Fashion tips for girls 12 years old

Today we are going to find out the best tips for teenage girls of all ages. This period in itself is very important for a woman, from the point of view of psychology and physical development. During adolescence, the body transforms and prepares to enter adulthood. Many parents experience this time with difficulty - it can be difficult to get along with an almost formed personality. And the girls themselves have to deal with phenomena and changes that are new to them. How to behave during this period? What advice can you give for teenage girls (11 years and older)? What will help their proper development?


Attention: hormones!

Adolescence itself is characterized by the so-called play of hormones. This applies to both boys and girls. Only guys show similar changes mainly in behavior: they become more independent. But girls have a harder time. Their hormones have a huge impact on their overall health. The first thing you should pay attention to is puberty. The period begins at approximately 11-12 years. For some it comes earlier.

Unlike young ladies, guys go through this stage a little later, so you could say it’s a little easier for them to endure. There are different pieces of advice that can be given to teenage girls. But if we talk about puberty and hormones, then you shouldn’t be afraid of them. And be embarrassed by the changes occurring in the body. Be prepared for the fact that, for example, your breasts will begin to grow, pimples and acne will appear. They are a natural reaction of the body. This is normal - nothing to be ashamed of. Be mentally prepared for the fact that your health is now almost fully formed for adult life.

Critical days

What else should you pay attention to? For example, the fact that puberty in girls does not pass without leaving a trace. As has already been said, changes begin in the body, and they are visible: the breasts increase, the hips become rounded, the skin deteriorates a little. This is fine. It is also worth noting that in adolescence, girls begin their periods. They often frighten inexperienced little girls. On average, already at 10-11 years old you can experience the so-called menstruation.

Advice for teenage girls necessarily contains points on moral preparation and future behavior. Do not be afraid of the first critical days - this is the first sign that you have become an adult. They will now come to you monthly at a certain interval: 28-30 days. Keep a calendar that will help you calculate the exact period of such an event. This is very important for both a teenager and an adult woman. If you come to an appointment with a gynecologist, you will be asked very actively about your period.


There is no need to be alarmed if your periods are too heavy or painful. This happens, but over time the body adapts and the process normalizes. If you can't stand it, it's better to see a doctor. He will help you choose a good and safe pain reliever.

Personal care

Advice for teenage girls on self-care can be given endlessly. Of course, a lot depends on you and your goals. Some already at this age attach great importance to appearance, while others do not see the point in killing time in front of the mirror. Of course, as a teenager you should take care of yourself. After all, you are already a young lady who is almost ready for adulthood. It is advisable to stock up on special masks and creams for teenage skin, wash your face with scrubs and do peelings at least once a week.

This is especially true for those who experience certain skin problems due to hormones. Just don't overdo it. Especially with decorative cosmetics. Advice for teenage girls often indicates that you need to wear makeup and show with all your might that you are already an adult. But this is not entirely correct. Yes, no one has canceled decorative cosmetics, but everything should be in moderation. It is advisable to preserve your natural beauty, which is emphasized by light makeup: without a ton of various powders, eye shadows, foundations and other feminine joys.


The next stage that cannot be missed is showing interest in the opposite sex. In adolescence, people begin to experience their first love, a timid kiss, and a reverent relationship. This is fine. There is no need to isolate yourself, especially girls. This is not entirely normal.


On the contrary, good advice for teenage girls always indicates that they need to communicate more with the opposite sex. But only without the manic task of finding a boyfriend. Just make new friends among young men, communicate with them, have fun and spend more time together.

There is no need to be afraid of relationships. If you like someone, don't be afraid to make the first move. Maybe this really is your destiny! But be prepared to be rejected. Relationships are not an easy thing. There are both successes and failures here. However, there is no need to abandon your normal lifestyle and completely immerse yourself in them. A psychologist's advice will help you behave correctly: professionals often recommend that teenage girls do not need to run after boys. Even if all the girls are delighted with someone. This is not entirely correct. It’s better not to be afraid to take the first step towards someone who is truly interesting and pleasant to you.

Your opinion

Adolescence is a very difficult period for any person. And not everyone is able to survive it without negative consequences. It is at this time that hormonal and physical changes occur in the body: the child becomes a real person with his own opinion. For parents, this behavior is often unacceptable, which is where huge problems arise.


Advice for teenage girls 14 years old (and older) often indicates that you'll have to do a lot of preparation. Now you will have to learn to defend your opinion in front of your parents. If you disagree with something, do not remain silent. Scandals, quarrels and insults - all this is almost inevitable. It is better to behave this way than to bend under parental authority. If you don’t learn to defend your point of view now, then everyone will take advantage of it later. But this must be done competently, without aggression.

Yes, it is better not to agree to an open conflict. First, try to peacefully explain and justify why and what you disagree with, and how you want to act. If you have understanding parents, they will accept you. No? Then only a riot. Rebellion, of course, is not the best option, but sometimes you cannot do without it. The main thing is not to go too far. Learn to say “no” if your interests are violated. It doesn’t matter to whom: parents or friends. Otherwise, in the future they will simply sit on your neck. Just do it without hysterics, anger, rudeness, pressure and blackmail.


Don't forget about school. Under the influence of hormones, sometimes you don’t want to study or do things. Yes, it will be difficult, but nevertheless there is no need to skip classes. Pay due attention to your studies, but do not exalt them above your principles and interests. Look for harmony in everything.


By the way, if you are already 14 years old, you can get a part-time job at the same time. This is a great way to show everyone that you are no longer a child, but an already formed personality. Earn your own pocket money, involve yourself in work - without it you cannot survive in the adult world.

By the way, at the age of 16 you can request emancipation. If you can provide your own housing, as well as food and education, you can request early legal capacity through the court. This can hardly be called advice, since at a young age not everyone is ready to shoulder such a burden. But if you have the opportunity, why not? Just remember, parental consent is required. It’s better not to quarrel with them, because without family support, even an adult can have a hard time.

Calm and problems

Useful tips for teenage girls don't end there. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is at a young age that you will have to learn to remain calm. This recommendation applies to both boys and girls. You should not rebel and row too much: learn self-control. Either on your own or with the help of a psychologist.

If you have any experiences and emotions, do not keep them to yourself. But don't put them on public display either. It is advisable to seek help from your parents, best friends or a specialist. Remember: the psychologist is not your enemy at all. He is often able to help a teenage girl become a real girl, and then a woman with a decent outlook on life. Turning to such doctors is not a shame, but rather an achievement for a modern person.


By the way, many techniques help to stay calm. First, you can take a hot bath or shower. Secondly, some people practice meditation. Thirdly, negative emotions can be thrown out in the gym or on a pillow/bag. The main thing is not to keep to yourself what has accumulated inside. Find your own way to relieve stress!


Advice for teenage girls necessarily contains some lifestyle recommendations. The thing is that children begin to change dramatically during this period. At the same time, their lifestyle is being transformed. Try not to give in to temptations that manifest themselves in the form of bad habits. Teenagers often start drinking and smoking to appear like adults. It is not right. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not ruin your health.

Also, do not imitate your peers in this matter. After all, you can often get involved with bad company that will teach you bad principles. Smoking, alcohol, drugs are your enemies. In all senses. Do not give in to the temptation to look “cool” or “grown up”. In the eyes of society, on the contrary, you will look like a small and stupid child.

Goals in life

Tips for teenage girls (12 years and older) are not rules that need to be followed unconditionally. These are just some instructions that will help your personality develop with minimal stress. Pay attention to the last fact - you need to decide now on your goals in life.


Analyze everything you want to achieve. For example, learn (for whom exactly), work (where and by whom), get married, have children. And set priorities depending on your own desires. For example, you should not try to become a professor if your task is only family, children and household chores. It is better to devote yourself more to cooking, handicrafts, and studying psychology. Do you want to build a career? Then do everything for this. Setting your priorities will help you in the future.

The main thing is not to be afraid. Here you will most likely encounter misunderstanding and non-acceptance of your point of view by your parents. As practice shows, the older generation tries to plan their entire lives for teenagers (no matter for what reasons). Following the parental script means ruining yourself as a person. Defend your point of view, set priorities and enjoy your youth!


Dressing for school should look different. Even if your educational institution does not have a mandatory school uniform, you should dress in business casual for classes. Jeans are not allowed in many schools. In this case, buy or sew trousers, preferably two pairs - thin and warm, for winter. A dark, discreet striped fabric is ideal. Buy several light-colored blouses or turtlenecks so that you can change them often. You can complement a business suit with a jacket or several vests. Not all girls like to wear skirts, but it is better if there is at least one in their wardrobe. Ballerina shoes will also suit this style of clothing, but moccasins and sneakers are best left at home.

Such clothes can also be worn outside of school, on special occasions - for example, wearing them to go to the theater or to an exhibition, diversifying them with accessories or a brightly colored turtleneck.

Finally, for especially special occasions, it is quite acceptable for a 12-13 year old girl to dress in the same way as adults dress: for example, for a wedding or New Year’s party, sew her an evening dress, buy shoes with low heels. In these cases, even on the face of a teenager, a small amount of cosmetics would be appropriate: lip gloss, tone, a drop of blush.

The most important thing to remember is that clothes should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials and, of course, stylish and fashionable. In this case, a 12-13 year old girl will wear it with pleasure and feel comfortable in it.

  1. teenagers girls 12 years old


The content of the article


School uniform requirements

Of course, a girl always wants to be beautiful and elegant, but when choosing a school uniform, you should still remember that these are clothes for “work”, therefore, they should be designed in a business style, without unnecessary decorations in the form of shiny details, ruffles , bows, appliques, etc.

Of course, physical activity at school is not as high as during walks or sports, but the convenience of a school uniform is one of the main requirements. A school suit should not cause discomfort to wear, because the child will have to spend almost the whole day in these clothes.

It is better to give preference to natural fabrics in clothes for school. But it must be taken into account that a small percentage of synthetic thread makes the fabric more wear-resistant, which is especially important for a school uniform: after all, the girl will have to wear the uniform for at least a year.

The colors of the school uniform, as a rule, have to be selected in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution, but if there is no such need, it is better to give preference to non-staining fabrics of restrained colors (dark blue, gray, burgundy), and so that the school suit does not look boring, it It is permissible to use “tartan” and soft finishes.

You shouldn’t buy a school uniform “to grow into.” A girl in baggy clothes will not look very attractive, but she will have to “go out in public” like this every day!

It makes sense to purchase two sets of uniforms for different weather conditions - they will wear out less, and it will be much easier to solve problems with washing.

School costume elements

If you decide that you need to purchase a school jacket as an element of your uniform, there is a reason for this: in the warm season it is quite capable of replacing a light jacket, and in a cool class it will look more appropriate than a cardigan. But wearing it under outerwear is not always convenient, especially if the jacket is equipped with hard hangers or is made of fairly dense fabric.

A sundress is a good choice as the basis of a school costume. By changing blouses and turtlenecks, a girl in a school sundress will always be dressed for the season and can easily update her school wardrobe. A sundress is especially relevant for younger schoolgirls: it is more comfortable to wear than a skirt, which tends to slide off the still unformed waist. A sundress allows you to create a complete image with a minimum of funds. It is better to choose a model in a classic style - chosen according to the figure, it will decorate a girl of any age and any build.

The most economical form option is undoubtedly a skirt. It is enough to change the “top” of the costume, and the girl will be able to vary her image every day. But it is worth remembering that in this case you will have to approach the choice of jumpers and blouses especially carefully. The skirt can be conveniently combined with both a jacket and a vest.

A vest can be purchased as an alternative to a jacket. It should go well with a school skirt or trousers. When putting together an ensemble with a vest, you need to remember the rule: the more original it is, the simpler the blouse should be chosen to match it. A good option is a jersey vest, matched to match the skirt. In the cold season, it will give warmth and will be comfortable in combination with a jacket.

Trousers can also be worn as part of a school uniform for girls, especially in the cold season. You should not choose trousers that are too wide or, on the contrary, too narrow; it is better to stick to the classic version.

In any case, when choosing a school uniform, take into account the opinion of the girl herself, because a school suit will become her main clothing for the whole school year.


Dear mothers, our girls are growing up and, of course, their wardrobe should also undergo changes and “grow up” with them. A teenager's wardrobe is different from a child's wardrobe or from an adult woman's wardrobe. And you need to remember this when buying clothes for a girl.


During adolescence, girls are most sensitive to their appearance. For many of them, it is very important what impression they make on others.

After all, it is often at this age that self-esteem is formed, and unnecessary complexes are “drawn.”

What should a teenage girl wear?

Therefore, clothes for a teenage girl should be:

Comfortable and convenient – ​​i.e. fit the girl's lifestyle.

Fashionable, beautiful and most importantly - modern!

And since at this age girls do not yet really understand how to make their image stylish, fashionable and interesting, we, parents, must help them with this and, thereby, develop their daughter’s sense of taste. Do not persistently and obsessively dictate your vision of “beautiful”, but playfully, offering various options, consulting with the child, finding compromises.


So, our task is to make a high-quality basis for the wardrobe, so that by purchasing some trendy items that are relevant in the current season, the girl’s image will be stylish and interesting, and will not look boring and drab, or vice versa, “I’ll wear all the best at once.”

Basic wardrobe for a teenage girl

The basis of any wardrobe, including a teenager’s, is basic things. By the way, if you open the closet now and look at your daughter’s things, then most likely you will find them there. You just didn’t know about it :-) And this is absolutely logical, because it’s the basic things that are responsible for comfort, convenience and warmth (see point 1)


But so that we can speak the same language, let’s talk about what basic things are.

Basic things are things that:

- have a simple, laconic cut

- they lack any decorative elements

As soon as something was sewn to the item, it was cut off asymmetrically, draped, i.e. a complex cut or decorative elements appear - it automatically loses its “basicness” and becomes a thing belonging to a certain style. Let's call such things “raisins.”



The most important feature of basic things: all basic things are combined with each other!

And this is exactly what our child needs. She must pull things out of the closet with her eyes closed and know for sure that they fit together!


Basic things in a teenager's wardrobe simply must be colored!

If you read articles on the Internet on this topic, you will find that basic things are only black, grey, white and beige.

But what about a blue or burgundy laconic jumper with diamonds? And one of the reasons why our girls’ wardrobes are filled with black and gray things is the inability to properly assemble colored items.


How to put together the perfect wardrobe for a teenage girl?

So, in a proper teenage wardrobe, approximately 70-90% of things should be basic. They are the ones that will allow the child to feel comfortable, it is these things that can be assembled with each other with “eyes closed” and it is with them that you can fearlessly assemble things with a complex cut that have a certain style. And this property makes it possible to obtain the maximum number of different sets of clothes from the same things.

But even when choosing seemingly simple things like basic ones, you need to pay attention to their relevance and modernity (see point 2).

The right jackets

For example, “today’s” correct jacket for a girl does not look short, tight and fitted, but on the contrary: it is straight cut, often elongated, has a narrow collar (lapel) or there may be no collar at all; double-breasted models are also very relevant and modern.

If a girl likes to emphasize her waist, put a strap on top. An additional accessory will never be superfluous in this case.


The right trousers

Current youth trousers are now, as a rule, tapered and shortened.

These types of trousers are the most versatile, because... allow you to wear almost any shoes under them: ballet flats, sneakers, loafers, sneakers, pumps with or without heels, etc.

If a girl does not have any particular figure features, then there is no need to purchase straight long trousers. You can’t wear more sporty shoes with such models, and the correct length of these trousers must be strictly observed: you can’t wear the same pair with flat shoes or with a small, stable heel.


The right cardigans

Another example is cardigans. Tight models made of thin knitwear with small buttons are no longer relevant.

Nowadays, straight silhouettes are in fashion, maybe a large textured knit; again, you can fit a cardigan with a narrow matching belt or, conversely, a contrasting belt.


I gave you just a few examples to clearly show what the relevance and modernity of things are.

Of course, a girl will feel “out of place” in outdated styles of simple basic things, so be sure to flip through youth magazines or youth street style photos. This way you will be aware of current youth styles, and you will also be able to get ideas for packaging such things.


Pictured is Annabelle Fleur

List of things for a teenager's basic wardrobe

Now let's make a rough list of basic things that a teenage girl should have in her wardrobe. I cannot recommend a certain number of things, because everyone has their own minimum requirement, based on the teenager’s lifestyle and hobbies. We remember that all these things should have a simple, laconic cut and be colorful!

By the way, I wrote about a school wardrobe for a teenage girl in one of the previous articles, where I also gave an approximate list of what a girl needs for school.

Therefore, here we will compile a list of basic things needed in everyday life.

  1. Short sleeve T-shirt white
  2. T-shirts with short sleeves, colored
  3. Long Sleeve T-Shirts
  4. White shirt (straight fit is relevant)
  5. Denim shirt
  6. Plaid shirt
  7. Straight or oversized jumper
  8. Sweater (printed, chunky knit or bright color)
  9. Sweatshirt
  10. Straight cut cardigan
  11. Jacket
  12. Jeans (skinny, boyfriend, straight, distressed or torn, blue or colored - it all depends on taste, needs and preferences)
  13. Pants with arrows
  14. Sweatpants (note urban styles, not gym styles)
  15. Shorts
  16. Skirt
  17. Dress (straight cut, oversize or fitted, depends on preference)
  18. A sweater dress or a tunic dress is very popular now. Can be worn with leggings, thick tights and rough boots or jeans.
  19. Dress shirt
  20. Sundress
  21. Trench coat
  22. Leather jacket (can be made of eco-leather)
  23. Jeans
  24. Bomber
  25. Down jacket
  26. Demi-season coat
  27. Sneakers
  28. Sneakers
  29. Ballet shoes
  30. Shoes
  31. Sandals
  32. Boots
  33. Boots
  34. Crossbody bag (over the shoulder)
  35. Backpack
  36. Scarf
  37. A cap
  38. Gloves

Having a “solid foundation” in your wardrobe, you can, at your daughter’s request, buy some trendy items of the current season - that very “raisin”, fearlessly pair them with the “base” and be sure that such a wardrobe will always be functional, interesting and varied . The girl will always have something to wear and she will look different every time.

Basic wardrobe examples

Now I will show you clearly the variability of the basic wardrobe. And believe me, these are not all the combinations that can be made from this set of things. And if you combine that same “raisin” with these things or complement each set with different accessories, which I wrote about in the last article, then the number of combinations simply increases exponentially!


Now look what this small wardrobe can do









Well, do you have a desire to reconsider your daughter’s wardrobe? :-) Then go ahead and go for it with her! And if you need professional help, come study at the Shopping School
