What to do if there is a lump left after a boil?

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. How to remove a lump after a boil
    1. Drug therapy
    2. What to do at home
    3. Cosmetic procedures

Boils are located deep under the skin, which is why this type of inflammation is so difficult to treat and completely remove. There are cases when, after the boil has healed, a lump or lump remains under the skin. This phenomenon is the result of the fact that the pus was not completely removed from the boil and a dense core remained inside.

Lump after a boil: reasons for its appearance

In the photo there is a lump after a boil on the neck

To get rid of a lump under the skin, you first need to determine exactly what caused it to appear.

A lump after a boil remains in cases where the abscess is squeezed out independently at home. If the disease was treated in a medical institution under the supervision of an experienced specialist, the abscess heals completely without a trace. Provided that the wound is properly treated, the purulent sac is completely removed.

A seal after a boil forms for several reasons:

  1. during the opening of the abscess, the rod was not completely removed;
  2. the abscess was opened independently, after which it became re-infected;
  3. As a result of squeezing out the abscess at home, the pus was not completely removed.

Each boil has a dense purulent hair shaft, which is gradually brought out as a result of the maturation of the abscess. Self-treatment, in which the boil is squeezed out, leads to the fact that the pus is not completely removed and the core of the boil remains in the wound. Then the wound gradually heals, but the hard core does not come out and a seal remains after the boil.

  1. Find out what are the reasons for the appearance of a boil

How to remove a lump after a boil?

Treatment of compaction after a boil depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Several methods can be used:

  1. traditional medicine methods;
  2. medications (in most cases ointments are used);
  3. cosmetic procedures;
  4. plastic surgery (prescribed in the most severe cases).

Read about the treatment of purulent boils with ointments.

Drug therapy

So, what to do if there is a lump left after a boil? First of all, treatment should be carried out with medications. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening the condition. The basis of therapeutic measures is the use of effective ointment compositions.

Such products must contain antiseptic and antibiotic substances, which prevent re-infection. Ointments are considered the most effective "Kontraktubex" (700-1000 rubles) and gel"Dermatix"(2500 rubles for 15 g). The drugs are applied to the problem area no more than 3 times a day. The full therapeutic course is exactly 60 days.

You cannot select medications on your own, since improper use of a particular drug can cause serious harm to the entire body. If after a boil there is a lump on the face, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic ointments that have an antibacterial effect. Levomekol is used for treatment (100 rub.) or "Erythromycin"(20-100 rub.). These products remove scars and scars on the face and speed up recovery. These medications can only be used as directed by a doctor.

What to do at home to remove a lump after furunculosis?

If after a boil there is a lump under the skin, you can use simple folk methods at home:

  1. Every day the seals are wiped with fresh lemon juice.
  2. A special compress is made - alcohol-containing cotton wool is applied to the problem area. The compress is fixed with polyethylene and gauze. This procedure should be done once a day until the bumps completely disappear.
  3. Simple iodine speeds up the process of resorption of purulent cones. The compacted area is lubricated with iodine before going to bed. If an allergic reaction occurs, this method should be abandoned.
  4. Simple onions help to quickly get rid of seals. To do this, the onion is peeled and baked for 10 minutes in a preheated oven. The cooled onion is applied to the sore spot. Then the compress is fixed with a tight bandage and left for 40 minutes. Then a small amount of Levomekol ointment is applied.

Read how to relieve swelling after opening a boil using folk remedies.

Cosmetic procedures for removing lumps after furunculosis

You can remove a lump under the skin after a boil using special cosmetic procedures that are carried out in beauty salons:

  1. Dermabrasion - using a special instrument, the top layer of skin is carefully scraped off.
  2. Facial resurfacing with laser beams.
  3. Chemical peeling – the affected area is treated with a special solution. The death of old cells and the accelerated formation of new ones occurs.
  4. Microscopic punctures - punctures are made around the skin seal with special needles.
  5. Injections help lift depressed scars - a special substance is injected under the skin, which has an active effect on dangerous formations.

To prevent the formation of a compaction under the skin after a boil, you must carefully monitor the cleansing of pus from the wound. To do this, it is recommended to use ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. Avoid overcooling or overheating the damaged area.

Video on how to prepare a honey cake to remove a lump after a boil: