Feeling sick and restless in the stomach

Sometimes there is a “feeling” and restlessness in the stomach, from which the patient experiences worries and the need to change position. Sometimes with “lightheadedness” there are heart failures that occur along with it, and it is impossible for the patient to know their cause, and sometimes it is accompanied by sadness and dizziness; Often this causes a change in complexion. This condition is actually the beginning of nausea, and is often accompanied by nausea, and sometimes it progresses to nausea. It is caused by matter that causes nausea, especially matter absorbed into the stomach. While it remains absorbed, this matter causes “sickness,” and when it accumulates at the mouth of the stomach, it produces nausea, and it becomes difficult for the stomach to expel the bad juice, for the nature is agitated by the outpouring of matter.

Sometimes “lightheadedness” is caused by the residual smell of the components of emetics and laxatives; in this case, you should give thickly brewed quince juice, thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes, and the like. Fruits that ferment in the stomach, and, in particular, sweet apples, cause “feeling.” Cold water, if drunk at the wrong time, also causes “lightheadedness.” With fevers, this is often the reason for their intensification; If you have a fever, you should drink only hot water.

Treatment. A slight “faintness” is eliminated by wine half diluted with water and mixed with something that strengthens or washes and corrects the bad juice, while severe “lightheadedness” requires anti-nausea medications. If the “faintness” comes from heat or from hot juice, as is most often the case, it is sometimes soothed by cooling and moisturizing medicines and ointments prepared from them, and also prepared from sandalwood, camphor and roses. Among the remedies tested in this case is the following medicinal dressing: take the peels of pumpkin, purslane and barley oatmeal with vinegar and water; This bandage is applied to the area of ​​the stomach and liver. When the “faintness” exceeds the limit, a bandage of sandalwood, red roses and similar medicines is applied. Among the remedies that are given to treat stomach sickness is oatmeal made from crushed barley, especially with pomegranate seeds, and the barley should be unwashed. Fucca made from pomegranate seeds without spices and thickly brewed quince juice are also useful. If there is no nausea, then you should completely abstain from grape wine; water for the patient is diluted with tamarind juice or old apple wine, which dissolves the excess. Sometimes such patients are prescribed the juice of peeled yellow cucumber with a small amount of candy sugar julab and one dirham of bamboo nodules.

About the blood locked in the stomach and intestines. They take two dirhams of white Babylonian cress or three dirhams of it and drink it with hot water. If the blood has frozen, then the patient is given thyme juice and hare rennet to drink.

Solidification of milk in the stomach. This is treated by giving hare rennet or mint juice to drink in the amount of two ukiyya, in which they put two dirhams of coarse salt.