Difla - oleander

Oleander can be terrestrial or river. The leaves of the ground plant are similar to those of purslane and even thinner, and its branches are long and spread along the ground; There are spines sticking out near the leaves. This type of oleander grows in ruins.

And the river oleander grows along the banks of rivers, and its branches rise above the ground, the thorns are hidden, and the leaves are like willow leaves and almond tree leaves - wide and very bitter in taste. The top of the oleander trunk is thicker than the bottom, and the flowers look like red roses and are very beautiful; something similar to hairs accumulates on them. Oleander fruits are hard, open, and stuffed with something like wool.

Hot at the limit of the third, dry in the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Oleander is highly absorbent. A decoction of oleander is sprinkled around the house, and it kills fleas and wood borers.

Tumors and acne.
Oleander leaves are applied to hard tumors and are very helpful.

Wounds and ulcers.
Oleander is good for scabies, jarab and peeling, especially the juice squeezed from its leaves.

Tools with joints.
Oleander is used as a medicinal bandage for chronic pain in the back and knees.

Organs of the head.
Its flowers cause sneezing.

Oleander is poison. Sometimes it is given to drink with wine and rue, and it heals the bites of poisonous reptiles. I say: this is dangerous, because the oleander itself and its flowers are poisonous to people, livestock and dogs. However, they say that if you drink it with wine brewed with rue, it is beneficial.