Boro plus green for face

Today, the pharmaceutical market is overflowing with various products. But many of us try to choose products of natural origin from the general mass. This drug will be discussed in this article.


Cream "Boro Plus" green belongs to a series of powerful, highly effective antiseptics made from natural products. This universal drug is effective against a wide range of fungal and bacterial flora. It prevents the spread of infection, which is especially important in modern conditions, since bacteria have now become resistant to many drugs. The cream is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The drug was developed in India. Therefore, the composition contains mainly plants and herbs growing in this country. Does not contain hormones.


  1. Kapur Tulsi is a type of basil. Relieves headaches and inflammation.
  2. Kumkuma – has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Neem (melia) - relieves inflammation, itching, moisturizes, tones the skin and protects against bacteria. Used for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis and skin decay. Helps tighten bedsores.
  4. Tulsi is an antiseptic and antibiotic. Has a moisturizing effect.
  5. Kachari is an excellent anti-inflammatory substance.

Natural components are mixed in such proportions that determine the effectiveness of Boro Plus cream. Green has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is also considered an antifungal agent.

Indications for use

This remedy is recommended if you have: signs of frostbite; scratches, abrasions, wounds; insect bites; 1st degree burns. Impetigo (a pustular skin disease caused by staphylococci and streptococci), cracked nipples during breastfeeding, irritation of the skin of the hands from exposure to detergents, postoperative scars - all this is an indication for the use of this drug.

Ideal for children prone to skin irritation and allergic reactions to lint, and for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Boro Plus green acne cream is often recommended for teenagers. It is considered a good cosmetic product due to its antibacterial, moisturizing, toning and nourishing effects. It creates a protective film on the skin, preventing the penetration of infection from the external environment.

Based on this cream, other products have been developed: “Borobeauty”, “Boro Plus” (a bouquet of herbs), “Boroglo”, “Boromed”, “Borokeir”, “Borosandal”, “Borolaet”, “Borosoft”, “Boroherb”, “ Borototal", "Boro plus" (lilac), "Borotulsi", "Boro plus" (pink). What are the similarities? They have the same properties as Boro Plus ointment. The green color of the packaging emphasizes the natural origin of the drug. Let's take a closer look at how to use this tool.

The drug "Boro Plus": instructions. Green cream will solve skin problems

Cleanse skin with water and dry. Apply a thin layer of Boro Plus green cream to the affected area. It will take several uses. The cream should be applied only when necessary. It is not designed for permanent use. The drug can be used as a mask. Apply a thick layer for a quarter of an hour, then remove with a dry cloth. There is no need to rinse off. The product can be used at any time of the day. The cream is suitable for use for preventive purposes and as a cosmetic product: to improve the condition of the skin of the face, hands, feet, elbows.

In the instructions, the manufacturer suggests a 5-year shelf life. Keep an eye on the expiration of the stated expiration date. It is not recommended to use expired medication.

Positive reviews

Many are satisfied with the effect of the drug. The Boro Plus cream reviews are mostly positive. Green packaging color is chosen much more often than other products in this series. This is evidenced by sales statistics. Many of those who managed to evaluate the quality of the drug noted its advantages. These are:

  1. Low cost cream.
  2. Dryness and irritation of the skin disappear instantly.
  3. Use for suppuration of wounds.
  4. The skin becomes firm and elastic.
  5. “Miraculous”, magical action.
  6. Use as a night face cream.
  7. Use of this product by men as an aftershave cream.
  8. Quickly absorbs into the skin.
  9. The smell of the cream is pleasant and does not cause disgust.
  10. Suitable for lubricating the skin of babies after using diapers.
  11. For the treatment of cracked heels.

Negative reviews

Like any remedy, this drug has also received negative reviews from some people. Girls complained about the pungent smell of grass after using the ointment. Some people are not happy with the fact that the product has a soapy smell or its thick, greasy consistency. This once again confirms that any remedy tends to be suitable only for a certain category of the population.


Boro Plus green cream is not recommended for use if you have an individual intolerance to any of the ingredients included in its composition.

The drug "Boro Plus" can become your reliable assistant. Let your skin be healthy!

In recent years, Boro Plus cream has become popular among the fair sex. You can find reviews online, the authors of which claim that they managed to get rid of nasolabial folds or “cobwebs” near the eyes. Before you start using the miracle cream, it’s still worth understanding the details. What is its composition? How does it work? What determines the effectiveness? And only after answers to these questions are obtained, can the experiments of our predecessors be repeated.

Cream composition

"Boro Plus" is freely sold in pharmacy chains. This medicine was invented in India, and therefore it contains many plant extracts. Official medicine in India actively uses extracts and extracts of herbs and flowers, including them in medicines. Initially, “Boro Plus” is intended for the healing of wound surfaces and the consequences of injuries. When making the cream we use:

  1. basil (has antibacterial, analgesic properties);
  2. aloe vera (perfectly moisturizes);
  3. sandalwood extract (helps relieve inflammation);
  4. ginger (it is sometimes called a natural antibiotic - ginger is so effective against bacteria);
  5. turmeric (has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  6. vetiver (good for healing wounds);
  7. neem or Persian melia (removes toxins and improves protective functions).

Doctors prescribe medicine for various skin lesions. It helps with:

  1. wounds and cuts;
  2. eczema;
  3. fungal infection;
  4. burns and frostbite.

The cream helps the skin cope with the disease faster and restores the skin.


In our pharmacies you can find “Boro Plus” in purple (pink) and green packages. Their composition is almost identical, only the one packaged in a green tube contains an additional component - kapur kachari. The extract of this miracle plant makes tissue regeneration processes happen faster; there is evidence that the cream from the green tube copes well with psoriasis.

The developers also offer customers Boro Plus lipstick, which moisturizes lips and perfectly protects them from the negative effects of the environment. In severe frost, wind, and heat, lips tend to crack, since their skin is very thin and almost devoid of fat, so lips need additional protection. The skin of the lips ages quite quickly, revealing a woman’s age. To slow down the aging process, you need to carefully care for your lips, using, for example, Boro Plus, as well as hygienic lipstick or balm.

What about wrinkles?

So, we figured out the composition of the cream. Now it has become clear what its action against wrinkles is based on - these worst enemies of female attractiveness. Most of the products included in Boro Plus help accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis and dermis. Why do wrinkles form? There are several reasons, here are the main ones:

reducing the skin's own collagen production;

  1. the appearance of dryness in adulthood, a decrease in the skin’s ability to retain moisture;
  2. frequent emotions (someone likes to laugh - such a person has “crow’s feet” near the eyes; someone is often sad - nasolabial folds form);
  3. exposure to adverse environmental factors (cold, heat, dry indoor air in winter).

Wrinkles form over time in every person and, unfortunately, they can only be completely eliminated through surgery.

But the use of Boro Plus cream can slow down the process of these age-related changes. There are especially many positive reviews about it from women suffering from wrinkles under the eyes. The skin around the eyes is the first to be affected by the thinning of the lipid layer. Therefore, a fine network of “threads” around the eyes, dark circles and swelling under the eyes can appear after 30 years, when it is too early to talk about serious, profound age-related changes.

“Boro Plus” will improve blood supply to the skin, restore elasticity and tone “tired” skin. As a result, dark circles will gradually disappear and fine wrinkles will disappear. But, of course, you should keep in mind: “Boro Plus” is not a panacea, it can only be used as an auxiliary product, since its main purpose is to treat the skin, and not to eliminate superficial cosmetic defects. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

If you are going to check the effectiveness of Boro Plus cream against wrinkles, first visit a beauty salon. There they will determine your skin type and clarify the nuances associated with it (in particular, for oily skin, it is better to apply the cream pointwise, to problem areas, and not to the entire face). Perhaps you have an individual intolerance to the components of the cream, then you will have to stop using it.

How to use the cream

The beautiful ladies who have already used Boro Plus have developed 2 ways to use it.

  1. First: as a caring cream before applying decorative cosmetics. The product from a green tube is best suited for this purpose, as it has a more delicate texture and is easily absorbed. Apply the cream in a thin layer to a cleansed face in the morning. After waiting a few minutes until completely absorbed, then proceed to apply the usual “war paint”. In the evening, wash your face and apply night cream. You can try using Boro Plus in the evenings if your skin tolerates it well.
  1. Second: as a nourishing mask. In this case, you should choose the contents of the purple tube, since this cream is “heavier” and rich in nutrients. After washing, apply the cream to your face and wait an hour and a half. It will not be completely absorbed, so after the specified time has elapsed, you will need to blot your face with a napkin. It is enough to use this method a couple of times a week.


Before using, make sure you are not allergic. To do this, apply a small amount of Boro Plus to the crook of your elbow and wait 10 minutes. If all is well, you can begin to fight wrinkles.

Be careful! Any redness of the skin or itching should make you stop using Boro Plus. Such a reaction means that your skin will not be able to derive any benefit from the product; on the contrary, energy will be spent fighting the “invasion” of plant extracts foreign to the skin.

You should not apply the cream immediately before going to bed. When making a mask, start the process no later than 2-3 hours before you complete all your daily activities.

The price of the miracle remedy is only about a hundred rubles. You can find a package for 90 or 140 Russian “wooden”. Agree, finding that kind of money is much easier than spending money on buying an expensive, advertised anti-wrinkle cream.

But remember: Boro Plus is a pharmaceutical product, so it cannot be used uncontrollably and constantly.


"Boro Plus" will not save you from old age and natural decline - such a wonderful medicine does not yet exist. But with careful use, it will help prolong the youth of the skin, saturate it with nutrients, moisturize it, and help accelerate the skin's production of collagen. Use the cream from time to time, in courses - the skin will thank you!

“Green Boro-plus” is a very effective and at the same time quite inexpensive option for treating various problem areas of the skin, in particular skin diseases. As you know, skin diseases plague many; literally every second person can easily complain of acne, rashes, redness, allergies, irritations and other various skin damage.

Everyone tries to cope with the problem in their own way: some immediately go to a dermatologist, some try to recover on their own and with the advice of friends, and some do nothing at all, believing that sooner or later everything will disappear and pass on its own. .

However, each situation is individual, and it is not clear exactly when and what treatment should be chosen in order for it to be effective and bring the desired result.

Boro Plus Cream - description of composition, release forms, types

  1. Description

Boro Plus has truly antiseptic properties that prevent and prevent any dirt from entering the target (wound) and is not at all influenced by external factors. Thanks to its composition, the effect of the cream not only spreads widely, but also quickly, and the skin becomes clean and healthy again.

Of course, a certain acne cream does not have a very pleasant smell, but the point is not at all in the smell, but in the real action of the product and its ability to really get rid of emerging skin problems.

It is important to note that Boro Plus contains exclusively natural ingredients based on basic ancient recipes, due to which the cream has certain medicinal and cosmetic properties.

Thus, the components of Boro Plyucha are: sandalwood, tulsi, neem, aloe, vetiver, talc, kapur kachari, estimadhu.

Each component has its own specific properties (the main purpose of each component is the treatment of skin diseases), which together are capable of truly working miracles, without any exaggeration.

  1. Release form – cream

Weight – 25 grams. The cardboard box contains one tube of cream.

There are also tubes with a volume of 50 grams, but the price per tube simply doubles.

There are green and purple Boro Plus, which practically do not differ from each other in their scope of action, indications for use and composition.

Both products contain natural ingredients that have an extremely positive effect on the skin and save you from various problems.

So, purple cream helps against herpes, frostbite, burns, reduces or completely removes postoperative stitches, relieves stress and irritation on the skin after shaving in men, helps with insect bites, in particular, eliminates itching and pain.

Green cream nourishes the skin with vitamins, promotes cell regeneration, youthfulness and revitalization of the skin, helps against acne, removes cracks on the lips, can also be used for chapped lips, for diaper rash, reduces acne and makes the skin fresher and cleaner.

Also purple cream has a denser and oilier cream texture (winter version) for facial skin care at such times. The purple cream also does not have a very pleasant smell, and I would even say that it is quite sharp and disgusting.

Pharmacological properties

  1. Boro plus has an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal effect;
  2. Helps with inflammatory and allergic reactions;
  3. Relieves irritation;
  4. Heals wounds and scratches;
  5. Relieves pain and redness from burns and frostbite;
  6. Nourishes and revitalizes the skin, making it softer and more elastic.
  7. Can be used both as an immediate remedy and as a mask.

What I would like to note is that Boro Plus can also be used for small children to relieve skin irritation and diaper rash. It will not harm the children.

Indications for use

Despite its fairly low cost, the cream spreads its effect quite widely, in particular, the indications for use are the following:

  1. Acne;
  2. Boils;
  3. Purulent acne;
  4. Redness or any other skin irritation;
  5. Blows, bruises;
  6. Cuts, scratches, abrasions, burns;
  7. Insect bites;
  8. Freezing of the skin;
  9. Chapped lips;
  10. Crackling heels (Heels will get rid of rough skin and become soft-soft if you use the cream for a long period of time every day);
  11. Skin irritation after shaving.

You should also remember that if you want to get rid of your problems as quickly as possible, in addition to using the cream, you must also contribute to this yourself.

So, you need to adhere to the following rules (depending on your situation):

  1. Do not scratch wounds, scratches, irritation;
  2. Do not expose the burn site to repeated burns;
  3. Do not squeeze pimples or blackheads;
  4. Do not lubricate burns and/or frostbite with alcohol.

Why choose Boro Plus?

  1. Cheap price.
  2. Antiseptic properties.
  3. Exclusively natural ingredients.
  4. Wide spectrum of action.
  5. Promotes cell regeneration and skin rejuvenation.
  6. Used regardless of gender and age.
  7. Has well-absorbed properties.
  8. It can be applied to open wounds.
  9. Use sparingly (even with daily application).

  1. Boro Plus cream must be applied to clean skin., which has previously been cleaned of dirt, makeup, and germs.
  2. The cream is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer, since the texture of the cream is quite dense and will be absorbed by the skin for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a thin layer, because the effect of the drug will not change in any way.
  3. It is best to apply the cream during the day, as if the cream does not have time to be absorbed, then it will easily stain your things and bedding.
  4. You can determine the duration of applying the cream yourself. It depends on the degree of skin damage, the nature of such damage, and the type.
  5. If you use the cream for bites, wounds, scratches, then before applying the cream to the problem area, you must first rinse it thoroughly with running get rid of various microbes that could easily enter there

Moreover, the cream can also be used as a face mask, which helps revitalize and nourish the skin.

To do this, apply a thick, dense layer to the skin of the face for about 15 minutes, after which the remaining mask is removed with a cotton swab.

This mask can be applied once a week and after a certain period of time using the cream, the result will definitely be visible on the face.

Price, analogues

The price of the cream is not just affordable, but really cheap, and everyone can certainly afford it: one tube weighing 25 grams costs 70 rubles.

Moreover, in view of the fact that the product does not have any side effects, contraindications and other negative properties, many people prefer to use Boro Plus both as a medicinal and as a cosmetic product.

If you went to a store or pharmacy, but there was no Boro Plus there, do not worry, because there are analogues of this product that have the same properties and pharmacological effects. So it is quite realistic and possible to replace Boro Plus, for example, with Boro Veda.

This is the same, similar product, the same price and properties. It can also be used for burns, bites, scratches, cracks and dry skin, and can be applied to heels if they are cracked. The cream is as effective as Boro Plus, so you have nothing to lose by purchasing it.

Drapolene also has similar properties, only in a smaller volume, which also protects against burns, chapping of the skin, and dermatitis. The ointment also has no contraindications or side effects. However, the price of this product is already much higher than that of Boro Plus and Boro Veda.


  1. Don’t be afraid to stock up on this cream in advance, as it will always come in handy, will never be out of place in your cosmetic bag, and in general it seems to me that it helps me literally on every occasion.
  2. Boro Plus is an excellent remedy for relieving irritation after shaving. I constantly suffer from one problem that only occurs after shaving. Immediately after I shave, terrible sores appear on my skin, and this is not only unsightly, but also painful. Neither special space products nor soothing aftershave lotions helped me. The only thing that helped me was Boro Plus. I recommend it to everyone!
  3. The only thing I don’t like about Boro Plus is that the cream is very greasy and takes a long time to absorb. Although if you really want to achieve results, then you can endure this for a certain time.
  4. Boro Plus was recommended by my aunt a long time ago when she saw a burn on my hand.. The product helped instantly. After that, I constantly buy it and use it when needed.
  5. I really like that Boro Plus has no age or gender restrictions, and also does not have any allergic side effects or contraindications.
  6. I would never have thought that I would get rid of acne thanks to such a banal, and also quite cheap, ointment. Now I know for sure and can say that not everything depends on the price and not necessarily a very expensive product will become the most effective and efficient, but the cheapest one will do the opposite. This was confirmed by the Boro Plus cream.
  7. I use both green and purple creams and am happy with the results of both products.

Boro Plus will help relieve itching, remove redness and irritation on the skin, reduce the number of acne or eliminate them altogether, help with burns and frostbite, and also has general cosmetic properties that promote facial skin, its nutrition, cleansing, and cell regeneration.

So, after a certain period of using Boro Plus, an amazing result will definitely be noticeable.

You determine the duration of use of the cream yourself, because it will not harm anyone in any way, so it can be used either once, or applied from time to time to problem or affected areas of the skin.

Boro Plus is truly an integral part of everyone’s first aid kit or cosmetic bag. Believe me, this tool will definitely always come in handy and will never go out of place. You can see this for yourself by trying it and experiencing its effect at least once.
