightened arms. We lift the dumbbells by bending our elbows - while they move up the thigh from the knee to the waist

An option for performing this exercise is to rest your head on the edge of the bench. We do repetitions a specified number of times.

It is recommended to start ten times, gradually increasing the number of approaches. To begin with, we use the minimum weight of dumbbells.

3. Exercise “Boat”

The muscles that receive the load are: latissimus, teres major, rhomboid, and all muscle groups of the back are also worked out, especially helping to lose weight in the area under the shoulder blades in women.

  1. We lie down on our stomachs.
  2. We stretch our arms up, legs together.
  3. At the same time, we lift our legs and arms off the floor, arching our back.

Once you get used to doing this exercise and strengthen your back muscles, you can use dumbbells of minimal weight to enhance the effect of the load. The “Cat” exercise has a very similar effect on the back, and “Hyperextension” shows excellent results for working out the lower back.

4. Push-ups

One of the best exercises for working all the muscles of the upper torso.

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Place your palms under your shoulders, with your toes resting on the floor.
  3. We raise and lower the body, straightening and bending our arms at the elbows.
  4. The body is a straight line, we do not bend our back in the lumbar region, we do not use the inertial force of the push.
  5. We do push-ups energetically, concentrating on the back muscles.

Having trouble doing push-ups? Do push-ups from your knees, and also check out 3 more lightweight types of push-ups for girls.

The number of push-ups is individual for each person, depending on his physical development and other individual characteristics, such as gender, age, and health status.

5. Wide-grip back pull-ups

Pull-ups help in the fight against excess weight, give a good load on the muscles of the upper back and between the shoulder blades, and contribute to the formation of correct posture. An auxiliary role is played by the pectoral and shoulder muscles, as well as the biceps. The upper region of the latissimus muscle is involved - exactly what we need. The wide-grip pull-up perfectly works that part of the back in women where the folds are located.

Technique and stages of implementation:

  1. We grab the bar of the horizontal bar with a wide grip, that is, the hands are located twenty to twenty-five centimeters wider than the shoulders. We point our palms away from ourselves.
  2. We pull ourselves up on the bar to the chest - the chin is above the bar.
  3. We descend smoothly, without jerking.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

If you can’t complete the given number of times the first time, stop at the number that you can handle. With each workout, try to increase one time at a time.. This way you will achieve the specified training parameters after some time.

Note! The recommended number of pull-ups is individual and is selected depending on physical development and other individual characteristics.

6. Jumping rope

By jumping rope, you force all the muscle groups of the torso to work.

This is one of the best exercises to burn calories and lose weight throughout your body. It is recommended to perform it for three to five minutes at an average pace every day.

7. Swimming or running

Swimming and running can be done if desired and possible, the main thing is regularly. Swimming in the pool for one hour every day or every other day gives good results in getting rid of fat folds on the back and sides. This type of exercise is especially suitable for obese people, when other types of exercise may be contraindicated.

Sports instructors and nutritionists recommend starting to lose weight through swimming and a low-calorie diet, and only then gradually moving on to exercise.

[heading type=h3]See also[/heading]

All of these exercises contribute to the formation of a muscle corset, perfectly remove fat folds, and help reduce weight. You need to exercise regularly - then you will soon be pleased with the results. If you skip classes and violate the principles of rational nutrition, it will be difficult to achieve the effect of this complex. Getting rid of fat deposits in the shoulder blade area is not so difficult. The main thing is to set yourself a goal and achieve it with joy and cheerful spirit!

Good afternoon, dear readers! Many of you have already lost significant weight on a diet, but still want to know how to remove fat from your shoulder blades. Problem areas are the last to be corrected. Diet changes alone are not enough. Need fitness. But there is so much conflicting information about him! Some trainers say, do cardio; there were no fat ones in the running section. Others - give preference to iron, it speeds up metabolism. How to properly get rid of excess? And is it possible to do this without leaving home?

Why do we see bolsters under our bras?

The problem is familiar even to slender girls. As soon as you put on beautiful underwear, there you have it - bumps on your back near the bra belt. Why is this happening? The fault here is not some special food, or the lack of one or two “tricky sports tricks”. This happens if the percentage of body fat is in the upper limit of normal. And this is a typical consequence of the modern lifestyle. Our bodies are made to move. But how much do we walk? No, rather, we move from the bed to the car, from the seat to the office chair, and even in the fitness club we sit on an exercise bike, a leg press machine, and a pulley bench.

Being in a passive state, we spend too little energy. The body stores excess in fat deposits. Losing ridges and bumps is simple and difficult at the same time. We must completely change our daily routine so that:

  1. fit 10,000 steps on the pedometer daily into it. Some will have to park their car 2 blocks before work, others will have to stop going to the hairdresser, and others will have to start taking themselves for walks. There is no universal solution here, you need to think through your own path;
  2. Find time for 3 strength training sessions per week. Often girls think that if the problem area is the back, they only need to do exercises for it, as well as cardio with an emphasis on the upper body. In fact, you'll lose fat faster if you focus on squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and standing presses, rather than just lat-isolating movements. What matters is the total number of calories we burn during an activity and how we structure our day, not just the presence of cable pull-downs as part of the exercise list;
  3. progress in working weights. We'd like to tell you that 2kg dumbbells are a great alternative to the gym, but that's not the case. With them you can pump up, say, a girl’s not very strong deltoids. But the back. We lift bags weighing more than 10 kg, and children, and can open any door. Don't you need to load your muscles adequately so that they receive positive stress and actually become stronger?

Ideal physical activity for losing weight at home

Primitive gymnastics

30 minutes a day - and your figure is perfect!

+ Simple accessible exercises

+ Effective training of all muscle groups

+ Visible results in just two weeks

+ Help and support from an experienced trainer

Slim back without going outside: the basics

To train at home, you should purchase:

  1. rubber expanders of sufficient rigidity. We're talking about X Bands or their cheaper equivalents, not an aerobics band with which you can do 100 repetitions of an exercise. If you want to save money, pharmaceutical rubber bandages folded several times will do;

free weights. Almost every family has a weight left over from the previous generation. These exercises are ideal for women - they help tighten muscles, improve balance, coordination, strength, and endurance. No weights? It doesn’t matter - a set of dumbbells of different weights, but you can install a safety frame and buy a barbell at home. There would be a desire;

TRX loops or any others for functional training, and a horizontal bar in the doorway

A strength session for a beginner girl might look like this:

warm-up - 5 minutes of walking, or stepper, rotation in all major joints, 20 squats, push-ups from a support (sofa, window sill, so that it is easy to perform repetitions), and forward bends;

Squat - with weights, a dumbbell on the chest, a barbell on the back or chest, a sandbag. If all this is missing - with loops on one leg;

Bend forward - with weights or resistance from a rubber expander;

Pull-up - with compensation of part of the weight with rubber, we fix the expander on the horizontal bar, put the free parts of the loops on the feet, take a hang, and pull ourselves up so that the expander slightly “pushes” up at the dead center;

Push-ups with resistance - the band can be thrown over the shoulder blades to increase resistance;

The “parallel” loop pull-up is an isolation movement, drawing your shoulder blades toward your spine and actively pulling your torso toward your arms to engage your lats more;

The plank is the best movement for those who want to combine slimness and strength. Pull your shoulder blades toward your spine, rest on your toes and forearms, and tighten the center of your body, bringing your navel toward your spine. Hold the pose for 30 seconds or more.

All exercises, except the plank, should be performed for 40 seconds on a timer in 3-4 working approaches. Between sets - 45 to 60 seconds of complete rest, just shake your muscles during it.

What to do in the gym to become slimmer?

If you have found the time and money for the gym, it makes sense to also spend money on setting up the technique of basic exercises. Of course, you can exercise on your own in the gym, but the metabolic effect will not be as pronounced. Look for a trainer who will teach you how to properly squat, pull up, press while standing and lying down, and perform deadlifts using the classical technique. There is no need to think that these are “male” movements. They will only make a woman with normal hormonal levels slimmer.

Video: Fat folds on the back. What to do and how to fight?!

You shouldn’t “marry” the gym and spend all your free time there. 3 hour sessions per week are enough, during which you will do the “base”. And you can get physical activity outside the gym, it will be even better.

What about fat burning and dieting? Follow the classic recommendations - 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, 1 g of fat, and 2-3 g of carbohydrates, or a little less on rest days, and at the top of the norm on active days. Try to choose simple, healthy foods, don’t go hungry, and don’t stuff yourself with food. Seek balance, and over time, your problem areas will turn into a source of pride.

What do you prefer? Would you like to try competent strength training or do you have any alternative solution for the beauty of your armpits? Share with us in the comments!

Age and an unhealthy lifestyle cause the human body to change. Wrinkles appear on the skin, unnecessary kilograms form folds on the back and waist, worsening the attractiveness of a woman and forming many psychological complexes. This article will tell you how to quickly remove fat deposits from your back by doing simple exercises at home.

Causes of fat folds on the back

The appearance of fat deposits is caused by the fact that a person consumes more food than he spends. It should also be taken into account that people have genetically different metabolic rates. It is much more difficult to gain weight with a high metabolic rate than with a low one.

Therefore, you should follow the rules of proper nutrition, which allow you to speed up your metabolism:

  1. Eat in small portions. The stomach of a healthy person has a volume equal to the volume of his fist.
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day, which speeds up your metabolism.
  3. Drink enough water, at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The liquid ensures the removal of toxins from the body, which greatly affects metabolism.

To get rid of folds of fat, you need to turn it into energy and spend it. During lipolysis, triglyceride, which stores energy in the fat cell, is broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. They enter the bloodstream and provide nutrition to the muscles and organs of the body.

The fat burning process is triggered by special hormones that are produced by the endocrine system during stressful situations:

  1. Adrenaline appears in moments of danger.
  2. Growth hormone (somatropin) provides energy to cells during sleep, allowing them to quickly recover.
  3. Glucagon is produced when sugar levels drop.
  4. Cortisol is produced during mental and physical overload.

Due to the fact that hormones move along with the blood, it will not be possible to evenly burn fat only on the back without splitting it in other places.

Back exercises - here's how to remove fat folds on the back

The rate of fat decomposition is also determined by the concentration of capillaries and nerve endings in muscles and tissues; the more blood enters the muscles, the faster fat is burned.

The human body accumulates excess fat in different parts of the body at different rates. It forms quickly on the back, sides, stomach and buttocks, but on the calves and arms it is much slower. The reverse process occurs when fat decomposes where it quickly accumulates, where adipose tissue is burned more slowly.

What rules to follow for eating and doing exercises at home to remove wrinkles on your back in a short time will be shown later in the article. When losing weight, you need to carefully monitor your weight loss; losing 0.5 - 1 kg per week is the norm recommended by experts.

Exercises to remove back fat under the shoulder blade

A sedentary lifestyle is the main reason for the appearance of excess fat on the back. The first step is to prepare the muscles; they must withstand prolonged physical training.

To achieve this task, you need to do basic exercises that strengthen the main muscle groups of the body:

  1. Deep squats without weights. Sports experts believe that this exercise is one of the most highly effective. It comprehensively involves all major muscle groups and has a positive effect on the life-giving systems of the human body. Performing squats returns muscle activity and releases hormones into the blood that burn fat.
  2. Classic push-ups – This is a basic exercise for developing the muscles of the back, shoulders, chest and arms.

Description of the exercise “Squats”:

  1. Set your feet shoulder-width apart and imagine that you need to jump forward. They will reflexively take the best position for squats.
  2. Slowly, while inhaling, lower yourself down, the gluteal muscles should be below the level of the knees. Keep your back straight, eyes looking forward.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your legs and take the starting position.

Do as many repetitions as possible, take a break, and your breathing rate and heart rate should return to their initial values. Repeat the exercise. When performing squats, you should pay attention to ensure that your knees at the lowest point do not protrude beyond the toes of your feet. Failure to comply with this rule has a negative impact on the knee joints.

Description of the exercise “Push-ups”:

  1. Sit down and lean on your knees, arms at your sides, at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Lean on the surface of the palms of your hands and on the toes of your feet, stretch your body and hips in one line.
  3. As you inhale, lower your body until your chest touches the surface of the floor.
  4. Exhaling, slowly straighten your arms at the elbow joints and take the initial position.

Do as many push-ups as possible. Take a recovery break and do push-ups again.

Beginners should do push-ups from their knees; this will make it possible to perform more repetitions and quickly develop the muscles of the back, arms and chest.

Exercises to remove fat from the back and sides

After mastering the basic exercises, you need to include movements to twist the body into your classes. They will strengthen the core muscles of the human body, the abs and oblique abdominal muscles.

Experts recommend how to remove folds on your back in a short time (exercises at home are quite effective).

Twisting the upper body is done on a special gymnastic carpet on the floor or a special inclined board. For beginners, it is preferable to start doing this movement better on a flat floor, and then, to increase the load, switch to an inclined board. The lower the chest, the harder the crunches.

Description of performing overhead crunches:

  1. Place yourself on a gymnastic mat lying down.
  2. The legs are bent at the knee joints, the surface of the feet is in contact with the floor, the lower back is pressed to the floor. The hands are clasped with palms at the back of the head.
  3. Slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor, twist your upper body, and reach toward your pelvis. The lower back is pressed to the floor, hold for 1 second. in the highest position and with an additional effort of will, tense your abs.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position. The abdominal muscles are tense, the head does not drop to the floor.
  5. Perform the greatest number of repetitions.
  6. Restore your breathing and do one more approach.

Reverse crunches:

  1. Sit on a flat surface of the floor, shoulder blades and lower back pressed to the floor. Use your hands to secure your upper body, grabbing the support behind your head.
  2. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, lift your hips and pelvis up, twisting your lower body.
  3. Take the starting position.
  4. Perform lower crunches as many times as possible.
  5. Restore breathing and repeat the exercise cycle.

Diagonal twists:

  1. Get into the same position as when performing overhead crunches.
  2. Twisting the body with a screw, pull the left elbow towards the right knee. In this position, hold for 1 second.
  3. Take the starting pose.
  4. Twist to the other side with your right elbow, reaching towards your left knee. Hold for 1 second.
  5. Repeat as many times as possible.
  6. Bring your breathing back to normal and do 1 more approach.

The effectiveness of the exercise will increase if you use visualization and mental connection with the action. You need to imagine contracting the muscle, warming it up, filling it with blood. Using this technique when performing exercises will make it possible to work out muscle tissue faster and better.

Exercises with dumbbells

How to remove folds on the back in a short time (exercises at home can be done using weights) in order to develop back muscle tissue and break down excess fat layers will be discussed further.

Lunges using dumbbells:

  1. Hold dumbbells in the palms of your lowered arms. Place your feet at the width of your hip joints.
  2. Inhaling, step your left foot forward. Transfer your body weight to your left foot. Bend it at the knee. Perform the exercise slowly, maintaining balance. You need to step softly and elastically. You cannot suddenly lower yourself onto your left leg. The knee of the front leg should not protrude beyond the toe of the foot. The angle between the shin and thigh of the left leg should not exceed 90 degrees. The right bent leg rests on the toe.
  3. Exhaling, elastically push the heel of your left foot off the floor. Take the starting position.
  4. Perform a lunge with the other leg.
  5. Do 19-26 reps.
  6. Rest and do 1 more approach.

Raising dumbbells in different directions:

  1. The initial pose is the same as in a lunge exercise.
  2. Exhaling air, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Hold at shoulder level. Hands should not be higher than the elbows.
  3. Inhaling air, return your hands to the starting position.
  4. Do arm raises 20-25 times.
  5. Recover and repeat the exercise.

Bent-over dumbbell raise:

  1. Rest your left knee and left hand on the bench. The body is in a horizontal position. The eyes look forward, the back is straight. The right hand with the dumbbell is lowered down.
  2. Exhaling, slowly bend your right arm at the elbow and lift the dumbbell to body level. The dumbbell moves towards the pelvis.
  3. Lower your hand to the starting position and inhale.
  4. Perform 20-25 repetitions.
  5. Change hands and perform a cycle of movements.
  6. Rest, do the next approach.

For effective fat burning, you should do 20–25 repetitions, using light dumbbells, but at a fairly fast pace.

Fitball exercises

How to remove folds on the back in a short time (exercises at home are suitable for any level of fitness) with minimal stress on the spine will be of interest to people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Upward bends (stretching the back muscles):

  1. Lie on the gym ball with your stomach, straight legs slightly apart. The toes rest on the surface of the floor. The arms are slightly spread and located along the body.
  2. As you exhale, slowly lift your upper body up, arching at the lower back. Flatten your shoulder blades as much as possible. Fix the body at the top point for 2 seconds.
  3. Inhale and go back.
  4. Perform 2 sets of 5-10 times.

Leg raises while lying on your stomach:

  1. The arms are bent at the elbows and the palms rest on the floor. Fitball under the stomach. The toes rest on the floor surface. Head at knee level.
  2. Exhaling, raise your legs up, straightening your body into a line.
  3. While inhaling, return the body to its previous position.
  4. Do 2 sets with the maximum number of repetitions.

In order to train comfortably on a fitball, its size should be selected to suit your height.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

The gymnastic stick is held with both hands, the distance between them is greater than shoulder width. Exercises are performed in 4 or 8 counts. The movements begin with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it. The repetition of exercises varies from 10 to 20 times.

Cycle of exercises for the back:

  1. Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the sports equipment behind your head in line with your shoulders.
  2. Fix your pelvis and legs. Make turns with your body in different directions.
  3. Raise the stick up. Arms straight. Perform side bends in different directions.
  4. Hold the gymnastic stick above your head in straightened arms.
  5. Bend forward, bending your lumbar spine as much as possible and tilting your arms up.

A gymnastic stick must be selected based on the height and weight of the student:

  1. For beginners - about 1.5 - 3 kg.
  2. Athletes – from 6 to 9 kg.

Methods for getting rid of back folds using diet

What nutritional rules to follow so that the exercises performed at home are as effective as possible and allow you to remove folds on your back in a short time are described in this part of the article.

To speed up the process of breaking down adipose tissue, low-calorie diets are used. The basis of this principle of nutrition is formed on reducing the calorie content of the usual diet and strictly recording the calories consumed.

To implement this method of nutrition, it is necessary to wisely select a daily menu with a balanced content of necessary products.

You should eat low-calorie foods in order to activate fat breakdown processes to provide the body with the necessary energy.

Main types of low-calorie diets Daily number of calories, kcal Description
Basic 1,4 – 1,6 The standard for slow and safe weight loss. You can follow this diet until you reach the required weight. You can use this diet without time restrictions. It is drawn up for 4 weeks with a planned weight loss of 4-5 kg. The results of this diet can be significantly improved through physical training.
Moderately restricted diet 1,1 – 1,3 The duration of this diet is no more than 28 days. In 7-8 days, a person following this diet loses up to about 2-3 kg of excess fat deposits.
Extreme diet. Only people in excellent health can use this diet. 0,65 – 0,95 The duration of this diet is no more than 10 days. A person can lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week.

To get a positive result, you must follow the basic rules and principles of a low-calorie diet:

  1. The menu should mainly consist of protein products.
  2. Eat food in small portions, 5-6 times a day.
  3. It is forbidden to eat animal fats; the use of vegetable fats in dishes is limited to 80 g per day.
  4. In the evening, eat no later than 3 hours before going to bed.
  5. Cook food in a steamer, boil it in water or bake it in the oven.
  6. Eat no more than 100 g of complex carbohydrates per day.
  7. Exclude baked goods and alcohol from the list of consumed foods.
  8. All simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets) are prohibited for consumption.
  9. Minimum salt intake.
  10. The daily menu should provide the body with necessary, vital vitamins and microelements.
  11. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Burning subcutaneous fat on the back with massage

For people with elevated temperatures and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, massage is contraindicated. Massage should not be done on menstrual periods, during pregnancy and within 2 months after childbirth, cesarean section or abortion.

The main task of any massage is to provide additional blood flow to the desired area of ​​the body, which will lead to an increase in the concentration of hormones that break down fat.

Pinch massage is the best way to self-massage at home. It will activate processes that ensure the breakdown of fat deposits and improve the appearance and elasticity of the skin.

First you need to prepare the problem area by applying cream or treating it with special oil. Warm up the prepared surface with light strokes. This effect will prevent bruises from forming after intense pinching.

Grab the fat layer with your palm so that 4 fingers are on one side and your thumb is on the other. Moving clockwise, it is tedious to squeeze and push through the fatty tissue, increasing the impact and increasing the radius of the trajectory with each revolution. Make 3 passes.

Rub the entire treated area with a terry towel. At the end of the process, stroke and pat this area.

When performing a massage, sharp painful sensations are not allowed. Mild tingling and redness of the skin is acceptable during the procedure.

Daily 10 – 15 min. exposure within a month will allow you to get a noticeable result.

Constant training, a variety of physical exercises, diet, massage will allow you to remove folds on your back in a short time at home. The main thing is desire and daily implementation of the planned program of action, and no difficulties can prevent you from achieving your goal.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video on how to remove wrinkles on the back

How to remove fat folds on the back: