Small pimples on cheekbones

Acne on the face causes many problems for women. They cannot be disguised with clothes or hairstyle, and cosmetics can only aggravate the situation. Pimples often appear on the cheekbones. It is necessary to know about the causes of this problem and how to solve it. Effective treatment options are described in the article.


Why do acne appear on cheekbones? The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, and it is not always possible to determine the only one. Dermatologists believe that this unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to:

  1. Physiological reasons.
  2. Diseases whose symptoms are considered to be acne.


Typically, acne on the cheekbones appears for several reasons, so treatment requires an integrated approach. This will improve the condition of your facial skin in a short time.

Physiological reasons

Even healthy people can have acne on their cheekbones and cheeks. The reasons for this phenomenon do not lie in the disease. It is not always possible to change this, but this phenomenon does not pose a threat to health. This group includes the following factors:

  1. Hormonal changes. This phenomenon is often observed during puberty, during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Then pimples appear only temporarily, they will be eliminated on their own. In this case, only local treatment is required.
  2. Poor skin cleansing. Due to blockage of the sebaceous glands with cosmetics, the outflow of secretions is disrupted, resulting in inflammation and suppuration. The top layer of epidermal cells dies if there is no regular exfoliation.
  3. Poor nutrition. Eating buns, cakes, sweets, and fast food spoils the appearance of your face. High blood sugar is a positive background for the development of microflora that lives on the skin.
  4. Wrong lifestyle. Cigarettes and alcohol are considered poisons that poison the body. The skin has an excretory function, it removes toxins, so it immediately reacts to an incorrect lifestyle.
  5. Taking medications. Antibacterial drugs eliminate normal microflora. Acne on the cheekbones in women appears due to the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Genetics. Skin type is inherited from parents. Therefore, if the epidermis is oily from birth, then the person will have acne. Local cosmetic methods and products can help cope with the problem.


Pathological causes

There are other factors that cause acne to appear on the cheekbones of women. The reasons may be hidden in diseases that require professional diagnosis and treatment:

  1. Violation of hormone production. Acne can be symptoms of serious diseases of the endocrine system. If, in addition to the rash, there are menstrual irregularities, facial hair growth, and changes in blood pressure, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms may be accompanied by the inability to become pregnant.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. Pimples on the cheekbones and other parts of the face appear due to gastritis, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbiosis and chronic constipation. Symptoms include nausea, heartburn, and bowel problems.
  3. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The liver is the body's main purifier, filtering the blood and eliminating toxins from it. If there is pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium when eating or exercising, then you need to undergo an examination.
  4. Demodecosis. Pimples on the face and cheekbones can be caused by a mite that has settled in the epidermis. Due to its waste products, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged, which is a powerful allergen. If there is redness and swelling on the face, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  5. Allergy. Pimples can appear due to food intolerance. In adults, allergies occur due to milk, nuts, honey, citrus fruits and berries. It is necessary to exclude these products for several weeks and observe the condition of the skin.
  6. Nervous disorders. It is associated with acute or chronic stress. In the body, there is an increase in the synthesis of the stress hormone - cortisol, due to which the facial tissues receive few nutritional components.


If the skin does not look ideal, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon and begin to eliminate it. Modern medicine, cosmetology and home care methods work effectively.

What do we have to do?

Regardless of the cause of acne, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to eliminating it. To do this, you need to consult a doctor to perform a diagnosis that will determine the causes of this phenomenon. And for treatment, folk remedies and medicines are used.



Diagnostics will help determine why acne appears on the cheekbones. If any of the above symptoms are detected, then you need to go to a specialist. If clear signs are not expressed, you should act sequentially:

  1. Visit a gastroenterologist. The specialist will palpate the abdomen and check for symptoms. If necessary, procedures such as FGDS, ultrasound of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, and biochemical blood test may be prescribed.
  2. Contact an endocrinologist. Doctors usually advise performing an ultrasound of the adrenal glands, pelvic organs, and donating blood.
  3. Visit to a psychiatrist. This specialist will help identify hidden disorders in the nervous system.
  4. You should contact a dermatologist last, as he will be able to identify the cause of acne only after visiting other specialists. A scraping of the epidermis, a clinical blood test and allergy tests will be required.


If abnormalities are found during the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment that will get rid of acne on the cheekbones and cheeks. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists, and the first positive results will soon appear.

Using Local Remedies

When acne appears, the causes cannot be determined immediately. Experts say there are no abnormalities in the body, and the skin may not look entirely ideal. Often this phenomenon is associated with heredity or a violation of lifestyle and nutrition. In this case, you can use local remedies to combat acne on the cheekbones, neck and cheeks. Procedures should be aimed at proper cleansing, drying, and disinfection of the skin:

  1. For washing, you need to choose a product with an antiseptic effect. It is important to familiarize yourself with the composition so that the gel contains salicylic acid.
  2. After washing your face, you should rinse your face with a mixture of water (1 glass), in which you need to add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon).
  3. You should purchase salicylic alcohol and wipe your face with it every day with a moistened cotton pad.
  4. For rinsing, you need to prepare a decoction or infusion of chamomile, string, oak bark or sage. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials. In the summer, you can wipe your face with cubes of healthy decoctions.
  5. A deeply located pimple takes a long time to mature, causing discomfort. You can pull it out with a cotton swab containing Vishnevsky ointment, which must be secured with a band-aid overnight.


Tar soap is considered an effective means of cleansing problematic epidermis. It has a disinfecting and drying effect. Although it has an unpleasant smell, it disappears completely after 10-15 minutes.


When acne appears, lifestyle adjustments are necessary. The following tips will help with this:

  1. Balanced diet. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. Fiber cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins.
  2. Refusal of junk food. You should not eat muffins, confectionery, soda, fast food, or fatty foods. You will also have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Full sleep. Only with good rest can you have a healthy nervous system and good immunity.
  4. Prolonged stay in the fresh air. Oxygen is required for redox reactions that occur in the body. Therefore, walking should become a habit.
  5. Drink 2 liters of warm water every day. You can drink the first glass after waking up.
  6. Removing makeup after coming home. It is advisable to avoid foundation, concealer, powder and blush. You need to use only high-quality cosmetics and special makeup removers.
  7. Regular peeling. The procedure will remove dead epidermal cells and open the ducts of the sebaceous glands. You need to use a scrub every week, and perform salon treatments several times a year. Cosmetologists recommend acid peeling and cryodermabrasion.

Traditional methods

If the pimples are fresh, folk remedies will help remove them. They are effective and safe:

  1. You will need honey (1 tsp) and tea tree oil (a few drops). After mixing the components, the product can be applied pointwise. You need to cleanse your face after 25 minutes. Pimples usually become smaller and lighter in color.
  2. A mask can be made from aspirin (3 tablets) and honey (1 tsp). The tablets need to be crushed and soaked in boiled water (0.5 tsp). Then honey is added. The mask is applied to emerging pimples. After half an hour, your face can be cleansed.
  3. Toothpaste is used to eliminate acne. The seal almost completely disappears in 2-4 hours.


It is not difficult to cure acne, because now there are many remedies for this. But it should be borne in mind that it is better to take preventive actions to prevent their occurrence. If you perform high-quality care, your facial skin will not become problematic.


Inflammation on the face is one of the common problems that quite often causes concern not only among teenagers, but also among adult women. It is impossible to hide acne on the cheeks and cheekbones, therefore, in addition to the fact that this problem causes discomfort, in addition, the sufferer of this disease develops uncertainty and constraint when communicating. Acne can be chronic, solitary, or appear in large numbers in the form of a rash.

Many people try to get rid of acne on their own, resorting to methods such as squeezing or rough facial cleansing. However, such attempts at self-medication do not give the expected results and contribute to even greater irritation and inflammation. The skin begins to itch and the bacteria spread even more, including the chin and neck area. With such damage, the sensitive structure of the upper layer of the epidermis is disrupted and the body is exposed to the risk of an even greater infection, so before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why do acne occur.

Why do acne appear on cheekbones and cheeks?

As a rule, at the very beginning, one inconspicuous pimple (acne) appears on the face on the cheek or in some other place, which leads to a massive rash. This suggests that something is not working correctly in the body, there is no skin care or it is not performed effectively. People who lead an active lifestyle (play sports, etc.) due to lack of time are most at risk of getting this kind of inflammation of the skin in case of untimely care, since, in addition to daily cleansing of the skin, it is important to do quality drying and cleansing cosmetic procedures.

Pimples and rashes on the cheekbones can also mean deviations in the number of sebaceous glands, the functions of which include the necessary production of subcutaneous fat for the body. If there is an excess of it, the pores become clogged with dirt and close, the skin begins to itch; acne forms. The rash initially indicates an allergic reaction or there are problems in the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

In order to correctly prescribe treatment, it is necessary to more accurately determine what pimples on the cheekbones indicate. Let's consider reasons for their appearance more details.

Causes and treatment of acne on cheekbones

  1. melkie-pryshiki-na-skulah-NMcgH.webp

    Hereditary factor (pores that are too wide due to the active work of the sebaceous glands can be transmitted from parents to children at the genetic level, which provokes the occurrence of this disease during adolescence).
  2. Hormonal imbalance (observed after childbirth or during pregnancy, at the beginning of menopause and during menstruation, which causes the appearance of acne).
  3. Stressful situations (during stress, acne occurs, a person begins to itch and thereby causes additional harm).
  4. Kerification of cells (their accumulation leads to clogging of pores and the appearance of acne).
  5. Damage to the skin (contamination of pores occurs due to: friction with clothes made of low-quality fabric; constant wearing of scarves or sweaters with a high neck, which prevents the penetration of air and moisture; due to touching the face with dirty hands, this often causes purulent formations).
  6. Lack of vitamins in the body (lack of vitamins A and E).
  7. Allergies and infections (acne on the cheekbones and neck can be the result of serious lung diseases, laryngitis, any viral infections or pathology of the lymphatic system).
  8. Medicines (some of them have a negative effect on the skin; although they treat one system of the body, they can harm another).
  9. Demodicosis (an invisible mite in the layers of the skin that introduces microbes into the sebaceous glands, which provokes inflammation, resulting in a severe rash; the person experiences itching, and possible scarring).
  10. Unhealthy lifestyle (drinking alcohol, smoking, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, lack of fresh air).
  11. Poor nutrition (excessive consumption of fried, fatty, dairy foods; sweets and flour products).
  12. Problems within the body (disturbances in the circulatory and digestive systems, lipid imbalance).

Taking into account the above factors, you can draw conclusions and begin full treatment. Today, modern cosmetology is quite well equipped with methods for eliminating acne and it is possible to get rid of this problem in just a few sessions.



It is worth understanding that skin rashes can also be associated with a reaction to parasites or respond to opisthorchiasis, helminthic infestation, etc. It is necessary to identify the causes of the disease, but they also need confirmation. Therefore, it is worth contacting a dermatologist and undergoing the necessary tests, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed.

In the presence of intestinal diseases it is necessary to undergo an examination, as a result of which it will be clear which organ needs treatment, since if the intestines are clogged and toxins are absorbed into the blood, severe inflammation is possible. Therefore, it would be a good idea to consult a therapist. Also check your body for the absence of vitamin deficiency (disease of the kidneys and adrenal glands).

Women suffering inflammatory processes of the genital organs quite often susceptible to inflammation on the cheeks and neck, therefore, if you have such chronic diseases, you should begin to treat them; once the problem is corrected, the acne will disappear.

While waiting for the results of the analysis or prescribed examination, engage in independent healing of your body, this will allow you to narrow down the range of certain reasons; In any case, it won't do any harm. Pay attention to creating a menu, give up alcohol, do exercises in the morning, and walk in the fresh air. Stop using cosmetics, perhaps this is one of the reasons for your illness, replace cleansers with tar soap; treat the damage with a cotton swab soaked in salicylic acid. Procedures of this nature will only soothe the skin and speed up the healing process, because, as you know, it lasts quite a long time.

Eliminate products that cause acne:

coffee (especially with sugar and on an empty stomach); sweet and baked goods (buns, pastries, cakes, chips, soda, cookies, etc.); dairy products with a high percentage of fat (including ice cream); fats (use vegetable oils); alcohol.

There are also many modern techniques for cleansing the face that promote rapid recovery. However, each of them also has disadvantages, so when choosing a treatment method, you must be guided by the reasons for the appearance of rashes and the recommendations of a specialist doctor.

Modern Cosmetological methods of facial cleansing:

  1. laser;
  2. diamond;
  3. ultrasonic;
  4. vacuum, etc.

Treating acne at home


Home treatments include rather cleansing procedures and are intended for women with mild symptoms of the disease. These include baths made from decoctions of medicinal herbs, various masks and lotions. It is necessary to do such procedures only if you are not allergic to any of the plants.

Most popular plants Chamomile, celandine, string and calendula are considered for such purposes. Sauerkraut is widely used as a light scrub; it vitaminizes and disinfects the skin well.

It must be taken into account that any cosmetic home or salon procedures are additional assistance to full treatment. Without it, the treatment result will be insufficiently pronounced and short-lived.


First, what should be done, add vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, nuts to your diet and eat these foods at least every other day. Avoid unnatural juices, eat more salads and avoid stressful situations.

Reconsider cosmetics and perfume, replace if necessary. You should not apply the cream to your neck, as it remains on blouses and shirts. It is necessary to wash clothes and bed linen only with anti-allergenic powder. If we talk about purulent inflammations, then under no circumstances should the pus be squeezed out or masked with cosmetics; such methods will only cause harm. You should not use foundation in hot weather, as it is already difficult for your skin to breathe. On the street and in public places, you should not touch your face with your hands or scratch damaged areas of the skin.

Skin care tips


In the morning before breakfast, you should drink at least 200 ml of water (still). Water helps remove accumulated toxins.

It is recommended to use water for washing add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. This procedure nourishes the skin well. The solution should be weak, otherwise the skin may dry out.

Various masks made from fresh vegetables, dairy products, honey, as well as herbal lotions, daily steam treatments are good cleansing methods that prevent acne and help tone the skin.

Pimples on the cheekbones appear in the fair sex not only during puberty. At any age, those with oily skin are at risk. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands contributes to the accumulation of dust and impurities on the dermis, which clog pores, provoke inflammation of the follicles, and the formation of acne. Pustular rashes can cause not only aesthetic troubles, but also pain and discomfort. The main reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheekbones and cheeks are problems in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic failures, regular stressful situations, and changes in hormonal levels in the body.

Causes and provoking factors

According to Chinese medicine, there is a relationship whereby pimples appear in certain places. Therefore, the face is often called the “window of health.” The appearance of acne under the cheekbones on the right side reflects the condition of the right lung, and on the opposite side, the condition of the left lung. This may be due to smoking or respiratory diseases. If pimples on the cheeks are located closer to the eyes, this indicates kidney problems or possible dehydration.


Comedones on the cheeks and cheekbones also signal that the digestion process is disrupted, and it is possible that the person suffers from constipation. Due to poor metabolism, food is retained in the body, turning into toxins.

Excessive nervous tension leads to increased production of hormones by the adrenal glands. High levels of adrenaline reduce immune reserves. With increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, this leads to the formation of acne.

Another significant reason for the appearance of acne is reduced immunity after viral diseases and bacterial infections, and allergies. Any inflammatory processes in the body negatively affect the epidermis.

A hereditary predisposition to problem skin is one of the common reasons why acne appears on the cheekbones.

The use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics containing aggressive substances is a provoking factor. Pimples on the cheekbones in women, the causes of which lie in clogged pores and infection of the integument, arise due to the excessive use of powder and foundation for the purpose of camouflage. For dermis prone to oiliness, it is necessary to use non-comedogenic cosmetics and regularly disinfect tools for applying makeup.

Age-related acne on cheeks

Later, acne appears in women for several reasons:

  1. irrational or previously untreated acne;
  2. hormonal imbalance.

The history of late acne is rooted in early acne, which, like any other, occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission.

Acne on the cheekbones in women appears against the background of complete health due to physiologically determined hormonal changes. By the age of 35-38, the amount of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone is equalized. At this point, factors such as weakened immunity, improper skin care or nutrition, and stress create favorable conditions for intense work and then inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

With age, the amount of estrogen decreases. With a decrease in the main female hormone and the presence of male testosterone, the balance is disrupted, as evidenced by acne on the cheekbones.

It is customary for women to come to a cosmetologist or dermatologist with the problem of late acne, but in fact, the cause of the disease can be removed by an endocrinologist and gynecologist. This treatment is based on the use of hormonal contraceptives or antiandrogens.

Prohibited methods of care

Some methods of caring for problem skin are not only ineffective, but harmful. Procedures that provoke rashes are:

  1. Steaming the face.
  2. Washing with aggressive laundry soap.
  3. Scrubbing.
  4. Use of alcohol products.
  5. Self-squeezing pimples.

If acne occurs, it is necessary to identify the source of the problem, and then establish proper care and, if possible, eliminate provoking factors.

Acne treatment

For open, purulent forms of acne, therapy is carried out using drying components.

There is no need to dry congestive pimples on the cheekbones or post-acne with talkers or preparations with zinc. In this case, they switch to soft-acting cosmetics based on exfoliating components. These include acids:


With regular use of salicylic acid, the process of keratinization occurs, but with a violation of water-lipid metabolism. Cleansing gels and masks containing moisturizing ingredients: lactic acid, hyaluronate will help compensate for moisture loss.

Care and treatment at home

Daily care for the dermis and help in treating acne under the cheekbones comes down to 3 things:

At the first stage, it is better to choose products that do not contain aggressive substances. They violate the integument protection system. A damaged lipid layer is a gateway for bacteria, and aggressive substances in cleansers cause allergies. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the presence of sulfates, abbreviated as SLS, SLES or SMS, and mineral oil. The latter refers to oil refining products, creates a film on the skin, blocks the mouths of the glands, which contributes to the formation of comedones. To cleanse the epidermis, the following are considered desirable components:

  1. coco-betaine;
  2. coco-glucoside;
  3. capryl(yl) glucoside; natural oils; glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids (for oily skin).

Soft surfactants cleanse without breaking the water barrier, without clogging pores, and effectively exfoliate the epidermis. Useful products can be found in the luxury price segment and the mass market.


Toning is necessary to neutralize cleansing agents, create an acidic environment on the surface of protective covers and prepare for nutrition. Cosmetic toners are 90% water, the rest consists of glycerin, additives, and preservatives. Choosing a toner based on the type of dermis is not difficult. The main thing is that the composition does not contain alcohol or fragrances. To tone problem skin, regular mineral water from the supermarket is suitable. There are recommendations for the use of natural tonic depending on the type of epidermis:

  1. For combination, dry, normal waters of low mineralization (Evian, Perrier) are preferred.
  2. For oily, problematic epidermis, medicinal water with a high salt content (Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan) is suitable.

If you can make a mistake when buying tonic and choose a product with aggressive substances, then this will not happen with mineral water, since there are simply no preservatives or fragrances.

The right moisturizer can improve your appearance and help solve problems associated with rashes. It must perform 3 main tasks: moisturize, protect, nourish. To perform the first function, you need to look for hyaluronic acid, propylene glycol, and urea in the composition. The second task is to protect the skin from sun rays and free radicals, so day cream should be chosen with SPF and antioxidant vitamins.

The cream is not able to fully perform the latter task. Skin nutrition is provided through blood vessels and depends on the food entering the body and the state of the digestive tract. However, the cream is capable of delivering the building material necessary to strengthen the lipid barrier. Therefore, you need to look for ceramides and fatty acids in your moisturizer.

Drug therapy

In addition to home care products, you will need medication. Currently, Differin is recognized as the best remedy. It does not contribute to the development of resistance in bacteria, and after discontinuation it does not worsen the condition of the skin. Retinoid product:

  1. reduces sebum production;
  2. reduces the rate of skin keratinization;
  3. dissolves sebaceous plugs.

These properties contribute to skin healing processes, preventing the appearance of rashes. The drug is suitable for women with mild (up to 10 elements) and moderate (10-25 elements) acne on the cheeks. The over-the-counter drug is produced in the form of a gel and cream.


For oily and combination skin with acne, a gel is preferable; for dry and sensitive skin, a cream is preferable. The product is used in the evening before bed after cleansing and toning the dermis of the face, applied precisely to areas prone to rashes.

The only drawback is the high cost. If you cannot afford a medicine for problematic dermis from French manufacturers, you can replace it with a budget analogue, Klenzit, made in India. You need to understand that the effectiveness of the analogue is lower, so for some the therapy may be ineffective.

For severe acne, external treatment is not effective. In this case, you need to immediately contact a specialist: a dermatologist, endocrinologist. You should not go to the other extreme and use pharmaceutical products with an active form of vitamin A if 1-2 pimples appear in the cheek area during the period of monthly physiological changes in women. It is enough to establish daily care and treat the elements with a 1-2% solution of salicylic acid. Improvement in the condition with regular use of drying agents occurs after 1-3 months.

An increase in acne is considered a normal reaction at the beginning of treatment, so it is important to understand the moment and not stop halfway. After 3 months, if there is no improvement, it is necessary to identify the causes of acne on the cheekbones by consulting a doctor and getting tested. Then, in addition to home treatment, women will be prescribed antibiotics and drugs that normalize hormonal levels.