Cones and their treatment

Cones are mucous abscesses containing mucous juices or arising from mucus; therefore, the bumps, especially those that form on the bends of the joints, look like meat, flour porridge, honey or something similar. Sometimes they are something hard, and it is quite possible that they should be classified as black gall tumors, but we consider them mucous, since the basis of this hardness is mucus, which happened to dry out and thicken. It also happens that the nerves form balls, and they resemble cones, but do not belong to the number of cones, and, unlike cones, they do not move in all directions, but move only to the right and left, but not along. Often, something like a bump is formed from the blow; if you immediately begin to treat it with tugging, it dissipates and goes away.

Glandular cones are treated only by cutting off or puncture, but not otherwise; This is the same effective treatment for honey and similar cones. Antillus says about cones: First of all, stretch the skin over the cone with your left hand, or let the servant stretch it as much as possible, for it is necessary to leave the bag of the cone unopened, since opening it will prevent you from removing the cone completely. And when you have stretched the skin properly, make an incision, but carefully, because in some cases the shell of the cone may stretch along with the skin. Do not rush until the shell of the cone appears, then pull the skin on both sides with a hook and begin to cut the bag from the meat; sometimes it can be cut off, but sometimes it sticks tightly to the meat. In this case, tear off the bag with tongs until it comes out entirely with what is in its cavity. This is the surest way of treatment.

When you cut off the bursa, then, if the lump was small and the skin does not extend beyond the wound, wipe off the blood, wash the wound with water sweetened with honey, connect it and heal, and if, due to the significant size of the lump, there is much more skin, then cut off all the excess and then stitch up the wound.

If the lump is located in the vicinity of a nerve or vessel and is one of those that can be removed, then there is no fear in removing it; if you have to tear it off with forceps and you are afraid to cut anything other than the lump, then cut off what can be removed, and put sharp medicine on the rest and do not heal the wound until you are sure that not a piece of the bag remains there, because then What remains turns back into a lump.

If you cut off a very large lump, then on the same day fill the wound with cotton paper and treat it with medicine, and if you open it, then you need to remove the bag completely, at least with the help of hooks, because if you leave even a little, the lump is formed again. If it is possible, tear it off and remove the bag along with the cone, then this is best.

If part of the bag remains in the wound, then put a sharp medicine there and connect the edges of the wound with melted butter.

You should try not to tear the bags of the honey tumor and somehow manage to remove the tumor along with the bag, because if the bag breaks, it will be difficult to remove it; if it does break through, then it would be right to sew it up with what is in it; the torn skin is connected and secured with bandages.

If a lot of matter has flowed out of the lump, then you need to help the patient with medicines that strengthen the nature, and monitor him when he sleeps; Sometimes such a patient suddenly faints. He should be treated in the same way as those who are feared to be fainting are treated.

Many of those who have developed lumps, due to the severity of the disease and the state of their nature, cannot tolerate picking off the lumps and sharp medicines and can only endure a puncture. In such people, you should pierce the lump and take out what comes out, without trying to cut off the bag, and every day, after removing what has accumulated there, you should put heated ghee with some vegetable oil on the bag; then the bag will rot and come out by itself.

As for honeycomb-shaped bumps, one of the good ways to treat them is this: first, steam them with something hot, then apply a bandage with seeded raisins; It is best to cut off the skin first and then apply a bandage. Sometimes acute medicines lead to a certain success in removing skin; such are, for example, noura, soap, ash and similar substances mentioned among the medicines that help open boils.

They also take nours - four dirhams, burnt wine grounds - two dirhams, soda - two dirhams, red ocher - one dirham. All this is briefly boiled several times in ash water, placed in a lead box and constantly moistened so that it does not dry out.

But here is a good medicine for warts, glandular tumors and the like: take harbak and red arsenic - two parts each, copper scale - four parts and prepare a mud cake with rose oil from this; or prepare a cake from nettle seed, copper scale and arsenic with rose oil.

One of the good medicinal dressings for honey cones and for all sorts of boils, even hot ones or those containing soft juice: take equal amounts of incense, galbanum, usshak, bdellium, mud from beehives and turpentine tree resin and prepare a plaster from it.

The means that cause the cone to melt without a strong burning sensation include the following: take bavrak and harbak, in half the amount as bavrak, and prepare an ointment from this with wax and rose oil. Also: they take nur - one part, kalkatara - one part and arsenic - one part and prepare an ointment.

As for the glandular tumor, similar to lumps, it is a type of nerve tangle^ - that is, if you can remove it like a lump, and this will not harm the nerves or other neighboring organs, do so, but if they are on arm, leg or in a place adjacent to nerves or tendons, then do not try to remove them, because this will drive the patient into spasms. No, knead such a tumor and tie something heavy over it to disperse it. A sign of such a tumor is that when pressure is applied to it, the organ goes numb.