Acne due to hormonal imbalance

When adolescence is over, but there are no rashes on your face, there is reason to worry. Everyone who has encountered this has thought: “What if there is simply no gap between pimples and the first deep wrinkles?”

If, in the fight for healthy skin, you have already tried all the mass market products that promise to solve the problem in 15 minutes, poured heavy artillery on yourself in the form of expensive pharmaceutical cosmetics, and even went to the dermatologist, who still did not help you - this text is for you .

We asked the gynecologist five main questions about how hormones affect the condition of our skin.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the first qualification category at the Eva Women's Health Clinic, clinical resident at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of BelMAPO

How do the phases of the menstrual cycle affect our body and, in particular, the skin?

A woman’s body is subject to hormonal fluctuations depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and even our temperament determines the ratio of certain sex hormones.

In previous articles, I already talked about the fact that a woman’s body produces not only female sex hormones, but also male ones, which are called androgens. Androgens include testosterone - in the female body it is produced not only by the ovaries, but also by the adrenal glands.

Now let's figure out why testosterone affects the condition of our skin. The thing is that skin cells have special receptors for hormones - including testosterone. These receptors are responsible for the actions of androgens.

Androgens (in our case, testosterone), in turn, regulate all processes that occur in the cells of the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, and hair follicles. These are the processes of division, keratinization and - the main thing in our topic - the secretion of sebum. / Kali Kushner's story proves that getting rid of acne is real

What causes acne?

If the body produces a large amount of testosterone, this leads to hyperstimulation of the sebaceous and sweat glands - they have the highest sensitivity to this hormone.

This means that too much sebum begins to be produced - sebum, which mixes with keratinized skin scales. Because of this, the water-lipid balance changes and pores become clogged.

The process of sebum removal slows down, and it, entering into oxidative processes with oxygen, darkens - this is how blackheads or blackheads appear on the skin. This sebaceous plug becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms that can live on the skin. They begin to actively multiply, and this leads to inflammatory processes - that’s why acne appears on our face.

We often encounter all this during adolescence. But similar processes occur in our body in adulthood - in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, the level of steroid hormones - testosterone precursors - increases in the body. They trigger processes that inevitably lead to a rash on the face. / Blogger Rachel Crowley also demonstrates on her Instagram that even severe acne can be dealt with

Will the situation change with age?

In old age, there is a significant decrease in the level of sex hormones. But at the same time, all processes that restore and renew our skin slow down.

Again, the water-lipid balance changes, but in the direction of thinning and dryness. The skin loses its tone due to the fact that the body greatly reduces the production of collagen and elastane it needs.

While wrinkles have not yet appeared... What to do with acne?

Firstly, do not self-medicate! If you have acne-prone skin, consult a dermatologist first. Inflammatory processes on the skin can be associated not only with hormones, but also with infection - for example, streptococcal or staphylococcal. In this case, the doctor will take a special analysis and select a treatment regimen for you.

Secondly, never try to squeeze out pimples yourself. This will only intensify the inflammatory process and help the infection penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Thirdly, if a dermatologist has ruled out the presence of an infectious acne pathogen, be sure to contact a gynecologist, who will first refer you to a test for sex hormones.

If the analysis shows elevated testosterone levels, hormonal treatment is most likely impossible. Today there are a sufficient number of drugs that have an antiandrogenic effect, but each of them has its own spectrum of action. And only a doctor can determine which one is right for you!

When will the result be visible (and on the face)?

Elevated testosterone levels, or hyperandrogenism, are not so difficult to treat, but they take quite a long time. But the results will appear from the first days of treatment!

Many people are worried: what will happen after stopping the drug? If you take the medicine for 1-2 months, of course, after you stop taking it, everything will return to normal. Well, if you have been taking the drug for a year or more, the result will be stable and will persist even after discontinuation.

Don’t put off solving your problem, because beautiful skin is not only a sign of your health, but also a guarantee of a good mood every day!

Hormones play an important role in the appearance and development of acne in women, and although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, androgens have been shown to act on the follicles and cause excess sebum production. Androgens are the so-called male hormones, but are normally present in both men and women. They are produced in the testicles (in men), ovaries (in women) and adrenal glands (in men and women). The most well-known androgens are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.


Research has shown that androgen receptors exist in the sebaceous glands and the cells lining the pores. If a woman has high levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, they will in most cases affect these receptors. Simply put, these acne-causing hormones cause the skin to produce more oil, which will further feed the bacteria. Thus, by reducing androgens and testosterone, acne can be reduced.

In addition, the testosterone precursor hormone DHEA also influences the functioning of the sebaceous glands. DHEA sulfate levels begin to rise long before puberty, when the adrenal glands begin to produce it. At this time, acne begins to appear in adolescents who have a genetic predisposition to it.

Considering the above, when dealing with acne, women and girls first need to take hormone tests:

  1. testosterone,
  2. DHT (dihydrotestosterone),
  3. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate).

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. androstenedione,
  2. cortisol

One of the factors that influence the increase in hormones is the food we consume. The typical diet for most people is high in saturated fat, processed grains, meat fats, refined sugars and low in fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, fiber, antioxidants and seaweed.

A healthy diet is one form of natural treatment for hormonal acne in women, not because acne comes from junk food, but because the quality of food can affect hormonal levels, especially during adolescence or if there are endocrine problems.

Another way to balance your hormone levels is to take certain vitamins and herbs.


Very often, acne in women (especially after 30 or at a later age) appears due to hormonal imbalance, for example due to polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is a condition in which a woman has a hormone imbalance. Typically, in this case, there are low levels of estrogen and progesterone and high levels of androgens (male hormones that occur in small quantities in women). It is still not entirely clear what causes this violation.

Symptoms of PCOS include:

  1. absence or irregular menstrual cycle,
  2. cystic ovaries (on ultrasound),
  3. hair on the body, chest, face and around the nipples,
  4. thinning hair on the head,
  5. acne,
  6. dark spots on the skin around the neck, armpits, groin area or chest,
  7. reduction in breast size.

An increase in male androgen hormones is responsible for these “masculine” characteristics.

You can treat hormonal imbalance and acne using natural and natural methods: by changing your diet to one that will reduce androgens, taking herbs (for example, vitex) and other natural supplements. Although hormonal medications (mostly oral contraceptive pills) are perhaps the most popular way to combat PCOS and acne, they should only be used as prescribed by a doctor and in cases where gentler methods have not worked.

If you suspect that your acne on your face, chin, or chest may be caused by PCOS or another hormonal disorder, consult your doctor for testing and diagnosis.


  1. Take vitamins and herbs

Omega-3 fatty acids can lower testosterone in women and girls. Taking EPA and DHA supplements (such as quality fish oil) and adding more Omega 3s to your diet can help your body balance testosterone levels and eliminate acne.

Hormonal acne in women usually appears in the chin area. If you experience acne in this area during your period, chasteberry may help. Chasteberry is an herb also known as chasteberry and tree of Abraham that can be considered a folk remedy. It has been used with great success to treat women who have low progesterone in the luteal phase (the part of the cycle that begins after ovulation and ends the day before the next menstrual period) and high estrogen. Signs of low progesterone in women:

  1. depression,
  2. depression,
  3. mood swings,
  4. hormonal acne,
  5. nervousness and anxiety.

Symptoms of elevated estrogen include:

  1. breast pain and tenderness,
  2. bloating during menstruation.

Prutnyak acts on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) and slightly suppressing the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This leads to a shift in the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, increasing the latter. Chasteberry's ability to increase progesterone is a side effect, as the herb itself is not a hormone. You can take it only after taking a test for the content of this hormone in the blood, in order to avoid an excessive increase in progesterone, which can, on the contrary, stimulate acne. Also, if LH levels are elevated, it is not advisable to drink Vitex.

The optimal time to take Vitex herb is in the morning between 7-8 o'clock, because at this time the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are active and regulate female sex hormones. To get the effect, you need to take prutnyak for about three months.

  1. Eat right

Studies have shown that when switching from a diet high in saturated fat to a diet with less fat and more polyunsaturated fat (nuts, fish, seaweed, green leafy vegetables) over six weeks, there was a significant decrease in androstenedione (a testosterone precursor). na) and testosterone in the blood. These studies have been conducted over many years, also studying the effect of fiber (grains, vegetables, beans) on a woman's hormonal levels. A high fiber diet has also been found to reduce blood levels of testosterone, DHT and DHEA.

The average daily fiber intake for the average person is approximately 13 grams. The recommended daily dose is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Including fiber in your diet is beneficial for those who suffer from acne.

  1. Reduce your milk intake

DHT is able to bind to receptors in the sebaceous glands and “turn them on,” triggering acne and increased sebum production. Milk, in turn, increases DHT levels. Doctors have found that increased consumption of meat, protein foods, coffee, alcohol, sugar and processed grains worsens acne. On the contrary, it is beneficial to include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Consuming too much meat, protein and milk leads to acidosis. The main symptom of acidosis is fatigue. Other symptoms include:

  1. loss of motivation,
  2. decreased libido,
  3. poor quality of sleep,
  4. depression and rapid mental and physical fatigue.

Additional symptoms of acidosis:

  1. sensitivity to cold,
  2. low blood pressure,
  3. hypo- or hyperthyroidism,
  4. low blood sugar.

These symptoms are caused by the fact that the body uses essential minerals that are needed to nourish the nervous system, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, to neutralize acids. Stress also causes increased acidity in the body, which has been proven by studies. Alkaline foods (vegetables, fruits, honey, nuts, green tea) neutralize these acids and reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone (which is most often elevated in women with hormonal acne).

  1. Reduce stress

Stress does affect hormones, and in the modern world we are exposed to it all the time, starting in kindergarten and even earlier. You should try to reduce its exposure, as it causes damage to the body and nervous system. Cortisol, a stress hormone, has been found to increase in patients with acne. Additionally, an acid-forming diet (animal meats and processed grains) has been found to increase cortisol. A 2003 study found that increasing the amount of alkaline foods in the diet, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, decreased cortisol levels in the body. In addition, the person begins to feel better physically and mentally; Decreasing cortisol levels also reduces inflammation and may be a factor in the healing of inflammatory hormonal acne and pimples.

One of the reasons for the formation of acne is hormonal imbalance. We often read about this in every second article about acne. Testosterone, estrogen, insulin and other other hormones play an important role in the general condition of a person, including the condition of the skin. But what is hormonal imbalance and how is it related to acne? We will try to talk about this in our investigation.

Direct connection between acne and hormones

Androgens are responsible for the production of skin secretions using the sebaceous glands. Androgens regulate all processes in skin cells, hair follicles, and dermis. In addition to the production of sebum, androgens lead the process of keratinization and cell division of the epidermis.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. If there is excessive production of hormones, they actively move through the systems. The liver is unable to cope with the excessive load and begins to remove impurities through the skin. Pimples appear.

Testosterone is a male hormone, but it is also present in small quantities in the female body. When for certain reasons its quantity increases, the sebaceous glands secrete more sebum. Sebum mixes with dead skin cells, impurities and clogs pores. The lard interacts with oxygen, oxidizes and turns black. In ordinary life, we see the result of this process in the form of black dots on the face. If nothing is done, bacteria continue to multiply and divide, resulting in acne formation. Thus, acne due to hormonal imbalance is really a big problem. Hormones are very sensitive and minimal factors accompany their imbalance.

Acne during hormonal imbalance occurs not only on the face. They also affect the back, shoulders, and chest.

Factors that cause hormonal imbalance

Scientific studies have shown that hormone disruption occurs for certain reasons. There is no point in trying to find the cause of hormonal imbalance on your own. It is better to entrust this to a doctor. There are natural and acquired causes of hormonal imbalance. Most often, hormone failure occurs due to one’s own fault:

  1. Wrong lifestyle. Overwork at work, chronic lack of sleep and fatigue prevent a woman from recovering calmly. At such moments, in addition to acquiring depression, you are also at risk of hormonal imbalance.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Addiction to diets leads to the fact that the body does not receive the normal amounts of minerals and vitamins necessary for the synthesis of hormones. At the same time, overeating, indulgence in fatty foods, alcohol, and smoking slow down the normal processes of hormone production.
  3. Severe stress provokes the production of androgens. They turn on sebum production and start the chain of acne. Under stress, the body's protective and restorative functions are weakened, and acne appears again and again with full activity.
  4. Colds and venereal diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis) reduce the body's immunity and defenses, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
  5. Use of strong medications, steroids, and contraceptives. All medications must be strictly prescribed by a doctor. Acne due to hormonal imbalance from steroid use appears as nodular, cystic formations with cloudy contents. To treat such acne, it is enough to simply remove this drug from your lifestyle.
  6. Lack or excess of sex. It has long been established that when having sex, the body produces hormones that contribute to the normal state of human life. Hormonal levels and lovemaking are closely related, which is why acne formation is also present here.

Causes of hormonal disorders that are beyond a person’s control

Some periods of life are a natural cause of hormone surges. We cannot control them, as they are part of a woman’s life. These reasons include periods:

  1. Menses. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen dominates, in the second - progesterone. In the last phase, you can see an increase in the amount of testosterone, which leads to acne. The number of rashes varies for each woman and depends on skin type and hygiene. The rash usually goes away on its own within a few days.
  2. Postpartum period. In the first weeks after the birth of the baby, the female body is in a state of estrogen deficiency. Progesterone is the leader and causes hormonal imbalance and acne.
  3. Menopause. During this difficult period in a woman’s life, estrogen decreases due to decreased activity of the adrenal glands. Even though women are mature, they can still see pimples on their face. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist so that he can prescribe a drug that compensates for estrogen.

In addition to natural causes, hormonal imbalances also occur due to dysfunction of internal organs. Pituitary gland disease is one of the causes of hormonal imbalances. The pituitary gland increases in size due to a lack of iodine in the body and hormonal surges are observed.

Adrenal gland dysfunction, especially tumors, leads to facial acne due to hormonal imbalance. The adrenal glands are known to be responsible for the production of estrogen.

Diseases of the pelvic organs and groin area negatively affect hormones. Ovaries and acne on the face are inseparable concepts. Ovarian tumors or polycystic ovaries affect the normal balance of hormones.

Therefore, in addition to visiting a dermatologist, every adult should consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist or urologist in case of frequent acne on the body. Acne may not be a dermatological problem, but a consequence of problems with internal organs.

Features of hyperandrogenism

Hyperandrogenism, in other words, an excess of sex hormones, has pronounced symptoms. In addition to acne on the body, you can observe:

  1. Increased hair growth in women;
  2. Acne cannot be treated;
  3. Low timbre of voice in females;
  4. Rapid weight gain;
  5. Reducing breast size.

Less pronounced signs of hormonal imbalance may include severe fatigue, irritability, decreased libido in the fair sex, irregular periods, frequent headaches and pressure surges, and sweating. These signs are difficult to notice and link into one cause. We don't look at it as a symptom of a disease and then treat the dire consequences. To avoid this, listen to your body, give yourself time to rest and reboot.

How to treat acne due to hormonal imbalance?

The first step is to undergo a complete diagnosis. A trip to the dermatologist is not enough here. A dermatologist takes tests to determine whether acne is caused by an infectious disease. Staphylococci and streptococci provoke acne more often than hormonal imbalance. When tests do not show the presence of the disease, the dermatologist refers you to an endocrinologist or gynecologist for consultation. A hormone test is carried out, and an ultrasound scan of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries is performed.

Next, doctors, based on the tests, prescribe treatment. If women have a lack of estrogen, contraceptives containing the hormone are prescribed. Acne goes away within a few months. It is important not to stop taking the medications so that the acne does not return with even greater activity.

Excess testosterone is treated with antiandrogens, for example Spironolactone. In addition to the above medications, homeopathic remedies may be prescribed. Neuroleptics and drugs with potassium are also present in the normalization of hormones. If the problem lies in the internal organs or the presence of infection, additional treatment is prescribed. To treat acne caused by hormones during menopause, medications are prescribed to regulate the amount of missing hormones.

The patient is advised to adhere to a diet during the treatment period. Eliminate sweets and alcohol from the diet, add more fruits and greens. If necessary, vitamin complexes are used. This diet is introduced for a reason. It is necessary to regulate the blood glycemic index. The right amount of carbohydrates, lipids and fiber helps normalize insulin production, protein synthesis, and balances the amount of estrogen. This once again confirms that nutrition is an important component of a person’s normal life.

Hormonal balance is not just a clever phrase. This is an integral part of human life, which has an impact on the entire body. Take care of your health and avoid hormonal fluctuations.