Kiehl's midnight recovery concentrate reviews

Midnight Recovery Concentrate

Kirov Active participant

Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate December 18, 2017

Manufacturer Promises: The formula is designed for use at night, when the skin is most receptive to renewal and restoration. The product intensively moisturizes, strengthens the moisture barrier and helps restore the appearance of the skin by morning: the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, smooth and soft. Does not contain water, parabens, mineral oils and fragrances.

The concentrate is in a cute blue glass bottle. The lid is unscrewed, the top is pressed, a pipette is attached to it, which, when pressed, collects the concentrate. Very convenient to use. The consistency is liquid oil, with an amazing herbal aroma and pronounced notes of lavender. I apply it at night on my own, pre-warming it in my palms, applying movements. Really restores and nourishes. Showed its best side on my skin. This serum is also very economical.

Friends, I continue to tell you about what I like most about facial care at Kiehl's, start here. At first I wanted to make a selection in one post, but I changed my mind.

I wrote a separate review of Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate when my blog was on LiveJournal, and the brand was not in Russia at all, and I asked my friend to bring it to me from a trip abroad.

The amazing thing is that after all these years and hundreds and hundreds of tested other jars of care, I still love this concentrate, I still see a very quick effect from it - even from one use (that’s why I really like to take miniatures on trips). To be honest, I have changed my opinion over the years about many things that impressed me greatly back then. Alas, I must admit that this is what distinguishes a “young” blogger from an experienced one – he is easy to impress, too easy. This is probably why brands now like to collaborate so much with young bloggers, and preferably not at all, because they generally like everything).

Well, Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate does not even think of giving up under the flow of innovations, developments and discovered new ingredients.

When I was 25, I used this product separately at night, but now I use it under the cream because it... there is no longer enough food. The texture of this oil is not “dry”, but also not the fattest that is available on the market.

In general, I want to say that then and now the attitude towards oils in care has changed so much! Then it was exotic, but now it has become fashionable and has appeared among many. And people are no longer so afraid of oils, it seems to me. And we realized that oils have different purposes, and not just for super dry skin. I think it was this product that gave birth to the trend.

Midnight Recovery Concentrate is designed to restore skin on all fronts. The product consists of 99.8% natural ingredients.

At the same time, I like that it has a long shelf life after opening - because... the product is used up forever, this is important.

It promises to make your skin softer and smoother. But I most clearly see for myself that Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate refreshes and evens out the complexion. Somehow, very quickly the skin becomes fuller and more even. Inflammations, minor redness, and stagnant spots heal somewhat faster. I have never seen any noticeable hydration and nutrition from the product. But the look of the skin after using it is so good that I forgive everything!

In the morning my skin is fresher and I look more rested than I already am.

It comes in a package with a dropper; you need to use two or three drops at night as a serum or separately, if you have enough.

Because The product really takes forever, the concentrate is more likely to get boring than to run out. It’s great that the brand now sells it in three formats – 15, 30 and 50 ml. Well, Kiehl's corners are famous for their good service and generosity with samples and their availability for many products, this is a big plus.

Last year, the brand also released a daily oil concentrate, Daily Reviving Concentrate, I’m also using it now, but I didn’t start it long enough to write a full review. But I’m interested in your opinion about it, have you tried it? The reviews that I was able to find are positive.

Night concentrate is generally a long-time favorite of all. Which, of course, does not change the fact that someone doesn’t like him. For example, I once gave the remains of my concentrate to a friend, but she didn’t like it, simply because she couldn’t get used to using oils. And someone wrote to me in commercials that the concentrate “clogged the pores.” By the way, I don’t have this from him (although in general this sometimes happens from oil products in particular).

Less than a hundred years have passed since its release Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentratehow I bought it, tried it and decided to share it with you.
In fact, I honestly wanted to buy the concentrate almost as soon as it was released, and as soon as reviews began to appear on it. I don’t remember a single negative review at all! This is something incredible! Everyone liked him!

But beauty paths are mysterious... in the end, I only bought the concentrate this spring.

By the way, at the same time I’ll quickly tell you about the experience of ordering from the Italian website of the brand.

Kills, in fact, has a good presence in Italy and offline (better than one might imagine), but since I had been subscribed to their website’s newsletter for quite some time, I noticed that online they quite often have various discounts (from 10 to 20%, or even 25%).

** ABOUT! I saw this newfangled wave of collecting “signatures” for the appearance of discounts on Kilz in Russia! I was immediately surprised - is there really no discount for the brand in Russia? In Italy this is quite common.
And shipping is free on any order, which is great! They sent me a package from their Milan store, so everything came out very quickly. Samples are included with each order.
In short, one day everything came together: both the discount code and my desire to buy**

I chose the smallest amount of product, although if possible I would have taken even less! 15 ml is still a lot, as it turns out.
The concentrate packaging (in any size) is a blue glass bottle with a pipette dispenser.

What did I expect from him? For some reason, based on the reviews, I got the impression that the concentrate works very well on oily skin, saving it from many problems. Actually this is not true. But let's take things in order.

I started using the concentrate in the summer - I specifically monitored the issue of using the product on the Internet in the summer, and to my relief, the Internet provided information “it’s possible!”
So, this concentrate’s texture is a light, colorless oil with a lavender scent. Nowadays skin oils are on every corner and no one is afraid of them, a few years ago the Kills probably took a little risk. The oil, fortunately, is not super greasy, but quite comfortable for my combination skin. Of course, I don’t apply cream on top - from the first use it became clear that one concentrate would be enough.

In the first days after starting to use Midnight Recovery Concentrate, I was slightly disappointed - I didn’t see what I expected to see (but for some reason I was expecting something similar to the effect of acidic night creams - don’t ask me why! But I wanted smooth, dry skin "problem" areas).
On the other hand, the skin was hydrated and rested in the morning. Since it was summer (that is, in the heat), it was not very easy to immediately jump to some other remedy. Strangely enough (or maybe not at all strange), in the summer I have more problems choosing night products - because of the heat, I have great difficulty finding something that does not irritate me - in Moscow I have not encountered such a problem at all .
Most often, with the onset of the heat, it all ends with me using some light Asian emulsions or, in the most critical cases, just one tonic.
That same summer, as I wrote above, I had an experience with Kilz... and although it didn’t make me particularly happy at first, I couldn’t help but notice that in the hot season I feel quite comfortable using it! I didn’t expect this at all and wouldn’t have believed it myself, but here it is!

Of course, everyone must understand the correct dosage for themselves - in my case, it’s a small (.) drop on the whole face, but I do this with almost all oils.

The result was this: I used Kilz concentrate exclusively at night for a good half of the summer and was satisfied.
I’m happy not because this is a super product - in my case it doesn’t work miracles: it moisturizes well, soothes, but nothing more - but because this product turned out to be very comfortable and simple (in a positive sense) to use. As English-speaking bloggers say: "no fuzz no buzz" (in Russian we would say “without dancing with tambourines”).

You really are drawn to it, because with it, evening care is minimized in time, but the result does not worsen.

I didn’t write a review right away - I wanted to see how Midnight Recovery Concentrate would behave in cold weather (hoping for some kind of delayed wow effect), but nothing has changed. All the same "no fuzz no buzz".

Well, the summary: the tool, in principle, is worthy of attention if it interests you and you are curious to try it (as was the case in my case). If your heart doesn’t skip a beat when you see this blue bottle, you can calmly pass by (they say that a similar oil from The Body Shop is better. I haven’t tried it yet - it will be next).

If you have combination skin with a tendency toward oily skin, oil textures are interesting to you, but you are afraid - you can take this product as soon as you understand your dosage - it's in the bag.

If you are looking holy grail, which will do wonders for your skin - move on, that’s not what Kilz is talking about.
If you are looking for a good moisturizer for your evening rituals, this is where Kilz may come in handy.

Definitely - take either 15 ml or even a sample flask (if there is a discount, and it will be in Russia - 1000%, the cost should be more than normal). The remedy is endless! I only used a little bit with daily use.