Cupping massage of nasolabial folds

It is quite possible to maintain freshness and firmness of the skin up to 40 years and after 50. Modern techniques and means allow a woman to feel attractive for many years. One of the new developments in cosmetology is vacuum facial massage, which is performed using special cups. This procedure will be discussed in this article. To enlarge images, click on the photo.

The essence of cupping massage for facial skin

After 30, the skin begins to lose elasticity and moisture, which gives rise to an underlying problem. It is impossible to solve the problem with masks alone; a more thorough approach is needed. Deep treatment of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté is possible using special cups. The vacuum effect provides the layers of the epidermis with blood flow, in particular oxygen. The effect occurs only when the massage is performed technically, in which the following rules are observed:

• jars of different diameters are used for each zone;

• movement is carried out only along massage lines;

• control of the degree of skin tension and the speed of movement of the device.


For the procedure, you should purchase a set of cosmetic jars with different parameters. Old glass products cannot be used. Firstly, their diameter is not suitable for the treatment area, and secondly, they will cause more harm than good.

After a course of massage, the following effect is noted:

• restoration of blood circulation in the capillaries;

• removal of excess fluid (consequences of swelling) and toxins;

• tightening of facial muscles;

• cleaning and narrowing of enlarged pores;

• alignment of the line defining the contour of the face;

• smoothing out small folds and wrinkles.

Manipulations with a vacuum are recommended after 30-35 years of age, when changes in the skin are noted (folds, wrinkles, pigment spots, and other blemishes). It is better to carry out the procedures in a course of 12-15 sessions with regularity every other day. To maintain appearance, 1-2 times a week is enough for long-term use (2-3 months). There is also an intensive program in which massage is performed daily for 7 days. Then maintenance sessions are carried out for two weeks (1-2 times a week).


In cosmetology, there are two types of facial massage, performed using cups. Static is designed to work on a specific problem area, dynamic involves passing through the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Preparing for vacuum facial massage

Before the procedure, preparatory activities are carried out, including:

• cleaning the face, neck and décolleté from cosmetics and dirt (washing with soap or using milk);

• steaming over a container of hot water for 5-7 minutes (an alternative method involves applying napkins soaked in hot water);

• applying cosmetic cream or oil to the treated area.

In just a couple of minutes, the pores will open, which means the skin is ready for procedures.

Massage technique

1. With a dynamic view, manipulations should begin from the décolleté area (from the center of the base of the chest towards the shoulder points). Place the jar at the starting point (in the center), after squeezing the rubber bulb or silicone product. The skin should only retract a few millimeters. The speed of movement (from bottom to top) should be moderate to prevent stretching or any damage. It takes about 2 minutes to work on the neckline.

2. The next stage is to work on the neck (1-2 minutes). For this, the average diameter of the can is used. You need to move from the sides from the ear to the shoulder line, and in the middle of the body - from the chest to the chin.

3. Massage of the lower part of the chin is performed with a medium-sized can in the direction from the center to the cheekbones (adjusting the contour of the face). The movements should be repeated for 1 minute.

4. The chin is massaged in a circular motion with a jar with a diameter of no more than 22 mm. 30-40 seconds of work is enough.

5. The area around the lips can be massaged in both directions. For manipulation, a small nozzle (no more than 11 mm) is used.

6. The nasolabial fold is worked both from bottom to top and vice versa. You can use a product with a diameter of 20-22 mm.

7. The jar is moved along the forehead, first from the nose to the hairline, then from the middle towards the ears, alternately. Massage lines are located at three levels of the entire frontal part. A pattern is also used that provides a zigzag direction from the middle of the forehead to the ears. For massaging use a large product.

8. On the cheeks, large cans move from the nose towards the ears along 3-4 levels. A small diameter allows for separate elaboration of folds at the temples.

9. The sides of the nose are massaged in two directions - up and down.

10. The eye area is treated in a targeted manner with the jar (10-11 mm) held for 2-4 seconds at each point of exposure.

The total duration of the massage depends on the degree of neglect of the skin and the treatment area. On average, the procedure takes 7 minutes.


Be very careful when gripping the skin, avoiding deep absorption into the jar. You also need to take your time when moving the device over your face, neck or décolleté. Violation of the technique leads to bruises and stretch marks.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to use cupping facial massage if you have the following diseases:

• thrombosis (or susceptibility to disease);

• inflammation of the facial nerve;

• problems with lymph nodes;

• any skin diseases and inflammatory processes on the skin of the treated area.

It is better to avoid the procedure if you feel severe fatigue or irritation, a viral infection or a common cold accompanied by fever. Contraindications are also the presence of open wounds and other skin lesions.

Side effects include microtraumas, which are often visible to the naked eye. You should not be afraid of them, because this is evidence of the correct effect on the muscles and layers of the epidermis.

Which jars to use

Jars for vacuum facial massage at home can be purchased in pharmacies or in an online store. When choosing, you should give preference to cosmetic massage sets, including from 2 to 4 products of different diameters:

• the smallest diameter (10-11 mm) is used to work on the eye area, nasolabial fold, small wrinkles in other areas;

• a diameter of 20-33 mm is suitable for influencing the deep layers of the epidermis and muscle;

• for massage of the cheeks, forehead, and décolleté, use a diameter of 30-50 mm.


If the set consists of 2 products, then the functions of a 30-50 mm can are performed by a product with a diameter of 20-33 mm.

Also, when selecting, attention is paid to the material from which they are made:

• glass with rubber bulb;

The base of the jar should be dense and slightly rounded so that when moving the skin does not cause injury or severe pain. During the operation of products, you should pay attention to their integrity; items with a crack or chip should be disposed of.

It is not difficult to master the technique of cupping massage, so it is quite appropriate to carry out the procedures at home. This will save not only money on going to the salon, but also such a precious resource as time.

Watch the video “Vacuum cupping facial massage | facial rejuvenation at home"

Facial massage with vacuum cups has proven itself in the fight against age-related changes. Rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates some facial defects. At the place where the jar is placed, the regeneration of skin cells improves, the activity of the circulatory and lymphatic systems increases. With its help you can remove circles under the eyes and get rid of puffiness of the skin.

. The facial muscles become toned, and against the background of visible positive changes, internal restructuring of the body occurs. With accelerated blood flow, the metabolic processes of the skin are normalized, subcutaneous fat is produced normally, and toxins are eliminated faster. The top layer of skin is restored, pigment spots disappear

Vacuum facial massage with cups: basics

Before the start of the health complex Let's take a look at the contraindications:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts).
  2. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body in the acute stage.
  3. Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, so that the creation of a vacuum does not contribute to the penetration of infection into the deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  5. Tendency to form blood clots or the presence of blood clots.
  6. Third degree hypertension or hypotension.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Somatic diseases are colds, poisoning.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the facial nerve.
  10. Fatigue, bad mood. It is advisable to carry out all procedures whose goal is the beauty of our body in a good mood.

This procedure requires a careful and careful approach. The vacuum jar should be removed easily, without any effort, tearing it away from the face. Properly conducted sessions give good results.

Jars for vacuum facial massage can be purchased in pharmacies and online stores. The right choice is the main component of a good result. The very first thing you should pay attention to is this is the material from which they are made. Glass ones with a rubber bulb, which creates a vacuum, or silicone ones work well.

Pharmacies sell sets of silicone jars with a diameter of 1 cm to 5 cm. If it is possible to buy not a set, but individually, then this is an ideal option for saving money. To conduct the session, you will need jars with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm; we use them around the eyes, nose area, and near the lips. Jars with a diameter of 2-3 cm provide dynamic massage in the area of ​​the cheeks, forehead, and chin. Large diameter - 3-5 cm - suitable for static massage of the neck and décolleté area. Cans of this size can be successfully replaced with medium-sized cans.

Types of vacuum facial massage

STATIC - duration is 3 - 5 seconds. We are very careful, especially during the first sessions. Areas of application: cheeks, forehead, chin.

DYNAMIC — move the installed jar with light, sliding movements along the massage lines.

When using cans of different diameters, a good result is achieved in combination.

A vacuum is created inside the placed jar, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove it without any effort! You need to squeeze the rubber bulb harder and remove the can.

Before starting the procedure, you need to disinfect the vacuum jars with alcohol or vodka, and after finishing, rinse them well under running water. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then the accumulated dirt inside the jar will negatively affect the skin, and the procedure will only cause harm.

The next step is to prepare the face. You can’t steam your face, just take a shower. You can use a decoction of chamomile, string or calendula. Then generously lubricate your face with any cosmetic or even vegetable oil. It should be light and not clog the pores of the face. The applied oil will allow the jar to glide over the surface of your skin, avoiding stretch marks and injury.

. It is important to remember that after the procedure, all the oil from the face must be removed, since its remnants clog the pores, and some types of oils dry the skin after such exposure. At the end of the vacuum treatment, you must thoroughly rinse off any remaining oil and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream that suits your skin.

Initially, the duration of the sessions is 3-5 minutes, after getting used to it we increase the duration to 10-15 minutes. At the first stage, the addiction stage, 1-2 times a week is enough. Subsequently, we increase the frequency of sessions to 3-4 times a week. When choosing the duration and frequency of sessions, you must adhere to the main rule - do no harm. Over time, experience and understanding of the most comfortable choice of duration and frequency of sessions will come.

Static facial massage

Acupressure or static massage used for problem areas of the face, the double chin is removed, work is done on nasolabial folds and eyebrow wrinkles, jars with a diameter of 4-5 cm are required. Initially, the exposure time will be 3-5 seconds, with a subsequent increase to 30 seconds, but no more . At the initial stage, the pressure in the jar should be minimal, that is, the skin is pulled into the jar by a few millimeters. During the fifth session and subsequent ones, the tension increases. This concludes the first session, the second is held 7 days later.

The second stage is a dynamic facial massage with vacuum cans at home. Its technique consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparing cups and face for the procedure.
  2. Place the cups on the face, creating minimal tension (the skin is pulled into the middle of the jar by a few millimeters). To obtain a weak vacuum, a silicone jar or rubber bulb is slightly compressed and applied to the face.
  3. Light, sliding movements should be used to move across the skin of the face. It is important that folds are not created and the skin is not stretched. To do this, hold adjacent areas of skin with your hand.
  4. The jars are removed in the same way as with the static method, slightly loosening the vacuum.

Dynamic massage of all areas of the face

It takes a lot of time to carry out a static test, so it is usually used at home. dynamic or combined.

With a larger diameter, deeper tissue layers are exposed. At the very beginning, you need to relax the muscles of the cheeks, cheekbones, chin, and forehead. All movements are performed from bottom to top.

For the next stage, you will need small diameter jars that act on the upper layers of the skin. Small wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and crow's feet are treated.

  1. Massage of the neck and chin area. Get rid of a double chin and sagging skin. This part contains the lymph nodes, larynx, trachea and tonsils. You have to be very careful here. Jars with a diameter of 2-3 cm are used, applying not very strong pressure. Without stretching the skin, the jar is moved with a sliding movement from the neck (left, right, middle) to the chin. Having carefully unfastened the jar, you need to repeat such manipulations 2 times.
  2. Cheek massage with a sliding movement it is carried out from the line of the nose to the temple. Then from the temple line to the ear. Do not expose thin skin around the eyes, nasolabial folds and skin around the lips. Each line is drawn separately 2 times.
  3. Jaw line massage. The massage line is visually divided in half; it is impossible to draw a line along the entire jaw line, stretch marks are possible. You should fix your finger in the middle of the chin, place a jar next to it, and so you need to move from the middle to the chin, holding the skin of your face with your finger. The movements are repeated 3-5 times.
  4. Chin massage. The jar is carried out in a circular motion. When massaging this area, you need to be as relaxed as possible, because the goal is to relieve spasm from the facial muscles.
  5. Massage under the chin. Tightens the skin, removes fat deposits, eliminating the “double chin”. The chin area is massaged clockwise, then counterclockwise, moving along each massage line 3 to 5 times.
  6. Forehead massage. For this type, medium-sized facial massage jars are used. You need to massage your forehead in the center, then from the bridge of your nose up to the hairline. The eyebrow line must be treated carefully, avoiding the delicate skin of the eyelids. Each massage line must be carried out 3 - 5 times.
  7. Massage of nasolabial folds. This type is performed with a small jar. The skin is held on both sides of the nasolabial fold with your fingers. A vacuum jar of minimal diameter is placed at the beginning of the nasolabial fold, and massaged from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth along the entire fold. Manipulations are carried out alternately on the right side of the face, and then on the left. Using small circular movements, the nasolabial fold is massaged in both directions: down and up 2 times.
  8. Massage around the lips. The area around the lips is worked along massage lines in both directions. You need to start with a static massage in the middle of the lips, and then a dynamic type of vacuum massage is carried out from the middle of the lips to the corners, with light sliding movements.
  9. Crow's feet massage. You will need the smallest jar for facial massage. Using small circular movements, massage the area of ​​the crow's feet around the eyes. It is necessary to move along the massage lines, along the bone, without touching the orbital area. Such actions are repeated 2 times on each side.
  10. Massage around the eyes. The smallest vacuum cans are used to treat the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. To avoid stretch marks on the thin skin of this area of ​​the face, massage is carried out very carefully. Movements must be careful. You should start with a massage of the upper eyelid, moving from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye. Massage the lower eyelid - from the outer edge to the inner.

How often can you massage?

It must be remembered that the positive effect does not appear at the time of performing the procedures. And after, when the skin rests and recovers from microtrauma. How often is physiotherapy performed? In practice, two schemes are used:

Regular massage courses alternate with periods of rest.

  1. Every other day, 10-15 massage courses are performed, the entire course lasts 20-30 days.
  2. Between courses there is a break of 15-30 days.

Intensive course and subsequent maintenance courses.

  1. Intensive - sessions last 7 days, held daily.
  2. Maintenance course - carried out after an intensive course, once every 1-2 weeks.
  3. If necessary, the intensive course can be repeated, observing the deadlines, and returning to the support person.

This technique is gaining popularity because in practice it allows one to avoid more radical methods of rejuvenation and correction of minor cosmetic problems of the face.

Most medical specialists agree that facial massage with cupping promotes rejuvenation. It improves blood microcirculation, removes toxins and waste. After several sessions, natural collagen synthesis is normalized and lymph flow is restored. Experts are sure that the skin is transformed, becomes younger and more beautiful. The result is always positive - a smooth, clean and elastic face.

Cupping facial massage is a procedure that allows the face to regain its former youth and beauty. Its essence is the vacuum created inside the jar. It retracts the skin and underlying muscles. This improves blood circulation and metabolism. Oxygen is enriched and cells are nourished.
With age, collagen content decreases and the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes flabby.

With the help of vacuum, the structure of the fibers is loosened and the circulation characteristic of young skin occurs.

Vacuum facial massage

  1. Who is suitable for massage?
  2. Experts' opinion
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. Which banks to choose
  5. Preparing for the session
  6. Technique
  7. How often can you do it

Who is a massage suitable for?

This cosmetic procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age. It is from this age that problems such as the first wrinkles, changes in skin color appear, a nasolabial triangle has formed, the oval of the face is no longer toned, and the pores are enlarged. All this is the first sign of aging and skin aging.

After the procedure, the face gets rid of unpleasant swelling. Bruises under the eyes disappear. Small facial wrinkles disappear, and large ones become significantly smaller. The surface of the skin becomes even and smooth. A pleasant blush appears.

Cupping massage helps get rid of a double chin. The fatty tissue located in this area is broken down under the influence of vacuum.

After several sessions you can see the following changes:

  1. Restoring skin tone,
  2. Tight muscles, facial wrinkles,
  3. Renewal of subcutaneous capillaries,
  4. Narrowing of pores. As a result, a decrease in sebum production.
  5. Accelerated metabolism.
  6. Removal of dead cells.

Experts' opinion

Most medical specialists agree that facial massage with cupping promotes rejuvenation. It improves blood microcirculation, removes toxins and waste. After several sessions, natural collagen synthesis is normalized and lymph flow is restored.

Experts are sure that the skin is transformed, becomes younger and more beautiful. The result is always positive - a smooth, clean and elastic face.

At the same time, doctors recommend conducting sessions with cosmetologists. Professionals in their field will carry out the procedure carefully and knowledgeably. Of course, you can do a massage at home yourself. The main thing is to do this carefully, following the instructions exactly.

Indications and contraindications

This massage is intended for women over 35 years of age only. The main indications for vacuum facial massage are:

  1. The presence of a large number of wrinkles on the skin.
  2. The appearance of a double chin.
  3. Loss of facial oval contours.
  4. Wrinkles.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the following cases:

  1. Presence of acne on the face.
  2. Presence of warts.
  3. Having herpes.
  4. Having a lot of facial hair.
  5. Pulmonary diseases.
  6. Infectious diseases.
  7. Thrombophlebitis.
  8. Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  9. Cuperosis is a circulatory disorder, which is expressed by dilated blood vessels and the appearance of red “stars” on the face.

Which banks to choose?

Cosmetic jars can be made of either glass or silicone. Pharmacies sell specialized kits, which include jars of different sizes. They are equipped with a small valve or pump that allows the skin to be drawn in. There is a specific jar for each area of ​​the face.
The smallest is approximately 1 cm in diameter. It is needed for massage in the eye area, chin, to get rid of fine wrinkles and nasolabial folds. Affects the upper layers of the epidermis.

A medium-sized jar with a diameter of approximately 2-3 cm. Its purpose is to get rid of deep wrinkles. It is used for procedures on the forehead and cheeks.

A large jar has a diameter of 3-5 cm. It is necessary for massaging the décolleté area.
The result depends on the ideal size chosen. Experienced massage therapists, replacing one jar with another, “model” the face.

Experts advise choosing silicone jars for sessions. They more effectively control the impact on problem areas of the skin. Does not cause injury.

Preparing for the session

To perfectly prepare your skin for the procedure, you need to perform three main steps:

  1. Warming up the muscles. The skin should be steamed, but moderately. You should not visit the sauna. After such steaming, there is a risk of hematomas.
  2. Skin cleansing. Wash your face with foam or other facial cosmetics.
  3. Applying generous amounts of oil. This is necessary so that during the session the skin does not stretch, and the cans glide smoothly over the surface.

The oil will be absorbed into the skin. Therefore, it should be selected taking into account the individual type - olive, flaxseed, pumpkin or avocado oil. The choice of oils is huge. It all depends on preference.
Jars must be sterile. Before the session, they should be wiped with alcohol or another disinfectant. Do similar actions after the end of the session.


The massage is carried out strictly along massage lines. The movement occurs from the center to the periphery.

Cheeks — the middle bank is drawn from the nose to the temporal lobe, then from the smile line to the ear. Having reached the end of one line, the can is removed and moved to the beginning. Each line must be walked 4 times;

Chin — the procedure is performed in a circular motion. The muscles should be relaxed. Repeat 4 times;

Double chin - walk strictly along the massage lines with the middle jar 4 times;

Forehead — with a medium jar the forehead is massaged, starting from the central part, then from the bridge of the nose up and to the hairline. Then, following the massage lines from the center to the sides to the temples. Repeat 4 times;

Perform vertical movements up, then down. The forehead is pre-wrinkled;
With one hand they fix the skin of the forehead, with the other they hold a jar with a diameter of 33 mm from the center to the temple area, alternately to the right and left. Then they replace the jar with a smaller one and, using straight-line movements, complement the spiral ones, working on each wrinkle separately;

The center of the forehead (transverse, coronal bone suture) is massaged longer, since with poor blood circulation and contraction of the forehead muscles in this area, vertical wrinkles form due to persistent spasm when the forehead wrinkles. You can move the jar with arbitrary movements;

A jar with a diameter of 22 mm is moved along the eyebrow arches and the bridge of the nose. It is shifted slightly upward from the bridge of the nose, up diagonally to the line of the center of the right eyebrow, then in the other direction - to the line of the center of the left eyebrow. The skin is not stretched, which is achieved by fixing the skin on the opposite side with your free hand.
The corners of the eyes are massaged in semicircles, stretching the skin with the fingers of one hand.

To eliminate tissue ptosis, jars with a diameter of 33 mm are placed on the cheekbones. Direct movements along the muscles of the cheekbones from the corners of the lips towards the temples. Record the pressure at the point of protrusion of the cheek bone, and at the end of the movement for 1-2 seconds. The lips are held with the free hand using the palmar surface of the finger joints. The same is repeated when smiling on the lips.

To work the masticatory muscles, you first need to open your mouth and make downward movements, grasping the skin above the lower eyelid. The jar is passed along the cheek to the angle of the lower jaw, then towards the chin. Where the jaws meet, you need to fix the jar for 1-2 seconds, then massage up and down. All these manipulations are repeated with the mouth closed.

To prevent sagging of the tissues of the lower jaw, it is necessary to fix the tissues of the chin, and the jar is moved with the other hand along the arch of the jaw from below towards the ear tragus. The massage is carried out on both sides alternately.

Next, the opposite zone is worked on: along the lower arch to the chin from the jaw joint. To get rid of fat deposits and wrinkles under the chin, perform short circular movements.

In the corners of the mouth and above the upper lip, vertical wrinkles are eliminated by massaging the round muscle. To do this, the muscle is tensed, opening the mouth. Movement is recorded in the wrinkle area for 1-2 seconds. Improves lymphatic drainage in the nasolabial fold area. To do this, smooth and slow movements are carried out along the nose from the corner of the eye, continuing along the nasolabial fold to the submandibular lymph nodes, moving to the neck.

Starting from the wings of the nose, from the corners of the lips along the cheeks, cups are applied along massage lines, fixing at the center of the ear.

  1. Nasolabial folds - Gently hold the skin at the nasolabial fold with your fingers. Use a small jar to move up and then down along the fold in small circular movements. Repeat 2 times.
  2. Lips - slide along the massage lines in both directions, holding the skin of the corner of your lips with your finger. Repeat 2 times;
  3. Crow's feet - also use a small jar to massage the area of ​​wrinkles in a circular motion. Hold the skin with clubs. Repeat 2 times;
  4. Around eyes - since this is a very delicate part of the face, massage should be done carefully, holding the skin with your fingers, without creating pronounced negative pressure in the jar (do not suction the jar too much to the skin and lift the skin!) Upper eyelid: the bridge of the nose - the outer edge of the eye. Lower eyelid: outer edge of the eye - inner. Repeat 5 times.

If during the session there is severe pain or redness of the skin, which does not go away for a long time, the massage should be stopped.

How often can I do it?

There are two options for a massage course.

  1. First. The course lasts 10-15 sessions, which are performed every other day. There should be a break of about one month between courses.
  2. Second option – intensive course. Procedures are performed daily. At the end of the course, maintenance massage should be performed once every 1-2 weeks.

Vacuum facial massage is a complex procedure. PIf you do it incorrectly, you can get the opposite result instead of a positive one. The skin may stretch and have an unpresentable appearance. If the cups are left on the face longer than expected, hematomas may occur.

  1. They act in accordance with the massage lines along the neck and décolleté with a jar with a diameter of 33 m.
  2. Fat deposits are worked out along massage lines under the chin.
  3. To correct and prevent crow's feet, jars with a diameter of 22 mm are used.
  4. To work on the wings of the nose, jars with a diameter of 11 mm are used.
  5. To influence the chin area along massage lines, jars with a diameter of 22 and 33 mm are used.
  6. To influence the perioral zone along massage lines, jars with a diameter of 22 mm are used.
  7. For cupping facial massage in the middle and lower third to eliminate and prevent tissue ptosis and for the purpose of oval correction, a jar with a diameter of 33 mm is used.
  8. For cupping massage of the forehead and between the eyebrows, jars with a diameter of 22-33 mm are used. published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

based on materials from,

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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