The appearance of moles in children

Modern science cannot answer the question of where moles come from on children’s bodies. Some children have spots on their bodies from birth, while others develop them over time. But there are also those who are lucky to have clear skin.

Doctors never stop saying that it’s all due to heredity, namely genes passed on from generation to generation. Multiple moles can appear without causing harm, but can also be dangerous if they are cancerous.

What types of nevus occur in the plural?

Nevus has the following forms:

Borderline and complex forms often appear in the plural. Complex nevi often reach 10 millimeters or more. They are characterized by a dense consistency and spherical shape. Often such a nevus is called mixed due to its original color.

The borderline type of nevus is considered to be uniform, pigmented spots with an oval or round shape. Such spots have a clear border and a smooth surface. There is no hair on such nevi.

And they arise from birth. Localization includes the torso, neck, face, and external genitalia. The color range of moles can be different - light brown or dark brown.

Why do many moles appear on a child’s body?

Why does a child have many moles? The process of formation and change in the size of nevi is influenced by such reasons as:

  1. prolonged exposure to the sun.
  2. Baby's mobility.
  3. Predisposition to the formation of moles.

Using genetics, you can determine the age of a child at which spots will begin to appear on his body. This could be 5 or 10 years of life. Many doctors say that nevi in ​​males appear at a more mature age, while in girls they appear from early childhood. Genetics also influences the multiplicity of moles on the child's body.

The size of moles, as well as their number, depends on the presence in the baby’s body of special cells called melanocytes. They are located in the inner layers of the skin. Moles on a child’s body are common.

Therefore, if there are few of them, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you notice how they begin to enlarge and change their color, this is a reason to think about visiting a specialist.

What is dangerous when children have too many of them?

If parents are worried about spots that have appeared on the baby’s body, they should definitely contact a dermatologist or pediatrician. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine how dangerous it is for the child’s health. Malignant pigment spots at a young age are not a common occurrence. But, it is important to ensure that the moles do not become even larger.

It is also important to take into account the child's reaction for such education. Often nevi appear on the skin due to decreased immune defense. This can also cause changes in the size and color of moles.

Often, inflammatory processes can bother a child when birthmarks degenerate. Taking this information into account, we can say that even barely noticeable nevi can be very dangerous.

But don’t sound the alarm ahead of time. Degeneration of moles is quite rare. Moreover, this does not depend on the number of spots that occur on the baby’s body.

In medicine, there is a special classification of nevi. They can be vascular or ordinary. The former differ in their structure, since they contain blood vessels.

Their color can take on different shades - from pink to red. Red moles are not dangerous, but in some cases they are removed because such formations do not look aesthetically pleasing.

The second type of moles is considered common. They often have a smooth surface. They take on a light brown or black tint. and their appearance can be observed in the first years of a child’s life. When hair grows in this area, it is considered a good sign. You need to worry about moles that are located on the palms or soles of your feet.

Should I delete it if the quantity starts to bother me?

Many children develop moles at a very young age. This phenomenon is absolutely normal. You can only be wary if many moles appear in 2-3 months. In this case, it is better to visit a dermatologist or oncologist.

The doctor will examine the moles on the baby’s body and tell you about the reason for their multiple appearance. Often, nevi appear as a reaction to tanning and other external factors. In rare cases, they can talk about pathologies associated with the immune system and diseases of the internal organs.

The indication for removal of moles is the threat of degeneration to cancer. The degree of danger is assessed by an oncologist. Doctors say that you should not touch nevi with your hands, as this can lead to their degeneration.

But often they appear in places where a child can catch them with clothes or shoes. Removing nevi is in some cases a simple necessity. But even after a minor operation, a number of complications associated with bleeding and allergies to anesthesia can occur.

Nowadays, the most popular methods of getting rid of moles are:

  1. surgical.
  2. Laser cleaning.
  3. Use of liquid nitrogen.
  4. Cauterization with electric current.
  5. Radio wave.

The choice of method is made by the doctor, since it takes into account the properties of moles. Often, tumors similar to cancer are removed with a scalpel in order to completely rid the body of infections. In other cases, cryodestruction and laser cleaning have become extremely popular. Such methods are considered the safest.

The wound at the site of the mole should be treated until complete healing. Using ointments you can speed up this process. To prevent infection from getting into the wound, you need to take into account the following tips:

  1. You can’t get the crust wet and tear it off.
  2. It is important to ensure that the wound does not get exposed to the sun. Before your child goes out into the sun, cover it with a plaster.

If a mole has been removed surgically, then its complete healing can be observed after 2 weeks. As for the other methods, they are less painful and the unpleasant sensations will not last more than 7 days.

It is very rare to observe wound inflammation due to infection. In this case, healing may be delayed, and scars may remain after it.

What should I do to prevent the problem from returning again?

A mole is a congenital malformation of the skin or a benign tumor that forms at different stages of life. The following actions can be taken to prevent nevi:

control over exposure to the sun.

Your child should not be under the sun at dangerous times, namely from 11.00 to 16.00. if this cannot be avoided, it is important to wear clothes made from natural fabrics to protect the skin and also to avoid overheating. Don't forget about the need for a headdress.

Using sunscreen.Despite the degree of dark skin, children are exposed to the sun much faster than adults. This is why it is worth applying sun protection cream to exposed areas of the body. Wearing loose and comfortable clothes and shoes from natural materials. Nowadays, many modern parents are trying to buy stylish things for their children.

But during the summer season and hot days, it is important to consider not only the beauty, but also the safety of certain items of clothing. Often they protect against the harmful effects of the sun and the appearance of moles.


If multiple moles still appear on your baby’s body, be sure to consult a dermatologist for a detailed examination. This way you can rest assured that your child is not in danger.

Most often, children develop normal nevi that do not cause much discomfort. They do not itch or bleed, which means they have no effect. But it is important to check them too, especially if you notice changes in the size of moles and their color.

To record the changes, it is important to undergo examinations by a doctor in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences. This is the only way you can protect your child from problems with nevi in ​​the future.

Almost every person has a mole, or non-tumor nevus.

This is an area of ​​skin with a darker pigment color, of various shapes and sizes.

There are formations from light beige, almost invisible on human skin, to dark red and even black.

Most of them are completely safe for children (and adults).

But others are capable of causing fear in their rebirth, and bring trouble.

Moles most often appear between six months and four years. Then the appearance of nevi slows down and the next peak occurs in adolescence, which is due to hormonal changes in the human body. The baby is born, as a rule, with clear skin.

Exceptions also occur and are called birthmarks, which are usually more common in fair-skinned and fair-haired girls. Dark-skinned children are less likely to have moles from birth.

The formation of moles on human skin is a natural process. and is caused by the work of melanocytes, cells that determine skin color, provide tanning and give color to moles and other pigmented formations.

Reasons for appearance

  1. The most common and natural one is genetic. The number and location of nevi in ​​a child directly depends on the number and location of them in his immediate family. Hence the name of education.
  2. Internal reasons. Hormonal. The peaks in the formation and disappearance of birthmarks directly depend on the peaks of hormonal changes in the human body, so the first occurs during the period of 2-3 years, the second during adolescence; often during pregnancy, a woman can also notice the appearance or disappearance of nevi. And this process is also natural.
  3. External reasons. First of all, the activity of melanocytes is influenced by solar activity and the effect of ultraviolet radiation in particular. Under the influence of this particular radiation, a mole can change its size, color, and even degenerate into a deadly disease - melanoma.
  4. A less common reason (and not yet fully proven) is traumatic. According to this hypothesis, the formation of foci of hyperpigmentation in children can form in the post-traumatic period, after suffering insect bites, skin injuries, as well as viral infections.

Doctor Komarovsky about moles in children

A mole, according to Komarovsky, is a formation in which cancerous (malignant) cells may appear. But it is not a reason to panic. Rather, it should serve as an impetus for obtaining more information about the peculiarities of the functioning of your body (and the child’s body).

A mole is in most cases completely safe; you can live with it (and even if there are many of them) quite comfortably all your life until a ripe old age. Moreover, Evgeniy Olegovich identifies two series of factors that determine the presence of moles in a person and monitoring their safety.

  1. Genetics or hereditary factor. We cannot influence it in any way. If the baby’s relatives have a scattering of areas of hyperpigmentation on their skin, it is not surprising that the child also has a lot of them.
  2. The second very important factor is solar Activity. Due to their direct effect on the activity of melanocytes, the sun and ultraviolet radiation in particular are directly related to the number of moles on the skin of both adults and children.

Moreover, ultraviolet light is an aggressive factor that contributes to the degeneration of nevus into a more dangerous form of hyperpigmentation - deadly melanoma.

The third factor that Dr. Komarovsky pays attention to is traumatic damage to moles. Moreover, permanent damage is dangerous. A one-time injury to a nevus, apart from more intense bleeding, cannot cause much concern.

Which ones are dangerous?

For a qualitative assessment of the danger of a nevus Komarovsky recommends examining the child twice a year and make a map of the moles of him and his immediate family.

The doctor compiled an easy-to-memorize and quite informative “AKORD” system. What does this mean and how to use it?

Main characteristics of a mole, they also determine the degree of its safety for the body as follows:

  1. Asymmetry. If you virtually draw a straight line through the center of the mole, both parts should be mutually symmetrical. Otherwise, you should contact a specialist.
  2. The edges. Moles with even edges, smooth and rounded are safe and do not require contact with a specialist. You should consult a doctor if the edges are jagged or have unclear boundaries.
  3. Uniformity of color. The color of the nevus itself does not matter much, be it beige, deep brown, wine red or even black. The main thing is that it must be homogeneous.
  4. Size. A mole size up to 6 mm in diameter is considered safe (for comparison, this is the diameter of an eraser on a standard pencil).
  5. Growth dynamics. If the mole does not change significantly in size and there is no visible change within a month, it is safe. Anxiety can cause a noticeable increase within one month.

How to care?

Moles are smooth, do not protrude from the surface of the skin and are not subject to constant trauma and do not require special care. When visiting the beach they, like the rest of the skin, should be protected both by sunscreens and by not visiting the beach during peak solar activity (from 12 to 16 noon).

In the case where hair grows from a nevus, this is a cosmetic defect, but it is better to remove it simply by cutting it off, plucking it, or using creams or other methods of depilation.

What is a nevus map?

A mole map is needed to track when new moles appear and how old ones change. It is individual for everyone. It contains information about the location, size, color, symmetry, growth dynamics and edges of moles (that is, all information according to the AKORD system).

Thanks to this map it is possible to detect disturbances in areas of hyperpigmentation in a timely manner and contact a specialist, since although melanoma is often common, its cure with timely treatment reaches 95%.

Procedure for examining a child

  1. Examine the front surface of the body, right and left side with raised arms.
  2. Examination of the hands, the front and back of the shoulder, forearm and palm.
  3. Examination of the back of the body and buttocks.
  4. Examination of the legs, front and back of the thigh, lower leg and feet.
  5. Examination of the back of the head.

All enter the detected formations into the table indicating the location and characteristics of AKORD. Carry out an inspection twice a year.

How to prevent melanoma?

The best A way to prevent melanoma is the correct attitude towards the sun. And minimizing its negative impact on the child’s skin, including moles.

  1. Be sure to use a waterproof sunscreen with SPF 30+ or ​​higher.
  2. Renew the protection every 2 hours (reapply the product to the skin of the body and face), as well as after each bathing.
  3. Do not specifically look for the sun, and also, if possible, do not sunbathe during the period of peak ultraviolet activity (from 12 to 16 pm).
  4. Stay in the shade if possible.
  5. Be especially careful where there is water, sand and snow. Because their reflective properties enhance the negative effects of sunlight on the skin.
  6. Avoid sunbathing. To give the appearance of tanned skin, use self-tanner. But under no circumstances should we refuse Sanskrins.
  7. Know your moles.

Thus, although a mole is a group of cells that can degenerate into a malignant form, if treated correctly, treated with care and regularly examined, they are not a cause for panic.

Watch a video on the topic:

Many parents are interested in what to do when their children have moles? These formations do not cause any particular inconvenience, but in certain situations they can degenerate into malignant ones. Special attention must be paid. What to do with condylomas in a child?

When do moles appear?

Almost all newborn babies do not have marks on the skin. This is possible only in rare cases. At what age do spots appear in children? Experts distinguish several age periods.


  1. The first moles in children can appear between six months and one year.
  2. The second period is observed from five to six years.
  3. Many moles appear in adolescence due to hormonal changes in the body.

It is impossible to name the exact age at which children develop pezhins.

Causes and symptoms of appearance in children

Why do moles appear in a child? The reasons for this phenomenon are different.


  1. Hereditary factor. If the baby’s parents have enough birthmarks, they will also appear on him. Some birthmarks are inherited for many generations.
  2. Hormonal changes. They appear infrequently in childhood, but this factor should not be excluded.
  3. Another reason why pimples appear on a child’s body is prolonged exposure to the sun.

Factors that provoke the appearance of birthmarks include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous shock, and infectious diseases. For the same reasons, a baby may develop a white spot around a mole. What does it mean? Do not be afraid of this phenomenon; if itching, peeling and painful sensations appear, you should visit a specialist. What symptoms are characteristic in this case?


  1. Correct shape, no blurred boundaries,
  2. Color from light beige to dark brown,
  3. No pain, itching,
  4. Condyloma can be slightly convex or flat,
  5. Education increases in size as the child grows.

In the absence of any unpleasant sensations or signs, nothing is done with the nevi. If the growth grows, itches, or becomes inflamed, you should contact a medical facility.

Moles in infants under one year of age

In infants, nevi are practically no different. In certain situations they can have a rather rich color. Birthmarks are more often diagnosed in female babies than in male babies. Experts distinguish two types of pezhins in infants.

  1. Regular. Smooth condylomas with a beige to brown tint. In the absence of suspicious symptoms, there is no cause for concern.
  2. Vascular. Appear as a result of the fusion of blood vessels or capillaries. Pejina can be smooth or convex. Color varies from pink to red. Sometimes they can increase in size and must be removed if they cause discomfort (on the face).

A red mole on a baby's face or other part of the body should not cause much concern. In certain cases, the nevus may disappear on its own.

Types of moles

Experts identify several types of moles in children.

  1. Intradermal. They represent a spot on the skin or rise slightly above it. They come in the same color as the skin or darker (black).
  2. Borderline. A convex mole with regular shape and dark color. Does not cause discomfort to the owner.
  3. Mixed. Growths similar to a dark ball. The size is approximately one centimeter.
  4. Congenital. This type appears in the baby while in the womb.

The most dangerous moles for a child

What nevi pose a danger to a child? In most cases, these condylomas are benign in nature. However, under the influence of certain factors they can degenerate into malignant ones. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the condition of their child’s birthmarks. What should you pay attention to?

Danger signs:

  1. Education changes its shape, the boundaries become blurred and uneven.
  2. The child has many moles, they have different colors, and new ones appear periodically.
  3. Rapid growth of pezhin, achieving large sizes.
  4. Peeling, itching, pain.

Having discovered these signs, it is necessary to show the child to a specialist.

If a child picks off a mole or scratches it, it is necessary to treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and also consult a doctor.

Doctor about baby growths - video

Is it possible to remove stains: treatment

Quite often, removal of the formation is quite justified. A laser is used for this. The procedure is prescribed after a complete diagnosis, as well as in case of possible transformation into a malignant tumor. Nevi that are subject to frequent damage (moles on the head, neck, armpits) are removed.

The procedure is performed in a medical facility under local anesthesia. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used.

Upon completion of the process, the formation is sent for histological examination. Is it possible or not to remove moles in general?

Methods and methods of treatment

Conservative treatment in children is quite rare. The same drugs are used as for therapy in an adult, but the appropriate dosage is selected. This type of treatment is often chosen for red moles. For large red nevi, specialists may prescribe hormone therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment can also be used. The mole is lubricated with lemon juice, onion, garlic, honey and hydrogen peroxide. However, such therapy should be carried out with caution. Children's skin is very sensitive, and various allergic reactions are possible.

Who to contact and prevention

Which doctor should I show my baby if the pimples appear quite often or become inflamed? Who should I turn to for help? First of all, you should visit a pediatrician who will give you the necessary referrals to other specialists. Parents should monitor how moles appear on their children and whether they cause discomfort.

Preventive measures:

  1. Large formations must be constantly monitored.
  2. If there is an inflammatory process on the nevus, the appearance of purulent discharge, dry crusts, you need to visit the hospital.
  3. It is necessary to cover areas with moles when in the sun.
  4. If a child has damaged a mole, then only peroxide or chlorhexidine can be used for treatment. Do not cover the wound with a band-aid.

When children develop moles, parents may become concerned. However, in the absence of suspicious symptoms and discomfort, you should not worry. Every person has moles; they practically do not interfere with normal life.

The appearance of moles in children - video